/* * Soft386 386/486 CPU Emulation Library * opcodes.c * * Copyright (C) 2013 Aleksandar Andrejevic * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ // #define WIN32_NO_STATUS // #define _INC_WINDOWS #include #include // #define NDEBUG #include #include #include "opcodes.h" #include "opgroups.h" #include "extraops.h" #include "common.h" /* PUBLIC VARIABLES ***********************************************************/ SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER_PROC Soft386OpcodeHandlers[SOFT386_NUM_OPCODE_HANDLERS] = { Soft386OpcodeAddByteModrm, Soft386OpcodeAddModrm, Soft386OpcodeAddByteModrm, Soft386OpcodeAddModrm, Soft386OpcodeAddAl, Soft386OpcodeAddEax, Soft386OpcodePushEs, Soft386OpcodePopEs, Soft386OpcodeOrByteModrm, Soft386OpcodeOrModrm, Soft386OpcodeOrByteModrm, Soft386OpcodeOrModrm, Soft386OpcodeOrAl, Soft386OpcodeOrEax, Soft386OpcodePushCs, Soft386OpcodeExtended, Soft386OpcodeAdcByteModrm, Soft386OpcodeAdcModrm, Soft386OpcodeAdcByteModrm, Soft386OpcodeAdcModrm, Soft386OpcodeAdcAl, Soft386OpcodeAdcEax, Soft386OpcodePushSs, Soft386OpcodePopSs, Soft386OpcodeSbbByteModrm, Soft386OpcodeSbbModrm, Soft386OpcodeSbbByteModrm, Soft386OpcodeSbbModrm, Soft386OpcodeSbbAl, Soft386OpcodeSbbEax, Soft386OpcodePushDs, Soft386OpcodePopDs, Soft386OpcodeAndByteModrm, Soft386OpcodeAndModrm, Soft386OpcodeAndByteModrm, Soft386OpcodeAndModrm, Soft386OpcodeAndAl, Soft386OpcodeAndEax, Soft386OpcodePrefix, Soft386OpcodeDaa, Soft386OpcodeCmpSubByteModrm, Soft386OpcodeCmpSubModrm, Soft386OpcodeCmpSubByteModrm, Soft386OpcodeCmpSubModrm, Soft386OpcodeCmpSubAl, Soft386OpcodeCmpSubEax, Soft386OpcodePrefix, Soft386OpcodeDas, Soft386OpcodeXorByteModrm, Soft386OpcodeXorModrm, Soft386OpcodeXorByteModrm, Soft386OpcodeXorModrm, Soft386OpcodeXorAl, Soft386OpcodeXorEax, Soft386OpcodePrefix, Soft386OpcodeAaa, Soft386OpcodeCmpSubByteModrm, Soft386OpcodeCmpSubModrm, Soft386OpcodeCmpSubByteModrm, Soft386OpcodeCmpSubModrm, Soft386OpcodeCmpSubAl, Soft386OpcodeCmpSubEax, Soft386OpcodePrefix, Soft386OpcodeAas, Soft386OpcodeIncrement, Soft386OpcodeIncrement, Soft386OpcodeIncrement, Soft386OpcodeIncrement, Soft386OpcodeIncrement, Soft386OpcodeIncrement, Soft386OpcodeIncrement, Soft386OpcodeIncrement, Soft386OpcodeDecrement, Soft386OpcodeDecrement, Soft386OpcodeDecrement, Soft386OpcodeDecrement, Soft386OpcodeDecrement, Soft386OpcodeDecrement, Soft386OpcodeDecrement, Soft386OpcodeDecrement, Soft386OpcodePushReg, Soft386OpcodePushReg, Soft386OpcodePushReg, Soft386OpcodePushReg, Soft386OpcodePushReg, Soft386OpcodePushReg, Soft386OpcodePushReg, Soft386OpcodePushReg, Soft386OpcodePopReg, Soft386OpcodePopReg, Soft386OpcodePopReg, Soft386OpcodePopReg, Soft386OpcodePopReg, Soft386OpcodePopReg, Soft386OpcodePopReg, Soft386OpcodePopReg, Soft386OpcodePushAll, Soft386OpcodePopAll, Soft386OpcodeBound, Soft386OpcodeArpl, Soft386OpcodePrefix, Soft386OpcodePrefix, Soft386OpcodePrefix, Soft386OpcodePrefix, Soft386OpcodePushImm, Soft386OpcodeImulModrmImm, Soft386OpcodePushByteImm, Soft386OpcodeImulModrmImm, Soft386OpcodeIns, Soft386OpcodeIns, Soft386OpcodeOuts, Soft386OpcodeOuts, Soft386OpcodeShortConditionalJmp, Soft386OpcodeShortConditionalJmp, Soft386OpcodeShortConditionalJmp, Soft386OpcodeShortConditionalJmp, Soft386OpcodeShortConditionalJmp, Soft386OpcodeShortConditionalJmp, Soft386OpcodeShortConditionalJmp, Soft386OpcodeShortConditionalJmp, Soft386OpcodeShortConditionalJmp, Soft386OpcodeShortConditionalJmp, Soft386OpcodeShortConditionalJmp, Soft386OpcodeShortConditionalJmp, Soft386OpcodeShortConditionalJmp, Soft386OpcodeShortConditionalJmp, Soft386OpcodeShortConditionalJmp, Soft386OpcodeShortConditionalJmp, Soft386OpcodeGroup8082, Soft386OpcodeGroup81, Soft386OpcodeGroup8082, Soft386OpcodeGroup83, Soft386OpcodeTestByteModrm, Soft386OpcodeTestModrm, Soft386OpcodeXchgByteModrm, Soft386OpcodeXchgModrm, Soft386OpcodeMovByteModrm, Soft386OpcodeMovModrm, Soft386OpcodeMovByteModrm, Soft386OpcodeMovModrm, Soft386OpcodeMovStoreSeg, Soft386OpcodeLea, Soft386OpcodeMovLoadSeg, Soft386OpcodeGroup8F, Soft386OpcodeNop, Soft386OpcodeExchangeEax, Soft386OpcodeExchangeEax, Soft386OpcodeExchangeEax, Soft386OpcodeExchangeEax, Soft386OpcodeExchangeEax, Soft386OpcodeExchangeEax, Soft386OpcodeExchangeEax, Soft386OpcodeCwde, Soft386OpcodeCdq, Soft386OpcodeCallAbs, Soft386OpcodeWait, Soft386OpcodePushFlags, Soft386OpcodePopFlags, Soft386OpcodeSahf, Soft386OpcodeLahf, Soft386OpcodeMovAlOffset, Soft386OpcodeMovEaxOffset, Soft386OpcodeMovOffsetAl, Soft386OpcodeMovOffsetEax, Soft386OpcodeMovs, Soft386OpcodeMovs, Soft386OpcodeCmps, Soft386OpcodeCmps, Soft386OpcodeTestAl, Soft386OpcodeTestEax, Soft386OpcodeStos, Soft386OpcodeStos, Soft386OpcodeLods, Soft386OpcodeLods, Soft386OpcodeScas, Soft386OpcodeScas, Soft386OpcodeMovByteRegImm, Soft386OpcodeMovByteRegImm, Soft386OpcodeMovByteRegImm, Soft386OpcodeMovByteRegImm, Soft386OpcodeMovByteRegImm, Soft386OpcodeMovByteRegImm, Soft386OpcodeMovByteRegImm, Soft386OpcodeMovByteRegImm, Soft386OpcodeMovRegImm, Soft386OpcodeMovRegImm, Soft386OpcodeMovRegImm, Soft386OpcodeMovRegImm, Soft386OpcodeMovRegImm, Soft386OpcodeMovRegImm, Soft386OpcodeMovRegImm, Soft386OpcodeMovRegImm, Soft386OpcodeGroupC0, Soft386OpcodeGroupC1, Soft386OpcodeRet, Soft386OpcodeRet, Soft386OpcodeLdsLes, Soft386OpcodeLdsLes, Soft386OpcodeGroupC6, Soft386OpcodeGroupC7, Soft386OpcodeEnter, Soft386OpcodeLeave, Soft386OpcodeRetFarImm, Soft386OpcodeRetFar, Soft386OpcodeInt, Soft386OpcodeInt, Soft386OpcodeInt, Soft386OpcodeIret, Soft386OpcodeGroupD0, Soft386OpcodeGroupD1, Soft386OpcodeGroupD2, Soft386OpcodeGroupD3, Soft386OpcodeAam, Soft386OpcodeAad, Soft386OpcodeSalc, Soft386OpcodeXlat, NULL, // TODO: OPCODE 0xD8 NOT SUPPORTED NULL, // TODO: OPCODE 0xD9 NOT SUPPORTED NULL, // TODO: OPCODE 0xDA NOT SUPPORTED NULL, // TODO: OPCODE 0xDB NOT SUPPORTED NULL, // TODO: OPCODE 0xDC NOT SUPPORTED NULL, // TODO: OPCODE 0xDD NOT SUPPORTED NULL, // TODO: OPCODE 0xDE NOT SUPPORTED NULL, // TODO: OPCODE 0xDF NOT SUPPORTED Soft386OpcodeLoop, Soft386OpcodeLoop, Soft386OpcodeLoop, Soft386OpcodeJecxz, Soft386OpcodeInByte, Soft386OpcodeIn, Soft386OpcodeOutByte, Soft386OpcodeOut, Soft386OpcodeCall, Soft386OpcodeJmp, Soft386OpcodeJmpAbs, Soft386OpcodeShortJump, Soft386OpcodeInByte, Soft386OpcodeIn, Soft386OpcodeOutByte, Soft386OpcodeOut, Soft386OpcodePrefix, NULL, // Invalid Soft386OpcodePrefix, Soft386OpcodePrefix, Soft386OpcodeHalt, Soft386OpcodeComplCarry, Soft386OpcodeGroupF6, Soft386OpcodeGroupF7, Soft386OpcodeClearCarry, Soft386OpcodeSetCarry, Soft386OpcodeClearInt, Soft386OpcodeSetInt, Soft386OpcodeClearDir, Soft386OpcodeSetDir, Soft386OpcodeGroupFE, Soft386OpcodeGroupFF, }; /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/ SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodePrefix) { BOOLEAN Valid = FALSE; switch (Opcode) { /* ES: */ case 0x26: { if (!(State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG)) { State->PrefixFlags |= SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG; State->SegmentOverride = SOFT386_REG_ES; Valid = TRUE; } break; } /* CS: */ case 0x2E: { if (!(State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG)) { State->PrefixFlags |= SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG; State->SegmentOverride = SOFT386_REG_CS; Valid = TRUE; } break; } /* SS: */ case 0x36: { if (!(State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG)) { State->PrefixFlags |= SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG; State->SegmentOverride = SOFT386_REG_SS; Valid = TRUE; } break; } /* DS: */ case 0x3E: { if (!(State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG)) { State->PrefixFlags |= SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG; State->SegmentOverride = SOFT386_REG_DS; Valid = TRUE; } break; } /* FS: */ case 0x64: { if (!(State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG)) { State->PrefixFlags |= SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG; State->SegmentOverride = SOFT386_REG_FS; Valid = TRUE; } break; } /* GS: */ case 0x65: { if (!(State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG)) { State->PrefixFlags |= SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG; State->SegmentOverride = SOFT386_REG_GS; Valid = TRUE; } break; } /* OPSIZE */ case 0x66: { if (!(State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE)) { State->PrefixFlags |= SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE; Valid = TRUE; } break; } /* ADSIZE */ case 0x67: { if (!(State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE)) { State->PrefixFlags |= SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE; Valid = TRUE; } break; } /* LOCK */ case 0xF0: { if (!(State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK)) { State->PrefixFlags |= SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK; Valid = TRUE; } break; } /* REPNZ */ case 0xF2: { /* Mutually exclusive with REP */ if (!(State->PrefixFlags & (SOFT386_PREFIX_REPNZ | SOFT386_PREFIX_REP))) { State->PrefixFlags |= SOFT386_PREFIX_REPNZ; Valid = TRUE; } break; } /* REP / REPZ */ case 0xF3: { /* Mutually exclusive with REPNZ */ if (!(State->PrefixFlags & (SOFT386_PREFIX_REPNZ | SOFT386_PREFIX_REP))) { State->PrefixFlags |= SOFT386_PREFIX_REP; Valid = TRUE; } break; } } if (!Valid) { /* Clear all prefixes */ State->PrefixFlags = 0; /* Throw an exception */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeIncrement) { ULONG Value; BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xF8) == 0x40); if (Size) { Value = ++State->GeneralRegs[Opcode & 0x07].Long; State->Flags.Of = (Value == SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Value & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else { Value = ++State->GeneralRegs[Opcode & 0x07].LowWord; State->Flags.Of = (Value == SIGN_FLAG_WORD) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Value & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) ? TRUE : FALSE; } State->Flags.Zf = (Value == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Af = ((Value & 0x0F) == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(LOBYTE(Value)); /* Return success */ return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeDecrement) { ULONG Value; BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xF8) == 0x48); if (Size) { Value = --State->GeneralRegs[Opcode & 0x07].Long; State->Flags.Of = (Value == (SIGN_FLAG_LONG - 1)) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Value & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? TRUE : FALSE; } else { Value = --State->GeneralRegs[Opcode & 0x07].LowWord; State->Flags.Of = (Value == (SIGN_FLAG_WORD - 1)) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Value & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) ? TRUE : FALSE; } State->Flags.Zf = (Value == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Af = ((Value & 0x0F) == 0x0F) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(LOBYTE(Value)); /* Return success */ return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodePushReg) { if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xF8) == 0x50); /* Call the internal function */ return Soft386StackPush(State, State->GeneralRegs[Opcode & 0x07].Long); } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodePopReg) { ULONG Value; BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_SS].Size; if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xF8) == 0x58); /* Call the internal function */ if (!Soft386StackPop(State, &Value)) return FALSE; /* Store the value */ if (Size) State->GeneralRegs[Opcode & 0x07].Long = Value; else State->GeneralRegs[Opcode & 0x07].LowWord = Value; /* Return success */ return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeNop) { if (State->PrefixFlags & ~(SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_REP)) { /* Allowed prefixes are REP and OPSIZE */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_REP) { /* Idle cycle */ State->IdleCallback(State); } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeExchangeEax) { INT Reg = Opcode & 0x07; BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xF8) == 0x90); /* Exchange the values */ if (Size) { ULONG Value; Value = State->GeneralRegs[Reg].Long; State->GeneralRegs[Reg].Long = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long; State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long = Value; } else { USHORT Value; Value = State->GeneralRegs[Reg].LowWord; State->GeneralRegs[Reg].LowWord = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord; State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord = Value; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeShortConditionalJmp) { BOOLEAN Jump = FALSE; CHAR Offset = 0; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xF0) == 0x70); /* Fetch the offset */ if (!Soft386FetchByte(State, (PUCHAR)&Offset)) { /* An exception occurred */ return FALSE; } switch ((Opcode & 0x0F) >> 1) { /* JO / JNO */ case 0: { Jump = State->Flags.Of; break; } /* JC / JNC */ case 1: { Jump = State->Flags.Cf; break; } /* JZ / JNZ */ case 2: { Jump = State->Flags.Zf; break; } /* JBE / JNBE */ case 3: { Jump = State->Flags.Cf || State->Flags.Zf; break; } /* JS / JNS */ case 4: { Jump = State->Flags.Sf; break; } /* JP / JNP */ case 5: { Jump = State->Flags.Pf; break; } /* JL / JNL */ case 6: { Jump = State->Flags.Sf != State->Flags.Of; break; } /* JLE / JNLE */ case 7: { Jump = (State->Flags.Sf != State->Flags.Of) || State->Flags.Zf; break; } } if (Opcode & 1) { /* Invert the result */ Jump = !Jump; } if (Jump) { /* Move the instruction pointer */ State->InstPtr.Long += Offset; } /* Return success */ return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeClearCarry) { /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0xF8); /* No prefixes allowed */ if (State->PrefixFlags) { Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Clear CF and return success */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeSetCarry) { /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0xF9); /* No prefixes allowed */ if (State->PrefixFlags) { Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Set CF and return success*/ State->Flags.Cf = TRUE; return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeComplCarry) { /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0xF5); /* No prefixes allowed */ if (State->PrefixFlags) { Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Toggle CF and return success */ State->Flags.Cf = !State->Flags.Cf; return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeClearInt) { /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0xFA); /* No prefixes allowed */ if (State->PrefixFlags) { Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Check for protected mode */ if (State->ControlRegisters[SOFT386_REG_CR0] & SOFT386_CR0_PE) { /* Check IOPL */ if (State->Flags.Iopl >= State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Dpl) { /* Clear the interrupt flag */ State->Flags.If = FALSE; } else { /* General Protection Fault */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_GP); return FALSE; } } else { /* Just clear the interrupt flag */ State->Flags.If = FALSE; } /* Return success */ return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeSetInt) { /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0xFB); /* No prefixes allowed */ if (State->PrefixFlags) { Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Check for protected mode */ if (State->ControlRegisters[SOFT386_REG_CR0] & SOFT386_CR0_PE) { /* Check IOPL */ if (State->Flags.Iopl >= State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Dpl) { /* Set the interrupt flag */ State->Flags.If = TRUE; } else { /* General Protection Fault */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_GP); return FALSE; } } else { /* Just set the interrupt flag */ State->Flags.If = TRUE; } /* Return success */ return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeClearDir) { /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0xFC); /* No prefixes allowed */ if (State->PrefixFlags) { Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Clear DF and return success */ State->Flags.Df = FALSE; return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeSetDir) { /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0xFD); /* No prefixes allowed */ if (State->PrefixFlags) { Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Set DF and return success*/ State->Flags.Df = TRUE; return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeHalt) { /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0xF4); /* No prefixes allowed */ if (State->PrefixFlags) { Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Privileged instructions can only be executed under CPL = 0 */ if (State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Dpl != 0) { Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_GP); return FALSE; } /* Halt */ while (!State->HardwareInt) State->IdleCallback(State); /* Return success */ return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeInByte) { UCHAR Data; ULONG Port; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xF7) == 0xE4); if (Opcode == 0xE4) { /* Fetch the parameter */ if (!Soft386FetchByte(State, &Data)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Set the port number to the parameter */ Port = Data; } else { /* The port number is in DX */ Port = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDX].LowWord; } /* Read a byte from the I/O port */ State->IoReadCallback(State, Port, &Data, sizeof(UCHAR)); /* Store the result in AL */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte = Data; return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeIn) { ULONG Port; BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xF7) == 0xE5); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (Opcode == 0xE5) { UCHAR Data; /* Fetch the parameter */ if (!Soft386FetchByte(State, &Data)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Set the port number to the parameter */ Port = Data; } else { /* The port number is in DX */ Port = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDX].LowWord; } if (Size) { ULONG Data; /* Read a dword from the I/O port */ State->IoReadCallback(State, Port, &Data, sizeof(ULONG)); /* Store the value in EAX */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long = Data; } else { USHORT Data; /* Read a word from the I/O port */ State->IoReadCallback(State, Port, &Data, sizeof(USHORT)); /* Store the value in AX */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord = Data; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeOutByte) { UCHAR Data; ULONG Port; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xF7) == 0xE6); if (Opcode == 0xE6) { /* Fetch the parameter */ if (!Soft386FetchByte(State, &Data)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Set the port number to the parameter */ Port = Data; } else { /* The port number is in DX */ Port = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDX].LowWord; } /* Read the value from AL */ Data = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte; /* Write the byte to the I/O port */ State->IoWriteCallback(State, Port, &Data, sizeof(UCHAR)); return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeOut) { ULONG Port; BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xF7) == 0xE7); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (Opcode == 0xE7) { UCHAR Data; /* Fetch the parameter */ if (!Soft386FetchByte(State, &Data)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Set the port number to the parameter */ Port = Data; } else { /* The port number is in DX */ Port = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDX].LowWord; } if (Size) { /* Get the value from EAX */ ULONG Data = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long; /* Write a dword to the I/O port */ State->IoReadCallback(State, Port, &Data, sizeof(ULONG)); } else { /* Get the value from AX */ USHORT Data = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord; /* Write a word to the I/O port */ State->IoWriteCallback(State, Port, &Data, sizeof(USHORT)); } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeShortJump) { CHAR Offset = 0; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0xEB); /* Fetch the offset */ if (!Soft386FetchByte(State, (PUCHAR)&Offset)) { /* An exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Move the instruction pointer */ State->InstPtr.Long += Offset; return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeMovRegImm) { BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xF8) == 0xB8); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (Size) { ULONG Value; /* Fetch the dword */ if (!Soft386FetchDword(State, &Value)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Store the value in the register */ State->GeneralRegs[Opcode & 0x07].Long = Value; } else { USHORT Value; /* Fetch the word */ if (!Soft386FetchWord(State, &Value)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Store the value in the register */ State->GeneralRegs[Opcode & 0x07].LowWord = Value; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeMovByteRegImm) { UCHAR Value; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xF8) == 0xB0); if (State->PrefixFlags != 0) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Fetch the byte */ if (!Soft386FetchByte(State, &Value)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (Opcode & 0x04) { /* AH, CH, DH or BH */ State->GeneralRegs[Opcode & 0x03].HighByte = Value; } else { /* AL, CL, DL or BL */ State->GeneralRegs[Opcode & 0x03].LowByte = Value; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeAddByteModrm) { UCHAR FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; BOOLEAN AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFD) == 0x00); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } else if (State->PrefixFlags & ~(SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG | SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK)) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (!Soft386ReadModrmByteOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue + SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = (Result < FirstValue) && (Result < SecondValue); State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) == (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE)); State->Flags.Af = (((FirstValue & 0x0F) + (SecondValue & 0x0F)) & 0x10) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmByteOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeAddModrm) { SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; BOOLEAN OperandSize, AddressSize; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFD) == 0x01); OperandSize = AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the address size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the operand size */ OperandSize = !OperandSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & ~(SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG | SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK)) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Check the operand size */ if (OperandSize) { ULONG FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386ReadModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue + SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = (Result < FirstValue) && (Result < SecondValue); State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) == (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG)); State->Flags.Af = (((FirstValue & 0x0F) + (SecondValue & 0x0F)) & 0x10) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } else { USHORT FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386ReadModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue + SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = (Result < FirstValue) && (Result < SecondValue); State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) == (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_WORD)); State->Flags.Af = (((FirstValue & 0x0F) + (SecondValue & 0x0F)) & 0x10) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeAddAl) { UCHAR FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte; UCHAR SecondValue, Result; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x04); if (State->PrefixFlags) { /* This opcode doesn't take any prefixes */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (!Soft386FetchByte(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue + SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = (Result < FirstValue) && (Result < SecondValue); State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) == (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE)); State->Flags.Af = (((FirstValue & 0x0F) + (SecondValue & 0x0F)) & 0x10) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte = Result; return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeAddEax) { BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x05); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (Size) { ULONG FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long; ULONG SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386FetchDword(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue + SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = (Result < FirstValue) && (Result < SecondValue); State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) == (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG)); State->Flags.Af = (((FirstValue & 0x0F) + (SecondValue & 0x0F)) & 0x10) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long = Result; } else { USHORT FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord; USHORT SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386FetchWord(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue + SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = (Result < FirstValue) && (Result < SecondValue); State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) == (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_WORD)); State->Flags.Af = (((FirstValue & 0x0F) + (SecondValue & 0x0F)) & 0x10) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord = Result; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeOrByteModrm) { UCHAR FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; BOOLEAN AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFD) == 0x08); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } else if (State->PrefixFlags & ~(SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG | SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK)) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (!Soft386ReadModrmByteOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue | SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmByteOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeOrModrm) { SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; BOOLEAN OperandSize, AddressSize; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFD) == 0x09); OperandSize = AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the address size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the operand size */ OperandSize = !OperandSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & ~(SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG | SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK)) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Check the operand size */ if (OperandSize) { ULONG FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386ReadModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue | SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } else { USHORT FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386ReadModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue | SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeOrAl) { UCHAR FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte; UCHAR SecondValue, Result; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x0C); if (State->PrefixFlags) { /* This opcode doesn't take any prefixes */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (!Soft386FetchByte(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue | SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte = Result; return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeOrEax) { BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x0D); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (Size) { ULONG FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long; ULONG SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386FetchDword(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue | SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long = Result; } else { USHORT FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord; USHORT SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386FetchWord(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue | SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord = Result; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeAndByteModrm) { UCHAR FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; BOOLEAN AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFD) == 0x20); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } else if (State->PrefixFlags & ~(SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG | SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK)) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (!Soft386ReadModrmByteOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue & SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmByteOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeAndModrm) { SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; BOOLEAN OperandSize, AddressSize; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFD) == 0x21); OperandSize = AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the address size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the operand size */ OperandSize = !OperandSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & ~(SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG | SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK)) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Check the operand size */ if (OperandSize) { ULONG FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386ReadModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue & SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } else { USHORT FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386ReadModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue & SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeAndAl) { UCHAR FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte; UCHAR SecondValue, Result; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x24); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (!Soft386FetchByte(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue & SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte = Result; return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeAndEax) { BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x25); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (Size) { ULONG FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long; ULONG SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386FetchDword(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue & SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long = Result; } else { USHORT FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord; USHORT SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386FetchWord(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue & SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord = Result; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeXorByteModrm) { UCHAR FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; BOOLEAN AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFD) == 0x30); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } else if (State->PrefixFlags & ~(SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG | SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK)) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (!Soft386ReadModrmByteOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue ^ SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmByteOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeXorModrm) { SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; BOOLEAN OperandSize, AddressSize; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFD) == 0x31); OperandSize = AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the address size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the operand size */ OperandSize = !OperandSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & ~(SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG | SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK)) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Check the operand size */ if (OperandSize) { ULONG FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386ReadModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue ^ SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } else { USHORT FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386ReadModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue ^ SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeXorAl) { UCHAR FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte; UCHAR SecondValue, Result; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x34); if (State->PrefixFlags) { /* This opcode doesn't take any prefixes */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (!Soft386FetchByte(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue ^ SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte = Result; return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeXorEax) { BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x35); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (Size) { ULONG FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long; ULONG SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386FetchDword(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue ^ SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long = Result; } else { USHORT FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord; USHORT SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386FetchWord(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue ^ SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord = Result; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeTestByteModrm) { UCHAR FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; BOOLEAN AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x84); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } else if (State->PrefixFlags & ~(SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG | SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK)) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (!Soft386ReadModrmByteOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue & SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* The result is discarded */ return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeTestModrm) { SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; BOOLEAN OperandSize, AddressSize; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x85); OperandSize = AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the address size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the operand size */ OperandSize = !OperandSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & ~(SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG | SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK)) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Check the operand size */ if (OperandSize) { ULONG FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386ReadModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue & SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); } else { USHORT FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386ReadModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue & SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); } /* The result is discarded */ return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeTestAl) { UCHAR FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte; UCHAR SecondValue, Result; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0xA8); if (State->PrefixFlags) { /* This opcode doesn't take any prefixes */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (!Soft386FetchByte(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue & SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* The result is discarded */ return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeTestEax) { BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0xA9); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (Size) { ULONG FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long; ULONG SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386FetchDword(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue & SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); } else { USHORT FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord; USHORT SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386FetchWord(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue & SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; State->Flags.Of = FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); } /* The result is discarded */ return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeXchgByteModrm) { UCHAR FirstValue, SecondValue; SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; BOOLEAN AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x86); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } else if (State->PrefixFlags & ~(SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG | SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK)) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (!Soft386ReadModrmByteOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Write the value from the register to the R/M */ if (!Soft386WriteModrmByteOperands(State, &ModRegRm, FALSE, FirstValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Write the value from the R/M to the register */ if (!Soft386WriteModrmByteOperands(State, &ModRegRm, TRUE, SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeXchgModrm) { SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; BOOLEAN OperandSize, AddressSize; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x87); OperandSize = AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the address size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the operand size */ OperandSize = !OperandSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & ~(SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG | SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK)) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Check the operand size */ if (OperandSize) { ULONG FirstValue, SecondValue; if (!Soft386ReadModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Write the value from the register to the R/M */ if (!Soft386WriteModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, FALSE, FirstValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Write the value from the R/M to the register */ if (!Soft386WriteModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, TRUE, SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } } else { USHORT FirstValue, SecondValue; if (!Soft386ReadModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Write the value from the register to the R/M */ if (!Soft386WriteModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, FALSE, FirstValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Write the value from the R/M to the register */ if (!Soft386WriteModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, TRUE, SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } } /* The result is discarded */ return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodePushEs) { /* Call the internal API */ return Soft386StackPush(State, State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_ES].Selector); } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodePopEs) { ULONG NewSelector; if (!Soft386StackPop(State, &NewSelector)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Call the internal API */ return Soft386LoadSegment(State, SOFT386_REG_ES, LOWORD(NewSelector)); } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodePushCs) { /* Call the internal API */ return Soft386StackPush(State, State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Selector); } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeAdcByteModrm) { UCHAR FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; BOOLEAN AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFD) == 0x10); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } else if (State->PrefixFlags & ~(SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG | SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK)) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (!Soft386ReadModrmByteOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue + SecondValue + State->Flags.Cf; /* Special exception for CF */ State->Flags.Cf = State->Flags.Cf && ((FirstValue == 0xFF) || (SecondValue == 0xFF)); /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = State->Flags.Cf || ((Result < FirstValue) && (Result < SecondValue)); State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) == (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE)); State->Flags.Af = (((FirstValue & 0x0F) + (SecondValue & 0x0F)) & 0x10) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmByteOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeAdcModrm) { SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; BOOLEAN OperandSize, AddressSize; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFD) == 0x11); OperandSize = AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the address size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the operand size */ OperandSize = !OperandSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & ~(SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG | SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK)) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Check the operand size */ if (OperandSize) { ULONG FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386ReadModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue + SecondValue + State->Flags.Cf; /* Special exception for CF */ State->Flags.Cf = State->Flags.Cf && ((FirstValue == 0xFFFFFFFF) || (SecondValue == 0xFFFFFFFF)); /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = State->Flags.Cf || ((Result < FirstValue) && (Result < SecondValue)); State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) == (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG)); State->Flags.Af = (((FirstValue & 0x0F) + (SecondValue & 0x0F)) & 0x10) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } else { USHORT FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386ReadModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue + SecondValue + State->Flags.Cf; /* Special exception for CF */ State->Flags.Cf = State->Flags.Cf && ((FirstValue == 0xFFFF) || (SecondValue == 0xFFFF)); /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = State->Flags.Cf || ((Result < FirstValue) && (Result < SecondValue)); State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) == (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_WORD)); State->Flags.Af = (((FirstValue & 0x0F) + (SecondValue & 0x0F)) & 0x10) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeAdcAl) { UCHAR FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte; UCHAR SecondValue, Result; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x14); if (State->PrefixFlags) { /* This opcode doesn't take any prefixes */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (!Soft386FetchByte(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue + SecondValue + State->Flags.Cf; /* Special exception for CF */ State->Flags.Cf = State->Flags.Cf && ((FirstValue == 0xFF) || (SecondValue == 0xFF)); /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = State->Flags.Cf || ((Result < FirstValue) && (Result < SecondValue)); State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) == (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE)); State->Flags.Af = (((FirstValue & 0x0F) + (SecondValue & 0x0F)) & 0x10) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte = Result; return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeAdcEax) { BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x15); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (Size) { ULONG FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long; ULONG SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386FetchDword(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue + SecondValue + State->Flags.Cf; /* Special exception for CF */ State->Flags.Cf = State->Flags.Cf && ((FirstValue == 0xFFFFFFFF) || (SecondValue == 0xFFFFFFFF)); /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = State->Flags.Cf || ((Result < FirstValue) && (Result < SecondValue)); State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) == (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG)); State->Flags.Af = (((FirstValue & 0x0F) + (SecondValue & 0x0F)) & 0x10) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long = Result; } else { USHORT FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord; USHORT SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386FetchWord(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue + SecondValue + State->Flags.Cf; /* Special exception for CF */ State->Flags.Cf = State->Flags.Cf && ((FirstValue == 0xFFFF) || (SecondValue == 0xFFFF)); /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = State->Flags.Cf || ((Result < FirstValue) && (Result < SecondValue)); State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) == (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_WORD)); State->Flags.Af = (((FirstValue & 0x0F) + (SecondValue & 0x0F)) & 0x10) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord = Result; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodePushSs) { /* Call the internal API */ return Soft386StackPush(State, State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_SS].Selector); } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodePopSs) { ULONG NewSelector; if (!Soft386StackPop(State, &NewSelector)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Call the internal API */ return Soft386LoadSegment(State, SOFT386_REG_SS, LOWORD(NewSelector)); } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeSbbByteModrm) { UCHAR FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; BOOLEAN AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; INT Carry = State->Flags.Cf ? 1 : 0; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFD) == 0x18); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (!Soft386ReadModrmByteOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Check if this is the instruction that writes to R/M */ if (!(Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG)) { /* Swap the order */ FirstValue ^= SecondValue; SecondValue ^= FirstValue; FirstValue ^= SecondValue; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue - SecondValue - Carry; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FirstValue < (SecondValue + 1); State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) != (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE)); State->Flags.Af = (FirstValue & 0x0F) < ((SecondValue + 1) & 0x0F); State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmByteOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeSbbModrm) { SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; BOOLEAN OperandSize, AddressSize; INT Carry = State->Flags.Cf ? 1 : 0; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFD) == 0x19); OperandSize = AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the address size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the operand size */ OperandSize = !OperandSize; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Check the operand size */ if (OperandSize) { ULONG FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386ReadModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Check if this is the instruction that writes to R/M */ if (!(Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG)) { /* Swap the order */ FirstValue ^= SecondValue; SecondValue ^= FirstValue; FirstValue ^= SecondValue; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue - SecondValue - Carry; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FirstValue < (SecondValue + Carry); State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) != (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG)); State->Flags.Af = (FirstValue & 0x0F) < ((SecondValue + 1) & 0x0F); State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } else { USHORT FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386ReadModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Check if this is the instruction that writes to R/M */ if (!(Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG)) { /* Swap the order */ FirstValue ^= SecondValue; SecondValue ^= FirstValue; FirstValue ^= SecondValue; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue - SecondValue - Carry; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FirstValue < (SecondValue + Carry); State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) != (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_WORD)); State->Flags.Af = (FirstValue & 0x0F) < ((SecondValue + 1) & 0x0F); State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeSbbAl) { UCHAR FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte; UCHAR SecondValue, Result; INT Carry = State->Flags.Cf ? 1 : 0; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x1C); if (State->PrefixFlags) { /* This opcode doesn't take any prefixes */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (!Soft386FetchByte(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue - SecondValue - Carry; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FirstValue < (SecondValue + Carry); State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) != (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE)); State->Flags.Af = (FirstValue & 0x0F) < ((SecondValue + 1) & 0x0F); State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte = Result; return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeSbbEax) { BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; INT Carry = State->Flags.Cf ? 1 : 0; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x1D); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (Size) { ULONG FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long; ULONG SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386FetchDword(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue - SecondValue - Carry; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FirstValue < (SecondValue + Carry); State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) != (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG)); State->Flags.Af = (FirstValue & 0x0F) < ((SecondValue + Carry) & 0x0F); State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long = Result; } else { USHORT FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord; USHORT SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386FetchWord(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue - SecondValue - Carry; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FirstValue < (SecondValue + Carry); State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) != (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_WORD)); State->Flags.Af = (FirstValue & 0x0F) < ((SecondValue + Carry) & 0x0F); State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Write back the result */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord = Result; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodePushDs) { /* Call the internal API */ return Soft386StackPush(State, State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_DS].Selector); } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodePopDs) { ULONG NewSelector; if (!Soft386StackPop(State, &NewSelector)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Call the internal API */ return Soft386LoadSegment(State, SOFT386_REG_DS, LOWORD(NewSelector)); } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeDaa) { UCHAR Value = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte; BOOLEAN Carry = State->Flags.Cf; /* Clear the carry flag */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; /* Check if the first BCD digit is invalid or there was a carry from it */ if (((Value & 0x0F) > 9) || State->Flags.Af) { /* Correct it */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte += 0x06; if (State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte < 0x06) { /* A carry occurred */ State->Flags.Cf = TRUE; } /* Set the adjust flag */ State->Flags.Af = TRUE; } /* Check if the second BCD digit is invalid or there was a carry from it */ if ((Value > 0x99) || Carry) { /* Correct it */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte += 0x60; /* There was a carry */ State->Flags.Cf = TRUE; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeCmpSubByteModrm) { UCHAR FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; BOOLEAN AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xED) == 0x28); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } else if (State->PrefixFlags & ~(SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG | SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK)) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (!Soft386ReadModrmByteOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Check if this is the instruction that writes to R/M */ if (!(Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG)) { /* Swap the order */ FirstValue ^= SecondValue; SecondValue ^= FirstValue; FirstValue ^= SecondValue; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue - SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FirstValue < SecondValue; State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) != (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE)); State->Flags.Af = (FirstValue & 0x0F) < (SecondValue & 0x0F); State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Check if this is not a CMP */ if (!(Opcode & 0x10)) { /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmByteOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } else { /* Discard the result */ return TRUE; } } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeCmpSubModrm) { SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; BOOLEAN OperandSize, AddressSize; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xED) == 0x29); OperandSize = AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the address size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the operand size */ OperandSize = !OperandSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & ~(SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG | SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK)) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Check the operand size */ if (OperandSize) { ULONG FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386ReadModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Check if this is the instruction that writes to R/M */ if (!(Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG)) { /* Swap the order */ FirstValue ^= SecondValue; SecondValue ^= FirstValue; FirstValue ^= SecondValue; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue - SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FirstValue < SecondValue; State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) != (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG)); State->Flags.Af = (FirstValue & 0x0F) < (SecondValue & 0x0F); State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Check if this is not a CMP */ if (!(Opcode & 0x10)) { /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } else { /* Discard the result */ return TRUE; } } else { USHORT FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386ReadModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Check if this is the instruction that writes to R/M */ if (!(Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG)) { /* Swap the order */ FirstValue ^= SecondValue; SecondValue ^= FirstValue; FirstValue ^= SecondValue; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue - SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FirstValue < SecondValue; State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) != (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_WORD)); State->Flags.Af = (FirstValue & 0x0F) < (SecondValue & 0x0F); State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Check if this is not a CMP */ if (!(Opcode & 0x10)) { /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } else { /* Discard the result */ return TRUE; } } } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeCmpSubAl) { UCHAR FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte; UCHAR SecondValue, Result; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xEF) == 0x2C); if (State->PrefixFlags) { /* This opcode doesn't take any prefixes */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (!Soft386FetchByte(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue - SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FirstValue < SecondValue; State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) != (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE)); State->Flags.Af = (FirstValue & 0x0F) < (SecondValue & 0x0F); State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Check if this is not a CMP */ if (!(Opcode & 0x10)) { /* Write back the result */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte = Result; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeCmpSubEax) { BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xEF) == 0x2D); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (Size) { ULONG FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long; ULONG SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386FetchDword(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue - SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FirstValue < SecondValue; State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) != (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG)); State->Flags.Af = (FirstValue & 0x0F) < (SecondValue & 0x0F); State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Check if this is not a CMP */ if (!(Opcode & 0x10)) { /* Write back the result */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long = Result; } } else { USHORT FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord; USHORT SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386FetchWord(State, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ Result = FirstValue - SecondValue; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FirstValue < SecondValue; State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) != (SecondValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD)) && ((FirstValue & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) != (Result & SIGN_FLAG_WORD)); State->Flags.Af = (FirstValue & 0x0F) < (SecondValue & 0x0F); State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Check if this is not a CMP */ if (!(Opcode & 0x10)) { /* Write back the result */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord = Result; } } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeDas) { UCHAR Value = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte; BOOLEAN Carry = State->Flags.Cf; /* Clear the carry flag */ State->Flags.Cf = FALSE; /* Check if the first BCD digit is invalid or there was a borrow */ if (((Value & 0x0F) > 9) || State->Flags.Af) { /* Correct it */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte -= 0x06; if (State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte > 0xFB) { /* A borrow occurred */ State->Flags.Cf = TRUE; } /* Set the adjust flag */ State->Flags.Af = TRUE; } /* Check if the second BCD digit is invalid or there was a borrow */ if ((Value > 0x99) || Carry) { /* Correct it */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte -= 0x60; /* There was a borrow */ State->Flags.Cf = TRUE; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeAaa) { UCHAR Value = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte; /* * Check if the value in AL is not a valid BCD digit, * or there was a carry from the lowest 4 bits of AL */ if (((Value & 0x0F) > 9) || State->Flags.Af) { /* Correct it */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte += 0x06; State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].HighByte++; /* Set CF and AF */ State->Flags.Cf = State->Flags.Af = TRUE; } else { /* Clear CF and AF */ State->Flags.Cf = State->Flags.Af = FALSE; } /* Keep only the lowest 4 bits of AL */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte &= 0x0F; return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeAas) { UCHAR Value = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte; /* * Check if the value in AL is not a valid BCD digit, * or there was a borrow from the lowest 4 bits of AL */ if (((Value & 0x0F) > 9) || State->Flags.Af) { /* Correct it */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte -= 0x06; State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].HighByte--; /* Set CF and AF */ State->Flags.Cf = State->Flags.Af = TRUE; } else { /* Clear CF and AF */ State->Flags.Cf = State->Flags.Af = FALSE; } /* Keep only the lowest 4 bits of AL */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte &= 0x0F; return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodePushAll) { INT i; BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; SOFT386_REG SavedEsp = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESP]; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x60); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Push all the registers in order */ for (i = 0; i < SOFT386_NUM_GEN_REGS; i++) { if (i == SOFT386_REG_ESP) { /* Use the saved ESP instead */ if (!Soft386StackPush(State, Size ? SavedEsp.Long : SavedEsp.LowWord)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } } else { /* Push the register */ if (!Soft386StackPush(State, Size ? State->GeneralRegs[i].Long : State->GeneralRegs[i].LowWord)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodePopAll) { INT i; BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; ULONG Value; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x61); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Pop all the registers in reverse order */ for (i = SOFT386_NUM_GEN_REGS - 1; i >= 0; i--) { /* Pop the value */ if (!Soft386StackPop(State, &Value)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Don't modify ESP */ if (i != SOFT386_REG_ESP) { if (Size) State->GeneralRegs[i].Long = Value; else State->GeneralRegs[i].LowWord = LOWORD(Value); } } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeBound) { // TODO: NOT IMPLEMENTED UNIMPLEMENTED; return FALSE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeArpl) { USHORT FirstValue, SecondValue; SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; BOOLEAN AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; if (!(State->ControlRegisters[SOFT386_REG_CR0] & SOFT386_CR0_PE) || State->Flags.Vm || (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK)) { /* Cannot be used in real mode or with a LOCK prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Read the operands */ if (!Soft386ReadModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Check if the RPL needs adjusting */ if ((SecondValue & 3) < (FirstValue & 3)) { /* Adjust the RPL */ SecondValue &= ~3; SecondValue |= FirstValue & 3; /* Set ZF */ State->Flags.Zf = TRUE; /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, FALSE, SecondValue); } else { /* Clear ZF */ State->Flags.Zf = FALSE; return TRUE; } } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodePushImm) { BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x68); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (Size) { ULONG Data; if (!Soft386FetchDword(State, &Data)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Call the internal API */ return Soft386StackPush(State, Data); } else { USHORT Data; if (!Soft386FetchWord(State, &Data)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Call the internal API */ return Soft386StackPush(State, Data); } } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeImulModrmImm) { BOOLEAN OperandSize, AddressSize; SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; LONG Multiplier; LONGLONG Product; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFD) == 0x69); OperandSize = AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the address size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the operand size */ OperandSize = !OperandSize; } /* Fetch the parameters */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (Opcode == 0x6B) { CHAR Byte; /* Fetch the immediate operand */ if (!Soft386FetchByte(State, (PUCHAR)&Byte)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } Multiplier = (LONG)Byte; } else { if (OperandSize) { LONG Dword; /* Fetch the immediate operand */ if (!Soft386FetchDword(State, (PULONG)&Dword)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } Multiplier = Dword; } else { SHORT Word; /* Fetch the immediate operand */ if (!Soft386FetchWord(State, (PUSHORT)&Word)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } Multiplier = (LONG)Word; } } if (OperandSize) { LONG RegValue, Multiplicand; /* Read the operands */ if (!Soft386ReadModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, (PULONG)&RegValue, (PULONG)&Multiplicand)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Multiply */ Product = (LONGLONG)Multiplicand * (LONGLONG)Multiplier; } else { SHORT RegValue, Multiplicand; /* Read the operands */ if (!Soft386ReadModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, (PUSHORT)&RegValue, (PUSHORT)&Multiplicand)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Multiply */ Product = (LONGLONG)Multiplicand * (LONGLONG)Multiplier; } /* Check for carry/overflow */ if ((Product < LONG_MIN) || (Product > LONG_MAX)) { State->Flags.Cf = State->Flags.Of = TRUE; } else State->Flags.Cf = State->Flags.Of = FALSE; /* Write-back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, TRUE, (ULONG)((LONG)Product)); } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodePushByteImm) { UCHAR Data; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x6A); if (!Soft386FetchByte(State, &Data)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Call the internal API */ return Soft386StackPush(State, Data); } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeMovByteModrm) { UCHAR FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; BOOLEAN AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFD) == 0x88); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } else if (State->PrefixFlags & ~(SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG | SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK)) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (!Soft386ReadModrmByteOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG) Result = SecondValue; else Result = FirstValue; /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmByteOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeMovModrm) { SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; BOOLEAN OperandSize, AddressSize; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFD) == 0x89); OperandSize = AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the address size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the operand size */ OperandSize = !OperandSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & ~(SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE | SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG | SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK)) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Check the operand size */ if (OperandSize) { ULONG FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386ReadModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG) Result = SecondValue; else Result = FirstValue; /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } else { USHORT FirstValue, SecondValue, Result; if (!Soft386ReadModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &FirstValue, &SecondValue)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG) Result = SecondValue; else Result = FirstValue; /* Write back the result */ return Soft386WriteModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, Opcode & SOFT386_OPCODE_WRITE_REG, Result); } } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeMovStoreSeg) { BOOLEAN OperandSize, AddressSize; SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; OperandSize = AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x8C); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the address size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the operand size */ OperandSize = !OperandSize; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (ModRegRm.Register >= SOFT386_NUM_SEG_REGS) { /* Invalid */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (OperandSize) { return Soft386WriteModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, FALSE, State->SegmentRegs[ModRegRm.Register].Selector); } else { return Soft386WriteModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, FALSE, State->SegmentRegs[ModRegRm.Register].Selector); } } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeLea) { SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; BOOLEAN OperandSize, AddressSize; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x8D); OperandSize = AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the address size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the operand size */ OperandSize = !OperandSize; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* The second operand must be memory */ if (!ModRegRm.Memory) { /* Invalid */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Write the address to the register */ if (OperandSize) { return Soft386WriteModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, TRUE, ModRegRm.MemoryAddress); } else { return Soft386WriteModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, TRUE, ModRegRm.MemoryAddress); } } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeMovLoadSeg) { BOOLEAN OperandSize, AddressSize; SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; OperandSize = AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x8E); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the address size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the operand size */ OperandSize = !OperandSize; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if ((ModRegRm.Register >= SOFT386_NUM_SEG_REGS) || ((SOFT386_SEG_REGS)ModRegRm.Register == SOFT386_REG_CS)) { /* Invalid */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (OperandSize) { ULONG Dummy, Selector; if (!Soft386ReadModrmDwordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &Dummy, &Selector)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } return Soft386LoadSegment(State, ModRegRm.Register, LOWORD(Selector)); } else { USHORT Dummy, Selector; if (!Soft386ReadModrmWordOperands(State, &ModRegRm, &Dummy, &Selector)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } return Soft386LoadSegment(State, ModRegRm.Register, Selector); } } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeCwde) { BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x98); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (Size) { /* Sign extend AX to EAX */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long = MAKELONG ( State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord, (State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) ? 0xFFFF : 0x0000 ); } else { /* Sign extend AL to AX */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].HighByte = (State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) ? 0xFF : 0x00; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeCdq) { BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x99); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (Size) { /* Sign extend EAX to EDX:EAX */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDX].Long = (State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long & SIGN_FLAG_LONG) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0x00000000; } else { /* Sign extend AX to DX:AX */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDX].LowWord = (State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord & SIGN_FLAG_WORD) ? 0xFFFF : 0x0000; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeCallAbs) { // TODO: NOT IMPLEMENTED UNIMPLEMENTED; return FALSE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeWait) { // TODO: NOT IMPLEMENTED UNIMPLEMENTED; return FALSE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodePushFlags) { BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* This OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } /* Check for VM86 mode when IOPL is not 3 */ if (State->Flags.Vm && (State->Flags.Iopl != 3)) { /* Call the VM86 monitor */ Soft386ExceptionWithErrorCode(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_GP, 0); return FALSE; } /* Push the flags */ if (Size) return Soft386StackPush(State, State->Flags.Long); else return Soft386StackPush(State, LOWORD(State->Flags.Long)); } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodePopFlags) { BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; INT Cpl = Soft386GetCurrentPrivLevel(State); ULONG NewFlags; if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* This OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } /* Pop the new flags */ if (!Soft386StackPop(State, &NewFlags)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (!State->Flags.Vm) { /* Check the current privilege level */ if (Cpl == 0) { /* Supervisor */ /* Set the flags */ if (Size) { /* Memorize the old state of RF */ BOOLEAN OldRf = State->Flags.Rf; State->Flags.Long = NewFlags; /* Restore VM and RF */ State->Flags.Vm = FALSE; State->Flags.Rf = OldRf; /* Clear VIF and VIP */ State->Flags.Vif = State->Flags.Vip = FALSE; } else State->Flags.LowWord = LOWORD(NewFlags); /* Restore the reserved bits */ State->Flags.AlwaysSet = TRUE; State->Flags.Reserved0 = FALSE; State->Flags.Reserved1 = FALSE; } else { /* User */ /* Memorize the old state of IF and IOPL */ BOOLEAN OldIf = State->Flags.If; UINT OldIopl = State->Flags.Iopl; /* Set the flags */ if (Size) { /* Memorize the old state of RF */ BOOLEAN OldRf = State->Flags.Rf; State->Flags.Long = NewFlags; /* Restore VM and RF */ State->Flags.Vm = FALSE; State->Flags.Rf = OldRf; /* Clear VIF and VIP */ State->Flags.Vif = State->Flags.Vip = FALSE; } else State->Flags.LowWord = LOWORD(NewFlags); /* Restore the reserved bits and IOPL */ State->Flags.AlwaysSet = TRUE; State->Flags.Reserved0 = FALSE; State->Flags.Reserved1 = FALSE; State->Flags.Iopl = OldIopl; /* Check if the user doesn't have the privilege to change IF */ if (Cpl > State->Flags.Iopl) { /* Restore IF */ State->Flags.If = OldIf; } } } else { /* Check the IOPL */ if (State->Flags.Iopl == 3) { if (Size) { /* Memorize the old state of RF, VIF and VIP */ BOOLEAN OldRf = State->Flags.Rf; BOOLEAN OldVif = State->Flags.Vif; BOOLEAN OldVip = State->Flags.Vip; State->Flags.Long = NewFlags; /* Restore VM, RF, VIF and VIP */ State->Flags.Vm = TRUE; State->Flags.Rf = OldRf; State->Flags.Vif = OldVif; State->Flags.Vip = OldVip; } else State->Flags.LowWord = LOWORD(NewFlags); /* Restore the reserved bits and IOPL */ State->Flags.AlwaysSet = TRUE; State->Flags.Reserved0 = FALSE; State->Flags.Reserved1 = FALSE; State->Flags.Iopl = 3; } else { /* Call the VM86 monitor */ Soft386ExceptionWithErrorCode(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_GP, 0); } } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeSahf) { /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x9E); /* Set the low-order byte of FLAGS to AH */ State->Flags.Long &= 0xFFFFFF00; State->Flags.Long |= State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].HighByte; /* Restore the reserved bits of FLAGS */ State->Flags.AlwaysSet = TRUE; State->Flags.Reserved0 = State->Flags.Reserved1 = FALSE; return FALSE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeLahf) { /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0x9F); /* Set AH to the low-order byte of FLAGS */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].HighByte = LOBYTE(State->Flags.Long); return FALSE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeRet) { ULONG ReturnAddress; USHORT BytesToPop = 0; BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFE) == 0xC2); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (Opcode == 0xC2) { /* Fetch the number of bytes to pop after the return */ if (!Soft386FetchWord(State, &BytesToPop)) return FALSE; } /* Pop the return address */ if (!Soft386StackPop(State, &ReturnAddress)) return FALSE; /* Return to the calling procedure, and if necessary, pop the parameters */ if (Size) { State->InstPtr.Long = ReturnAddress; State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESP].Long += BytesToPop; } else { State->InstPtr.LowWord = LOWORD(ReturnAddress); State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESP].LowWord += BytesToPop; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeLdsLes) { UCHAR FarPointer[6]; BOOLEAN OperandSize, AddressSize; SOFT386_MOD_REG_RM ModRegRm; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFE) == 0xC4); OperandSize = AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } /* Get the operands */ if (!Soft386ParseModRegRm(State, AddressSize, &ModRegRm)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (!ModRegRm.Memory) { /* Check if this is a BOP and the host supports BOPs */ if ((Opcode == 0xC4) && (ModRegRm.Register == SOFT386_REG_EAX) && (ModRegRm.SecondRegister == SOFT386_REG_ESP) && (State->BopCallback != NULL)) { USHORT BopCode; /* Fetch the BOP code */ if (!Soft386FetchWord(State, &BopCode)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Call the BOP handler */ State->BopCallback(State, BopCode); /* Return success */ return TRUE; } /* Invalid */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (!Soft386ReadMemory(State, (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG) ? State->SegmentOverride : SOFT386_REG_DS, ModRegRm.MemoryAddress, FALSE, FarPointer, OperandSize ? 6 : 4)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (OperandSize) { ULONG Offset = *((PULONG)FarPointer); USHORT Segment = *((PUSHORT)&FarPointer[sizeof(ULONG)]); /* Set the register to the offset */ State->GeneralRegs[ModRegRm.Register].Long = Offset; /* Load the segment */ return Soft386LoadSegment(State, (Opcode == 0xC4) ? SOFT386_REG_ES : SOFT386_REG_DS, Segment); } else { USHORT Offset = *((PUSHORT)FarPointer); USHORT Segment = *((PUSHORT)&FarPointer[sizeof(USHORT)]); /* Set the register to the offset */ State->GeneralRegs[ModRegRm.Register].LowWord = Offset; /* Load the segment */ return Soft386LoadSegment(State, (Opcode == 0xC4) ? SOFT386_REG_ES : SOFT386_REG_DS, Segment); } } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeEnter) { INT i; BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; USHORT FrameSize; UCHAR NestingLevel; SOFT386_REG FramePointer; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0xC8); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (!Soft386FetchWord(State, &FrameSize)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (!Soft386FetchByte(State, &NestingLevel)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Push EBP */ if (!Soft386StackPush(State, State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EBP].Long)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Save ESP */ FramePointer = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESP]; /* Set up the nested procedure stacks */ for (i = 1; i < NestingLevel; i++) { if (Size) { State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EBP].Long -= 4; Soft386StackPush(State, State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EBP].Long); } else { State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EBP].LowWord -= 2; Soft386StackPush(State, State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EBP].LowWord); } } if (NestingLevel > 0) Soft386StackPush(State, FramePointer.Long); /* Set EBP to the frame pointer */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EBP] = FramePointer; /* Reserve space for the frame */ if (Size) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESP].Long -= (ULONG)FrameSize; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESP].LowWord -= FrameSize; return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeLeave) { BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0xC9); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (Size) { /* Set the stack pointer (ESP) to the base pointer (EBP) */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESP].Long = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EBP].Long; /* Pop the saved base pointer from the stack */ return Soft386StackPop(State, &State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EBP].Long); } else { ULONG Value; /* Set the stack pointer (SP) to the base pointer (BP) */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESP].LowWord = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EBP].LowWord; /* Pop the saved base pointer from the stack */ if (Soft386StackPop(State, &Value)) { State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EBP].LowWord = LOWORD(Value); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeRetFarImm) { // TODO: NOT IMPLEMENTED UNIMPLEMENTED; return FALSE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeRetFar) { // TODO: NOT IMPLEMENTED UNIMPLEMENTED; return FALSE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeInt) { UCHAR IntNum; SOFT386_IDT_ENTRY IdtEntry; switch (Opcode) { case 0xCC: { /* This is the INT3 instruction */ IntNum = 3; break; } case 0xCD: { /* Fetch the interrupt number */ if (!Soft386FetchByte(State, &IntNum)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } break; } case 0xCE: { /* Don't do anything if OF is cleared */ if (!State->Flags.Of) return TRUE; /* Exception #OF */ IntNum = SOFT386_EXCEPTION_OF; break; } default: { /* Should not happen */ ASSERT(FALSE); } } /* Get the interrupt vector */ if (!Soft386GetIntVector(State, IntNum, &IdtEntry)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Perform the interrupt */ if (!Soft386InterruptInternal(State, IdtEntry.Selector, MAKELONG(IdtEntry.Offset, IdtEntry.OffsetHigh), IdtEntry.Type)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeIret) { INT i; ULONG InstPtr, CodeSel, StackPtr, StackSel; SOFT386_FLAGS_REG NewFlags; BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0xCF); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } /* Pop EIP */ if (!Soft386StackPop(State, &InstPtr)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Pop CS */ if (!Soft386StackPop(State, &CodeSel)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Pop EFLAGS */ if (!Soft386StackPop(State, &NewFlags.Long)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Check for protected mode */ if (State->ControlRegisters[SOFT386_REG_CR0] & SOFT386_CR0_PE) { INT Cpl = Soft386GetCurrentPrivLevel(State); if (State->Flags.Vm) { /* Return from VM86 mode */ /* Check the IOPL */ if (State->Flags.Iopl == 3) { /* Set new EIP */ State->InstPtr.Long = LOWORD(InstPtr); /* Load new CS */ if (!Soft386LoadSegment(State, SOFT386_REG_CS, CodeSel)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Set the new flags */ if (Size) State->Flags.Long = NewFlags.Long & REAL_MODE_FLAGS_MASK; else State->Flags.LowWord = NewFlags.LowWord & REAL_MODE_FLAGS_MASK; State->Flags.AlwaysSet = State->Flags.Vm = TRUE; State->Flags.Iopl = 3; } else { /* Call the VM86 monitor */ Soft386ExceptionWithErrorCode(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_GP, 0); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } if (State->Flags.Nt) { /* Nested task return */ UNIMPLEMENTED; return FALSE; } if (NewFlags.Vm) { /* Return to VM86 mode */ ULONG Es, Ds, Fs, Gs; /* Pop ESP, SS, ES, FS, GS */ if (!Soft386StackPop(State, &StackPtr)) return FALSE; if (!Soft386StackPop(State, &StackSel)) return FALSE; if (!Soft386StackPop(State, &Es)) return FALSE; if (!Soft386StackPop(State, &Ds)) return FALSE; if (!Soft386StackPop(State, &Fs)) return FALSE; if (!Soft386StackPop(State, &Gs)) return FALSE; /* Set the new IP */ State->InstPtr.Long = LOWORD(InstPtr); /* Set the new flags */ if (Size) State->Flags.Long = NewFlags.Long & REAL_MODE_FLAGS_MASK; else State->Flags.LowWord = NewFlags.LowWord & REAL_MODE_FLAGS_MASK; State->Flags.AlwaysSet = State->Flags.Vm = TRUE; /* Load the new segments */ if (!Soft386LoadSegment(State, SOFT386_REG_CS, CodeSel)) return FALSE; if (!Soft386LoadSegment(State, SOFT386_REG_SS, StackSel)) return FALSE; if (!Soft386LoadSegment(State, SOFT386_REG_ES, Es)) return FALSE; if (!Soft386LoadSegment(State, SOFT386_REG_DS, Ds)) return FALSE; if (!Soft386LoadSegment(State, SOFT386_REG_FS, Fs)) return FALSE; if (!Soft386LoadSegment(State, SOFT386_REG_GS, Gs)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /* Load the new CS */ if (!Soft386LoadSegment(State, SOFT386_REG_CS, CodeSel)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Set EIP */ if (Size) State->InstPtr.Long = InstPtr; else State->InstPtr.LowWord = LOWORD(InstPtr); if (GET_SEGMENT_RPL(CodeSel) > Cpl) { /* Pop ESP */ if (!Soft386StackPop(State, &StackPtr)) { /* Exception */ return FALSE; } /* Pop SS */ if (!Soft386StackPop(State, &StackSel)) { /* Exception */ return FALSE; } /* Load new SS */ if (!Soft386LoadSegment(State, SOFT386_REG_SS, StackSel)) { /* Exception */ return FALSE; } /* Set ESP */ if (Size) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESP].Long = StackPtr; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESP].LowWord = LOWORD(StackPtr); } /* Set the new flags */ if (Size) State->Flags.Long = NewFlags.Long & PROT_MODE_FLAGS_MASK; else State->Flags.LowWord = NewFlags.LowWord & PROT_MODE_FLAGS_MASK; State->Flags.AlwaysSet = TRUE; /* Set additional flags */ if (Cpl <= State->Flags.Iopl) State->Flags.If = NewFlags.If; if (Cpl == 0) State->Flags.Iopl = NewFlags.Iopl; if (GET_SEGMENT_RPL(CodeSel) > Cpl) { /* Update the CPL */ Cpl = Soft386GetCurrentPrivLevel(State); /* Check segment security */ for (i = 0; i <= SOFT386_NUM_SEG_REGS; i++) { /* Don't check CS or SS */ if ((i == SOFT386_REG_CS) || (i == SOFT386_REG_SS)) continue; if ((Cpl > State->SegmentRegs[i].Dpl) && (!State->SegmentRegs[i].Executable || !State->SegmentRegs[i].DirConf)) { /* Load the NULL descriptor in the segment */ if (!Soft386LoadSegment(State, i, 0)) return FALSE; } } } } else { if (Size && (InstPtr & 0xFFFF0000)) { /* Invalid */ Soft386ExceptionWithErrorCode(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_GP, 0); return FALSE; } /* Set new EIP */ State->InstPtr.Long = InstPtr; /* Load new CS */ if (!Soft386LoadSegment(State, SOFT386_REG_CS, CodeSel)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Set the new flags */ if (Size) State->Flags.Long = NewFlags.Long & REAL_MODE_FLAGS_MASK; else State->Flags.LowWord = NewFlags.LowWord & REAL_MODE_FLAGS_MASK; State->Flags.AlwaysSet = TRUE; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeAam) { UCHAR Base; UCHAR Value = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte; if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Fetch the base */ if (!Soft386FetchByte(State, &Base)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Check if the base is zero */ if (Base == 0) { /* Divide error */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_DE); return FALSE; } /* Adjust */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].HighByte = Value / Base; State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte = Value %= Base; /* Update flags */ State->Flags.Zf = (Value == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Value & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Value); return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeAad) { UCHAR Base; UCHAR Value = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte; if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Fetch the base */ if (!Soft386FetchByte(State, &Base)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Adjust */ Value += State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].HighByte * Base; State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte = Value; /* Update flags */ State->Flags.Zf = (Value == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Value & SIGN_FLAG_BYTE) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Value); return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeXlat) { UCHAR Value; BOOLEAN AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } /* Read a byte from DS:[(E)BX + AL] */ if (!Soft386ReadMemory(State, SOFT386_REG_DS, AddressSize ? State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EBX].Long : State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EBX].LowWord + State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte, FALSE, &Value, sizeof(UCHAR))) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Set AL to the result */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte = Value; /* Return success */ return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeLoop) { BOOLEAN Condition; BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; CHAR Offset = 0; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode >= 0xE0) && (Opcode <= 0xE2)); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (Size) Condition = ((--State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].Long) != 0); else Condition = ((--State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].LowWord) != 0); if (Opcode == 0xE0) { /* Additional rule for LOOPNZ */ if (State->Flags.Zf) Condition = FALSE; } if (Opcode == 0xE1) { /* Additional rule for LOOPZ */ if (!State->Flags.Zf) Condition = FALSE; } /* Fetch the offset */ if (!Soft386FetchByte(State, (PUCHAR)&Offset)) { /* An exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (Condition) { /* Move the instruction pointer */ State->InstPtr.Long += Offset; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeJecxz) { BOOLEAN Condition; BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; CHAR Offset = 0; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0xE3); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (Size) Condition = (State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].Long == 0); else Condition = (State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].LowWord == 0); /* Fetch the offset */ if (!Soft386FetchByte(State, (PUCHAR)&Offset)) { /* An exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (Condition) { /* Move the instruction pointer */ State->InstPtr.Long += Offset; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeCall) { BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0xE8); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (Size) { LONG Offset = 0; /* Fetch the offset */ if (!Soft386FetchDword(State, (PULONG)&Offset)) { /* An exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Push the current value of the instruction pointer */ if (!Soft386StackPush(State, State->InstPtr.Long)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Move the instruction pointer */ State->InstPtr.Long += Offset; } else { SHORT Offset = 0; /* Fetch the offset */ if (!Soft386FetchWord(State, (PUSHORT)&Offset)) { /* An exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Push the current value of the instruction pointer */ if (!Soft386StackPush(State, State->InstPtr.Long)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Move the instruction pointer */ State->InstPtr.LowWord += Offset; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeJmp) { BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0xE9); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } if (Size) { LONG Offset = 0; /* Fetch the offset */ if (!Soft386FetchDword(State, (PULONG)&Offset)) { /* An exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Move the instruction pointer */ State->InstPtr.Long += Offset; } else { SHORT Offset = 0; /* Fetch the offset */ if (!Soft386FetchWord(State, (PUSHORT)&Offset)) { /* An exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Move the instruction pointer */ State->InstPtr.LowWord += Offset; } return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeJmpAbs) { // TODO: NOT IMPLEMENTED UNIMPLEMENTED; return FALSE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeMovAlOffset) { BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; ULONG Offset; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0xA0); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (Size) { if (!Soft386FetchDword(State, &Offset)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } } else { USHORT WordOffset; if (!Soft386FetchWord(State, &WordOffset)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } Offset = (ULONG)WordOffset; } /* Read from memory */ return Soft386ReadMemory(State, (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG) ? State->SegmentOverride : SOFT386_REG_DS, Offset, FALSE, &State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte, sizeof(UCHAR)); } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeMovEaxOffset) { BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0xA1); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (Size) { ULONG Offset; if (!Soft386FetchDword(State, &Offset)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Read from memory */ return Soft386ReadMemory(State, (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG) ? State->SegmentOverride : SOFT386_REG_DS, Offset, FALSE, &State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long, sizeof(ULONG)); } else { USHORT Offset; if (!Soft386FetchWord(State, &Offset)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Read from memory */ return Soft386ReadMemory(State, (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG) ? State->SegmentOverride : SOFT386_REG_DS, Offset, FALSE, &State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord, sizeof(USHORT)); } } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeMovOffsetAl) { BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; ULONG Offset; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0xA2); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (Size) { if (!Soft386FetchDword(State, &Offset)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } } else { USHORT WordOffset; if (!Soft386FetchWord(State, &WordOffset)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } Offset = (ULONG)WordOffset; } /* Write to memory */ return Soft386WriteMemory(State, (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG) ? State->SegmentOverride : SOFT386_REG_DS, Offset, &State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte, sizeof(UCHAR)); } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeMovOffsetEax) { BOOLEAN Size = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0xA3); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ Size = !Size; } if (Size) { ULONG Offset; if (!Soft386FetchDword(State, &Offset)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Write to memory */ return Soft386WriteMemory(State, (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG) ? State->SegmentOverride : SOFT386_REG_DS, Offset, &State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long, sizeof(ULONG)); } else { USHORT Offset; if (!Soft386FetchWord(State, &Offset)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Write to memory */ return Soft386WriteMemory(State, (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_SEG) ? State->SegmentOverride : SOFT386_REG_DS, Offset, &State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord, sizeof(USHORT)); } } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeSalc) { /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT(Opcode == 0xD6); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_LOCK) { /* Invalid prefix */ Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Set all the bits of AL to CF */ State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte = State->Flags.Cf ? 0xFF : 0x00; return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeMovs) { ULONG Data, DataSize; BOOLEAN OperandSize, AddressSize; OperandSize = AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFE) == 0xA4); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ OperandSize = !OperandSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } if ((State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_REP) || (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_REPNZ)) { // TODO: The REP/REPZ/REPNZ prefixes need to be implemented! Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Calculate the size */ if (Opcode == 0xA4) DataSize = sizeof(UCHAR); else DataSize = OperandSize ? sizeof(ULONG) : sizeof(USHORT); /* Read from the source operand */ if (!Soft386ReadMemory(State, SOFT386_REG_DS, AddressSize ? State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].Long : State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].LowWord, FALSE, &Data, DataSize)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Write to the destination operand */ if (!Soft386WriteMemory(State, SOFT386_REG_ES, AddressSize ? State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long : State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord, &Data, DataSize)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Increment/decrement ESI and EDI */ if (OperandSize) { if (!State->Flags.Df) { State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].Long += DataSize; State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long += DataSize; } else { State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].Long -= DataSize; State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long -= DataSize; } } else { if (!State->Flags.Df) { State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].LowWord += DataSize; State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord += DataSize; } else { State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].LowWord -= DataSize; State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord -= DataSize; } } /* Return success */ return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeCmps) { ULONG FirstValue = 0, SecondValue = 0, Result; ULONG DataSize, DataMask, SignFlag; BOOLEAN OperandSize, AddressSize; OperandSize = AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFE) == 0xA6); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ OperandSize = !OperandSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } if ((State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_REP) || (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_REPNZ)) { // TODO: The REP/REPZ/REPNZ prefixes need to be implemented! Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Calculate the size */ if (Opcode == 0xA6) DataSize = sizeof(UCHAR); else DataSize = OperandSize ? sizeof(ULONG) : sizeof(USHORT); /* Calculate the mask and sign flag */ DataMask = (1 << (DataSize * 8)) - 1; SignFlag = 1 << ((DataSize * 8) - 1); /* Read from the first source operand */ if (!Soft386ReadMemory(State, SOFT386_REG_DS, AddressSize ? State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].Long : State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].LowWord, FALSE, &FirstValue, DataSize)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Read from the second source operand */ if (!Soft386ReadMemory(State, SOFT386_REG_ES, AddressSize ? State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long : State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord, FALSE, &SecondValue, DataSize)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ FirstValue &= DataMask; SecondValue &= DataMask; Result = (FirstValue - SecondValue) & DataMask; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FirstValue < SecondValue; State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SignFlag) != (SecondValue & SignFlag)) && ((FirstValue & SignFlag) != (Result & SignFlag)); State->Flags.Af = (FirstValue & 0x0F) < (SecondValue & 0x0F); State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SignFlag) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Increment/decrement ESI and EDI */ if (OperandSize) { if (!State->Flags.Df) { State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].Long += DataSize; State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long += DataSize; } else { State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].Long -= DataSize; State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long -= DataSize; } } else { if (!State->Flags.Df) { State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].LowWord += DataSize; State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord += DataSize; } else { State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].LowWord -= DataSize; State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord -= DataSize; } } /* Return success */ return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeStos) { ULONG DataSize; BOOLEAN OperandSize, AddressSize; OperandSize = AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFE) == 0xAA); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ OperandSize = !OperandSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } /* Calculate the size */ if (Opcode == 0xAA) DataSize = sizeof(UCHAR); else DataSize = OperandSize ? sizeof(ULONG) : sizeof(USHORT); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_REP) { UCHAR Block[STRING_BLOCK_SIZE]; ULONG Count = OperandSize ? State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].Long : State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].LowWord; /* Fill the memory block with the data */ if (DataSize == sizeof(UCHAR)) { RtlFillMemory(Block, sizeof(Block), State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowByte); } else { ULONG i; for (i = 0; i < STRING_BLOCK_SIZE / DataSize; i++) { if (DataSize == sizeof(USHORT)) { ((PUSHORT)Block)[i] = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].LowWord; } else { ((PULONG)Block)[i] = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long; } } } /* Transfer until finished */ while (Count) { ULONG Processed = min(Count, STRING_BLOCK_SIZE / DataSize); /* Simulate the 16-bit wrap-around of DI in 16-bit address mode */ if (!AddressSize) { ULONG MaxBytes = 0x10000 - (ULONG)State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord; Processed = min(Processed, MaxBytes / DataSize); if (Processed == 0) Processed = 1; } if (State->Flags.Df) { /* Reduce EDI by the number of bytes to transfer */ if (AddressSize) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long -= Processed * DataSize; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord -= Processed * DataSize; } /* Write to memory */ if (!Soft386WriteMemory(State, SOFT386_REG_ES, AddressSize ? State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long : State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord, Block, Processed * DataSize)) { /* Set ECX */ if (OperandSize) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].Long = Count; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].LowWord = LOWORD(Count); /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (!State->Flags.Df) { /* Increase EDI by the number of bytes transfered */ if (AddressSize) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long += Processed * DataSize; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord += Processed * DataSize; } /* Reduce the total count by the number processed in this run */ Count -= Processed; } /* Clear ECX */ if (OperandSize) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].Long = 0; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].LowWord = 0; } else { /* Write to the destination operand */ if (!Soft386WriteMemory(State, SOFT386_REG_ES, AddressSize ? State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long : State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord, &State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long, DataSize)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Increment/decrement EDI */ if (OperandSize) { if (!State->Flags.Df) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long += DataSize; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long -= DataSize; } else { if (!State->Flags.Df) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord += DataSize; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord -= DataSize; } } /* Return success */ return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeLods) { ULONG DataSize; BOOLEAN OperandSize, AddressSize; OperandSize = AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFE) == 0xAC); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ OperandSize = !OperandSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } /* Calculate the size */ if (Opcode == 0xAC) DataSize = sizeof(UCHAR); else DataSize = OperandSize ? sizeof(ULONG) : sizeof(USHORT); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_REP) { ULONG Count = OperandSize ? State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].Long : State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].LowWord; /* If the count is 0, do nothing */ if (Count == 0) return TRUE; /* Only the last entry will be loaded */ if (!State->Flags.Df) { if (AddressSize) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].Long += (Count - 1) * DataSize; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].LowWord += (Count - 1) * DataSize; } else { if (AddressSize) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].Long -= (Count - 1) * DataSize; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].LowWord -= (Count - 1) * DataSize; } } /* Read from the source operand */ if (!Soft386ReadMemory(State, SOFT386_REG_DS, AddressSize ? State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].Long : State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].LowWord, FALSE, &State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long, DataSize)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Increment/decrement ESI */ if (OperandSize) { if (!State->Flags.Df) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].Long += DataSize; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].Long -= DataSize; } else { if (!State->Flags.Df) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].LowWord += DataSize; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].LowWord -= DataSize; } /* Return success */ return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeScas) { ULONG FirstValue = State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EAX].Long; ULONG SecondValue = 0; ULONG Result; ULONG DataSize, DataMask, SignFlag; BOOLEAN OperandSize, AddressSize; OperandSize = AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFE) == 0xAE); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ OperandSize = !OperandSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } if ((State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_REP) || (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_REPNZ)) { // TODO: The REP/REPZ/REPNZ prefixes need to be implemented! Soft386Exception(State, SOFT386_EXCEPTION_UD); return FALSE; } /* Calculate the size */ if (Opcode == 0xA6) DataSize = sizeof(UCHAR); else DataSize = OperandSize ? sizeof(ULONG) : sizeof(USHORT); /* Calculate the mask and sign flag */ DataMask = (1 << (DataSize * 8)) - 1; SignFlag = 1 << ((DataSize * 8) - 1); /* Read from the source operand */ if (!Soft386ReadMemory(State, SOFT386_REG_ES, AddressSize ? State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long : State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord, FALSE, &SecondValue, DataSize)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Calculate the result */ FirstValue &= DataMask; SecondValue &= DataMask; Result = (FirstValue - SecondValue) & DataMask; /* Update the flags */ State->Flags.Cf = FirstValue < SecondValue; State->Flags.Of = ((FirstValue & SignFlag) != (SecondValue & SignFlag)) && ((FirstValue & SignFlag) != (Result & SignFlag)); State->Flags.Af = (FirstValue & 0x0F) < (SecondValue & 0x0F); State->Flags.Zf = (Result == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Sf = (Result & SignFlag) ? TRUE : FALSE; State->Flags.Pf = Soft386CalculateParity(Result); /* Increment/decrement EDI */ if (OperandSize) { if (!State->Flags.Df) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long += DataSize; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long -= DataSize; } else { if (!State->Flags.Df) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord += DataSize; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord -= DataSize; } /* Return success */ return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeIns) { ULONG DataSize; BOOLEAN OperandSize, AddressSize; OperandSize = AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFE) == 0x6C); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ OperandSize = !OperandSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } /* Calculate the size */ if (Opcode == 0x6C) DataSize = sizeof(UCHAR); else DataSize = OperandSize ? sizeof(ULONG) : sizeof(USHORT); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_REP) { UCHAR Block[STRING_BLOCK_SIZE]; ULONG Count = OperandSize ? State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].Long : State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].LowWord; /* Clear the memory block */ RtlZeroMemory(Block, sizeof(Block)); /* Transfer until finished */ while (Count) { ULONG Processed = min(Count, STRING_BLOCK_SIZE / DataSize); /* Simulate the 16-bit wrap-around of DI in 16-bit address mode */ if (!AddressSize) { ULONG MaxBytes = 0x10000 - (ULONG)State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord; Processed = min(Processed, MaxBytes / DataSize); if (Processed == 0) Processed = 1; } /* Read from the I/O port */ State->IoReadCallback(State, State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDX].LowWord, Block, Processed * DataSize); if (State->Flags.Df) { ULONG i, j; /* Reduce EDI by the number of bytes to transfer */ if (AddressSize) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long -= Processed * DataSize; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord -= Processed * DataSize; /* Reverse the block data */ for (i = 0; i < Processed / 2; i++) { /* Swap the values */ for (j = 0; j < DataSize; j++) { UCHAR Temp = Block[i * DataSize + j]; Block[i * DataSize + j] = Block[(Processed - i - 1) * DataSize + j]; Block[(Processed - i - 1) * DataSize + j] = Temp; } } } /* Write to memory */ if (!Soft386WriteMemory(State, SOFT386_REG_ES, AddressSize ? State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long : State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord, Block, Processed * DataSize)) { /* Set ECX */ if (OperandSize) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].Long = Count; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].LowWord = LOWORD(Count); /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (!State->Flags.Df) { /* Increase EDI by the number of bytes transfered */ if (AddressSize) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long += Processed * DataSize; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord += Processed * DataSize; } /* Reduce the total count by the number processed in this run */ Count -= Processed; } /* Clear ECX */ if (OperandSize) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].Long = 0; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].LowWord = 0; } else { ULONG Data = 0; /* Read from the I/O port */ State->IoReadCallback(State, State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDX].LowWord, &Data, DataSize); /* Write to the destination operand */ if (!Soft386WriteMemory(State, SOFT386_REG_ES, AddressSize ? State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long : State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord, &Data, DataSize)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Increment/decrement EDI */ if (OperandSize) { if (!State->Flags.Df) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long += DataSize; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long -= DataSize; } else { if (!State->Flags.Df) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord += DataSize; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord -= DataSize; } } /* Return success */ return TRUE; } SOFT386_OPCODE_HANDLER(Soft386OpcodeOuts) { ULONG DataSize; BOOLEAN OperandSize, AddressSize; OperandSize = AddressSize = State->SegmentRegs[SOFT386_REG_CS].Size; /* Make sure this is the right instruction */ ASSERT((Opcode & 0xFE) == 0x6E); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_OPSIZE) { /* The OPSIZE prefix toggles the size */ OperandSize = !OperandSize; } if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_ADSIZE) { /* The ADSIZE prefix toggles the size */ AddressSize = !AddressSize; } /* Calculate the size */ if (Opcode == 0x6E) DataSize = sizeof(UCHAR); else DataSize = OperandSize ? sizeof(ULONG) : sizeof(USHORT); if (State->PrefixFlags & SOFT386_PREFIX_REP) { UCHAR Block[STRING_BLOCK_SIZE]; ULONG Count = OperandSize ? State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].Long : State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].LowWord; /* Clear the memory block */ RtlZeroMemory(Block, sizeof(Block)); /* Transfer until finished */ while (Count) { ULONG Processed = min(Count, STRING_BLOCK_SIZE / DataSize); /* Simulate the 16-bit wrap-around of DI in 16-bit address mode */ if (!AddressSize) { ULONG MaxBytes = 0x10000 - (ULONG)State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord; Processed = min(Processed, MaxBytes / DataSize); if (Processed == 0) Processed = 1; } /* Read from memory */ if (!Soft386ReadMemory(State, SOFT386_REG_ES, AddressSize ? State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long : State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord, FALSE, Block, Processed * DataSize)) { /* Set ECX */ if (OperandSize) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].Long = Count; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].LowWord = LOWORD(Count); /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } if (State->Flags.Df) { ULONG i, j; /* Reduce EDI by the number of bytes to transfer */ if (AddressSize) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long -= Processed * DataSize; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord -= Processed * DataSize; /* Reverse the block data */ for (i = 0; i < Processed / 2; i++) { /* Swap the values */ for (j = 0; j < DataSize; j++) { UCHAR Temp = Block[i * DataSize + j]; Block[i * DataSize + j] = Block[(Processed - i - 1) * DataSize + j]; Block[(Processed - i - 1) * DataSize + j] = Temp; } } } /* Write to the I/O port */ State->IoWriteCallback(State, State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDX].LowWord, Block, Processed * DataSize); if (!State->Flags.Df) { /* Increase EDI by the number of bytes transfered */ if (AddressSize) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].Long += Processed * DataSize; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDI].LowWord += Processed * DataSize; } /* Reduce the total count by the number processed in this run */ Count -= Processed; } /* Clear ECX */ if (OperandSize) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].Long = 0; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ECX].LowWord = 0; } else { ULONG Data = 0; /* Read from the source operand */ if (!Soft386ReadMemory(State, SOFT386_REG_DS, AddressSize ? State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].Long : State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].LowWord, FALSE, &Data, DataSize)) { /* Exception occurred */ return FALSE; } /* Write to the I/O port */ State->IoWriteCallback(State, State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_EDX].LowWord, &Data, DataSize); /* Increment/decrement ESI */ if (OperandSize) { if (!State->Flags.Df) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].Long += DataSize; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].Long -= DataSize; } else { if (!State->Flags.Df) State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].LowWord += DataSize; else State->GeneralRegs[SOFT386_REG_ESI].LowWord -= DataSize; } } /* Return success */ return TRUE; }