/* * ReactOS Access Control List Editor * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 ReactOS Team * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* $Id: aclui.c 19715 2005-11-28 01:10:49Z weiden $ * * PROJECT: ReactOS Access Control List Editor * FILE: lib/aclui/sidcache.c * PURPOSE: Access Control List Editor * PROGRAMMER: Thomas Weidenmueller * * UPDATE HISTORY: * 12/10/2005 Created */ #include #define NDEBUG #include #define HandleToScm(Handle) (PSIDCACHEMGR)(Handle) #define ScmToHandle(Scm) (HANDLE)(Scm) typedef struct _SIDCACHEMGR { volatile LONG RefCount; LSA_HANDLE LsaHandle; CRITICAL_SECTION Lock; LIST_ENTRY QueueListHead; struct _SIDQUEUEENTRY *QueueLookingUp; LIST_ENTRY CacheListHead; HANDLE Heap; HANDLE LookupEvent; HANDLE LookupThread; WCHAR SystemName[1]; } SIDCACHEMGR, *PSIDCACHEMGR; typedef struct _SIDCACHECALLBACKINFO { PSIDREQCOMPLETIONPROC CompletionProc; PVOID Context; } SIDCACHECALLBACKINFO, *PSIDCACHECALLBACKINFO; typedef struct _SIDQUEUEENTRY { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; ULONG CallbackCount; PSIDCACHECALLBACKINFO Callbacks; /* the SID is appended to this structure */ } SIDQUEUEENTRY, *PSIDQUEUEENTRY; typedef struct _SIDCACHEENTRY { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; SID_NAME_USE SidNameUse; PWSTR AccountName; PWSTR DomainName; /* the SID and strings are appended to this structure */ } SIDCACHEENTRY, *PSIDCACHEENTRY; static VOID FreeQueueEntry(IN PSIDCACHEMGR scm, IN PSIDQUEUEENTRY QueueEntry) { if (QueueEntry->ListEntry.Flink != NULL) { RemoveEntryList(&QueueEntry->ListEntry); } HeapFree(scm->Heap, 0, QueueEntry->Callbacks); HeapFree(scm->Heap, 0, QueueEntry); } static VOID FreeCacheEntry(IN PSIDCACHEMGR scm, IN PSIDCACHEENTRY CacheEntry) { RemoveEntryList(&CacheEntry->ListEntry); HeapFree(scm->Heap, 0, CacheEntry); } static VOID CleanupSidCacheMgr(IN PSIDCACHEMGR scm) { LsaClose(scm->LsaHandle); CloseHandle(scm->LookupEvent); CloseHandle(scm->LookupThread); /* delete the queue */ while (!IsListEmpty(&scm->QueueListHead)) { PSIDQUEUEENTRY QueueEntry; QueueEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(scm->QueueListHead.Flink, SIDQUEUEENTRY, ListEntry); FreeQueueEntry(scm, QueueEntry); } /* delete the cache */ while (!IsListEmpty(&scm->CacheListHead)) { PSIDCACHEENTRY CacheEntry; CacheEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(scm->CacheListHead.Flink, SIDCACHEENTRY, ListEntry); FreeCacheEntry(scm, CacheEntry); } DeleteCriticalSection(&scm->Lock); } static PSIDCACHEMGR ReferenceSidCacheMgr(IN HANDLE SidCacheMgr) { PSIDCACHEMGR scm = HandleToScm(SidCacheMgr); if (InterlockedIncrement(&scm->RefCount) != 1) { return scm; } return NULL; } static VOID DereferenceSidCacheMgr(IN PSIDCACHEMGR scm) { if (InterlockedDecrement(&scm->RefCount) == 0) { /* Signal the lookup thread so it can terminate */ SetEvent(scm->LookupEvent); } } static BOOL OpenLSAPolicyHandle(IN LPWSTR SystemName, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, OUT PLSA_HANDLE PolicyHandle) { LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES LsaObjectAttributes = {0}; LSA_UNICODE_STRING LsaSystemName, *psn; NTSTATUS Status; if (SystemName != NULL && SystemName[0] != L'\0') { LsaSystemName.Buffer = SystemName; LsaSystemName.Length = wcslen(SystemName) * sizeof(WCHAR); LsaSystemName.MaximumLength = LsaSystemName.Length + sizeof(WCHAR); psn = &LsaSystemName; } else { psn = NULL; } Status = LsaOpenPolicy(psn, &LsaObjectAttributes, DesiredAccess, PolicyHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetLastError(LsaNtStatusToWinError(Status)); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static BOOL LookupSidInformation(IN PSIDCACHEMGR scm, IN PSID pSid, OUT PSIDREQRESULT *ReqResult) { PLSA_REFERENCED_DOMAIN_LIST ReferencedDomain; PLSA_TRANSLATED_NAME Names; PLSA_TRUST_INFORMATION Domain; PLSA_UNICODE_STRING DomainName; SID_NAME_USE SidNameUse = SidTypeUnknown; PPOLICY_ACCOUNT_DOMAIN_INFO PolicyAccountDomainInfo = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; DWORD SidLength, AccountNameSize, DomainNameSize = 0; PSIDREQRESULT ReqRet = NULL; BOOL Ret = FALSE; Status = LsaLookupSids(scm->LsaHandle, 1, &pSid, &ReferencedDomain, &Names); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SidLength = GetLengthSid(pSid); SidNameUse = Names->Use; if (ReferencedDomain != NULL && Names->DomainIndex >= 0) { Domain = &ReferencedDomain->Domains[Names->DomainIndex]; DomainName = &Domain->Name; } else { Domain = NULL; DomainName = NULL; } switch (SidNameUse) { case SidTypeAlias: { if (Domain != NULL) { /* query the domain name for BUILTIN accounts */ Status = LsaQueryInformationPolicy(scm->LsaHandle, PolicyAccountDomainInformation, (PVOID*)&PolicyAccountDomainInfo); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DomainName = &PolicyAccountDomainInfo->DomainName; /* make the user believe this is a group */ SidNameUse = (PolicyAccountDomainInfo != NULL ? SidTypeGroup : SidTypeUser); } } break; } default: { DPRINT("Unhandled SID type: 0x%x\n", Names->Use); break; } } AccountNameSize = Names->Name.Length; if (DomainName != NULL) { DomainNameSize = DomainName->Length; } ReqRet = HeapAlloc(scm->Heap, 0, sizeof(SIDREQRESULT) + (((AccountNameSize + DomainNameSize) + 2) * sizeof(WCHAR))); if (ReqRet != NULL) { ReqRet->RefCount = 1; ReqRet->AccountName = (LPWSTR)(ReqRet + 1); ReqRet->DomainName = ReqRet->AccountName + (AccountNameSize / sizeof(WCHAR)) + 1; CopyMemory(ReqRet->AccountName, Names->Name.Buffer, Names->Name.Length); if (DomainName != NULL) { CopyMemory(ReqRet->DomainName, DomainName->Buffer, DomainName->Length); } ReqRet->AccountName[AccountNameSize / sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0'; ReqRet->DomainName[DomainNameSize / sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0'; ReqRet->SidNameUse = SidNameUse; } if (PolicyAccountDomainInfo != NULL) { LsaFreeMemory(PolicyAccountDomainInfo); } LsaFreeMemory(ReferencedDomain); LsaFreeMemory(Names); Ret = TRUE; } else if (Status == STATUS_NONE_MAPPED) { Ret = TRUE; } if (Ret) { *ReqResult = ReqRet; } return Ret; } static BOOL FindSidInCache(IN PSIDCACHEMGR scm, IN PSID pSid, OUT PSIDREQRESULT *ReqResult) { PSIDCACHEENTRY CacheEntry; PLIST_ENTRY CurrentEntry; PSIDREQRESULT ReqRes; BOOL Ret = FALSE; /* NOTE: assumes the lists are locked! */ CurrentEntry = &scm->CacheListHead; while (CurrentEntry != &scm->CacheListHead) { CacheEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(CurrentEntry, SIDCACHEENTRY, ListEntry); if (EqualSid(pSid, (PSID)(CacheEntry + 1))) { SIZE_T ReqResultSize; ULONG AccountNameLen, DomainNameLen; Ret = TRUE; AccountNameLen = wcslen(CacheEntry->AccountName); DomainNameLen = wcslen(CacheEntry->DomainName); ReqResultSize = sizeof(SIDREQRESULT) + (((AccountNameLen + 1) + (DomainNameLen + 1)) * sizeof(WCHAR)); ReqRes = HeapAlloc(scm->Heap, 0, ReqResultSize); if (ReqRes != NULL) { PWSTR Buffer = (PWSTR)(ReqRes + 1); ReqRes->RefCount = 1; ReqRes->AccountName = Buffer; wcscpy(ReqRes->AccountName, CacheEntry->AccountName); Buffer += AccountNameLen + 1; ReqRes->DomainName = Buffer; wcscpy(ReqRes->DomainName, CacheEntry->DomainName); } /* return the result, even if we weren't unable to allocate enough memory! */ *ReqResult = ReqRes; break; } CurrentEntry = CurrentEntry->Flink; } return Ret; } static VOID CacheLookupResults(IN PSIDCACHEMGR scm, IN PSID pSid, IN PSIDREQRESULT ReqResult) { PSIDCACHEENTRY CacheEntry; DWORD SidLen; SIZE_T AccountNameLen = 0; SIZE_T DomainNameLen = 0; SIZE_T CacheEntrySize = sizeof(SIDCACHEENTRY); /* NOTE: assumes the lists are locked! */ SidLen = GetLengthSid(pSid); CacheEntrySize += SidLen; AccountNameLen = wcslen(ReqResult->AccountName); CacheEntrySize += (AccountNameLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); DomainNameLen = wcslen(ReqResult->DomainName); CacheEntrySize += (wcslen(ReqResult->DomainName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); CacheEntry = HeapAlloc(scm->Heap, 0, CacheEntrySize); if (CacheEntry != NULL) { PWSTR lpBuf = (PWSTR)((ULONG_PTR)(CacheEntry + 1) + SidLen); CacheEntry->SidNameUse = ReqResult->SidNameUse; /* append the SID */ CopySid(SidLen, (PSID)(CacheEntry + 1), pSid); /* append the strings */ CacheEntry->AccountName = lpBuf; wcscpy(lpBuf, ReqResult->AccountName); lpBuf += AccountNameLen + 1; CacheEntry->DomainName = lpBuf; wcscpy(lpBuf, ReqResult->DomainName); lpBuf += DomainNameLen + 1; /* add the entry to the cache list */ InsertTailList(&scm->CacheListHead, &CacheEntry->ListEntry); } } static DWORD WINAPI LookupThreadProc(IN LPVOID lpParameter) { HMODULE hModule; PSIDCACHEMGR scm = (PSIDCACHEMGR)lpParameter; /* Reference the dll to avoid problems in case of accidental FreeLibrary calls... */ if (!GetModuleHandleExW(GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_FROM_ADDRESS, (LPCWSTR)hDllInstance, &hModule)) { hModule = NULL; } while (scm->RefCount != 0) { PSIDQUEUEENTRY QueueEntry = NULL; EnterCriticalSection(&scm->Lock); /* get the first item of the queue */ if (scm->QueueListHead.Flink != &scm->QueueListHead) { QueueEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(scm->QueueListHead.Flink, SIDQUEUEENTRY, ListEntry); RemoveEntryList(&QueueEntry->ListEntry); QueueEntry->ListEntry.Flink = NULL; } else { LeaveCriticalSection(&scm->Lock); /* wait for the next asynchronous lookup queued */ WaitForSingleObject(scm->LookupEvent, INFINITE); continue; } scm->QueueLookingUp = QueueEntry; LeaveCriticalSection(&scm->Lock); if (QueueEntry != NULL) { PSIDREQRESULT ReqResult, FoundReqResult; PSID pSid = (PSID)(QueueEntry + 1); /* lookup the SID information */ if (!LookupSidInformation(scm, pSid, &ReqResult)) { ReqResult = NULL; } EnterCriticalSection(&scm->Lock); /* see if the SID was added to the cache in the meanwhile */ if (!FindSidInCache(scm, pSid, &FoundReqResult)) { if (ReqResult != NULL) { /* cache the results */ CacheLookupResults(scm, pSid, ReqResult); } } else { if (ReqResult != NULL) { /* free the information of our lookup and use the cached information*/ DereferenceSidReqResult(scm, ReqResult); } ReqResult = FoundReqResult; } /* notify the callers unless the lookup was cancelled */ if (scm->QueueLookingUp != NULL) { ULONG i = 0; while (scm->QueueLookingUp != NULL && i < QueueEntry->CallbackCount) { PVOID Context; PSIDREQCOMPLETIONPROC CompletionProc; Context = QueueEntry->Callbacks[i].Context; CompletionProc = QueueEntry->Callbacks[i].CompletionProc; LeaveCriticalSection(&scm->Lock); /* call the completion proc without holding the lock! */ CompletionProc(ScmToHandle(scm), pSid, ReqResult, Context); EnterCriticalSection(&scm->Lock); i++; } scm->QueueLookingUp = NULL; } LeaveCriticalSection(&scm->Lock); /* free the queue item */ FreeQueueEntry(scm, QueueEntry); } } CleanupSidCacheMgr(scm); HeapFree(scm->Heap, 0, scm); if (hModule != NULL) { /* dereference the library and exit */ FreeLibraryAndExitThread(hModule, 0); } return 0; } HANDLE CreateSidCacheMgr(IN HANDLE Heap, IN LPCWSTR SystemName) { PSIDCACHEMGR scm; if (SystemName == NULL) SystemName = L""; scm = HeapAlloc(Heap, 0, FIELD_OFFSET(SIDCACHEMGR, SystemName[wcslen(SystemName) + 1])); if (scm != NULL) { /* zero the static part of the structure */ ZeroMemory(scm, FIELD_OFFSET(SIDCACHEMGR, SystemName)); scm->RefCount = 1; scm->Heap = Heap; wcscpy(scm->SystemName, SystemName); InitializeCriticalSection(&scm->Lock); InitializeListHead(&scm->QueueListHead); InitializeListHead(&scm->CacheListHead); scm->LookupEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (scm->LookupEvent == NULL) { goto Cleanup; } if (!OpenLSAPolicyHandle(scm->SystemName, POLICY_LOOKUP_NAMES | POLICY_VIEW_LOCAL_INFORMATION, &scm->LsaHandle)) { goto Cleanup; } scm->LookupThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, LookupThreadProc, scm, 0, NULL); if (scm->LookupThread == NULL) { Cleanup: if (scm->LookupEvent != NULL) { CloseHandle(scm->LookupEvent); } if (scm->LsaHandle != NULL) { LsaClose(scm->LsaHandle); } HeapFree(Heap, 0, scm); scm = NULL; } } else { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } return (HANDLE)scm; } VOID DestroySidCacheMgr(IN HANDLE SidCacheMgr) { PSIDCACHEMGR scm = HandleToScm(SidCacheMgr); if (scm != NULL) { /* remove the keep-alive reference */ DereferenceSidCacheMgr(scm); } } static BOOL QueueSidLookup(IN PSIDCACHEMGR scm, IN PSID pSid, IN PSIDREQCOMPLETIONPROC CompletionProc, IN PVOID Context) { PLIST_ENTRY CurrentEntry; PSIDQUEUEENTRY QueueEntry, FoundEntry = NULL; BOOL Ret = FALSE; /* NOTE: assumes the lists are locked! */ if (scm->QueueLookingUp != NULL && EqualSid(pSid, (PSID)(scm->QueueLookingUp + 1))) { FoundEntry = scm->QueueLookingUp; } else { CurrentEntry = &scm->QueueListHead; while (CurrentEntry != &scm->QueueListHead) { QueueEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(CurrentEntry, SIDQUEUEENTRY, ListEntry); if (EqualSid(pSid, (PSID)(QueueEntry + 1))) { FoundEntry = QueueEntry; break; } CurrentEntry = CurrentEntry->Flink; } } if (FoundEntry == NULL) { DWORD SidLength = GetLengthSid(pSid); FoundEntry = HeapAlloc(scm->Heap, 0, sizeof(SIDQUEUEENTRY) + SidLength); if (FoundEntry != NULL) { CopySid(SidLength, (PSID)(FoundEntry + 1), pSid); FoundEntry->CallbackCount = 1; FoundEntry->Callbacks = HeapAlloc(scm->Heap, 0, sizeof(SIDCACHECALLBACKINFO)); if (FoundEntry->Callbacks != NULL) { FoundEntry->Callbacks[0].CompletionProc = CompletionProc; FoundEntry->Callbacks[0].Context = Context; /* append it to the queue */ InsertTailList(&scm->QueueListHead, &FoundEntry->ListEntry); /* signal the lookup event */ SetEvent(scm->LookupEvent); Ret = TRUE; } else { /* unable to queue it because we couldn't allocate the callbacks array, free the memory and return */ HeapFree(scm->Heap, 0, FoundEntry); } } } else { PSIDCACHECALLBACKINFO Sidccb; /* add the callback */ Sidccb = HeapReAlloc(scm->Heap, 0, FoundEntry->Callbacks, (FoundEntry->CallbackCount + 1) * sizeof(SIDCACHECALLBACKINFO)); if (Sidccb != NULL) { FoundEntry->Callbacks = Sidccb; FoundEntry->Callbacks[FoundEntry->CallbackCount].CompletionProc = CompletionProc; FoundEntry->Callbacks[FoundEntry->CallbackCount++].Context = Context; Ret = TRUE; } } return Ret; } VOID DequeueSidLookup(IN HANDLE SidCacheMgr, IN PSID pSid) { PLIST_ENTRY CurrentEntry; PSIDQUEUEENTRY QueueEntry; PSIDCACHEMGR scm; scm = ReferenceSidCacheMgr(SidCacheMgr); if (scm != NULL) { EnterCriticalSection(&scm->Lock); if (scm->QueueLookingUp != NULL && EqualSid(pSid, (PSID)(scm->QueueLookingUp + 1))) { /* don't free the queue lookup item! this will be done in the lookup thread */ scm->QueueLookingUp = NULL; } else { CurrentEntry = &scm->QueueListHead; while (CurrentEntry != &scm->QueueListHead) { QueueEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(CurrentEntry, SIDQUEUEENTRY, ListEntry); if (EqualSid(pSid, (PSID)(QueueEntry + 1))) { FreeQueueEntry(scm, QueueEntry); break; } CurrentEntry = CurrentEntry->Flink; } } LeaveCriticalSection(&scm->Lock); DereferenceSidCacheMgr(scm); } } VOID ReferenceSidReqResult(IN HANDLE SidCacheMgr, IN PSIDREQRESULT ReqResult) { PSIDCACHEMGR scm; scm = ReferenceSidCacheMgr(SidCacheMgr); if (scm != NULL) { InterlockedIncrement(&ReqResult->RefCount); DereferenceSidCacheMgr(scm); } } VOID DereferenceSidReqResult(IN HANDLE SidCacheMgr, IN PSIDREQRESULT ReqResult) { PSIDCACHEMGR scm; scm = ReferenceSidCacheMgr(SidCacheMgr); if (scm != NULL) { if (InterlockedDecrement(&ReqResult->RefCount) == 0) { HeapFree(scm->Heap, 0, ReqResult); } DereferenceSidCacheMgr(scm); } } BOOL LookupSidCache(IN HANDLE SidCacheMgr, IN PSID pSid, IN PSIDREQCOMPLETIONPROC CompletionProc, IN PVOID Context) { BOOL Found = FALSE; PSIDREQRESULT ReqResult = NULL; PSIDCACHEMGR scm; scm = ReferenceSidCacheMgr(SidCacheMgr); if (scm != NULL) { EnterCriticalSection(&scm->Lock); /* search the cache */ Found = FindSidInCache(scm, pSid, &ReqResult); if (!Found) { /* the sid is not in the cache, queue it if not already queued */ if (!QueueSidLookup(scm, pSid, CompletionProc, Context)) { PSIDREQRESULT FoundReqResult = NULL; /* unable to queue it, look it up now */ LeaveCriticalSection(&scm->Lock); /* lookup everything we need */ if (!LookupSidInformation(scm, pSid, &ReqResult)) { ReqResult = NULL; } EnterCriticalSection(&scm->Lock); /* see if the SID was added to the cache in the meanwhile */ if (!FindSidInCache(scm, pSid, &FoundReqResult)) { if (ReqResult != NULL) { /* cache the results */ CacheLookupResults(scm, pSid, ReqResult); } } else { if (ReqResult != NULL) { /* free the information of our lookup and use the cached information*/ DereferenceSidReqResult(scm, ReqResult); } ReqResult = FoundReqResult; } Found = (ReqResult != NULL); } } LeaveCriticalSection(&scm->Lock); /* call the completion callback */ if (Found) { CompletionProc(SidCacheMgr, pSid, ReqResult, Context); if (ReqResult != NULL) { HeapFree(scm->Heap, 0, ReqResult); } } DereferenceSidCacheMgr(scm); } return Found; }