DirectDraw Object struct DDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_INT it is the the return pointer from ddraw.dll to the program DDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_LCL It is the program own private data DDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_GBL This struct is gboal for whole ddraw.dll for all program it is static in ddraw if it change it change for all program The struct from it was not document for windows 2000/xp/2003 but ms did document it for windows ce 5.0 the link are to windows ce 5.0 arch typedef struct _DDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_INT { LPVOID lpVtbl; LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_LCL lpLcl; LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_INT lpLink; DWORD dwIntRefCnt; } DDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_INT; Rest of the struct are from msdn for windows 2000/xp/2003 typedef struct _DDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_LCL { DWORD lpDDMore; LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_GBL lpGbl; // fill it from function Create_DirectDraw with static pointer ddgbl DWORD dwUnused0; DWORD dwLocalFlags; DWORD dwLocalRefCnt; DWORD dwProcessId; IUnknown FAR *pUnkOuter; DWORD dwObsolete1; ULONG_PTR hWnd; ULONG_PTR hDC; // create HDC and save it to this pointer DWORD dwErrorMode; LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT lpPrimary; // The primary surface LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT lpCB; DWORD dwPreferredMode; HINSTANCE hD3DInstance; IUnknown FAR *pD3DIUnknown; LPDDHAL_CALLBACKS lpDDCB; // same memory pointer as DDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_GBL->lpDDCBtmp, setup by function StartDirectDraw ULONG_PTR hDDVxd; DWORD dwAppHackFlags; ULONG_PTR hFocusWnd; DWORD dwHotTracking; DWORD dwIMEState; ULONG_PTR hWndPopup; ULONG_PTR hDD; // from Gdientry1 copy the _DDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_GBL hDD after startup then copy this back each time we need hDD ULONG_PTR hGammaCalibrator; LPDDGAMMACALIBRATORPROC lpGammaCalibrator; } DDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_LCL; typedef struct _DDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_GBL { DWORD dwRefCnt; DWORD dwFlags; FLATPTR fpPrimaryOrig; DDCORECAPS ddCaps; DWORD dwInternal1; DWORD dwUnused1[9]; LPDDHAL_CALLBACKS lpDDCBtmp; LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT dsList; // list of all created directdraw surface, it is a pointer list LPDDRAWI_DDRAWPALETTE_INT palList; LPDDRAWI_DDRAWCLIPPER_INT clipperList; LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_GBL lp16DD; // pointer to it self (DDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_GBL) DWORD dwMaxOverlays; DWORD dwCurrOverlays; DWORD dwMonitorFrequency; // current mointor freq, (nivida always set this to 0, it is a bug in nvida drv) DDCORECAPS ddHELCaps; DWORD dwUnused2[50]; DDCOLORKEY ddckCKDestOverlay; DDCOLORKEY ddckCKSrcOverlay; VIDMEMINFO vmiData; LPVOID lpDriverHandle; LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_LCL lpExclusiveOwner; // which local directdraw comobject is in Exclusive mode and own this DWORD dwModeIndex; DWORD dwModeIndexOrig; DWORD dwNumFourCC; DWORD FAR *lpdwFourCC; DWORD dwNumModes; LPDDHALMODEINFO lpModeInfo; PROCESS_LIST plProcessList; DWORD dwSurfaceLockCount; DWORD dwAliasedLockCnt; ULONG_PTR dwReserved3; ULONG_PTR hDD; // GdiEntry1 are filling this pointer char cObsolete[12]; DWORD dwReserved1; DWORD dwReserved2; DBLNODE dbnOverlayRoot; volatile LPWORD lpwPDeviceFlags; DWORD dwPDevice; DWORD dwWin16LockCnt; DWORD dwUnused3; DWORD hInstance; DWORD dwEvent16; DWORD dwSaveNumModes; ULONG_PTR lpD3DGlobalDriverData; ULONG_PTR lpD3DHALCallbacks; DDCORECAPS ddBothCaps; LPDDVIDEOPORTCAPS lpDDVideoPortCaps; LPDDRAWI_DDVIDEOPORT_INT dvpList; ULONG_PTR lpD3DHALCallbacks2; RECT rectDevice; DWORD cMonitors; LPVOID gpbmiSrc; LPVOID gpbmiDest; LPHEAPALIASINFO phaiHeapAliases; ULONG_PTR hKernelHandle; ULONG_PTR pfnNotifyProc; LPDDKERNELCAPS lpDDKernelCaps; LPDDNONLOCALVIDMEMCAPS lpddNLVCaps; LPDDNONLOCALVIDMEMCAPS lpddNLVHELCaps; LPDDNONLOCALVIDMEMCAPS lpddNLVBothCaps; ULONG_PTR lpD3DExtendedCaps; DWORD dwDOSBoxEvent; RECT rectDesktop; char cDriverName[MAX_DRIVER_NAME]; // driver name, if we send in CreateDirectDraw(NULL, ...) this will be fill in the name "display" ULONG_PTR lpD3DHALCallbacks3; DWORD dwNumZPixelFormats; LPDDPIXELFORMAT lpZPixelFormats; LPDDRAWI_DDMOTIONCOMP_INT mcList; DWORD hDDVxd; DDSCAPSEX ddsCapsMore; } DDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_GBL; Clipper Object struct DDRAWI_DDRAWCLIPPER_INT It is the the return pointer from ddraw.dll to the program DDRAWI_DDRAWCLIPPER_LCL It is the program own private data DDRAWI_DDRAWCLIPPER_GBL This struct is gboal for whole ddraw.dll for all program it is static in ddraw if it change it change for all program The struct typedef struct _DDRAWI_DDRAWCLIPPER_INT { LPVOID lpVtbl; LPDDRAWI_DDRAWCLIPPER_LCL lpLcl; LPDDRAWI_DDRAWCLIPPER_INT lpLink; DWORD dwIntRefCnt; } DDRAWI_DDRAWCLIPPER_INT; typedef struct _DDRAWI_DDRAWCLIPPER_LCL { DWORD lpClipMore; LPDDRAWI_DDRAWCLIPPER_GBL lpGbl; LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_LCL lpDD_lcl; DWORD dwLocalRefCnt; IUnknown FAR *pUnkOuter; LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_INT lpDD_int; ULONG_PTR dwReserved1; IUnknown *pAddrefedThisOwner; } DDRAWI_DDRAWCLIPPER_LCL; typedef struct _DDRAWI_DDRAWCLIPPER_GBL { DWORD dwRefCnt; DWORD dwFlags; LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_GBL lpDD; DWORD dwProcessId; ULONG_PTR dwReserved1; ULONG_PTR hWnd; LPRGNDATA lpStaticClipList; } DDRAWI_DDRAWCLIPPER_GBL; typedef struct _DDRAWI_DDRAWPALETTE_INT { LPVOID lpVtbl; LPDDRAWI_DDRAWPALETTE_LCL lpLcl; LPDDRAWI_DDRAWPALETTE_INT lpLink; DWORD dwIntRefCnt; } DDRAWI_DDRAWPALETTE_INT; typedef struct _DDRAWI_DDRAWPALETTE_LCL { DWORD lpPalMore; LPDDRAWI_DDRAWPALETTE_GBL lpGbl; ULONG_PTR dwUnused0; DWORD dwLocalRefCnt; IUnknown FAR *pUnkOuter; LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_LCL lpDD_lcl; ULONG_PTR dwReserved1; ULONG_PTR dwDDRAWReserved1; ULONG_PTR dwDDRAWReserved2; ULONG_PTR dwDDRAWReserved3; } DDRAWI_DDRAWPALETTE_LCL; typedef struct _DDRAWI_DDRAWPALETTE_GBL { DWORD dwRefCnt; DWORD dwFlags; LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_LCL lpDD_lcl; DWORD dwProcessId; LPPALETTEENTRY lpColorTable; union { ULONG_PTR dwReserved1; HPALETTE hHELGDIPalette; }; DWORD dwDriverReserved; DWORD dwContentsStamp; DWORD dwSaveStamp; DWORD dwHandle; } DDRAWI_DDRAWPALETTE_GBL; typedef struct _DDRAWI_DDVIDEOPORT_INT { LPVOID lpVtbl; LPDDRAWI_DDVIDEOPORT_LCL lpLcl; LPDDRAWI_DDVIDEOPORT_INT lpLink; DWORD dwIntRefCnt; DWORD dwFlags; } DDRAWI_DDVIDEOPORT_INT; typedef struct _DDRAWI_DDVIDEOPORT_LCL { LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_LCL lpDD; DDVIDEOPORTDESC ddvpDesc; DDVIDEOPORTINFO ddvpInfo; LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT lpSurface; LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT lpVBISurface; LPDDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_INT *lpFlipInts; DWORD dwNumAutoflip; DWORD dwProcessID; DWORD dwStateFlags; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwRefCnt; FLATPTR fpLastFlip; ULONG_PTR dwReserved1; ULONG_PTR dwReserved2; HANDLE hDDVideoPort; DWORD dwNumVBIAutoflip; LPDDVIDEOPORTDESC lpVBIDesc; LPDDVIDEOPORTDESC lpVideoDesc; LPDDVIDEOPORTINFO lpVBIInfo; LPDDVIDEOPORTINFO lpVideoInfo; DWORD dwVBIProcessID; } DDRAWI_DDVIDEOPORT_LCL; Surface: typedef struct _DDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_GBL { DWORD dwRefCnt; DWORD dwGlobalFlags; union { LPACCESSRECTLIST lpRectList; DWORD dwBlockSizeY; }; union { LPVMEMHEAP lpVidMemHeap; DWORD dwBlockSizeX; }; union { LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_GBL lpDD; LPVOID lpDDHandle; }; FLATPTR fpVidMem; union { LONG lPitch; DWORD dwLinearSize; }; WORD wHeight; WORD wWidth; DWORD dwUsageCount; ULONG_PTR dwReserved1; DDPIXELFORMAT ddpfSurface; } DDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_GBL; The following informations might be incorrectly I am using logic thinking since the info does not exists in MSDN so I am drawing clue how previews stuffs works that are document in MSDN/DDK follow struct should exists ??? DDRAWI_DDVIDEOPORT_GBL DDRAWI_DDGAMMACONTROL_INT DDRAWI_DDGAMMACONTROL_LCL DDRAWI_DDGAMMACONTROL_GBL DDRAWI_DDCOLORCONTROL_INT DDRAWI_DDCOLORCONTROL_LCL DDRAWI_DDCOLORCONTROL_GBL DDRAWI_KERNEL_INT DDRAWI_KERNEL_LCL DDRAWI_KERNEL_GBL DDRAWI_DDKERNELSURFACE_INT DDRAWI_DDKERNELSURFACE_LCL DDRAWI_DDKERNELSURFACE_GBL follow struct can be easy create DDRAWI_DDGAMMACONTROL_INT DDRAWI_DDCOLORCONTROL_INT DDRAWI_KERNEL_INT the DDRAWI_DDGAMMACONTROL_INT should looking like this typedef struct _DDRAWI_DDGAMMACONTROL_INT { LPVOID lpVtbl; LPDDRAWI_DDGAMMACONTROL_LCL lpLcl; LPDDRAWI_DDGAMMACONTROL_INT lpLink; DWORD dwIntRefCnt; } DDRAWI_DDGAMMACONTROL_INT, *LPDDRAWI_DDGAMMACONTROL_INT how did I got this struct I looked at all other INT struct how they where build. But it is not 100% sure this one is right untill I/we known how the DDRAWI_DDGAMMACONTROL_LCL works and DDRAWI_DDCOLORCONTROL_GBL our internal struct will look like this typedef struct _DDRAWI_DDGAMMACONTROL_INT { LPVOID lpVtbl; LPVOID lpLcl; LPVOID lpLink; DWORD dwIntRefCnt; } DDRAWI_DDGAMMACONTROL_INT, *LPDDRAWI_DDGAMMACONTROL_INT same goes for DDRAWI_DDCOLORCONTROL_INT typedef struct DDRAWI_DDCOLORCONTROL_INT { LPVOID lpVtbl; LPVOID lpLcl; LPVOID lpLink; DWORD dwIntRefCnt; } DDRAWI_DDCOLORCONTROL_INT, *LPDDRAWI_DDCOLORCONTROL_INT