/* * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel-mode tests * LICENSE: GPLv2+ - See COPYING in the top level directory * PURPOSE: Kernel-Mode Test Suite Event creation test * PROGRAMMER: Thomas Faber */ #include #ifdef _WIN64 #define KERNEL_HANDLE_FLAG 0xFFFFFFFF80000000ULL #else #define KERNEL_HANDLE_FLAG 0x80000000 #endif #define CheckEventObject(Handle, Pointers, Handles) do \ { \ PUBLIC_OBJECT_BASIC_INFORMATION ObjectInfo; \ Status = ZwQueryObject(Handle, ObjectBasicInformation, \ &ObjectInfo, sizeof ObjectInfo, NULL); \ ok_eq_hex(Status, STATUS_SUCCESS); \ ok_eq_ulong(ObjectInfo.PointerCount, Pointers); \ ok_eq_ulong(ObjectInfo.HandleCount, Handles); \ ok_eq_ulong(ObjectInfo.Attributes, 0); \ ok_eq_ulong(ObjectInfo.GrantedAccess, EVENT_ALL_ACCESS); \ ok(((ULONG_PTR)Handle & KERNEL_HANDLE_FLAG) == KERNEL_HANDLE_FLAG, \ "Handle %p is not a kernel handle\n", Handle); \ } while (0) static VOID TestCreateEvent( PRKEVENT (NTAPI *CreateEvent)(PUNICODE_STRING, PHANDLE), PUNICODE_STRING EventName, EVENT_TYPE Type) { NTSTATUS Status; NTSTATUS ExceptionStatus; PKEVENT Event, Event2; HANDLE EventHandle, EventHandle2; LONG State; /* Nameless event */ KmtStartSeh() Event = CreateEvent(NULL, &EventHandle); ok(Event != NULL, "Event is NULL\n"); ok(EventHandle != NULL, "EventHandle is NULL\n"); if (!skip(EventHandle != NULL, "No event\n")) { ok_eq_uint(Event->Header.Type, Type); State = KeReadStateEvent(Event); ok_eq_long(State, 1L); CheckEventObject(EventHandle, 2UL, 1UL); Status = ZwClose(EventHandle); ok_eq_hex(Status, STATUS_SUCCESS); } KmtEndSeh(STATUS_SUCCESS); /* Named event */ EventHandle = NULL; Event = CreateEvent(EventName, &EventHandle); ok(Event != NULL, "Event is NULL\n"); ok(EventHandle != NULL, "EventHandle is NULL\n"); if (!skip(EventHandle != NULL, "No event\n")) { ok_eq_uint(Event->Header.Type, Type); State = KeReadStateEvent(Event); ok_eq_long(State, 1L); CheckEventObject(EventHandle, 3UL, 1UL); /* Open the existing one */ EventHandle2 = NULL; Event2 = CreateEvent(EventName, &EventHandle2); CheckEventObject(EventHandle, 4UL, 2UL); ok(Event2 != NULL, "Event is NULL\n"); ok(EventHandle2 != NULL, "EventHandle is NULL\n"); if (!skip(EventHandle2 != NULL, "No event\n")) { CheckEventObject(EventHandle2, 4UL, 2UL); ZwClose(EventHandle2); } CheckEventObject(EventHandle, 3UL, 1UL); Status = ZwClose(EventHandle); ok_eq_hex(Status, STATUS_SUCCESS); } } START_TEST(IoEvent) { PKEVENT Event, Event2; HANDLE EventHandle = NULL, EventHandle2 = NULL; UNICODE_STRING NotificationEventName = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L"\\BaseNamedObjects\\KmTestIoEventNotificationEvent"); UNICODE_STRING SynchronizationEventName = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L"\\BaseNamedObjects\\KmTestIoEventSynchronizationEvent"); TestCreateEvent(IoCreateNotificationEvent, &NotificationEventName, NotificationEvent); TestCreateEvent(IoCreateSynchronizationEvent, &SynchronizationEventName, SynchronizationEvent); /* Create different types with the same name */ Event = IoCreateNotificationEvent(&NotificationEventName, &EventHandle); ok(Event != NULL, "Event is NULL\n"); ok(EventHandle != NULL, "EventHandle is NULL\n"); if (!skip(EventHandle != NULL, "No event\n")) { ok_eq_uint(Event->Header.Type, NotificationEvent); Event2 = IoCreateSynchronizationEvent(&NotificationEventName, &EventHandle2); ok(Event2 != NULL, "Event is NULL\n"); ok(EventHandle2 != NULL, "EventHandle is NULL\n"); if (!skip(EventHandle2 != NULL, "No event\n")) { ok_eq_uint(Event2->Header.Type, NotificationEvent); ZwClose(EventHandle2); } ZwClose(EventHandle); } }