/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: ntoskrnl/kd64/kdinit.c * PURPOSE: KD64 Initialization Code * PROGRAMMERS: Alex Ionescu (alex.ionescu@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ BOOLEAN NTAPI KdRegisterDebuggerDataBlock(IN ULONG Tag, IN PDBGKD_DEBUG_DATA_HEADER64 DataHeader, IN ULONG Size) { KIRQL OldIrql; PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry; PDBGKD_DEBUG_DATA_HEADER64 CurrentHeader; /* Acquire the Data Lock */ KeAcquireSpinLock(&KdpDataSpinLock, &OldIrql); /* Loop the debugger data list */ NextEntry = KdpDebuggerDataListHead.Flink; while (NextEntry != &KdpDebuggerDataListHead) { /* Get the header for this entry */ CurrentHeader = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, DBGKD_DEBUG_DATA_HEADER64, List); /* Move to the next one */ NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; /* Check if we already have this data block */ if ((CurrentHeader == DataHeader) || (CurrentHeader->OwnerTag == Tag)) { /* Release the lock and fail */ KeReleaseSpinLock(&KdpDataSpinLock, OldIrql); return FALSE; } } /* Setup the header */ DataHeader->OwnerTag = Tag; DataHeader->Size = Size; /* Insert it into the list and release the lock */ InsertTailList(&KdpDebuggerDataListHead, (PLIST_ENTRY)&DataHeader->List); KeReleaseSpinLock(&KdpDataSpinLock, OldIrql); return TRUE; } BOOLEAN NTAPI KdInitSystem(IN ULONG BootPhase, IN PLOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK LoaderBlock) { BOOLEAN EnableKd; LPSTR CommandLine, DebugLine; ANSI_STRING ImageName; PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY LdrEntry; PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry; ULONG i, j, Length; CHAR NameBuffer[256]; PWCHAR Name; /* Check if this is Phase 1 */ if (BootPhase) { /* Just query the performance counter */ KeQueryPerformanceCounter(&KdPerformanceCounterRate); return TRUE; } /* Check if we already initialized once */ if (KdDebuggerEnabled) return TRUE; /* Set the Debug Routine as the Stub for now */ KiDebugRoutine = KdpStub; /* Disable break after symbol load for now */ KdBreakAfterSymbolLoad = FALSE; /* Check if the Debugger Data Block was already initialized */ if (!KdpDebuggerDataListHead.Flink) { /* It wasn't...Initialize the KD Data Listhead */ InitializeListHead(&KdpDebuggerDataListHead); /* Register the Debugger Data Block */ KdRegisterDebuggerDataBlock(KDBG_TAG, &KdDebuggerDataBlock.Header, sizeof(KdDebuggerDataBlock)); /* Fill out the KD Version Block */ KdVersionBlock.MajorVersion = (USHORT)(NtBuildNumber >> 28); KdVersionBlock.MinorVersion = (USHORT)(NtBuildNumber & 0xFFFF); #ifdef CONFIG_SMP /* This is an MP Build */ KdVersionBlock.Flags |= DBGKD_VERS_FLAG_MP; #endif /* Save Pointers to Loaded Module List and Debugger Data */ KdVersionBlock.PsLoadedModuleList = (ULONGLONG)(LONG_PTR)&PsLoadedModuleList; KdVersionBlock.DebuggerDataList = (ULONGLONG)(LONG_PTR)&KdpDebuggerDataListHead; /* Set protocol limits */ KdVersionBlock.MaxStateChange = DbgKdMaximumStateChange - DbgKdMinimumStateChange; KdVersionBlock.MaxManipulate = DbgKdMaximumManipulate - DbgKdMinimumManipulate; KdVersionBlock.Unused[0] = 0; /* Link us in the KPCR */ KeGetPcr()->KdVersionBlock = &KdVersionBlock; } /* Check if we have a loader block */ if (LoaderBlock) { /* Get the image entry */ LdrEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(LoaderBlock->LoadOrderListHead.Flink, LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY, InLoadOrderLinks); /* Save the Kernel Base */ PsNtosImageBase = (ULONG)LdrEntry->DllBase; KdVersionBlock.KernBase = (ULONGLONG)(LONG_PTR)LdrEntry->DllBase; /* Check if we have a command line */ CommandLine = LoaderBlock->LoadOptions; if (CommandLine) { /* Upcase it */ _strupr(CommandLine); /* Assume we'll disable KD */ EnableKd = FALSE; /* Check for CRASHDEBUG and NODEBUG */ if (strstr(CommandLine, "CRASHDEBUG")) KdPitchDebugger = FALSE; if (strstr(CommandLine, "NODEBUG")) KdPitchDebugger = TRUE; /* Check if DEBUG was on */ DebugLine = strstr(CommandLine, "DEBUG"); if (DebugLine) { /* Enable KD */ EnableKd = TRUE; /* Check if there was additional data */ if (DebugLine[5] == '=') { /* FIXME: Check for NOUMEX, DISABLE, AUTOENABLE */ } } } else { /* No command line options? Disable debugger by default */ KdPitchDebugger = TRUE; EnableKd = FALSE; } } else { /* Called from a bugcheck...Save the Kernel Base */ KdVersionBlock.KernBase = (ULONGLONG)(LONG_PTR)PsNtosImageBase; /* Unconditionally enable KD */ EnableKd = TRUE; } /* Set the Kernel Base in the Data Block */ KdDebuggerDataBlock.KernBase = (ULONGLONG)(LONG_PTR)KdVersionBlock.KernBase; /* Initialize the debugger if requested */ if ((EnableKd) && (NT_SUCCESS(KdDebuggerInitialize0(LoaderBlock)))) { /* Now set our real KD routine */ KiDebugRoutine = KdpTrap; /* Check if we've already initialized our structures */ if (!KdpDebuggerStructuresInitialized) { /* Set the Debug Switch Routine and Retries*/ KdpContext.KdpDefaultRetries = 20; KiDebugSwitchRoutine = KdpSwitchProcessor; /* Initialize the Time Slip DPC */ KeInitializeDpc(&KdpTimeSlipDpc, KdpTimeSlipDpcRoutine, NULL); KeInitializeTimer(&KdpTimeSlipTimer); ExInitializeWorkItem(&KdpTimeSlipWorkItem, KdpTimeSlipWork, NULL); /* First-time initialization done! */ KdpDebuggerStructuresInitialized = TRUE; } /* Initialize the timer */ KdTimerStart.QuadPart = 0; /* Officially enable KD */ KdPitchDebugger = FALSE; KdDebuggerEnabled = TRUE; /* Let user-mode know that it's enabled as well */ #undef KdDebuggerEnabled SharedUserData->KdDebuggerEnabled = TRUE; #define KdDebuggerEnabled _KdDebuggerEnabled /* Check if we have a loader block */ if (LoaderBlock) { /* Loop boot images */ NextEntry = LoaderBlock->LoadOrderListHead.Flink; i = 0; while ((NextEntry != &LoaderBlock->LoadOrderListHead) && (i < 2)) { /* Get the image entry */ LdrEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY, InLoadOrderLinks); /* Generate the image name */ Name = LdrEntry->FullDllName.Buffer; Length = LdrEntry->FullDllName.Length / sizeof(WCHAR); j = 0; do { /* Do cheap Unicode to ANSI conversion */ NameBuffer[j++] = (CHAR)*Name++; } while (j < Length); /* Null-terminate */ NameBuffer[j] = ANSI_NULL; /* Load symbols for image */ RtlInitAnsiString(&ImageName, NameBuffer); DbgLoadImageSymbols(&ImageName, LdrEntry->DllBase, -1); /* Go to the next entry */ NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; i++; } } /* Check for incoming breakin and break on symbol load if we have it*/ KdBreakAfterSymbolLoad = KdPollBreakIn(); } else { /* Disable debugger */ KdDebuggerNotPresent = TRUE; } /* Return initialized */ return TRUE; }