/* * ReactOS Generic Framebuffer acclations display driver * * Copyright (C) 2004 Filip Navara * Copyright (C) 2007 Magnus Olsen * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "framebufacc.h" BOOL InitSurface(PPDEV ppdev, BOOL bForcemapping) { VIDEO_MEMORY VideoMemory; VIDEO_MEMORY_INFORMATION VideoMemoryInfo; ULONG returnedDataLength; ULONG RemappingNeeded = 0; ULONG PointerMaxWidth = 0; ULONG PointerMaxHeight = 0; /* * Set video mode of our adapter. */ if (EngDeviceIoControl(ppdev->hDriver, IOCTL_VIDEO_SET_CURRENT_MODE, &(ppdev->ModeIndex), sizeof(ULONG), &RemappingNeeded, sizeof(ULONG), &returnedDataLength)) { return FALSE; } /* Check if mapping is need it */ if ((!bForcemapping) && (!RemappingNeeded)) { return TRUE; } /* * Map the framebuffer into our memory. */ VideoMemory.RequestedVirtualAddress = NULL; if (EngDeviceIoControl(ppdev->hDriver, IOCTL_VIDEO_MAP_VIDEO_MEMORY, &VideoMemory, sizeof(VIDEO_MEMORY), &VideoMemoryInfo, sizeof(VIDEO_MEMORY_INFORMATION), &returnedDataLength)) { return FALSE; } /* * Save the real video memory */ ppdev->pRealVideoMem = VideoMemoryInfo.FrameBufferBase; ppdev->VideoMemSize = VideoMemoryInfo.VideoRamLength; /* * Video memory cached * * We maby should only ask max 8MB as cached ?, think of the video ram length is 256MB */ ppdev->pVideoMemCache = NULL; #ifdef EXPERIMENTAL_ACC_SUPPORT ppdev->pVideoMemCache = EngAllocMem(0, (ULONG)VideoMemoryInfo.VideoRamLength, ALLOC_TAG); if (ppdev->pVideoMemCache == NULL) { /* cached off for no avail system memory */ ppdev->ScreenPtr = VideoMemoryInfo.FrameBufferBase; } else #endif { /* cached on, system memory is avail */ ppdev->ScreenPtr = ppdev->pRealVideoMem; } /* hw mouse pointer support */ PointerMaxHeight = ppdev->PointerCapabilities.MaxHeight; PointerMaxWidth = ppdev->PointerCapabilities.MaxWidth * sizeof(ULONG); if (ppdev->PointerCapabilities.Flags & VIDEO_MODE_COLOR_POINTER) { PointerMaxWidth = (ppdev->PointerCapabilities.MaxWidth + 7) / 8; } ppdev->PointerAttributesSize = sizeof(VIDEO_POINTER_ATTRIBUTES) + ((sizeof(UCHAR) * PointerMaxWidth * PointerMaxHeight) << 1); ppdev->pPointerAttributes = EngAllocMem(0, ppdev->PointerAttributesSize, ALLOC_TAG); if (ppdev->pPointerAttributes != NULL) { ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Flags = ppdev->PointerCapabilities.Flags; ppdev->pPointerAttributes->WidthInBytes = PointerMaxWidth; ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Width = ppdev->PointerCapabilities.MaxWidth; ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Height = PointerMaxHeight; ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Column = 0; ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Row = 0; ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Enable = 0; } else { /* no hw mouse was avail */ ppdev->PointerAttributesSize = 0; } return TRUE; } /* * DrvEnableSurface * * Create engine bitmap around frame buffer and set the video mode requested * when PDEV was initialized. * * Status * @implemented */ HSURF APIENTRY DrvEnableSurface( IN DHPDEV dhpdev) { PPDEV ppdev = (PPDEV)dhpdev; HSURF hSurface; ULONG BitmapType; SIZEL ScreenSize; /* Setup surface and force the mapping */ if (!InitSurface(ppdev, TRUE)) { return NULL; } /* Rest the desktop vitual position */ ppdev->ScreenOffsetXY.x = 0; ppdev->ScreenOffsetXY.y = 0; switch (ppdev->BitsPerPixel) { case 8: IntSetPalette(dhpdev, ppdev->PaletteEntries, 0, 256); BitmapType = BMF_8BPP; break; case 16: BitmapType = BMF_16BPP; break; case 24: BitmapType = BMF_24BPP; break; case 32: BitmapType = BMF_32BPP; break; default: return NULL; } ppdev->iDitherFormat = BitmapType; ScreenSize.cx = ppdev->ScreenWidth; ScreenSize.cy = ppdev->ScreenHeight; hSurface = (HSURF)EngCreateBitmap(ScreenSize, ppdev->ScreenDelta, BitmapType, (ppdev->ScreenDelta > 0) ? BMF_TOPDOWN : 0, ppdev->ScreenPtr); if (hSurface == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Which api we hooking to */ ppdev->dwHooks = HOOK_BITBLT | HOOK_COPYBITS | HOOK_FILLPATH | HOOK_TEXTOUT | HOOK_STROKEPATH | HOOK_LINETO ; /* * Associate the surface with our device. */ if (!EngAssociateSurface(hSurface, ppdev->hDevEng, ppdev->dwHooks)) { EngDeleteSurface(hSurface); return NULL; } ppdev->hSurfEng = hSurface; return hSurface; } /* * DrvDisableSurface * * Used by GDI to notify a driver that the surface created by DrvEnableSurface * for the current device is no longer needed. * * Status * @implemented */ VOID APIENTRY DrvDisableSurface( IN DHPDEV dhpdev) { DWORD ulTemp; VIDEO_MEMORY VideoMemory; PPDEV ppdev = (PPDEV)dhpdev; EngDeleteSurface(ppdev->hSurfEng); ppdev->hSurfEng = NULL; /* Free the video memory cache */ if (ppdev->pVideoMemCache) { EngFreeMem(ppdev->pVideoMemCache); } /* * Unmap the framebuffer. */ VideoMemory.RequestedVirtualAddress = ppdev->pRealVideoMem; EngDeviceIoControl(((PPDEV)dhpdev)->hDriver, IOCTL_VIDEO_UNMAP_VIDEO_MEMORY, &VideoMemory, sizeof(VIDEO_MEMORY), NULL, 0, &ulTemp); ppdev->pRealVideoMem = NULL; ppdev->pVideoMemCache = NULL; } /* * DrvAssertMode * * Sets the mode of the specified physical device to either the mode specified * when the PDEV was initialized or to the default mode of the hardware. * * Status * @implemented */ BOOL APIENTRY DrvAssertMode( IN DHPDEV dhpdev, IN BOOL bEnable) { PPDEV ppdev = (PPDEV)dhpdev; ULONG ulTemp; BOOLEAN Result = TRUE; if (bEnable) { PVOID pRealVideoMem = ppdev->pRealVideoMem; /* Setup surface and remapping if it need it */ if (!InitSurface(ppdev, FALSE)) { Result = FALSE; } else { /* Check if we got same surface or not */ if (pRealVideoMem != ppdev->pRealVideoMem) { PVOID pVideoMem= NULL; if (ppdev->pVideoMemCache == NULL) { pVideoMem = ppdev->pRealVideoMem; } else { pVideoMem = ppdev->pVideoMemCache; } Result = !EngModifySurface(ppdev->hSurfEng, ppdev->hDevEng, ppdev->dwHooks | HOOK_SYNCHRONIZE, 0, (DHSURF)ppdev, pVideoMem, ppdev->ScreenDelta, NULL); } /* if the pRealVideoMem == ppdev->pRealVideoMem are * the Result is then TRUE */ } } else { /* * Call the miniport driver to reset the device to a known state. */ Result = !EngDeviceIoControl(ppdev->hDriver, IOCTL_VIDEO_RESET_DEVICE, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &ulTemp); } return Result; }