/* * ReactOS log2lines * Written by Jan Roeloffzen * * - Initialization, translation and main loop */ #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "version.h" #include "compat.h" #include "options.h" #include "image.h" #include "cache.h" #include "log2lines.h" #include "help.h" #include "cmd.h" #include "match.h" static FILE *dbgIn = NULL; static FILE *dbgOut = NULL; static FILE *conIn = NULL; static FILE *conOut = NULL; static const char *kdbg_prompt = KDBG_PROMPT; static const char *kdbg_cont = KDBG_CONT; LIST sources; LINEINFO lastLine; FILE *logFile = NULL; LIST cache; SUMM summ; REVINFO revinfo; static void clearLastLine(void) { memset(&lastLine, 0, sizeof(LINEINFO)); } static void log_file(FILE *outFile, char *fileName, int line) { int i = 0, min = 0, max = 0; char s[LINESIZE]; FILE *src; strcpy(s, opt_SourcesPath); strcat(s, fileName); max = line + opt_SrcPlus; if ((src = fopen(s, "r"))) { min = line - opt_Source; min = (min < 0) ? 0 : min; while (i < max && fgets(s, LINESIZE, src)) { if (i >= min) { if (i == line) log(outFile, "| ----\n"); log(outFile, "| %4.4d %s", i + 1, s); } i++; } fclose(src); if ( i < min ) log(outFile, "| S--- source has only %d lines! (check source/revision)\n", i); } else l2l_dbg(1, "Can't open: %s (check " SOURCES_ENV ")\n", s); } static void logSource(FILE *outFile) { log_file(outFile, lastLine.file1, lastLine.nr1); if (lastLine.nr2) { log(outFile, "| ---- [%u] ----\n", lastLine.nr2); log_file(outFile, lastLine.file2, lastLine.nr2); } } static void reportSource(FILE *outFile) { if (!opt_Source) return; if (lastLine.valid) logSource(outFile); } static void report(FILE *outFile) { reportRevision(outFile); reportSource(outFile); clearLastLine(); } static int print_offset(void *data, size_t offset, char *toString) { PSYMBOLFILE_HEADER RosSymHeader = (PSYMBOLFILE_HEADER)data; PROSSYM_ENTRY e = NULL; PROSSYM_ENTRY e2 = NULL; int bFileOffsetChanged = 0; char fmt[LINESIZE]; char *Strings = (char *)data + RosSymHeader->StringsOffset; fmt[0] = '\0'; e = find_offset(data, offset); if (opt_twice) { e2 = find_offset(data, offset - 1); if (e == e2) e2 = NULL; else summ.diff++; if (opt_Twice && e2) { e = e2; e2 = NULL; /* replaced (transparantly), but updated stats */ } } if (e || e2) { strcpy(lastLine.file1, &Strings[e->FileOffset]); strcpy(lastLine.func1, &Strings[e->FunctionOffset]); lastLine.nr1 = e->SourceLine; sources_entry_create(&sources, lastLine.file1, SVN_PREFIX); lastLine.valid = 1; if (e2) { strcpy(lastLine.file2, &Strings[e2->FileOffset]); strcpy(lastLine.func2, &Strings[e2->FunctionOffset]); lastLine.nr2 = e2->SourceLine; sources_entry_create(&sources, lastLine.file2, SVN_PREFIX); bFileOffsetChanged = e->FileOffset != e2->FileOffset; if (e->FileOffset != e2->FileOffset || e->FunctionOffset != e2->FunctionOffset) summ.majordiff++; /* * - "%.0s" displays nothing, but processes argument * - bFileOffsetChanged implies always display 2nd SourceLine even if the same * - also for FunctionOffset */ strcat(fmt, "%s"); if (bFileOffsetChanged) strcat(fmt, "[%s]"); else strcat(fmt, "%.0s"); strcat(fmt, ":%u"); if (e->SourceLine != e2->SourceLine || bFileOffsetChanged) strcat(fmt, "[%u]"); else strcat(fmt, "%.0u"); strcat(fmt, " (%s"); if (e->FunctionOffset != e2->FunctionOffset || bFileOffsetChanged) strcat(fmt, "[%s])"); else strcat(fmt, "%.0s)"); if (toString) { // put in toString if provided snprintf(toString, LINESIZE, fmt, &Strings[e->FileOffset], &Strings[e2->FileOffset], (unsigned int)e->SourceLine, (unsigned int)e2->SourceLine, &Strings[e->FunctionOffset], &Strings[e2->FunctionOffset]); } else { strcat(fmt, "\n"); printf(fmt, &Strings[e->FileOffset], &Strings[e2->FileOffset], (unsigned int)e->SourceLine, (unsigned int)e2->SourceLine, &Strings[e->FunctionOffset], &Strings[e2->FunctionOffset]); } } else { if (toString) { // put in toString if provided snprintf(toString, LINESIZE, "%s:%u (%s)", &Strings[e->FileOffset], (unsigned int)e->SourceLine, &Strings[e->FunctionOffset]); } else { printf("%s:%u (%s)\n", &Strings[e->FileOffset], (unsigned int)e->SourceLine, &Strings[e->FunctionOffset]); } } return 0; } return 1; } static int process_data(const void *FileData, size_t offset, char *toString) { int res; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER PERosSymSectionHeader = get_sectionheader((char *)FileData); if (!PERosSymSectionHeader) return 2; res = print_offset((char *)FileData + PERosSymSectionHeader->PointerToRawData, offset, toString); if (res) { if (toString) sprintf(toString, "??:0"); else printf("??:0"); l2l_dbg(1, "Offset not found: %x\n", (unsigned int)offset); summ.offset_errors++; } return res; } static int process_file(const char *file_name, size_t offset, char *toString) { void *FileData; size_t FileSize; int res = 1; FileData = load_file(file_name, &FileSize); if (!FileData) { l2l_dbg(0, "An error occured loading '%s'\n", file_name); } else { res = process_data(FileData, offset, toString); free(FileData); } return res; } static int translate_file(const char *cpath, size_t offset, char *toString) { size_t base = 0; LIST_MEMBER *pentry = NULL; int res = 0; char *path, *dpath; dpath = path = convert_path(cpath); if (!path) return 1; // The path could be absolute: if (get_ImageBase(path, &base)) { pentry = entry_lookup(&cache, path); if (pentry) { path = pentry->path; base = pentry->ImageBase; if (base == INVALID_BASE) { l2l_dbg(1, "No, or invalid base address: %s\n", path); res = 2; } } else { l2l_dbg(1, "Not found in cache: %s\n", path); res = 3; } } if (!res) { res = process_file(path, offset, toString); } free(dpath); return res; } static void translate_char(int c, FILE *outFile) { fputc(c, outFile); if (logFile) fputc(c, logFile); } static char * remove_mark(char *Line) { if (Line[1] == ' ' && Line[2] == '<') if (Line[0] == '*' || Line[0] == '?') return Line + 2; return Line; } static void translate_line(FILE *outFile, char *Line, char *path, char *LineOut) { size_t offset; int cnt, res; char *sep, *tail, *mark, *s; unsigned char ch; if (!*Line) return; res = 1; mark = ""; s = remove_mark(Line); if (opt_undo) { /* Strip all lines added by this tool: */ char buf[NAMESIZE]; if (sscanf(s, "| %s", buf) == 1) if (buf[0] == '0' || strcmp(buf, "----") == 0 || strcmp(buf, "L2L-") == 0 || strcmp(buf, "S---") == 0 || strcmp(buf, "R---") == 0 || atoi(buf)) res = 0; } sep = strchr(s, ':'); if (sep) { *sep = ' '; cnt = sscanf(s, "<%s %x%c", path, (unsigned int *)(&offset), &ch); if (opt_undo) { if (cnt == 3 && ch == ' ') { tail = strchr(s, '>'); tail = tail ? tail - 1 : tail; if (tail && tail[0] == ')' && tail[1] == '>') { res = 0; tail += 2; mark = opt_mark ? "* " : ""; if (opt_redo && !(res = translate_file(path, offset, LineOut))) { log(outFile, "%s<%s:%x (%s)>%s", mark, path, (unsigned int)offset, LineOut, tail); summ.redo++; } else { log(outFile, "%s<%s:%x>%s", mark, path, (unsigned int)offset, tail); summ.undo++; } } else { mark = opt_Mark ? "? " : ""; summ.skipped++; } summ.total++; } } if (!opt_undo || opt_redo) { if (cnt == 3 && ch == '>') { tail = strchr(s, '>') + 1; if (!(res = translate_file(path, offset, LineOut))) { mark = opt_mark ? "* " : ""; log(outFile, "%s<%s:%x (%s)>%s", mark, path, (unsigned int)offset, LineOut, tail); summ.translated++; } else { mark = opt_Mark ? "? " : ""; summ.skipped++; } summ.total++; } } } if (res) { if (sep) *sep = ':'; // restore because not translated log(outFile, "%s%s", mark, s); } memset(Line, '\0', LINESIZE); // flushed } static int translate_files(FILE *inFile, FILE *outFile) { char *Line = malloc(LINESIZE + 1); char *path = malloc(LINESIZE + 1); char *LineOut = malloc(LINESIZE + 1); int c; unsigned char ch; int i = 0; const char *pc = kdbg_cont; const char *p = kdbg_prompt; const char *p_eos = p + sizeof(KDBG_PROMPT) - 1; //end of string pos if (Line && path && LineOut) { memset(Line, '\0', LINESIZE + 1); if (opt_console) { while ((c = fgetc(inFile)) != EOF) { if (opt_quit)break; ch = (unsigned char)c; if (!opt_raw) { switch (ch) { case '\n': if ( strncmp(Line, KDBG_DISCARD, sizeof(KDBG_DISCARD)-1) == 0 ) { memset(Line, '\0', LINESIZE); // flushed } else { Line[1] = handle_escape_cmd(outFile, Line, path, LineOut); if (Line[1] != KDBG_ESC_CHAR) { if (p == p_eos) { // kdbg prompt, so already echoed char by char memset(Line, '\0', LINESIZE); translate_char(c, outFile); } else { if (match_line(outFile, Line)) { translate_line(outFile, Line, path, LineOut); translate_char(c, outFile); report(outFile); } } } } i = 0; p = kdbg_prompt; pc = kdbg_cont; break; case '<': i = 0; Line[i++] = ch; break; case '>': if (ch == *p) { p = p_eos; translate_line(outFile, Line, path, LineOut); } if (p != p_eos) { if (i < LINESIZE) { Line[i++] = ch; translate_line(outFile, Line, path, LineOut); } else { translate_line(outFile, Line, path, LineOut); translate_char(c, outFile); } } else translate_char(c, outFile); i = 0; break; default: if (ch == *p)p++; if (ch == *pc)pc++; if (i < LINESIZE) { Line[i++] = ch; if (p == p_eos) { translate_char(c, outFile); } else if (!*pc) { translate_line(outFile, Line, path, LineOut); i = 0; } } else { translate_line(outFile, Line, path, LineOut); translate_char(c, outFile); i = 0; } } } else translate_char(c, outFile); } } else { // Line by line, slightly faster but less interactive while (fgets(Line, LINESIZE, inFile) != NULL) { if (opt_quit)break; if (!opt_raw) { translate_line(outFile, Line, path, LineOut); report(outFile); } else log(outFile, "%s", Line); } } } if (opt_Revision && (strstr(opt_Revision, "regscan") == opt_Revision)) { char *s = strchr(opt_Revision, ','); if (s) { *s++ = '\0'; revinfo.range = atoi(s); } regscan(outFile); } if (opt_stats) { stat_print(outFile, &summ); if (logFile) stat_print(logFile, &summ); } free(LineOut); free(Line); free(path); return 0; } int main(int argc, const char **argv) { int res = 0; int optInit = 0; int optCount = 0; dbgIn = stdin; conOut = stdout; (void)conIn; (void)dbgOut; memset(&cache, 0, sizeof(LIST)); memset(&sources, 0, sizeof(LIST)); stat_clear(&summ); memset(&revinfo, 0, sizeof(REVINFO)); clearLastLine(); optInit = optionInit(argc, argv); optCount = optionParse(argc, argv); if (optCount < 0 || optInit < 0) { return optCount; } argc -= optCount; if (opt_Revision && (strcmp(opt_Revision, "update") == 0)) { res = updateSvnlog(); return res; } if (check_directory(opt_force)) return 3; create_cache(opt_force, 0); if (opt_exit) return 0; read_cache(); l2l_dbg(4, "Cache read complete\n"); if (set_LogFile(&logFile)) return 2; l2l_dbg(4, "opt_logFile processed\n"); if (opt_Pipe) { l2l_dbg(3, "Command line: \"%s\"\n",opt_Pipe); if (!(dbgIn = POPEN(opt_Pipe, "r"))) { dbgIn = stdin; //restore l2l_dbg(0, "Could not popen '%s' (%s)\n", opt_Pipe, strerror(errno)); free(opt_Pipe); opt_Pipe = NULL; } } l2l_dbg(4, "opt_Pipe processed\n"); if (argc > 1) { // translate { } int i = 1; const char *exefile = NULL; const char *offset = NULL; char Line[LINESIZE + 1]; while (i < argc) { Line[0] = '\0'; offset = argv[optCount + i++]; if (isOffset(offset)) { if (exefile) { l2l_dbg(2, "translating %s %s\n", exefile, offset); translate_file(exefile, my_atoi(offset), Line); printf("%s\n", Line); report(conOut); } else { l2l_dbg(0, " expected\n"); res = 3; break; } } else { // Not an offset so must be an exefile: exefile = offset; } } } else { // translate logging from stdin translate_files(dbgIn, conOut); } if (logFile) fclose(logFile); if (opt_Pipe) PCLOSE(dbgIn); return res; } /* EOF */