/* * PROJECT: ReactOS api tests * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * PURPOSE: Test for desktop objects * PROGRAMMERS: Giannis Adamopoulos * Thomas Faber */ #define WIN32_NO_STATUS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DESKTOP_ALL_ACCESS 0x01ff struct test_info { WCHAR* ExpectedWinsta; WCHAR* ExpectedDesktp; }; struct test_info TestResults[] = {{L"WinSta0",L"Default"}, {L"WinSta0",L"Default"}, {L"WinSta0",L"Default"}, {NULL, NULL}, {NULL, NULL}, {NULL, NULL}, {NULL, NULL}, {L"WinSta0",L"Default"}, {L"TestWinsta", L"TestDesktop"}, {NULL, NULL}}; void do_InitialDesktop_child(int i) { HDESK hdesktop; HWINSTA hwinsta; WCHAR buffer[100]; DWORD size; BOOL ret; if(TestResults[i].ExpectedWinsta == NULL) { trace("Process should have failed to initialize\n"); return; } IsGUIThread(TRUE); hdesktop = GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId()); hwinsta = GetProcessWindowStation(); ret = GetUserObjectInformationW( hwinsta, UOI_NAME, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &size ); ok(ret == TRUE, "ret = %d\n", ret); ok(wcscmp(buffer, TestResults[i].ExpectedWinsta) == 0, "Wrong winsta %S insted of %S\n", buffer, TestResults[i].ExpectedWinsta); ret = GetUserObjectInformationW( hdesktop, UOI_NAME, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &size ); ok(ret == TRUE, "ret = %d\n", ret); ok(wcscmp(buffer, TestResults[i].ExpectedDesktp) == 0, "Wrong desktop %S insted of %S\n", buffer, TestResults[i].ExpectedDesktp); } void test_CreateProcessWithDesktop(int i, char *argv0, char* Desktop, DWORD expectedExitCode) { STARTUPINFOA startup; char path[MAX_PATH]; BOOL ret; DWORD ExitCode; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; memset( &startup, 0, sizeof(startup) ); startup.cb = sizeof(startup); startup.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; startup.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; startup.lpDesktop = Desktop; sprintf( path, "%s desktop %u", argv0, i ); ret = CreateProcessA( NULL, path, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &startup, &pi ); ok( ret, "%d: CreateProcess '%s' failed err %d.\n", i, path, (int)GetLastError() ); WaitForSingleObject (pi.hProcess, INFINITE); ret = GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &ExitCode); ok(ret > 0 , "%d: GetExitCodeProcess failed\n", i); /* the exit code varies from version to version */ /* xp returns error 128 and 7 returns STATUS_DLL_INIT_FAILED */ if(ExitCode == 128) ExitCode = STATUS_DLL_INIT_FAILED; ok(ExitCode == expectedExitCode, "%d: expected error 0x%x in child process got 0x%x\n", i, (int)expectedExitCode, (int)ExitCode); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); } HWINSTA CreateInheritableWinsta(WCHAR* name, ACCESS_MASK dwDesiredAccess, BOOL inheritable) { SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; sa.nLength = sizeof(sa); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; sa.bInheritHandle = inheritable; return CreateWindowStationW(name, 0, dwDesiredAccess, &sa ); } HDESK CreateInheritableDesktop(WCHAR* name, ACCESS_MASK dwDesiredAccess, BOOL inheritable) { SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; sa.nLength = sizeof(sa); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; sa.bInheritHandle = inheritable; return CreateDesktopW(name, NULL, NULL, 0, dwDesiredAccess, &sa ); } void Test_InitialDesktop(char *argv0) { HWINSTA hwinsta = NULL, hwinstaInitial; HDESK hdesktop = NULL; BOOL ret; hwinstaInitial = GetProcessWindowStation(); test_CreateProcessWithDesktop(0, argv0, NULL, 0); test_CreateProcessWithDesktop(1, argv0, "Default", 0); test_CreateProcessWithDesktop(2, argv0, "WinSta0\\Default", 0); test_CreateProcessWithDesktop(3, argv0, "Winlogon", STATUS_DLL_INIT_FAILED); test_CreateProcessWithDesktop(4, argv0, "WinSta0/Default", STATUS_DLL_INIT_FAILED); test_CreateProcessWithDesktop(5, argv0, "NonExistantDesktop", STATUS_DLL_INIT_FAILED); test_CreateProcessWithDesktop(6, argv0, "NonExistantWinsta\\NonExistantDesktop", STATUS_DLL_INIT_FAILED); hwinsta = CreateInheritableWinsta(L"TestWinsta", WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE); ok(hwinsta!=NULL, "CreateWindowStation failed\n"); ret = SetProcessWindowStation(hwinsta); ok(ret != 0, "SetProcessWindowStation failed\n"); hdesktop = CreateInheritableDesktop(L"TestDesktop", DESKTOP_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE); ok(hdesktop!=NULL, "CreateDesktop failed\n"); test_CreateProcessWithDesktop(7, argv0, NULL, 0); test_CreateProcessWithDesktop(8, argv0, "TestWinsta\\TestDesktop", 0); test_CreateProcessWithDesktop(8, argv0, "NonExistantWinsta\\NonExistantDesktop", STATUS_DLL_INIT_FAILED); ret = SetProcessWindowStation(hwinstaInitial); ok(ret != 0, "SetProcessWindowStation failed\n"); ret = CloseDesktop(hdesktop); ok(ret != 0, "CloseDesktop failed\n"); ret = CloseWindowStation(hwinsta); ok(ret != 0, "CloseWindowStation failed\n"); } void Test_OpenInputDesktop() { HDESK hDeskInput ,hDeskInput2; HDESK hDeskInitial; BOOL ret; HWINSTA hwinsta = NULL, hwinstaInitial; DWORD err; hDeskInput = OpenInputDesktop(0, FALSE, DESKTOP_ALL_ACCESS); ok(hDeskInput != NULL, "OpenInputDesktop failed\n"); hDeskInitial = GetThreadDesktop( GetCurrentThreadId() ); ok(hDeskInitial != NULL, "GetThreadDesktop failed\n"); ok(hDeskInput != hDeskInitial, "OpenInputDesktop returned thread desktop\n"); hDeskInput2 = OpenInputDesktop(0, FALSE, DESKTOP_ALL_ACCESS); ok(hDeskInput2 != NULL, "Second call to OpenInputDesktop failed\n"); ok(hDeskInput2 != hDeskInput, "Second call to OpenInputDesktop returned same handle\n"); ok(CloseDesktop(hDeskInput2) != 0, "CloseDesktop failed\n"); ret = SetThreadDesktop(hDeskInput); ok(ret == TRUE, "SetThreadDesktop for input desktop failed\n"); ret = SetThreadDesktop(hDeskInitial); ok(ret == TRUE, "SetThreadDesktop for initial desktop failed\n"); ok(CloseDesktop(hDeskInput) != 0, "CloseDesktop failed\n"); /* Try calling OpenInputDesktop after switching to a new winsta */ hwinstaInitial = GetProcessWindowStation(); ok(hwinstaInitial != 0, "GetProcessWindowStation failed\n"); hwinsta = CreateWindowStationW(L"TestWinsta", 0, WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS, NULL); ok(hwinsta != 0, "CreateWindowStationW failed\n"); ret = SetProcessWindowStation(hwinsta); ok(ret != 0, "SetProcessWindowStation failed\n"); hDeskInput = OpenInputDesktop(0, FALSE, DESKTOP_ALL_ACCESS); ok(hDeskInput == 0, "OpenInputDesktop should fail\n"); err = GetLastError(); ok(err == ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION, "Got last error: %lu\n", err); ret = SetProcessWindowStation(hwinstaInitial); ok(ret != 0, "SetProcessWindowStation failed\n"); ret = CloseWindowStation(hwinsta); ok(ret != 0, "CloseWindowStation failed\n"); } static HWINSTA open_winsta(PCWSTR winstaName, DWORD *error) { HWINSTA hwinsta; SetLastError(0xfeedf00d); hwinsta = OpenWindowStationW(winstaName, FALSE, WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS); *error = GetLastError(); return hwinsta; } static HWINSTA create_winsta(PCWSTR winstaName, DWORD *error) { HWINSTA hwinsta; SetLastError(0xfeedf00d); hwinsta = CreateWindowStationW(winstaName, 0, WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS, NULL); *error = GetLastError(); return hwinsta; } static HDESK open_desk(PCWSTR deskName, DWORD *error) { HDESK hdesk; SetLastError(0xfeedf00d); hdesk = OpenDesktopW(deskName, 0, FALSE, DESKTOP_ALL_ACCESS); *error = GetLastError(); return hdesk; } static HDESK create_desk(PCWSTR deskName, DWORD *error) { HDESK hdesk; SetLastError(0xfeedf00d); hdesk = CreateDesktopW(deskName, NULL, NULL, 0, DESKTOP_ALL_ACCESS, NULL); *error = GetLastError(); return hdesk; } static void Test_References(void) { PCWSTR winstaName = L"RefTestWinsta"; PCWSTR deskName = L"RefTestDesktop"; HWINSTA hwinsta; HWINSTA hwinsta2; HWINSTA hwinstaProcess; DWORD error; NTSTATUS status; OBJECT_BASIC_INFORMATION objectInfo = { 0 }; HDESK hdesk; HDESK hdesk1; BOOL ret; ULONG baseRefs; #define check_ref(handle, hdlcnt, ptrcnt) \ status = NtQueryObject(handle, ObjectBasicInformation, &objectInfo, sizeof(objectInfo), NULL); \ ok(status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "status = %lx\n", status); \ ok(objectInfo.HandleCount == (hdlcnt), "HandleCount = %lx\n", objectInfo.HandleCount); \ ok(objectInfo.PointerCount == (ptrcnt), "PointerCount = %lx\n", objectInfo.PointerCount); /* Winsta shouldn't exist */ hwinsta = open_winsta(winstaName, &error); ok(hwinsta == NULL && error == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Got %p, %lu\n", hwinsta, error); /* Create it -- we get 1/4 instead of 1/3 because Winstas are kept in a list */ hwinsta = create_winsta(winstaName, &error); ok(hwinsta != NULL && error == NO_ERROR, "Got %p, %lu\n", hwinsta, error); check_ref(hwinsta, 1, 4); baseRefs = objectInfo.PointerCount; ok(baseRefs == 4, "Window station initially has %lu references, expected 4\n", baseRefs); check_ref(hwinsta, 1, baseRefs); /* Open a second handle */ hwinsta2 = open_winsta(winstaName, &error); ok(hwinsta2 != NULL && error == 0xfeedf00d, "Got %p, %lu\n", hwinsta, error); check_ref(hwinsta, 2, baseRefs + 1); /* Close second handle -- back to 1/4 */ ret = CloseHandle(hwinsta2); ok(ret == TRUE, "ret = %d\n", ret); check_ref(hwinsta, 1, baseRefs); /* Same game but using CloseWindowStation */ hwinsta2 = open_winsta(winstaName, &error); ok(hwinsta2 != NULL && error == 0xfeedf00d, "Got %p, %lu\n", hwinsta, error); check_ref(hwinsta, 2, baseRefs + 1); ret = CloseWindowStation(hwinsta2); ok(ret == TRUE, "ret = %d\n", ret); check_ref(hwinsta, 1, baseRefs); /* Set it as the process Winsta */ hwinstaProcess = GetProcessWindowStation(); SetProcessWindowStation(hwinsta); check_ref(hwinsta, 2, baseRefs + 2); /* Create a desktop. It takes a reference */ hdesk = create_desk(deskName, &error); ok(hdesk != NULL && error == 0xfeedf00d, "Got %p, %lu\n", hdesk, error); check_ref(hwinsta, 2, baseRefs + 3); /* CloseHandle fails, must use CloseDesktop */ ret = CloseHandle(hdesk); ok(ret == FALSE, "ret = %d\n", ret); check_ref(hwinsta, 2, baseRefs + 3); ret = CloseDesktop(hdesk); ok(ret == TRUE, "ret = %d\n", ret); check_ref(hwinsta, 2, baseRefs + 2); // 2/7 on Win7? /* Desktop no longer exists */ hdesk = open_desk(deskName, &error); ok(hdesk == NULL && error == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Got %p, %lu\n", hdesk, error); check_ref(hwinsta, 2, baseRefs + 2); /* Restore the original process Winsta */ SetProcessWindowStation(hwinstaProcess); check_ref(hwinsta, 1, baseRefs); /* Close our last handle */ ret = CloseHandle(hwinsta); ok(ret == TRUE, "ret = %d\n", ret); /* Winsta no longer exists */ hwinsta = open_winsta(winstaName, &error); ok(hwinsta == NULL && error == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Got %p, %lu\n", hwinsta, error); /* Create the Winsta again, and close it while there's still a desktop */ hwinsta = create_winsta(winstaName, &error); ok(hwinsta != NULL && error == NO_ERROR, "Got %p, %lu\n", hwinsta, error); check_ref(hwinsta, 1, baseRefs); hwinstaProcess = GetProcessWindowStation(); SetProcessWindowStation(hwinsta); check_ref(hwinsta, 2, baseRefs + 2); hdesk = create_desk(deskName, &error); ok(hdesk != NULL && error == 0xfeedf00d, "Got %p, %lu\n", hdesk, error); check_ref(hwinsta, 2, baseRefs + 3); /* The reference from the desktop is still there, hence 1/5 */ SetProcessWindowStation(hwinstaProcess); check_ref(hwinsta, 1, baseRefs + 1); ret = CloseHandle(hwinsta); ok(ret == TRUE, "ret = %d\n", ret); hwinsta = open_winsta(winstaName, &error); ok(hwinsta == NULL && error == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Got %p, %lu\n", hwinsta, error); /* Test references by SetThreadDesktop */ hdesk1 = GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId()); ok (hdesk1 != hdesk, "Expected the new desktop not to be the thread desktop\n"); check_ref(hdesk, 1, 8); baseRefs = objectInfo.PointerCount; ok(baseRefs == 8, "Desktop initially has %lu references, expected 8\n", baseRefs); check_ref(hdesk, 1, baseRefs); SetThreadDesktop(hdesk); check_ref(hdesk, 1, baseRefs + 1); ok (GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId()) == hdesk, "Expected GetThreadDesktop to return hdesk\n"); SetThreadDesktop(hdesk1); check_ref(hdesk, 1, baseRefs); ok (GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId()) == hdesk1, "Expected GetThreadDesktop to return hdesk1\n"); } START_TEST(desktop) { char **test_argv; int argc = winetest_get_mainargs( &test_argv ); /* this program tests some cases that a child application fails to initialize */ /* to test this behaviour properly we have to disable error messages */ //SetErrorMode( SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS | SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX ); if (argc >= 3) { unsigned int arg; /* Child process. */ sscanf (test_argv[2], "%d", (unsigned int *) &arg); do_InitialDesktop_child( arg ); return; } Test_InitialDesktop(test_argv[0]); Test_OpenInputDesktop(); Test_References(); }