#ifndef __DDRAW_PRIVATE #define __DDRAW_PRIVATE /********* Includes *********/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Ddraw\ddraw.h" #include "Surface\surface.h" /* DirectDraw startup code only internal use */ extern DDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_GBL ddgbl; extern DDRAWI_DDRAWSURFACE_GBL ddSurfGbl; extern WCHAR classname[128]; extern WNDCLASSW wnd_class; extern CRITICAL_SECTION ddcs; HRESULT WINAPI StartDirectDraw(LPDIRECTDRAW* iface, LPGUID pGUID, BOOL reenable); HRESULT WINAPI StartDirectDrawHal(LPDIRECTDRAW* iface, BOOL reenable); HRESULT WINAPI StartDirectDrawHel(LPDIRECTDRAW* iface, BOOL reenable); HRESULT WINAPI Create_DirectDraw (LPGUID pGUID, LPDIRECTDRAW* pIface, REFIID id, BOOL ex); HRESULT WINAPI ReCreateDirectDraw(LPDIRECTDRAW* iface); HRESULT Internal_CreateSurface( LPDDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_INT pDDraw, LPDDSURFACEDESC2 pDDSD, LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 *ppSurf, IUnknown *pUnkOuter); /* convert DDSURFACEDESC to DDSURFACEDESC2 */ void CopyDDSurfDescToDDSurfDesc2(LPDDSURFACEDESC2 dst_pDesc, LPDDSURFACEDESC src_pDesc); /* DirectDraw Cleanup code only internal use */ VOID Cleanup(LPDIRECTDRAW7 iface); /* own macro to alloc memmory */ #define DxHeapMemAlloc(m) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, m) #define DxHeapMemFree(p) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, p); \ p = NULL; /******** Main Object ********/ /* Public interface */ VOID WINAPI AcquireDDThreadLock(); VOID WINAPI ReleaseDDThreadLock(); ULONG WINAPI DirectDrawClipper_AddRef (LPDIRECTDRAWCLIPPER iface); HRESULT WINAPI DirectDrawClipper_Initialize( LPDIRECTDRAWCLIPPER iface, LPDIRECTDRAW lpDD, DWORD dwFlags); typedef struct DDRAWI_DDCOLORCONTROL_INT { LPVOID lpVtbl; LPVOID lpLcl; LPVOID lpLink; DWORD dwIntRefCnt; } DDRAWI_DDCOLORCONTROL_INT, *LPDDRAWI_DDCOLORCONTROL_INT; typedef struct _DDRAWI_DDGAMMACONTROL_INT { LPVOID lpVtbl; LPVOID lpLcl; LPVOID lpLink; DWORD dwIntRefCnt; } DDRAWI_DDGAMMACONTROL_INT, *LPDDRAWI_DDGAMMACONTROL_INT; typedef struct _DDRAWI_DDKERNEL_INT { LPVOID lpVtbl; LPVOID lpLcl; LPVOID lpLink; DWORD dwIntRefCnt; } DDRAWI_KERNEL_INT, *LPDDRAWI_KERNEL_INT; typedef struct _DDRAWI_DDKERNELSURFACE_INT { LPVOID lpVtbl; LPVOID lpLcl; LPVOID lpLink; DWORD dwIntRefCnt; } _DDRAWI_DDKERNELSURFACE_INT, *LPDDRAWI_DDKERNELSURFACE_INT; /* now to real info that are for private use and are our own */ /*********** VTables ************/ extern IDirectDrawVtbl DirectDraw_Vtable; extern IDirectDraw2Vtbl DirectDraw2_Vtable; extern IDirectDraw4Vtbl DirectDraw4_Vtable; extern IDirectDraw7Vtbl DirectDraw7_Vtable; extern IDirectDrawSurface7Vtbl DirectDrawSurface7_Vtable; extern IDirectDrawSurface3Vtbl DirectDrawSurface3_VTable; extern IDirectDrawPaletteVtbl DirectDrawPalette_Vtable; extern IDirectDrawClipperVtbl DirectDrawClipper_Vtable; extern IDirectDrawColorControlVtbl DirectDrawColorControl_Vtable; extern IDirectDrawGammaControlVtbl DirectDrawGammaControl_Vtable; extern IDirectDrawKernelVtbl DirectDrawKernel_Vtable; extern IDirectDrawSurfaceKernelVtbl DirectDrawSurfaceKernel_Vtable; /********* Prototypes **********/ VOID Hal_DirectDraw_Release (LPDIRECTDRAW7); /* Setting for HEL should be move to ros special reg key ? */ /* setup how much graphic memory should hel be limit, set it now to 64MB */ #define HEL_GRAPHIC_MEMORY_MAX 67108864 /*********** Macros ***********/ /* use this macro to close down the debuger text complete no debuging at all, it will crash ms debuger in VS */ //#define DX_WINDBG_trace() //#define DX_STUB //#define DX_STUB_DD_OK return DD_OK; //#define DX_STUB_str(x) //#define DX_WINDBG_trace_res /* Use this macro if you want deboug in visual studio or if you have a program to look at the _INT struct from ReactOS ddraw.dll or ms ddraw.dll, so you can see what value ms are being setup. This macro will create allot warings and can not be help when you compile */ //#define DX_WINDBG_trace() //#define DX_STUB //#define DX_STUB_DD_OK return DD_OK; //#define DX_STUB_str(x) printf("%s",x); //#define DX_WINDBG_trace_res /* use this if want doing a trace from a program like a game and ReactOS ddraw.dll in windows so you can figout what going wrong and what api are being call or if it hel or is it hal This marco does not create warings when you compile */ #define DX_STUB \ { \ static BOOL firstcall = TRUE; \ if (firstcall) \ { \ char buffer[1024]; \ sprintf ( buffer, "Function %s is not implemented yet (%s:%d)\n", __FUNCTION__,__FILE__,__LINE__ ); \ OutputDebugStringA(buffer); \ firstcall = FALSE; \ } \ } \ return DDERR_UNSUPPORTED; #define DX_STUB_DD_OK \ { \ static BOOL firstcall = TRUE; \ if (firstcall) \ { \ char buffer[1024]; \ sprintf ( buffer, "Function %s is not implemented yet (%s:%d)\n", __FUNCTION__,__FILE__,__LINE__ ); \ OutputDebugStringA(buffer); \ firstcall = FALSE; \ } \ } \ return DD_OK; #define DX_STUB_str(x) \ { \ char buffer[1024]; \ sprintf ( buffer, "Function %s %s (%s:%d)\n", __FUNCTION__,x,__FILE__,__LINE__ ); \ OutputDebugStringA(buffer); \ } #define DX_WINDBG_trace() \ static BOOL firstcallx = TRUE; \ if (firstcallx) \ { \ char buffer[1024]; \ sprintf ( buffer, "Enter Function %s (%s:%d)\n", __FUNCTION__,__FILE__,__LINE__ ); \ OutputDebugStringA(buffer); \ firstcallx = TRUE; \ } #define DX_WINDBG_trace_res(width,height,bpp) \ static BOOL firstcallxx = TRUE; \ if (firstcallxx) \ { \ char buffer[1024]; \ sprintf ( buffer, "Setmode have been req width=%d, height=%d bpp=%d\n",width,height,bpp); \ OutputDebugStringA(buffer); \ firstcallxx = FALSE; \ } #endif /* __DDRAW_PRIVATE */