/* * PROJECT: ReactOS HID Parser Library * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: lib/drivers/hidparser/hidparser.c * PURPOSE: HID Parser * PROGRAMMERS: * Michael Martin (michael.martin@reactos.org) * Johannes Anderwald (johannes.anderwald@reactos.org) */ #include "parser.h" #define NDEBUG #include NTSTATUS TranslateHidParserStatus( IN HIDPARSER_STATUS Status) { switch(Status) { case HIDPARSER_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES: return HIDP_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; case HIDPARSER_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: return HIDP_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; case HIDPARSER_STATUS_REPORT_NOT_FOUND: return HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST; case HIDPARSER_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH: return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH; case HIDPARSER_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE: return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE; case HIDPARSER_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL: return HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; case HIDPARSER_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND: return HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND; case HIDPARSER_STATUS_I8042_TRANS_UNKNOWN: return HIDP_STATUS_I8042_TRANS_UNKNOWN; case HIDPARSER_STATUS_COLLECTION_NOT_FOUND: return HIDP_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; //FIXME case HIDPARSER_STATUS_BAD_LOG_PHY_VALUES: return HIDP_STATUS_BAD_LOG_PHY_VALUES; } DPRINT1("TranslateHidParserStatus Status %ld not implemented\n", Status); return HIDP_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_GetCollectionDescription( IN PHIDP_REPORT_DESCRIPTOR ReportDesc, IN ULONG DescLength, IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, OUT PHIDP_DEVICE_DESC DeviceDescription) { HIDPARSER_STATUS ParserStatus; ULONG CollectionCount; ULONG Index; PVOID ParserContext; // // first parse the report descriptor // ParserStatus = HidParser_ParseReportDescriptor(ReportDesc, DescLength, &ParserContext); if (ParserStatus != HIDPARSER_STATUS_SUCCESS) { // // failed to parse report descriptor // DebugFunction("[HIDPARSER] Failed to parse report descriptor with %x\n", ParserStatus); return ParserStatus; } // // get collection count // CollectionCount = HidParser_NumberOfTopCollections(ParserContext); if (CollectionCount == 0) { // // no top level collections found // ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_NO_DATA_DETECTED; } // // zero description // ZeroFunction(DeviceDescription, sizeof(HIDP_DEVICE_DESC)); // // allocate collection // DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc = (PHIDP_COLLECTION_DESC)AllocFunction(sizeof(HIDP_COLLECTION_DESC) * CollectionCount); if (!DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc) { // // no memory // return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } // // allocate report description // DeviceDescription->ReportIDs = (PHIDP_REPORT_IDS)AllocFunction(sizeof(HIDP_REPORT_IDS) * CollectionCount); if (!DeviceDescription->ReportIDs) { // // no memory // FreeFunction(DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } for(Index = 0; Index < CollectionCount; Index++) { // // set preparsed data length // DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].PreparsedDataLength = HidParser_GetContextSize(ParserContext, Index); ParserStatus = HidParser_BuildContext(ParserContext, Index, DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].PreparsedDataLength, (PVOID*)&DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].PreparsedData); if (ParserStatus != HIDPARSER_STATUS_SUCCESS) { // // no memory // FreeFunction(DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc); FreeFunction(DeviceDescription->ReportIDs); return ParserStatus; } // // init report description // DeviceDescription->ReportIDs[Index].CollectionNumber = Index + 1; DeviceDescription->ReportIDs[Index].ReportID = Index; //FIXME DeviceDescription->ReportIDs[Index].InputLength = HidParser_GetReportLength((PVOID)DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].PreparsedData, HID_REPORT_TYPE_INPUT); DeviceDescription->ReportIDs[Index].OutputLength = HidParser_GetReportLength((PVOID)DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].PreparsedData, HID_REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT); DeviceDescription->ReportIDs[Index].FeatureLength = HidParser_GetReportLength((PVOID)DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].PreparsedData, HID_REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE); DeviceDescription->ReportIDs[Index].InputLength += (HidParser_UsesReportId((PVOID)DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].PreparsedData, HID_REPORT_TYPE_INPUT) ? 1 : 0); DeviceDescription->ReportIDs[Index].OutputLength += (HidParser_UsesReportId((PVOID)DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].PreparsedData, HID_REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT) ? 1 : 0); DeviceDescription->ReportIDs[Index].FeatureLength += (HidParser_UsesReportId((PVOID)DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].PreparsedData, HID_REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE) ? 1 : 0); // // init collection description // DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].CollectionNumber = Index + 1; // // get collection usage page // ParserStatus = HidParser_GetCollectionUsagePage((PVOID)DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].PreparsedData, &DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].Usage, &DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].UsagePage); if (ParserStatus != HIDPARSER_STATUS_SUCCESS) { // collection not found FreeFunction(DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc); FreeFunction(DeviceDescription->ReportIDs); return ParserStatus; } // // windows seems to prepend the report id, regardless if it is required // DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].CollectionNumber = Index + 1; DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].InputLength = DeviceDescription->ReportIDs[Index].InputLength; DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].OutputLength = DeviceDescription->ReportIDs[Index].OutputLength; DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].FeatureLength = DeviceDescription->ReportIDs[Index].FeatureLength; DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].InputLength += (HidParser_UsesReportId((PVOID)DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].PreparsedData, HID_REPORT_TYPE_INPUT) == FALSE ? 1 : 0); DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].OutputLength += (HidParser_UsesReportId((PVOID)DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].PreparsedData, HID_REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT) == FALSE ? 1 : 0); DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].FeatureLength += (HidParser_UsesReportId((PVOID)DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].PreparsedData, HID_REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE) == FALSE ? 1 : 0); } // // store collection & report count // DeviceDescription->CollectionDescLength = CollectionCount; DeviceDescription->ReportIDsLength = CollectionCount; // // done // return STATUS_SUCCESS; } VOID NTAPI HidParser_FreeCollectionDescription( IN PHIDP_DEVICE_DESC DeviceDescription) { ULONG Index; // // first free all context // for(Index = 0; Index < DeviceDescription->CollectionDescLength; Index++) { // // free collection context // FreeFunction(DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc[Index].PreparsedData); } // // now free collection description // FreeFunction(DeviceDescription->CollectionDesc); // // free report description // FreeFunction(DeviceDescription->ReportIDs); } HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_GetCaps( IN PVOID CollectionContext, OUT PHIDP_CAPS Capabilities) { // // zero capabilities // ZeroFunction(Capabilities, sizeof(HIDP_CAPS)); // // init capabilities // HidParser_GetCollectionUsagePage(CollectionContext, &Capabilities->Usage, &Capabilities->UsagePage); Capabilities->InputReportByteLength = HidParser_GetReportLength(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_INPUT); Capabilities->OutputReportByteLength = HidParser_GetReportLength(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT); Capabilities->FeatureReportByteLength = HidParser_GetReportLength(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE); // // always pre-prend report id // Capabilities->InputReportByteLength = (Capabilities->InputReportByteLength > 0 ? Capabilities->InputReportByteLength + 1 : 0); Capabilities->OutputReportByteLength = (Capabilities->OutputReportByteLength > 0 ? Capabilities->OutputReportByteLength + 1 : 0); Capabilities->FeatureReportByteLength = (Capabilities->FeatureReportByteLength > 0 ? Capabilities->FeatureReportByteLength + 1 : 0); // // get number of link collection nodes // Capabilities->NumberLinkCollectionNodes = HidParser_GetTotalCollectionCount(CollectionContext); // // get data indices // Capabilities->NumberInputDataIndices = HidParser_GetReportItemTypeCountFromReportType(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_INPUT, TRUE); Capabilities->NumberOutputDataIndices = HidParser_GetReportItemTypeCountFromReportType(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT, TRUE); Capabilities->NumberFeatureDataIndices = HidParser_GetReportItemTypeCountFromReportType(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE, TRUE); // // get value caps // Capabilities->NumberInputValueCaps = HidParser_GetReportItemTypeCountFromReportType(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_INPUT, FALSE); Capabilities->NumberOutputValueCaps = HidParser_GetReportItemTypeCountFromReportType(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT, FALSE); Capabilities->NumberFeatureValueCaps = HidParser_GetReportItemTypeCountFromReportType(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE, FALSE); // // get button caps // Capabilities->NumberInputButtonCaps = HidParser_GetReportItemCountFromReportType(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_INPUT); Capabilities->NumberOutputButtonCaps = HidParser_GetReportItemCountFromReportType(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT); Capabilities->NumberFeatureButtonCaps = HidParser_GetReportItemCountFromReportType(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE); // // done // return HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; } HIDAPI ULONG NTAPI HidParser_MaxUsageListLength( IN PVOID CollectionContext, IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage OPTIONAL) { // // FIXME test what should be returned when usage page is not defined // if (UsagePage == HID_USAGE_PAGE_UNDEFINED) { // // implement me // UNIMPLEMENTED; // // invalid report // return 0; } if (ReportType == HidP_Input) { // // input report // return HidParser_GetMaxUsageListLengthWithReportAndPage(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_INPUT, UsagePage); } else if (ReportType == HidP_Output) { // // input report // return HidParser_GetMaxUsageListLengthWithReportAndPage(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT, UsagePage); } else if (ReportType == HidP_Feature) { // // input report // return HidParser_GetMaxUsageListLengthWithReportAndPage(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE, UsagePage); } else { // // invalid report type // return 0; } } #undef HidParser_GetButtonCaps HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_GetButtonCaps( IN PVOID CollectionContext, IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN PHIDP_BUTTON_CAPS ButtonCaps, IN PUSHORT ButtonCapsLength) { return HidParser_GetSpecificButtonCaps(CollectionContext, ReportType, HID_USAGE_PAGE_UNDEFINED, HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_UNSPECIFIED, HID_USAGE_PAGE_UNDEFINED, ButtonCaps, (PULONG)ButtonCapsLength); } HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_GetSpecificValueCaps( IN PVOID CollectionContext, IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage, IN USHORT LinkCollection, IN USAGE Usage, OUT PHIDP_VALUE_CAPS ValueCaps, IN OUT PUSHORT ValueCapsLength) { HIDPARSER_STATUS ParserStatus; // // FIXME: implement searching in specific collection // ASSERT(LinkCollection == HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_UNSPECIFIED); if (ReportType == HidP_Input) { // // input report // ParserStatus = HidParser_GetSpecificValueCapsWithReport(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_INPUT, UsagePage, Usage, ValueCaps, ValueCapsLength); } else if (ReportType == HidP_Output) { // // input report // ParserStatus = HidParser_GetSpecificValueCapsWithReport(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT, UsagePage, Usage, ValueCaps, ValueCapsLength); } else if (ReportType == HidP_Feature) { // // input report // ParserStatus = HidParser_GetSpecificValueCapsWithReport(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE, UsagePage, Usage, ValueCaps, ValueCapsLength); } else { // // invalid report type // return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE; } if (ParserStatus == HIDPARSER_STATUS_SUCCESS) { // // success // return HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; } // // translate error // return TranslateHidParserStatus(ParserStatus); } HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_UsageListDifference( IN PUSAGE PreviousUsageList, IN PUSAGE CurrentUsageList, OUT PUSAGE BreakUsageList, OUT PUSAGE MakeUsageList, IN ULONG UsageListLength) { ULONG Index, SubIndex, bFound, BreakUsageIndex = 0, MakeUsageIndex = 0; USAGE CurrentUsage, Usage; if (UsageListLength) { Index = 0; do { /* get current usage */ CurrentUsage = PreviousUsageList[Index]; /* is the end of list reached? */ if (!CurrentUsage) break; /* start searching in current usage list */ SubIndex = 0; bFound = FALSE; do { /* get usage of current list */ Usage = CurrentUsageList[SubIndex]; /* end of list reached? */ if (!Usage) break; /* check if it matches the current one */ if (CurrentUsage == Usage) { /* it does */ bFound = TRUE; break; } /* move to next usage */ SubIndex++; }while(SubIndex < UsageListLength); /* was the usage found ?*/ if (!bFound) { /* store it in the break usage list */ BreakUsageList[BreakUsageIndex] = CurrentUsage; BreakUsageIndex++; } /* move to next usage */ Index++; }while(Index < UsageListLength); /* now process the new items */ Index = 0; do { /* get current usage */ CurrentUsage = CurrentUsageList[Index]; /* is the end of list reached? */ if (!CurrentUsage) break; /* start searching in current usage list */ SubIndex = 0; bFound = FALSE; do { /* get usage of previous list */ Usage = PreviousUsageList[SubIndex]; /* end of list reached? */ if (!Usage) break; /* check if it matches the current one */ if (CurrentUsage == Usage) { /* it does */ bFound = TRUE; break; } /* move to next usage */ SubIndex++; }while(SubIndex < UsageListLength); /* was the usage found ?*/ if (!bFound) { /* store it in the make usage list */ MakeUsageList[MakeUsageIndex] = CurrentUsage; MakeUsageIndex++; } /* move to next usage */ Index++; }while(Index < UsageListLength); } /* does the break list contain empty entries */ if (BreakUsageIndex < UsageListLength) { /* zeroize entries */ RtlZeroMemory(&BreakUsageList[BreakUsageIndex], sizeof(USAGE) * (UsageListLength - BreakUsageIndex)); } /* does the make usage list contain empty entries */ if (MakeUsageIndex < UsageListLength) { /* zeroize entries */ RtlZeroMemory(&MakeUsageList[MakeUsageIndex], sizeof(USAGE) * (UsageListLength - MakeUsageIndex)); } /* done */ return HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; } HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_GetUsages( IN PVOID CollectionContext, IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage, IN USHORT LinkCollection OPTIONAL, OUT USAGE *UsageList, IN OUT PULONG UsageLength, IN PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength) { HIDPARSER_STATUS ParserStatus; // // FIXME: implement searching in specific collection // ASSERT(LinkCollection == HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_UNSPECIFIED); if (ReportType == HidP_Input) { // // input report // ParserStatus = HidParser_GetUsagesWithReport(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_INPUT, UsagePage, UsageList, UsageLength, Report, ReportLength); } else if (ReportType == HidP_Output) { // // input report // ParserStatus = HidParser_GetUsagesWithReport(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT, UsagePage, UsageList, UsageLength, Report, ReportLength); } else if (ReportType == HidP_Feature) { // // input report // ParserStatus = HidParser_GetUsagesWithReport(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE, UsagePage, UsageList, UsageLength, Report, ReportLength); } else { // // invalid report type // return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE; } if (ParserStatus == HIDPARSER_STATUS_SUCCESS) { // // success // return HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; } // // translate error // return TranslateHidParserStatus(ParserStatus); } HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_GetScaledUsageValue( IN PVOID CollectionContext, IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage, IN USHORT LinkCollection OPTIONAL, IN USAGE Usage, OUT PLONG UsageValue, IN PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength) { HIDPARSER_STATUS ParserStatus; // // FIXME: implement searching in specific collection // ASSERT(LinkCollection == HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_UNSPECIFIED); if (ReportType == HidP_Input) { // // input report // ParserStatus = HidParser_GetScaledUsageValueWithReport(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_INPUT, UsagePage, Usage, UsageValue, Report, ReportLength); } else if (ReportType == HidP_Output) { // // input report // ParserStatus = HidParser_GetScaledUsageValueWithReport(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT, UsagePage, Usage, UsageValue, Report, ReportLength); } else if (ReportType == HidP_Feature) { // // input report // ParserStatus = HidParser_GetScaledUsageValueWithReport(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE, UsagePage, Usage, UsageValue, Report, ReportLength); } else { // // invalid report type // return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE; } if (ParserStatus == HIDPARSER_STATUS_SUCCESS) { // // success // return HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; } // // translate error // return TranslateHidParserStatus(ParserStatus); } HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_TranslateUsageAndPagesToI8042ScanCodes( IN PUSAGE_AND_PAGE ChangedUsageList, IN ULONG UsageListLength, IN HIDP_KEYBOARD_DIRECTION KeyAction, IN OUT PHIDP_KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_STATE ModifierState, IN PHIDP_INSERT_SCANCODES InsertCodesProcedure, IN PVOID InsertCodesContext) { ULONG Index; HIDPARSER_STATUS Status = HIDPARSER_STATUS_SUCCESS; for(Index = 0; Index < UsageListLength; Index++) { // // check current usage // if (ChangedUsageList[Index].UsagePage == HID_USAGE_PAGE_KEYBOARD) { // // process keyboard usage // Status = HidParser_TranslateKbdUsage(ChangedUsageList[Index].Usage, KeyAction, ModifierState, InsertCodesProcedure, InsertCodesContext); } else if (ChangedUsageList[Index].UsagePage == HID_USAGE_PAGE_CONSUMER) { // // process consumer usage // Status = HidParser_TranslateCustUsage(ChangedUsageList[Index].Usage, KeyAction, ModifierState, InsertCodesProcedure, InsertCodesContext); } else { // // invalid page / end of usage list page // return HIDP_STATUS_I8042_TRANS_UNKNOWN; } // // check status // if (Status != HIDPARSER_STATUS_SUCCESS) { // // failed // return TranslateHidParserStatus(Status); } } if (Status != HIDPARSER_STATUS_SUCCESS) { // // failed // return TranslateHidParserStatus(Status); } // // done // return HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; } HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_GetUsagesEx( IN PVOID CollectionContext, IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USHORT LinkCollection, OUT PUSAGE_AND_PAGE ButtonList, IN OUT ULONG *UsageLength, IN PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength) { return HidParser_GetUsages(CollectionContext, ReportType, HID_USAGE_PAGE_UNDEFINED, LinkCollection, (PUSAGE)ButtonList, UsageLength, Report, ReportLength); } HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_UsageAndPageListDifference( IN PUSAGE_AND_PAGE PreviousUsageList, IN PUSAGE_AND_PAGE CurrentUsageList, OUT PUSAGE_AND_PAGE BreakUsageList, OUT PUSAGE_AND_PAGE MakeUsageList, IN ULONG UsageListLength) { ULONG Index, SubIndex, BreakUsageListIndex = 0, MakeUsageListIndex = 0, bFound; PUSAGE_AND_PAGE CurrentUsage, Usage; if (UsageListLength) { /* process removed usages */ Index = 0; do { /* get usage from current index */ CurrentUsage = &PreviousUsageList[Index]; /* end of list reached? */ if (CurrentUsage->Usage == 0 && CurrentUsage->UsagePage == 0) break; /* search in current list */ SubIndex = 0; bFound = FALSE; do { /* get usage */ Usage = &CurrentUsageList[SubIndex]; /* end of list reached? */ if (Usage->Usage == 0 && Usage->UsagePage == 0) break; /* does it match */ if (Usage->Usage == CurrentUsage->Usage && Usage->UsagePage == CurrentUsage->UsagePage) { /* found match */ bFound = TRUE; } /* move to next index */ SubIndex++; }while(SubIndex < UsageListLength); if (!bFound) { /* store it in break usage list */ BreakUsageList[BreakUsageListIndex].Usage = CurrentUsage->Usage; BreakUsageList[BreakUsageListIndex].UsagePage = CurrentUsage->UsagePage; BreakUsageListIndex++; } /* move to next index */ Index++; }while(Index < UsageListLength); /* process new usages */ Index = 0; do { /* get usage from current index */ CurrentUsage = &CurrentUsageList[Index]; /* end of list reached? */ if (CurrentUsage->Usage == 0 && CurrentUsage->UsagePage == 0) break; /* search in current list */ SubIndex = 0; bFound = FALSE; do { /* get usage */ Usage = &PreviousUsageList[SubIndex]; /* end of list reached? */ if (Usage->Usage == 0 && Usage->UsagePage == 0) break; /* does it match */ if (Usage->Usage == CurrentUsage->Usage && Usage->UsagePage == CurrentUsage->UsagePage) { /* found match */ bFound = TRUE; } /* move to next index */ SubIndex++; }while(SubIndex < UsageListLength); if (!bFound) { /* store it in break usage list */ MakeUsageList[MakeUsageListIndex].Usage = CurrentUsage->Usage; MakeUsageList[MakeUsageListIndex].UsagePage = CurrentUsage->UsagePage; MakeUsageListIndex++; } /* move to next index */ Index++; }while(Index < UsageListLength); } /* are there remaining free list entries */ if (BreakUsageListIndex < UsageListLength) { /* zero them */ RtlZeroMemory(&BreakUsageList[BreakUsageListIndex], (UsageListLength - BreakUsageListIndex) * sizeof(USAGE_AND_PAGE)); } /* are there remaining free list entries */ if (MakeUsageListIndex < UsageListLength) { /* zero them */ RtlZeroMemory(&MakeUsageList[MakeUsageListIndex], (UsageListLength - MakeUsageListIndex) * sizeof(USAGE_AND_PAGE)); } /* done */ return HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; } HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_GetSpecificButtonCaps( IN PVOID CollectionContext, IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage, IN USHORT LinkCollection, IN USAGE Usage, OUT PHIDP_BUTTON_CAPS ButtonCaps, IN OUT PULONG ButtonCapsLength) { UNIMPLEMENTED; ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_GetData( IN PVOID CollectionContext, IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, OUT PHIDP_DATA DataList, IN OUT PULONG DataLength, IN PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength) { UNIMPLEMENTED; ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_GetExtendedAttributes( IN PVOID CollectionContext, IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USHORT DataIndex, OUT PHIDP_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES Attributes, IN OUT PULONG LengthAttributes) { UNIMPLEMENTED; ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_GetLinkCollectionNodes( IN PVOID CollectionContext, OUT PHIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_NODE LinkCollectionNodes, IN OUT PULONG LinkCollectionNodesLength) { UNIMPLEMENTED; ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_GetUsageValue( IN PVOID CollectionContext, IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage, IN USHORT LinkCollection, IN USAGE Usage, OUT PULONG UsageValue, IN PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength) { HIDPARSER_STATUS ParserStatus; // // FIXME: implement searching in specific collection // ASSERT(LinkCollection == HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_UNSPECIFIED); if (ReportType == HidP_Input) { // // input report // ParserStatus = HidParser_GetUsageValueWithReport(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_INPUT, UsagePage, Usage, UsageValue, Report, ReportLength); } else if (ReportType == HidP_Output) { // // input report // ParserStatus = HidParser_GetUsageValueWithReport(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_OUTPUT, UsagePage, Usage, UsageValue, Report, ReportLength); } else if (ReportType == HidP_Feature) { // // input report // ParserStatus = HidParser_GetUsageValueWithReport(CollectionContext, HID_REPORT_TYPE_FEATURE, UsagePage, Usage, UsageValue, Report, ReportLength); } else { // // invalid report type // return HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE; } if (ParserStatus == HIDPARSER_STATUS_SUCCESS) { // // success // return HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS; } // // translate error // return TranslateHidParserStatus(ParserStatus); } NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_SysPowerEvent( IN PVOID CollectionContext, IN PCHAR HidPacket, IN USHORT HidPacketLength, OUT PULONG OutputBuffer) { UNIMPLEMENTED; ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_SysPowerCaps ( IN PVOID CollectionContext, OUT PULONG OutputBuffer) { UNIMPLEMENTED; ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_GetUsageValueArray( IN PVOID CollectionContext, IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage, IN USHORT LinkCollection OPTIONAL, IN USAGE Usage, OUT PCHAR UsageValue, IN USHORT UsageValueByteLength, IN PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength) { UNIMPLEMENTED; ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_UnsetUsages( IN PVOID CollectionContext, IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage, IN USHORT LinkCollection, IN PUSAGE UsageList, IN OUT PULONG UsageLength, IN OUT PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength) { UNIMPLEMENTED; ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes( IN PUSAGE ChangedUsageList, IN ULONG UsageListLength, IN HIDP_KEYBOARD_DIRECTION KeyAction, IN OUT PHIDP_KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_STATE ModifierState, IN PHIDP_INSERT_SCANCODES InsertCodesProcedure, IN PVOID InsertCodesContext) { UNIMPLEMENTED; ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_SetUsages( IN PVOID CollectionContext, IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage, IN USHORT LinkCollection, IN PUSAGE UsageList, IN OUT PULONG UsageLength, IN OUT PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength) { UNIMPLEMENTED; ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_SetUsageValueArray( IN PVOID CollectionContext, IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage, IN USHORT LinkCollection OPTIONAL, IN USAGE Usage, IN PCHAR UsageValue, IN USHORT UsageValueByteLength, OUT PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength) { UNIMPLEMENTED; ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_SetUsageValue( IN PVOID CollectionContext, IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage, IN USHORT LinkCollection, IN USAGE Usage, IN ULONG UsageValue, IN OUT PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength) { UNIMPLEMENTED; ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_SetScaledUsageValue( IN PVOID CollectionContext, IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN USAGE UsagePage, IN USHORT LinkCollection OPTIONAL, IN USAGE Usage, IN LONG UsageValue, IN OUT PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength) { UNIMPLEMENTED; ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_SetData( IN PVOID CollectionContext, IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN PHIDP_DATA DataList, IN OUT PULONG DataLength, IN OUT PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength) { UNIMPLEMENTED; ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } HIDAPI ULONG NTAPI HidParser_MaxDataListLength( IN PVOID CollectionContext, IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType) { UNIMPLEMENTED; ASSERT(FALSE); return 0; } HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_InitializeReportForID( IN PVOID CollectionContext, IN HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, IN UCHAR ReportID, IN OUT PCHAR Report, IN ULONG ReportLength) { UNIMPLEMENTED; ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } #undef HidParser_GetValueCaps HIDAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI HidParser_GetValueCaps( IN PVOID CollectionContext, HIDP_REPORT_TYPE ReportType, PHIDP_VALUE_CAPS ValueCaps, PULONG ValueCapsLength) { UNIMPLEMENTED; ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }