/* * COPYRIGHT: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Virtual DOS Machine * FILE: ps2.c * PURPOSE: PS/2 controller emulation * PROGRAMMERS: Aleksandar Andrejevic */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #define NDEBUG #include "ps2.h" #include "emulator.h" #include "pic.h" /* PRIVATE VARIABLES **********************************************************/ static BYTE KeyboardQueue[KEYBOARD_BUFFER_SIZE]; static BOOLEAN KeyboardQueueEmpty = TRUE; static UINT KeyboardQueueStart = 0; static UINT KeyboardQueueEnd = 0; static BYTE KeyboardResponse = 0; static BOOLEAN KeyboardReadResponse = FALSE, KeyboardWriteResponse = FALSE; static BYTE KeyboardConfig = PS2_DEFAULT_CONFIG; /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ static BOOLEAN KeyboardQueuePush(BYTE ScanCode) { /* Check if the keyboard queue is full */ if (!KeyboardQueueEmpty && (KeyboardQueueStart == KeyboardQueueEnd)) { return FALSE; } /* Insert the value in the queue */ KeyboardQueue[KeyboardQueueEnd] = ScanCode; KeyboardQueueEnd++; KeyboardQueueEnd %= KEYBOARD_BUFFER_SIZE; /* Since we inserted a value, it's not empty anymore */ KeyboardQueueEmpty = FALSE; return TRUE; } static BOOLEAN KeyboardQueuePop(BYTE *ScanCode) { /* Make sure the keyboard queue is not empty */ if (KeyboardQueueEmpty) return FALSE; /* Get the scan code */ *ScanCode = KeyboardQueue[KeyboardQueueStart]; /* Remove the value from the queue */ KeyboardQueueStart++; KeyboardQueueStart %= KEYBOARD_BUFFER_SIZE; /* Check if the queue is now empty */ if (KeyboardQueueStart == KeyboardQueueEnd) { KeyboardQueueEmpty = TRUE; } return TRUE; } /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/ BYTE KeyboardReadStatus() { BYTE Status = 0; /* Set the first bit if the data can be read */ if (KeyboardReadResponse || !KeyboardQueueEmpty) Status |= 1 << 0; /* Always set bit 2 */ Status |= 1 << 2; /* Set bit 3 if the next byte goes to the controller */ if (KeyboardWriteResponse) Status |= 1 << 3; return Status; } VOID KeyboardWriteCommand(BYTE Command) { switch (Command) { /* Read configuration byte */ case 0x20: { KeyboardResponse = KeyboardConfig; KeyboardReadResponse = TRUE; break; } /* Write configuration byte */ case 0x60: /* Write controller output port */ case 0xD1: /* Write keyboard output buffer */ case 0xD2: /* Write mouse output buffer */ case 0xD3: /* Write mouse input buffer */ case 0xD4: { /* These commands require a response */ KeyboardResponse = Command; KeyboardWriteResponse = TRUE; break; } /* Disable mouse */ case 0xA7: { // TODO: Mouse support break; } /* Enable mouse */ case 0xA8: { // TODO: Mouse support break; } /* Test mouse port */ case 0xA9: { KeyboardResponse = 0; KeyboardReadResponse = TRUE; break; } /* Test PS/2 controller */ case 0xAA: { KeyboardResponse = 0x55; KeyboardReadResponse = TRUE; break; } /* Disable keyboard */ case 0xAD: { // TODO: Not implemented break; } /* Enable keyboard */ case 0xAE: { // TODO: Not implemented break; } /* Read controller output port */ case 0xD0: { // TODO: Not implemented break; } /* CPU Reset */ case 0xF0: case 0xF2: case 0xF4: case 0xF6: case 0xF8: case 0xFA: case 0xFC: case 0xFE: { /* Stop the simulation */ VdmRunning = FALSE; break; } } } BYTE KeyboardReadData() { BYTE Value = 0; /* If there was a response byte from the controller, return it */ if (KeyboardReadResponse) { KeyboardReadResponse = FALSE; return KeyboardResponse; } /* Otherwise, read the data from the queue */ KeyboardQueuePop(&Value); return Value; } VOID KeyboardWriteData(BYTE Data) { /* Check if the controller is waiting for a response */ if (KeyboardWriteResponse) { KeyboardWriteResponse = FALSE; /* Check which command it was */ switch (KeyboardResponse) { /* Write configuration byte */ case 0x60: { KeyboardConfig = Data; break; } /* Write controller output */ case 0xD1: { /* Check if bit 0 is unset */ if (!(Data & (1 << 0))) { /* CPU disabled - end simulation */ VdmRunning = FALSE; } /* Update the A20 line setting */ EmulatorSetA20(Data & (1 << 1)); break; } case 0xD2: { /* Push the data byte to the keyboard queue */ KeyboardQueuePush(Data); break; } case 0xD3: { // TODO: Mouse support break; } case 0xD4: { // TODO: Mouse support break; } } return; } // TODO: Implement PS/2 device commands } VOID CheckForInputEvents() { PINPUT_RECORD Buffer; HANDLE ConsoleInput = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); DWORD i, j, Count, TotalEvents; BYTE ScanCode; /* Get the number of input events */ if (!GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents(ConsoleInput, &Count)) return; if (Count == 0) return; /* Allocate the buffer */ Buffer = (PINPUT_RECORD)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, Count * sizeof(INPUT_RECORD)); if (Buffer == NULL) return; /* Peek the input events */ if (!ReadConsoleInput(ConsoleInput, Buffer, Count, &TotalEvents)) goto Cleanup; for (i = 0; i < TotalEvents; i++) { /* Check if this is a key event */ if (Buffer[i].EventType != KEY_EVENT) continue; /* Get the scan code */ ScanCode = Buffer[i].Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualScanCode; /* If this is a key release, set the highest bit in the scan code */ if (!Buffer[i].Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown) ScanCode |= 0x80; /* Push the scan code onto the keyboard queue */ for (j = 0; j < Buffer[i].Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount; j++) { KeyboardQueuePush(ScanCode); } /* Yes, IRQ 1 */ PicInterruptRequest(1); /* Stop the loop */ break; } Cleanup: HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, Buffer); } /* EOF */