/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: ntoskrnl/config/cmindex.c * PURPOSE: Configuration Manager - Cell Indexes * PROGRAMMERS: Alex Ionescu (alex.ionescu@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include "ntoskrnl.h" #define NDEBUG #include "debug.h" /* GLOBALS *******************************************************************/ ULONG CmpMaxFastIndexPerHblock = (HBLOCK_SIZE - (sizeof(HBIN) + sizeof(HCELL) + FIELD_OFFSET(CM_KEY_FAST_INDEX, List))) / sizeof(CM_INDEX); ULONG CmpMaxIndexPerHblock = (HBLOCK_SIZE - (sizeof(HBIN) + sizeof(HCELL) + FIELD_OFFSET(CM_KEY_INDEX, List))) / sizeof(HCELL_INDEX) - 1; /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ LONG NTAPI CmpDoCompareKeyName(IN PHHIVE Hive, IN PCUNICODE_STRING SearchName, IN HCELL_INDEX Cell) { PCM_KEY_NODE Node; UNICODE_STRING KeyName; LONG Result; /* Get the node */ Node = (PCM_KEY_NODE)HvGetCell(Hive, Cell); if (!Node) return 2; /* Check if it's compressed */ if (Node->Flags & KEY_COMP_NAME) { /* Compare compressed names */ Result = CmpCompareCompressedName(SearchName, Node->Name, Node->NameLength); } else { /* Compare the Unicode name directly */ KeyName.Buffer = Node->Name; KeyName.Length = Node->NameLength; KeyName.MaximumLength = KeyName.Length; Result = RtlCompareUnicodeString(SearchName, &KeyName, TRUE); } /* Release the cell and return the normalized result */ HvReleaseCell(Hive, Cell); return (Result == 0) ? Result : ((Result > 0) ? 1 : -1); } LONG NTAPI CmpCompareInIndex(IN PHHIVE Hive, IN PCUNICODE_STRING SearchName, IN ULONG Count, IN PCM_KEY_INDEX Index, IN PHCELL_INDEX SubKey) { PCM_KEY_FAST_INDEX FastIndex; PCM_INDEX FastEntry; LONG Result; ULONG i; ULONG ActualNameLength = 4, CompareLength, NameLength; WCHAR p, pp; /* Assume failure */ *SubKey = HCELL_NIL; /* Check if we are a fast or hashed leaf */ if ((Index->Signature == CM_KEY_FAST_LEAF) || (Index->Signature == CM_KEY_HASH_LEAF)) { /* Get the Fast/Hash Index */ FastIndex = (PCM_KEY_FAST_INDEX)Index; FastEntry = &FastIndex->List[Count]; /* Check if we are a hash leaf, in which case we skip all this */ if (Index->Signature == CM_KEY_FAST_LEAF) { /* Find out just how much of the name is there */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { /* Check if this entry is empty */ if (!FastEntry->NameHint[i]) { /* Only this much! */ ActualNameLength = i; break; } } /* How large is the name and how many characters to compare */ NameLength = SearchName->Length / sizeof(WCHAR); CompareLength = min(NameLength, ActualNameLength); /* Loop all the chars we'll test */ for (i = 0; i < CompareLength; i++) { /* Get one char from each buffer */ p = SearchName->Buffer[i]; pp = FastEntry->NameHint[i]; /* See if they match and return result if they don't */ Result = (LONG)RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar(p) - (LONG)RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar(pp); if (Result) return (Result > 0) ? 1 : -1; } } /* If we got here then we have to do a full compare */ Result = CmpDoCompareKeyName(Hive, SearchName, FastEntry->Cell); if (Result == 2) return Result; if (!Result) *SubKey = FastEntry->Cell; } else { /* We aren't, so do a name compare and return the subkey found */ Result = CmpDoCompareKeyName(Hive, SearchName, Index->List[Count]); if (Result == 2) return Result; if (!Result) *SubKey = Index->List[Count]; } /* Return the comparison result */ return Result; } ULONG NTAPI CmpFindSubKeyInRoot(IN PHHIVE Hive, IN PCM_KEY_INDEX Index, IN PCUNICODE_STRING SearchName, IN PHCELL_INDEX SubKey) { ULONG High, Low = 0, i = 0, ReturnIndex; HCELL_INDEX LeafCell; PCM_KEY_INDEX Leaf; LONG Result; /* Verify Index for validity */ ASSERT(Index->Count != 0); ASSERT(Index->Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_ROOT); /* Set high limit and loop */ High = Index->Count - 1; while (TRUE) { /* Choose next entry */ #ifdef SOMEONE_WAS_NICE_ENOUGH_TO_MAKE_OUR_CELLS_LEXICALLY_SORTED i = ((High - Low) / 2) + Low; #endif /* Get the leaf cell and then the leaf itself */ LeafCell = Index->List[i]; Leaf = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, LeafCell); if (Leaf) { /* Make sure the leaf is valid */ ASSERT((Leaf->Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_LEAF) || (Leaf->Signature == CM_KEY_FAST_LEAF) || (Leaf->Signature == CM_KEY_HASH_LEAF)); ASSERT(Leaf->Count != 0); /* Do the compare */ Result = CmpCompareInIndex(Hive, SearchName, Leaf->Count - 1, Leaf, SubKey); if (Result == 2) goto Big; /* Check if we found the leaf */ if (!Result) { /* We found the leaf */ *SubKey = LeafCell; ReturnIndex = i; goto Return; } #ifdef SOMEONE_WAS_NICE_ENOUGH_TO_MAKE_OUR_CELLS_LEXICALLY_SORTED /* Check for negative result */ if (Result < 0) { /* If we got here, we should be at -1 */ ASSERT(Result == -1); /* Do another lookup, since we might still be in the right leaf */ Result = CmpCompareInIndex(Hive, SearchName, 0, Leaf, SubKey); if (Result == 2) goto Big; /* Check if it's not below */ if (Result >= 0) { /* * If the name was first below, and now it is above, * then this means that it is somewhere in this leaf. * Make sure we didn't get some weird result */ ASSERT((Result == 1) || (Result == 0)); /* Return it */ *SubKey = LeafCell; ReturnIndex = Low; goto Return; } /* Update the limit to this index, since we know it's not higher. */ High = i; } else { /* Update the base to this index, since we know it's not lower. */ Low = i; } #endif } else { Big: /* This was some sort of special key */ ReturnIndex = 0x80000000; goto ReturnFailure; } /* Check if there is only one entry left */ if ((High - Low) <= 1) break; /* Release the leaf cell */ HvReleaseCell(Hive, LeafCell); #ifndef SOMEONE_WAS_NICE_ENOUGH_TO_MAKE_OUR_CELLS_LEXICALLY_SORTED /* Go to the next index, and return failure if we reach the end */ if (++i > High) { /* Return failure */ *SubKey = HCELL_NIL; return 0; } #endif } /* Make sure we got here for the right reasons */ ASSERT((High - Low == 1) || (High == Low)); /* Get the leaf cell and the leaf */ LeafCell = Index->List[Low]; Leaf = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, LeafCell); if (!Leaf) goto Big; /* Do the compare */ Result = CmpCompareInIndex(Hive, SearchName, Leaf->Count-1, Leaf, SubKey); if (Result == 2) goto Big; /* Check if we found it */ if (!Result) { /* We got lucky...return it */ *SubKey = LeafCell; ReturnIndex = Low; goto Return; } /* It's below, so could still be in this leaf */ if (Result < 0) { /* Make sure we're -1 */ ASSERT(Result == -1); /* Do a search from the bottom */ Result = CmpCompareInIndex(Hive, SearchName, 0, Leaf, SubKey); if (Result == 2) goto Big; /* * Check if it's above, which means that it's within the ranges of our * leaf (since we were below before). */ if (Result >= 0) { /* Sanity check */ ASSERT((Result == 1) || (Result == 0)); /* Yep, so we're in the right leaf; return it. */ *SubKey = LeafCell; ReturnIndex = Low; goto Return; } /* It's still below us, so fail */ ReturnIndex = Low; goto ReturnFailure; } /* Release the leaf cell */ HvReleaseCell(Hive, LeafCell); /* Well the low didn't work too well, so try the high. */ LeafCell = Index->List[High]; Leaf = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, LeafCell); if (!Leaf) goto Big; /* Do the compare */ Result = CmpCompareInIndex(Hive, SearchName, Leaf->Count - 1, Leaf, SubKey); if (Result == 2) goto Big; /* Check if we found it */ if (Result == 0) { /* We got lucky... return it */ *SubKey = LeafCell; ReturnIndex = High; goto Return; } /* Check if we are too high */ if (Result < 0) { /* Make sure we're -1 */ ASSERT(Result == -1); /* * Once again... since we were first too low and now too high, then * this means we are within the range of this leaf... return it. */ *SubKey = LeafCell; ReturnIndex = High; goto Return; } /* If we got here, then we are too low, again. */ ReturnIndex = High; /* Failure path */ ReturnFailure: *SubKey = HCELL_NIL; /* Return path...check if we have a leaf to free */ Return: if (Leaf) HvReleaseCell(Hive, LeafCell); /* Return the index */ return ReturnIndex; } ULONG NTAPI CmpFindSubKeyInLeaf(IN PHHIVE Hive, IN PCM_KEY_INDEX Index, IN PCUNICODE_STRING SearchName, IN PHCELL_INDEX SubKey) { ULONG High, Low = 0, i; LONG Result; /* Verify Index for validity */ ASSERT((Index->Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_LEAF) || (Index->Signature == CM_KEY_FAST_LEAF) || (Index->Signature == CM_KEY_HASH_LEAF)); /* Get the upper bound and middle entry */ High = Index->Count - 1; #ifdef SOMEONE_WAS_NICE_ENOUGH_TO_MAKE_OUR_CELLS_LEXICALLY_SORTED i = High / 2; #else i = 0; #endif /* Check if we don't actually have any entries */ if (!Index->Count) { /* Return failure */ *SubKey = HCELL_NIL; return 0; } /* Start compare loop */ while (TRUE) { /* Do the actual comparison and check the result */ Result = CmpCompareInIndex(Hive, SearchName, i, Index, SubKey); if (Result == 2) { /* Fail with special value */ *SubKey = HCELL_NIL; return 0x80000000; } /* Check if we got lucky and found it */ if (!Result) return i; #ifdef SOMEONE_WAS_NICE_ENOUGH_TO_MAKE_OUR_CELLS_LEXICALLY_SORTED /* Check if the result is below us */ if (Result < 0) { /* Set the new bound; it can't be higher then where we are now. */ ASSERT(Result == -1); High = i; } else { /* Set the new bound... it can't be lower then where we are now. */ ASSERT(Result == 1); Low = i; } /* Check if this is the last entry, if so, break out and handle it */ if ((High - Low) <= 1) break; /* Set the new index */ i = ((High - Low) / 2) + Low; #else if (++i > High) { /* Return failure */ *SubKey = HCELL_NIL; return 0; } #endif } /* * If we get here, High - Low = 1 or High == Low * Simply look first at Low, then at High */ Result = CmpCompareInIndex(Hive, SearchName, Low, Index, SubKey); if (Result == 2) { /* Fail with special value */ *SubKey = HCELL_NIL; return 0x80000000; } /* Check if we got lucky and found it */ if (!Result) return Low; /* Check if the result is below us */ if (Result < 0) { /* Return the low entry */ ASSERT(Result == -1); return Low; } /* * If we got here, then just check the high and return it no matter what * the result is (since we're a leaf, it has to be near there anyway). */ Result = CmpCompareInIndex(Hive, SearchName, High, Index, SubKey); if (Result == 2) { /* Fail with special value */ *SubKey = HCELL_NIL; return 0x80000000; } /* Return the high */ return High; } ULONG NTAPI CmpComputeHashKey(IN ULONG Hash, IN PCUNICODE_STRING Name, IN BOOLEAN AllowSeparators) { LPWSTR Cp; ULONG Value, i; /* Make some sanity checks on our parameters */ ASSERT((Name->Length == 0) || (AllowSeparators) || (Name->Buffer[0] != OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR)); /* If the name is empty, there is nothing to hash! */ if (!Name->Length) return Hash; /* Set the buffer and loop every character */ Cp = Name->Buffer; for (i = 0; i < Name->Length; i += sizeof(WCHAR), Cp++) { /* Make sure we don't have a separator when we shouldn't */ ASSERT(AllowSeparators || (*Cp != OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR)); /* Check what kind of char we have */ if (*Cp >= L'a') { /* In the lower case region... is it truly lower case? */ if (*Cp < L'z') { /* Yes! Calculate it ourselves! */ Value = *Cp - L'a' + L'A'; } else { /* No, use the API */ Value = RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar(*Cp); } } else { /* Reuse the char, it's already upcased */ Value = *Cp; } /* Multiply by a prime and add our value */ Hash *= 37; Hash += Value; } /* Return the hash */ return Hash; } HCELL_INDEX NTAPI CmpDoFindSubKeyByNumber(IN PHHIVE Hive, IN PCM_KEY_INDEX Index, IN ULONG Number) { ULONG i; HCELL_INDEX LeafCell = 0; PCM_KEY_INDEX Leaf = NULL; PCM_KEY_FAST_INDEX FastIndex; HCELL_INDEX Result; /* Check if this is a root */ if (Index->Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_ROOT) { /* Loop the index */ for (i = 0; i < Index->Count; i++) { /* Check if this isn't the first iteration */ if (i) { /* Make sure we had something valid, and release it */ ASSERT(Leaf != NULL ); ASSERT(LeafCell == Index->List[i - 1]); HvReleaseCell(Hive, LeafCell); } /* Get the leaf cell and the leaf for this index */ LeafCell = Index->List[i]; Leaf = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, LeafCell); if (!Leaf) return HCELL_NIL; /* Check if the index may be inside it */ if (Number < Leaf->Count) { /* Check if this is a fast or hash leaf */ if ((Leaf->Signature == CM_KEY_FAST_LEAF) || (Leaf->Signature == CM_KEY_HASH_LEAF)) { /* Get the fast index */ FastIndex = (PCM_KEY_FAST_INDEX)Leaf; /* Look inside the list to get our actual cell */ Result = FastIndex->List[Number].Cell; HvReleaseCell(Hive, LeafCell); return Result; } else { /* Regular leaf, so just use the index directly */ Result = Leaf->List[Number]; /* Release and return it */ HvReleaseCell(Hive,LeafCell); return Result; } } else { /* Otherwise, skip this leaf */ Number = Number - Leaf->Count; } } /* Should never get here */ ASSERT(FALSE); } /* If we got here, then the cell is in this index */ ASSERT(Number < Index->Count); /* Check if we're a fast or hash leaf */ if ((Index->Signature == CM_KEY_FAST_LEAF) || (Index->Signature == CM_KEY_HASH_LEAF)) { /* We are, get the fast index and get the cell from the list */ FastIndex = (PCM_KEY_FAST_INDEX)Index; return FastIndex->List[Number].Cell; } else { /* We aren't, so use the index directly to grab the cell */ return Index->List[Number]; } } HCELL_INDEX NTAPI CmpFindSubKeyByNumber(IN PHHIVE Hive, IN PCM_KEY_NODE Node, IN ULONG Number) { PCM_KEY_INDEX Index; HCELL_INDEX Result = HCELL_NIL; /* Check if it's in the stable list */ if (Number < Node->SubKeyCounts[Stable]) { /* Get the actual key index */ Index = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, Node->SubKeyLists[Stable]); if (!Index) return HCELL_NIL; /* Do a search inside it */ Result = CmpDoFindSubKeyByNumber(Hive, Index, Number); /* Release the cell and return the result */ HvReleaseCell(Hive, Node->SubKeyLists[Stable]); return Result; } else if (Hive->StorageTypeCount > Volatile) { /* It's in the volatile list */ Number = Number - Node->SubKeyCounts[Stable]; if (Number < Node->SubKeyCounts[Volatile]) { /* Get the actual key index */ Index = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, Node->SubKeyLists[Volatile]); if (!Index) return HCELL_NIL; /* Do a search inside it */ Result = CmpDoFindSubKeyByNumber(Hive, Index, Number); /* Release the cell and return the result */ HvReleaseCell(Hive, Node->SubKeyLists[Volatile]); return Result; } } /* Nothing was found */ return HCELL_NIL; } static HCELL_INDEX NTAPI CmpFindSubKeyByHash(IN PHHIVE Hive, IN PCM_KEY_FAST_INDEX FastIndex, IN PCUNICODE_STRING SearchName) { ULONG HashKey, i; PCM_INDEX FastEntry; /* Make sure it's really a hash */ ASSERT(FastIndex->Signature == CM_KEY_HASH_LEAF); /* Compute the hash key for the name */ HashKey = CmpComputeHashKey(0, SearchName, FALSE); /* Loop all the entries */ for (i = 0; i < FastIndex->Count; i++) { /* Get the entry */ FastEntry = &FastIndex->List[i]; /* Compare the hash first */ if (FastEntry->HashKey == HashKey) { /* Go ahead for a full compare */ if (!(CmpDoCompareKeyName(Hive, SearchName, FastEntry->Cell))) { /* It matched, return the cell */ return FastEntry->Cell; } } } /* If we got here then we failed */ return HCELL_NIL; } HCELL_INDEX NTAPI CmpFindSubKeyByName(IN PHHIVE Hive, IN PCM_KEY_NODE Parent, IN PCUNICODE_STRING SearchName) { ULONG i; PCM_KEY_INDEX IndexRoot; HCELL_INDEX SubKey, CellToRelease; ULONG Found; /* Loop each storage type */ for (i = 0; i < Hive->StorageTypeCount; i++) { /* Make sure the parent node has subkeys */ if (Parent->SubKeyCounts[i]) { /* Get the Index */ IndexRoot = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, Parent->SubKeyLists[i]); if (!IndexRoot) return HCELL_NIL; /* Get the cell we'll need to release */ CellToRelease = Parent->SubKeyLists[i]; /* Check if this is another index root */ if (IndexRoot->Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_ROOT) { #ifndef SOMEONE_WAS_NICE_ENOUGH_TO_MAKE_OUR_CELLS_LEXICALLY_SORTED /* CmpFindSubKeyInRoot is useless for actually finding the correct leaf when keys are not sorted */ LONG ii; PCM_KEY_INDEX Leaf; /* Loop through each leaf in the index root */ for (ii=0; iiCount; ii++) { Leaf = HvGetCell(Hive, IndexRoot->List[ii]); if (Leaf) { Found = CmpFindSubKeyInLeaf(Hive, Leaf, SearchName, &SubKey); HvReleaseCell(Hive, IndexRoot->List[ii]); if (Found & 0x80000000) { HvReleaseCell(Hive, CellToRelease); return HCELL_NIL; } if (SubKey != HCELL_NIL) { HvReleaseCell(Hive, CellToRelease); return SubKey; } } } #endif /* Lookup the name in the root */ Found = CmpFindSubKeyInRoot(Hive, IndexRoot, SearchName, &SubKey); /* Release the previous cell */ ASSERT(CellToRelease != HCELL_NIL); HvReleaseCell(Hive, CellToRelease); /* Make sure we found something valid */ if (Found & 0x80000000) break; /* Get the new Index Root and set the new cell to be released */ if (SubKey == HCELL_NIL) continue; CellToRelease = SubKey; IndexRoot = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, SubKey); } /* Make sure the signature is what we expect it to be */ ASSERT((IndexRoot->Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_LEAF) || (IndexRoot->Signature == CM_KEY_FAST_LEAF) || (IndexRoot->Signature == CM_KEY_HASH_LEAF)); /* Check if this isn't a hashed leaf */ if (IndexRoot->Signature != CM_KEY_HASH_LEAF) { /* Find the subkey in the leaf */ Found = CmpFindSubKeyInLeaf(Hive, IndexRoot, SearchName, &SubKey); /* Release the previous cell */ ASSERT(CellToRelease != HCELL_NIL); HvReleaseCell(Hive, CellToRelease); /* Make sure we found a valid index */ if (Found & 0x80000000) break; } else { /* Find the subkey in the hash */ SubKey = CmpFindSubKeyByHash(Hive, (PCM_KEY_FAST_INDEX)IndexRoot, SearchName); /* Release the previous cell */ ASSERT(CellToRelease != HCELL_NIL); HvReleaseCell(Hive, CellToRelease); } /* Make sure we got a valid subkey and return it */ if (SubKey != HCELL_NIL) return SubKey; } } /* If we got here, then we failed */ return HCELL_NIL; } BOOLEAN NTAPI CmpMarkIndexDirty(IN PHHIVE Hive, IN HCELL_INDEX ParentKey, IN HCELL_INDEX TargetKey) { PCM_KEY_NODE Node; UNICODE_STRING SearchName; BOOLEAN IsCompressed; ULONG i, Result; PCM_KEY_INDEX Index; HCELL_INDEX IndexCell, Child = HCELL_NIL, CellToRelease = HCELL_NIL; /* Get the target key node */ Node = (PCM_KEY_NODE)HvGetCell(Hive, TargetKey); if (!Node) return FALSE; /* Check if it's compressed */ if (Node->Flags & KEY_COMP_NAME) { /* Remember this for later */ IsCompressed = TRUE; /* Build the search name */ SearchName.Length = CmpCompressedNameSize(Node->Name, Node->NameLength); SearchName.MaximumLength = SearchName.Length; SearchName.Buffer = CmpAllocate(SearchName.Length, TRUE, TAG_CM); if (!SearchName.Buffer) { /* Fail */ HvReleaseCell(Hive, TargetKey); return FALSE; } /* Copy it */ CmpCopyCompressedName(SearchName.Buffer, SearchName.MaximumLength, Node->Name, Node->NameLength); } else { /* Name isn't compressed, build it directly from the node */ IsCompressed = FALSE; SearchName.Length = Node->NameLength; SearchName.MaximumLength = Node->NameLength; SearchName.Buffer = Node->Name; } /* We can release the target key now */ HvReleaseCell(Hive, TargetKey); /* Now get the parent key node */ Node = (PCM_KEY_NODE)HvGetCell(Hive, ParentKey); if (!Node) goto Quickie; /* Loop all hive storage */ for (i = 0; i < Hive->StorageTypeCount; i++) { /* Check if any subkeys are in this index */ if (Node->SubKeyCounts[i]) { /* Get the cell index */ //ASSERT(HvIsCellAllocated(Hive, Node->SubKeyLists[i])); IndexCell = Node->SubKeyLists[i]; /* Check if we had anything to release from before */ if (CellToRelease != HCELL_NIL) { /* Release it now */ HvReleaseCell(Hive, CellToRelease); CellToRelease = HCELL_NIL; } /* Get the key index for the cell */ Index = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, IndexCell); if (!Index) goto Quickie; /* Release it at the next iteration or below */ CellToRelease = IndexCell; /* Check if this is a root */ if (Index->Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_ROOT) { /* Get the child inside the root */ Result = CmpFindSubKeyInRoot(Hive, Index, &SearchName, &Child); if (Result & 0x80000000) goto Quickie; if (Child == HCELL_NIL) continue; /* We found it, mark the cell dirty */ HvMarkCellDirty(Hive, IndexCell, FALSE); /* Check if we had anything to release from before */ if (CellToRelease != HCELL_NIL) { /* Release it now */ HvReleaseCell(Hive, CellToRelease); CellToRelease = HCELL_NIL; } /* Now this child is the index, get the actual key index */ IndexCell = Child; Index = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, Child); if (!Index) goto Quickie; /* Release it later */ CellToRelease = Child; } /* Make sure this is a valid index */ ASSERT((Index->Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_LEAF) || (Index->Signature == CM_KEY_FAST_LEAF) || (Index->Signature == CM_KEY_HASH_LEAF)); /* Find the child in the leaf */ Result = CmpFindSubKeyInLeaf(Hive, Index, &SearchName, &Child); if (Result & 0x80000000) goto Quickie; if (Child != HCELL_NIL) { /* We found it, free the name now */ if (IsCompressed) CmpFree(SearchName.Buffer, 0); /* Release the parent key */ HvReleaseCell(Hive, ParentKey); /* Check if we had a left over cell to release */ if (CellToRelease != HCELL_NIL) { /* Release it */ HvReleaseCell(Hive, CellToRelease); } /* And mark the index cell dirty */ HvMarkCellDirty(Hive, IndexCell, FALSE); return TRUE; } } } Quickie: /* Release any cells that we still hold */ if (Node) HvReleaseCell(Hive, ParentKey); if (CellToRelease != HCELL_NIL) HvReleaseCell(Hive, CellToRelease); /* Free the search name and return failure */ if (IsCompressed) CmpFree(SearchName.Buffer, 0); return FALSE; } HCELL_INDEX NTAPI CmpAddToLeaf(IN PHHIVE Hive, IN HCELL_INDEX LeafCell, IN HCELL_INDEX NewKey, IN PUNICODE_STRING Name) { PCM_KEY_INDEX Leaf; PCM_KEY_FAST_INDEX FastLeaf; ULONG Size, OldSize, EntrySize, i, j; HCELL_INDEX NewCell, Child; LONG Result; /* Mark the leaf dirty */ HvMarkCellDirty(Hive, LeafCell, FALSE); /* Get the leaf cell */ Leaf = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, LeafCell); if (!Leaf) { /* Shouldn't happen */ ASSERT(FALSE); return HCELL_NIL; } /* Release it */ HvReleaseCell(Hive, LeafCell); /* Check if this is an index leaf */ if (Leaf->Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_LEAF) { /* This is an old-style leaf */ FastLeaf = NULL; EntrySize = sizeof(HCELL_INDEX); } else { /* Sanity check */ ASSERT((Leaf->Signature == CM_KEY_FAST_LEAF) || (Leaf->Signature == CM_KEY_HASH_LEAF)); /* This is a new-style optimized fast (or hash) leaf */ FastLeaf = (PCM_KEY_FAST_INDEX)Leaf; EntrySize = sizeof(CM_INDEX); } /* Get the current size of the leaf */ OldSize = HvGetCellSize(Hive, Leaf); /* Calculate the size of the free entries */ Size = OldSize; Size -= EntrySize * Leaf->Count + FIELD_OFFSET(CM_KEY_INDEX, List); /* Assume we'll re-use the same leaf */ NewCell = LeafCell; /* Check if we're out of space */ if ((Size / EntrySize) < 1) { /* Grow the leaf by 1.5x, making sure we can at least fit this entry */ Size = OldSize + OldSize / 2; if (Size < (OldSize + EntrySize)) Size = OldSize + EntrySize; /* Re-allocate the leaf */ NewCell = HvReallocateCell(Hive, LeafCell, Size); if (NewCell == HCELL_NIL) return HCELL_NIL; /* Get the leaf cell */ Leaf = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, NewCell); if (!Leaf) { /* This shouldn't happen */ ASSERT(FALSE); return HCELL_NIL; } /* Release the cell */ HvReleaseCell(Hive, NewCell); /* Update the fast leaf pointer if we had one */ if (FastLeaf) FastLeaf = (PCM_KEY_FAST_INDEX)Leaf; } /* Find the insertion point for our entry */ i = CmpFindSubKeyInLeaf(Hive, Leaf, Name, &Child); if (i & 0x80000000) return HCELL_NIL; ASSERT(Child == HCELL_NIL); /* Check if we're not last */ if (i != Leaf->Count) { /* Find out where we should go */ Result = CmpCompareInIndex(Hive, Name, i, Leaf, &Child); if (Result == 2) return HCELL_NIL; ASSERT(Result != 0); /* Check if we come after */ if (Result > 0) { /* We do, insert us after the key */ ASSERT(Result == 1); i++; } /* Check if we're still not last */ if (i != Leaf->Count) { /* Check if we had a fast leaf or not */ if (FastLeaf) { /* Copy the fast indexes */ RtlMoveMemory(&FastLeaf->List[i + 1], &FastLeaf->List[i], (FastLeaf->Count - i) * sizeof(CM_INDEX)); } else { /* Copy the indexes themselves */ RtlMoveMemory(&Leaf->List[i + 1], &Leaf->List[i], (Leaf->Count - i) * sizeof(HCELL_INDEX)); } } } /* Check if this is a new-style leaf */ if (FastLeaf) { /* Set our cell */ FastLeaf->List[i].Cell = NewKey; /* Check if this is a hash leaf */ if( FastLeaf->Signature == CM_KEY_HASH_LEAF ) { /* Set our hash key */ FastLeaf->List[i].HashKey = CmpComputeHashKey(0, Name, FALSE); } else { /* First, clear the name */ FastLeaf->List[i].NameHint[0] = 0; FastLeaf->List[i].NameHint[1] = 0; FastLeaf->List[i].NameHint[2] = 0; FastLeaf->List[i].NameHint[3] = 0; /* Now, figure out if we can fit */ if (Name->Length / sizeof(WCHAR) < 4) { /* We can fit, use our length */ j = Name->Length / sizeof(WCHAR); } else { /* We can't, use a maximum of 4 */ j = 4; } /* Now fill out the name hint */ do { /* Look for invalid characters and break out if we found one */ if ((USHORT)Name->Buffer[j - 1] > (UCHAR)-1) break; /* Otherwise, copy the a character */ FastLeaf->List[i].NameHint[j - 1] = (UCHAR)Name->Buffer[j - 1]; } while (--j > 0); } } else { /* This is an old-style leaf, just set our index directly */ Leaf->List[i] = NewKey; } /* Update the leaf count and return the new cell */ Leaf->Count += 1; return NewCell; } HCELL_INDEX NTAPI CmpSplitLeaf(IN PHHIVE Hive, IN HCELL_INDEX RootCell, IN ULONG RootSelect, IN HSTORAGE_TYPE Type) { PCM_KEY_INDEX IndexKey, LeafKey, NewKey; PCM_KEY_FAST_INDEX FastLeaf; HCELL_INDEX LeafCell, NewCell; USHORT FirstHalf, LastHalf; ULONG EntrySize, TotalSize; /* Get the cell */ IndexKey = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, RootCell); /* Check if we've got valid IndexKey */ if (!IndexKey) return HCELL_NIL; /* Get the leaf cell and key */ LeafCell = IndexKey->List[RootSelect]; LeafKey = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, LeafCell); /* Check if we've got valid LeafKey */ if (!LeafKey) return HCELL_NIL; /* We are going to divide this leaf into two halves */ FirstHalf = (LeafKey->Count / 2); LastHalf = LeafKey->Count - FirstHalf; /* Now check what kind of hive we're dealing with, * and compute entry size */ if (Hive->Version >= 5) { /* XP Hive: Use hash leaf */ ASSERT(LeafKey->Signature == CM_KEY_HASH_LEAF); EntrySize = sizeof(CM_INDEX); } else { /* Use index leaf */ ASSERT(LeafKey->Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_LEAF); EntrySize = sizeof(HCELL_INDEX); } /* Compute the total size */ TotalSize = (EntrySize * LastHalf) + FIELD_OFFSET(CM_KEY_INDEX, List) + 1; /* Mark the leaf cell dirty */ HvMarkCellDirty(Hive, LeafCell, FALSE); /* Make sure its type is the same */ ASSERT(HvGetCellType(LeafCell) == Type); /* Allocate the cell, fail in case of error */ NewCell = HvAllocateCell(Hive, TotalSize, Type, LeafCell); if (NewCell == HCELL_NIL) return NewCell; /* Get the key */ NewKey = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, NewCell); if (!NewKey) { /* Free the cell and exit - should not happen! */ ASSERT(FALSE); HvFreeCell(Hive, NewCell); return HCELL_NIL; } /* Release the newly created cell */ HvReleaseCell(Hive, NewCell); /* Set its signature according to the version of the hive */ if (Hive->Version >= 5) { /* XP Hive: Use hash leaf signature */ NewKey->Signature = CM_KEY_HASH_LEAF; } else { /* Use index leaf signature */ NewKey->Signature = CM_KEY_INDEX_LEAF; } /* Calculate the size of the free entries in the root key */ TotalSize = HvGetCellSize(Hive, IndexKey) - (IndexKey->Count * sizeof(HCELL_INDEX)) - FIELD_OFFSET(CM_KEY_INDEX, List); /* Check if we're out of space */ if (TotalSize / sizeof(HCELL_INDEX) < 1) { /* Grow the leaf by one more entry */ TotalSize = HvGetCellSize(Hive, IndexKey) + sizeof(HCELL_INDEX); /* Re-allocate the root */ RootCell = HvReallocateCell(Hive, RootCell, TotalSize); if (RootCell == HCELL_NIL) { /* Free the cell and exit */ HvFreeCell(Hive, NewCell); return HCELL_NIL; } /* Get the leaf cell */ IndexKey = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, RootCell); if (!IndexKey) { /* This shouldn't happen */ ASSERT(FALSE); return HCELL_NIL; } } /* Splitting is done, now we need to copy the contents, * according to the hive version */ if (Hive->Version >= 5) { /* Copy the fast indexes */ FastLeaf = (PCM_KEY_FAST_INDEX)LeafKey; RtlMoveMemory(&NewKey->List[0], &FastLeaf->List[FirstHalf], LastHalf * EntrySize); } else { /* Copy the indexes themselves */ RtlMoveMemory(&NewKey->List[0], &LeafKey->List[FirstHalf], LastHalf * EntrySize); } /* Shift the data inside the root key */ if ((RootSelect + 1) < IndexKey->Count) { RtlMoveMemory(&IndexKey->List[RootSelect + 2], &IndexKey->List[RootSelect + 1], (IndexKey->Count - (RootSelect + 1)) * sizeof(HCELL_INDEX)); } /* Make sure both old and new computed counts are valid */ ASSERT(FirstHalf != 0); ASSERT(LastHalf != 0); /* Update the count value of old and new keys */ LeafKey->Count = FirstHalf; NewKey->Count = LastHalf; /* Increase the count value of the root key */ IndexKey->Count++; /* Set the new cell in root's list */ IndexKey->List[RootSelect + 1] = NewCell; /* Return the root cell */ return RootCell; } HCELL_INDEX NTAPI CmpSelectLeaf(IN PHHIVE Hive, IN PCM_KEY_NODE KeyNode, IN PUNICODE_STRING Name, IN HSTORAGE_TYPE Type, IN PHCELL_INDEX *RootCell) { PCM_KEY_INDEX IndexKey, LeafKey; PCM_KEY_FAST_INDEX FastLeaf; HCELL_INDEX LeafCell, CurrentCell; ULONG SubKeyIndex; LONG Result; /* Mark it as dirty */ HvMarkCellDirty(Hive, KeyNode->SubKeyLists[Type], FALSE); /* Get the cell */ IndexKey = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, KeyNode->SubKeyLists[Type]); /* Check if we've got a valid key */ if (!IndexKey) { /* Should not happen! */ ASSERTMSG("IndexKey = NULL!, it should not happen!\n", FALSE); return HCELL_NIL; } /* Sanity check */ ASSERT(IndexKey->Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_ROOT); while (TRUE) { /* Find subkey */ SubKeyIndex = CmpFindSubKeyInRoot(Hive, IndexKey, Name, &LeafCell); /* Make sure we found something valid */ if (SubKeyIndex & 0x80000000) return HCELL_NIL; /* Try to fit it into the LeafCell, if it was found */ if (LeafCell != HCELL_NIL) { /* Get the leaf key */ LeafKey = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, LeafCell); /* Check for failure */ if (!LeafKey) return HCELL_NIL; /* Check if it fits into this leaf and break */ if (LeafKey->Count < CmpMaxIndexPerHblock) { /* Fill in the result and return it */ *RootCell = &IndexKey->List[SubKeyIndex]; return LeafCell; } /* It didn't fit, so proceed to splitting */ } else { /* Get the leaf cell at the very end */ LeafCell = IndexKey->List[SubKeyIndex]; LeafKey = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, LeafCell); /* Return an error in case of problems */ if (!LeafKey) return HCELL_NIL; /* Choose the cell to search from depending on the key type */ if ((LeafKey->Signature == CM_KEY_FAST_LEAF) || (LeafKey->Signature == CM_KEY_HASH_LEAF)) { FastLeaf = (PCM_KEY_FAST_INDEX)LeafKey; CurrentCell = FastLeaf->List[0].Cell; } else { /* Make sure it's an index leaf */ ASSERT(LeafKey->Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_LEAF); CurrentCell = LeafKey->List[0]; } /* Do a name compare */ Result = CmpDoCompareKeyName(Hive, Name, CurrentCell); /* Check for failure */ if (Result == 2) return HCELL_NIL; /* Names can't be equal, ensure that */ ASSERT(Result != 0); /* Check if it's above */ if (Result >= 0) { /* Get the cell in the index */ LeafCell = IndexKey->List[SubKeyIndex]; LeafKey = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, LeafCell); /* Return an error in case of problems */ if (!LeafKey) return HCELL_NIL; /* Check if it fits into this leaf */ if (LeafKey->Count < CmpMaxIndexPerHblock) { /* Fill in the result and return the cell */ *RootCell = &IndexKey->List[SubKeyIndex]; return LeafCell; } /* No, it doesn't fit, check the next adjacent leaf */ if ((SubKeyIndex + 1) < IndexKey->Count) { /* Yes, there is space */ LeafCell = IndexKey->List[SubKeyIndex + 1]; LeafKey = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, LeafCell); /* Return an error in case of problems */ if (!LeafKey) return HCELL_NIL; /* Check if it fits and break */ if (LeafKey->Count < CmpMaxIndexPerHblock) { /* Fill in the result and return the cell */ *RootCell = &IndexKey->List[SubKeyIndex + 1]; return LeafCell; } } /* It didn't fit, so proceed to splitting */ } else { /* No, it's below, check the subkey index */ if (SubKeyIndex > 0) { /* There should be space at the leaf one before that */ LeafCell = IndexKey->List[SubKeyIndex - 1]; LeafKey = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, LeafCell); /* Return an error in case of problems */ if (!LeafKey) return HCELL_NIL; /* Check if it fits and break */ if (LeafKey->Count < CmpMaxIndexPerHblock) { /* Fill in the result and return the cell */ *RootCell = &IndexKey->List[SubKeyIndex - 1]; return LeafCell; } } else { /* Use the first leaf, if possible */ LeafCell = IndexKey->List[0]; LeafKey = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, LeafCell); /* Return an error in case of problems */ if (!LeafKey) return HCELL_NIL; /* Check if it fits and break */ if (LeafKey->Count < CmpMaxIndexPerHblock) { /* Fill in the result and return the cell */ *RootCell = &IndexKey->List[0]; return LeafCell; } } /* It didn't fit into either, so proceed to splitting */ } } /* We need to split */ CurrentCell = CmpSplitLeaf(Hive, KeyNode->SubKeyLists[Type], SubKeyIndex, Type); /* Return failure in case splitting failed */ if (CurrentCell == HCELL_NIL) return CurrentCell; /* Set the SubKeyLists value with the new key */ KeyNode->SubKeyLists[Type] = CurrentCell; /* Get the new cell */ IndexKey = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, KeyNode->SubKeyLists[Type]); /* Return in case of failure */ if (!IndexKey) return HCELL_NIL; /* Make sure the new key became index root */ ASSERT(IndexKey->Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_ROOT); /* Now loop over with the new IndexKey value, which definately * has the space now */ } /* Shouldn't come here */ return HCELL_NIL; } BOOLEAN NTAPI CmpAddSubKey(IN PHHIVE Hive, IN HCELL_INDEX Parent, IN HCELL_INDEX Child) { PCM_KEY_NODE KeyNode; PCM_KEY_INDEX Index; PCM_KEY_FAST_INDEX OldIndex; UNICODE_STRING Name; HCELL_INDEX IndexCell = HCELL_NIL, CellToRelease = HCELL_NIL, LeafCell; PHCELL_INDEX RootPointer = NULL; ULONG Type, i; BOOLEAN IsCompressed; PAGED_CODE(); /* Get the key node */ KeyNode = (PCM_KEY_NODE)HvGetCell(Hive, Child); if (!KeyNode) { /* Shouldn't happen */ ASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; } /* Check if the name is compressed */ if (KeyNode->Flags & KEY_COMP_NAME) { /* Remember for later */ IsCompressed = TRUE; /* Create the compressed name and allocate it */ Name.Length = CmpCompressedNameSize(KeyNode->Name, KeyNode->NameLength); Name.MaximumLength = Name.Length; Name.Buffer = Hive->Allocate(Name.Length, TRUE, TAG_CM); if (!Name.Buffer) { /* Release the cell and fail */ HvReleaseCell(Hive, Child); ASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; } /* Copy the compressed name */ CmpCopyCompressedName(Name.Buffer, Name.MaximumLength, KeyNode->Name, KeyNode->NameLength); } else { /* Remember for later */ IsCompressed = FALSE; /* Build the unicode string */ Name.Length = KeyNode->NameLength; Name.MaximumLength = KeyNode->NameLength; Name.Buffer = &KeyNode->Name[0]; } /* Release the cell */ HvReleaseCell(Hive, Child); /* Get the parent node */ KeyNode = (PCM_KEY_NODE)HvGetCell(Hive, Parent); if (!KeyNode) { /* Not handled */ ASSERT(FALSE); } /* Find out the type of the cell, and check if this is the first subkey */ Type = HvGetCellType(Child); if (!KeyNode->SubKeyCounts[Type]) { /* Allocate a fast leaf */ IndexCell = HvAllocateCell(Hive, sizeof(CM_KEY_FAST_INDEX), Type, HCELL_NIL); if (IndexCell == HCELL_NIL) { /* Not handled */ ASSERT(FALSE); } /* Get the leaf cell */ Index = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, IndexCell); if (!Index) { /* Shouldn't happen */ ASSERT(FALSE); } /* Now check what kind of hive we're dealing with */ if (Hive->Version >= 5) { /* XP Hive: Use hash leaf */ Index->Signature = CM_KEY_HASH_LEAF; } else if (Hive->Version >= 3) { /* Windows 2000 and ReactOS: Use fast leaf */ Index->Signature = CM_KEY_FAST_LEAF; } else { /* NT 4: Use index leaf */ Index->Signature = CM_KEY_INDEX_LEAF; } /* Setup the index list */ Index->Count = 0; KeyNode->SubKeyLists[Type] = IndexCell; } else { /* We already have an index, get it */ Index = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, KeyNode->SubKeyLists[Type]); if (!Index) { /* Not handled */ ASSERT(FALSE); } /* Remember to release the cell later */ CellToRelease = KeyNode->SubKeyLists[Type]; /* Check if this is a fast leaf that's gotten too full */ if ((Index->Signature == CM_KEY_FAST_LEAF) && (Index->Count >= CmpMaxFastIndexPerHblock)) { DPRINT("Doing Fast->Slow Leaf conversion\n"); /* Mark this cell as dirty */ HvMarkCellDirty(Hive, CellToRelease, FALSE); /* Convert */ OldIndex = (PCM_KEY_FAST_INDEX)Index; for (i = 0; i < OldIndex->Count; i++) { Index->List[i] = OldIndex->List[i].Cell; } /* Set the new type value */ Index->Signature = CM_KEY_INDEX_LEAF; } else if (((Index->Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_LEAF) || (Index->Signature == CM_KEY_HASH_LEAF)) && (Index->Count >= CmpMaxIndexPerHblock)) { /* This is an old/hashed leaf that's gotten too large, root it */ IndexCell = HvAllocateCell(Hive, sizeof(CM_KEY_INDEX) + sizeof(HCELL_INDEX), Type, HCELL_NIL); if (IndexCell == HCELL_NIL) { /* Not handled */ ASSERT(FALSE); } /* Get the index cell */ Index = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, IndexCell); if (!Index) { /* Shouldn't happen */ ASSERT(FALSE); } /* Mark the index as a root, and set the index cell */ Index->Signature = CM_KEY_INDEX_ROOT; Index->Count = 1; Index->List[0] = KeyNode->SubKeyLists[Type]; KeyNode->SubKeyLists[Type] = IndexCell; } } /* Now we can choose the leaf cell */ LeafCell = KeyNode->SubKeyLists[Type]; /* Check if we turned the index into a root */ if (Index->Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_ROOT) { DPRINT("Leaf->Root Index Conversion\n"); /* Get the leaf where to add the new entry (the routine will do * the splitting if necessary) */ LeafCell = CmpSelectLeaf(Hive, KeyNode, &Name, Type, &RootPointer); if (LeafCell == HCELL_NIL) { /* Not handled */ ASSERT(FALSE); } } /* Add our leaf cell */ LeafCell = CmpAddToLeaf(Hive, LeafCell, Child, &Name); if (LeafCell == HCELL_NIL) { /* Not handled */ ASSERT(FALSE); } /* Update the key counts */ KeyNode->SubKeyCounts[Type]++; /* Check if caller wants us to return the leaf */ if (RootPointer) { /* Return it */ *RootPointer = LeafCell; } else { /* Otherwise, mark it as the list index for the cell */ KeyNode->SubKeyLists[Type] = LeafCell; } /* If the name was compressed, free our copy */ if (IsCompressed) Hive->Free(Name.Buffer, 0); /* Release all our cells */ if (IndexCell != HCELL_NIL) HvReleaseCell(Hive, IndexCell); if (CellToRelease != HCELL_NIL) HvReleaseCell(Hive, CellToRelease); HvReleaseCell(Hive, Parent); return TRUE; } BOOLEAN NTAPI CmpRemoveSubKey(IN PHHIVE Hive, IN HCELL_INDEX ParentKey, IN HCELL_INDEX TargetKey) { PCM_KEY_NODE Node; UNICODE_STRING SearchName; BOOLEAN IsCompressed; WCHAR Buffer[50]; HCELL_INDEX RootCell = HCELL_NIL, LeafCell, ChildCell; PCM_KEY_INDEX Root = NULL, Leaf; PCM_KEY_FAST_INDEX Child; ULONG Storage, RootIndex = 0x80000000, LeafIndex; BOOLEAN Result = FALSE; HCELL_INDEX CellToRelease1 = HCELL_NIL, CellToRelease2 = HCELL_NIL; /* Get the target key node */ Node = (PCM_KEY_NODE)HvGetCell(Hive, TargetKey); if (!Node) return FALSE; /* Make sure it's dirty, then release it */ ASSERT(HvIsCellDirty(Hive, TargetKey)); HvReleaseCell(Hive, TargetKey); /* Check if the name is compressed */ if (Node->Flags & KEY_COMP_NAME) { /* Remember for later */ IsCompressed = TRUE; /* Build the search name */ SearchName.Length = CmpCompressedNameSize(Node->Name, Node->NameLength); SearchName.MaximumLength = SearchName.Length; /* Do we need an extra bufer? */ if (SearchName.MaximumLength > sizeof(Buffer)) { /* Allocate one */ SearchName.Buffer = CmpAllocate(SearchName.Length, TRUE, TAG_CM); if (!SearchName.Buffer) return FALSE; } else { /* Otherwise, use our local stack buffer */ SearchName.Buffer = Buffer; } /* Copy the compressed name */ CmpCopyCompressedName(SearchName.Buffer, SearchName.MaximumLength, Node->Name, Node->NameLength); } else { /* It's not compressed, build the name directly from the node */ IsCompressed = FALSE; SearchName.Length = Node->NameLength; SearchName.MaximumLength = Node->NameLength; SearchName.Buffer = Node->Name; } /* Now get the parent node */ Node = (PCM_KEY_NODE)HvGetCell(Hive, ParentKey); if (!Node) goto Exit; /* Make sure it's dirty, then release it */ ASSERT(HvIsCellDirty(Hive, ParentKey)); HvReleaseCell(Hive, ParentKey); /* Get the storage type and make sure it's not empty */ Storage = HvGetCellType(TargetKey); ASSERT(Node->SubKeyCounts[Storage] != 0); //ASSERT(HvIsCellAllocated(Hive, Node->SubKeyLists[Storage])); /* Get the leaf cell now */ LeafCell = Node->SubKeyLists[Storage]; Leaf = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, LeafCell); if (!Leaf) goto Exit; /* Remember to release it later */ CellToRelease1 = LeafCell; /* Check if the leaf is a root */ if (Leaf->Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_ROOT) { /* Find the child inside the root */ RootIndex = CmpFindSubKeyInRoot(Hive, Leaf, &SearchName, &ChildCell); if (RootIndex & 0x80000000) goto Exit; ASSERT(ChildCell != FALSE); /* The root cell is now this leaf */ Root = Leaf; RootCell = LeafCell; /* And the new leaf is now this child */ LeafCell = ChildCell; Leaf = (PCM_KEY_INDEX)HvGetCell(Hive, LeafCell); if (!Leaf) goto Exit; /* Remember to release it later */ CellToRelease2 = LeafCell; } /* Make sure the leaf is valid */ ASSERT((Leaf->Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_LEAF) || (Leaf->Signature == CM_KEY_FAST_LEAF) || (Leaf->Signature == CM_KEY_HASH_LEAF)); /* Now get the child in the leaf */ LeafIndex = CmpFindSubKeyInLeaf(Hive, Leaf, &SearchName, &ChildCell); if (LeafIndex & 0x80000000) goto Exit; ASSERT(ChildCell != HCELL_NIL); /* Decrement key counts and check if this was the last leaf entry */ Node->SubKeyCounts[Storage]--; if (!(--Leaf->Count)) { /* Free the leaf */ HvFreeCell(Hive, LeafCell); /* Check if we were inside a root */ if (Root) { /* Decrease the root count too, since the leaf is going away */ if (!(--Root->Count)) { /* The root is gone too,n ow */ HvFreeCell(Hive, RootCell); Node->SubKeyLists[Storage] = HCELL_NIL; } else if (RootIndex < Root->Count) { /* Bring everything up by one */ RtlMoveMemory(&Root->List[RootIndex], &Root->List[RootIndex + 1], (Root->Count - RootIndex) * sizeof(HCELL_INDEX)); } } else { /* Otherwise, just clear the cell */ Node->SubKeyLists[Storage] = HCELL_NIL; } } else if (LeafIndex < Leaf->Count) { /* Was the leaf a normal index? */ if (Leaf->Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_LEAF) { /* Bring everything up by one */ RtlMoveMemory(&Leaf->List[LeafIndex], &Leaf->List[LeafIndex + 1], (Leaf->Count - LeafIndex) * sizeof(HCELL_INDEX)); } else { /* This is a fast index, bring everything up by one */ Child = (PCM_KEY_FAST_INDEX)Leaf; RtlMoveMemory(&Child->List[LeafIndex], &Child->List[LeafIndex+1], (Child->Count - LeafIndex) * sizeof(CM_INDEX)); } } /* If we got here, now we're done */ Result = TRUE; Exit: /* Release any cells we may have been holding */ if (CellToRelease1 != HCELL_NIL) HvReleaseCell(Hive, CellToRelease1); if (CellToRelease2 != HCELL_NIL) HvReleaseCell(Hive, CellToRelease2); /* Check if the name was compressed and not inside our local buffer */ if ((IsCompressed) && (SearchName.MaximumLength > sizeof(Buffer))) { /* Free the buffer we allocated */ CmpFree(SearchName.Buffer, 0); } /* Return the result */ return Result; }