/* FILE: applications/cmdutils/more/lang/cs-CZ.rc * TRANSLATOR: Radek Liska aka Black_Fox (radekliska at gmail dot com) * THANKS TO: Mario Kacmar aka Kario (kario@szm.sk) * UPDATED: 2008-02-29 */ LANGUAGE LANG_CZECH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_USAGE "Zobrazí výstup po jednotlivých stránkách na obrazovku.\n\ \n\ MORE [/E [options]] < [drive:][path]filename\n\ command | MORE [/E [options]]\n\ \n\ [drive:][path]filename A file whose contents are to be displayed.\n\ command A command whose output is to be displayed.\n\ \n\ When Extended Features are enabled, the following form is supported:\n\ MORE [/E] [options] [files]\n\ \n\ Options:\n\ /E Enable Extended Features.\n\ The default state of the Extended Features is controlled by the default\n\ registry settings for CMD.EXE. For more details on how to change these\n\ settings, see the section ""Command Extensions"" in CMD.EXE help.\n\ \n\ When Extended Features are enabled, the following options are available:\n\ /C Clear the screen before displaying a page.\n\ /P Expand Form-Feed characters.\n\ /S Shrink successive blank lines to a single line.\n\ /Tn Expand tabs to n spaces (default: 8).\n\ \n\ These options can be specified in the MORE environment variable.\n\ \n\ +n Start displaying the first file at line n.\n\ files List of files to display, separated by blanks.\n\ \n\ When Extended Features are enabled, the following commands are available\n\ at the ""-- Continue --"" prompt:\n\ \n\ P n Display the next n lines.\n\ S n Skip the next n lines.\n\ F Display the next file.\n\ Q Quit.\n\ = Show the line number.\n\ ? Show the help line.\n\ Display the next page.\n\ Display the next line.\n" IDS_BAD_FLAG "Invalid argument - '%s'\n" IDS_FILE_ACCESS "Nelze získat přístup k souboru %s.\n" IDS_CONTINUE_PROMPT "-- Pokračovat%1%2%3 --%4" IDS_CONTINUE_PERCENT " (%d%%)" IDS_CONTINUE_LINE_AT " [Line: %d]" IDS_CONTINUE_OPTIONS " [Options: psfq=]" IDS_CONTINUE_LINES " Lines: " END