#pragma once #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable:4200) // zero-sized array in struct/union #endif // _MSC_VER // Palette mode flags enum _PALFLAGS { #ifndef _WINDDI_ // Defined in ddk/winddi.h PAL_INDEXED = 0x00000001, // Indexed palette PAL_BITFIELDS = 0x00000002, // Bit fields used for DIB, DIB section PAL_RGB = 0x00000004, // Red, green, blue PAL_BGR = 0x00000008, // Blue, green, red PAL_CMYK = 0x00000010, // Cyan, magenta, yellow, black #endif PAL_DC = 0x00000100, PAL_FIXED = 0x00000200, // Can't be changed PAL_FREE = 0x00000400, PAL_MANAGED = 0x00000800, PAL_NOSTATIC = 0x00001000, PAL_MONOCHROME = 0x00002000, // Two colors only PAL_BRUSHHACK = 0x00004000, PAL_DIBSECTION = 0x00008000, // Used for a DIB section PAL_NOSTATIC256 = 0x00010000, PAL_HT = 0x00100000, // Halftone palette PAL_RGB16_555 = 0x00200000, // 16-bit RGB in 555 format PAL_RGB16_565 = 0x00400000, // 16-bit RGB in 565 format PAL_GAMMACORRECTION = 0x00800000, // Correct colors }; typedef struct _PALETTE { /* Header for all gdi objects in the handle table. Do not (re)move this. */ BASEOBJECT BaseObject; PALOBJ PalObj; XLATEOBJ *logicalToSystem; FLONG flFlags; // PAL_INDEXED, PAL_BITFIELDS, PAL_RGB, PAL_BGR ULONG NumColors; PALETTEENTRY *IndexedColors; ULONG RedMask; ULONG GreenMask; ULONG BlueMask; ULONG ulRedShift; ULONG ulGreenShift; ULONG ulBlueShift; HDEV hPDev; PALETTEENTRY apalColors[0]; } PALETTE, *PPALETTE; extern PALETTE gpalRGB, gpalBGR, gpalRGB555, gpalRGB565, *gppalMono, *gppalDefault; extern PPALETTE appalSurfaceDefault[]; #define PALETTE_UnlockPalette(pPalette) GDIOBJ_vUnlockObject((POBJ)pPalette) #define PALETTE_ShareLockPalette(hpal) \ ((PPALETTE)GDIOBJ_ShareLockObj((HGDIOBJ)hpal, GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_PALETTE)) #define PALETTE_ShareUnlockPalette(ppal) \ GDIOBJ_vDereferenceObject(&ppal->BaseObject) NTSTATUS NTAPI InitPaletteImpl(VOID); PPALETTE NTAPI PALETTE_AllocPalette( _In_ ULONG iMode, _In_ ULONG cColors, _In_opt_ const PALETTEENTRY* pEntries, _In_ FLONG flRed, _In_ FLONG flGreen, _In_ FLONG flBlue); PPALETTE NTAPI PALETTE_AllocPalWithHandle( _In_ ULONG iMode, _In_ ULONG cColors, _In_opt_ const PALETTEENTRY* pEntries, _In_ FLONG flRed, _In_ FLONG flGreen, _In_ FLONG flBlue); VOID FASTCALL PALETTE_ValidateFlags( PALETTEENTRY* lpPalE, INT size); INT FASTCALL PALETTE_GetObject( PPALETTE pGdiObject, INT cbCount, LPLOGBRUSH lpBuffer); ULONG NTAPI PALETTE_ulGetNearestPaletteIndex( PPALETTE ppal, ULONG iColor); ULONG NTAPI PALETTE_ulGetNearestIndex( PPALETTE ppal, ULONG iColor); ULONG NTAPI PALETTE_ulGetNearestBitFieldsIndex( PPALETTE ppal, ULONG ulColor); VOID NTAPI PALETTE_vGetBitMasks( PPALETTE ppal, PULONG pulColors); VOID NTAPI PALETTE_vCleanup(PVOID ObjectBody); FORCEINLINE ULONG CalculateShift(ULONG ulMask1, ULONG ulMask2) { ULONG ulShift1, ulShift2; BitScanReverse(&ulShift1, ulMask1); BitScanReverse(&ulShift2, ulMask2); ulShift2 -= ulShift1; if ((INT)ulShift2 < 0) ulShift2 += 32; return ulShift2; } FORCEINLINE ULONG PALETTE_ulGetRGBColorFromIndex(PPALETTE ppal, ULONG ulIndex) { if (ulIndex >= ppal->NumColors) return 0; return RGB(ppal->IndexedColors[ulIndex].peRed, ppal->IndexedColors[ulIndex].peGreen, ppal->IndexedColors[ulIndex].peBlue); } FORCEINLINE VOID PALETTE_vSetRGBColorForIndex(PPALETTE ppal, ULONG ulIndex, COLORREF crColor) { if (ulIndex >= ppal->NumColors) return; ppal->IndexedColors[ulIndex].peRed = GetRValue(crColor); ppal->IndexedColors[ulIndex].peGreen = GetGValue(crColor); ppal->IndexedColors[ulIndex].peBlue = GetBValue(crColor); } HPALETTE NTAPI GreCreatePaletteInternal( IN LPLOGPALETTE pLogPal, IN UINT cEntries);