#include "precomp.h" #include #include #define PROXY_DESKTOP_CLASS L"Proxy Desktop" BOOL g_SeparateFolders = FALSE; HWND g_hwndProxyDesktop = NULL; // fields indented more are unknown ;P struct HNFBlock { UINT cbSize; DWORD offset4; DWORD offset8; DWORD offsetC; DWORD offset10; DWORD offset14; DWORD offset18; DWORD offset1C; DWORD offset20; DWORD offset24; DWORD offset28; DWORD offset2C; DWORD offset30; UINT directoryPidlLength; UINT pidlSize7C; UINT pidlSize80; UINT pathLength; }; class CProxyDesktop : public CComObjectRootEx, public CWindowImpl < CProxyDesktop, CWindow, CFrameWinTraits > { public: CProxyDesktop(IEThreadParamBlock * parameters) { } virtual ~CProxyDesktop() { } LRESULT OnMessage1037(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { TRACE("Proxy Desktop message 1037.\n"); bHandled = TRUE; return TRUE; } LRESULT OnOpenNewWindow(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { TRACE("Proxy Desktop message 1035 received.\n"); bHandled = TRUE; SHOnCWMCommandLine((HANDLE) lParam); return 0; } DECLARE_WND_CLASS_EX(PROXY_DESKTOP_CLASS, CS_SAVEBITS | CS_DROPSHADOW, COLOR_3DFACE) BEGIN_MSG_MAP(CProxyDesktop) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_EXPLORER_1037, OnMessage1037) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_EXPLORER_OPEN_NEW_WINDOW, OnOpenNewWindow) END_MSG_MAP() }; HWND FindShellProxy(LPITEMIDLIST pidl) { /* If there is a proxy desktop in the current process use it */ if (g_hwndProxyDesktop) return g_hwndProxyDesktop; /* Try to find the desktop of the main explorer process */ if (!g_SeparateFolders) { HWND shell = GetShellWindow(); if (shell) { TRACE("Found main desktop.\n"); return shell; } } else { TRACE("Separate folders setting enabled. Ignoring main desktop.\n"); } /* The main desktop can't be find so try to see if another process has a proxy desktop */ HWND proxy = FindWindow(PROXY_DESKTOP_CLASS, NULL); if (proxy) { TRACE("Found proxy desktop.\n"); return proxy; } return NULL; } HANDLE MakeSharedPacket(IEThreadParamBlock * threadParams, LPCWSTR strPath, int dwProcessId) { HNFBlock* hnfData; UINT sharedBlockSize = sizeof(*hnfData); UINT directoryPidlLength = 0; UINT pidlSize7C = 0; UINT pidlSize80 = 0; UINT pathLength = 0; LPITEMIDLIST pidl80 = threadParams->offset80; // Count the total length of the message packet // directory PIDL if (threadParams->directoryPIDL) { directoryPidlLength = ILGetSize(threadParams->directoryPIDL); sharedBlockSize += directoryPidlLength; TRACE("directoryPidlLength=%d\n", directoryPidlLength); } // another PIDL if (threadParams->offset7C) { pidlSize7C = ILGetSize(threadParams->offset7C); sharedBlockSize += pidlSize7C; TRACE("pidlSize7C=%d\n", pidlSize7C); } // This flag indicates the presence of another pidl? if (!(threadParams->offset84 & 0x8000)) { if (pidl80) { pidlSize80 = ILGetSize(pidl80); sharedBlockSize += pidlSize80; TRACE("pidlSize80=%d\n", pidlSize7C); } } else { TRACE("pidl80 sent by value = %p\n", pidl80); pidlSize80 = 4; sharedBlockSize += pidlSize80; } // The path string if (strPath) { pathLength = 2 * lstrlenW(strPath) + 2; sharedBlockSize += pathLength; TRACE("pathLength=%d\n", pidlSize7C); } TRACE("sharedBlockSize=%d\n", sharedBlockSize); // Allocate and fill the shared section HANDLE hShared = SHAllocShared(0, sharedBlockSize, dwProcessId); if (!hShared) { ERR("Shared section alloc error.\n"); return 0; } PBYTE target = (PBYTE) SHLockShared(hShared, dwProcessId); if (!target) { ERR("Shared section lock error. %d\n", GetLastError()); SHFreeShared(hShared, dwProcessId); return 0; } // Basic information hnfData = (HNFBlock*) target; hnfData->cbSize = sharedBlockSize; hnfData->offset4 = (DWORD) (threadParams->dwFlags); hnfData->offset8 = (DWORD) (threadParams->offset8); hnfData->offsetC = (DWORD) (threadParams->offset74); hnfData->offset10 = (DWORD) (threadParams->offsetD8); hnfData->offset14 = (DWORD) (threadParams->offset84); hnfData->offset18 = (DWORD) (threadParams->offset88); hnfData->offset1C = (DWORD) (threadParams->offset8C); hnfData->offset20 = (DWORD) (threadParams->offset90); hnfData->offset24 = (DWORD) (threadParams->offset94); hnfData->offset28 = (DWORD) (threadParams->offset98); hnfData->offset2C = (DWORD) (threadParams->offset9C); hnfData->offset30 = (DWORD) (threadParams->offsetA0); hnfData->directoryPidlLength = 0; hnfData->pidlSize7C = 0; hnfData->pidlSize80 = 0; hnfData->pathLength = 0; target += sizeof(*hnfData); // Copy the directory pidl contents if (threadParams->directoryPIDL) { memcpy(target, threadParams->directoryPIDL, directoryPidlLength); target += directoryPidlLength; hnfData->directoryPidlLength = directoryPidlLength; } // Copy the other pidl contents if (threadParams->offset7C) { memcpy(target, threadParams->offset7C, pidlSize7C); target += pidlSize7C; hnfData->pidlSize7C = pidlSize7C; } // copy the third pidl if (threadParams->offset84 & 0x8000) { *(LPITEMIDLIST*) target = pidl80; target += pidlSize80; hnfData->pidlSize80 = pidlSize80; } else if (pidl80) { memcpy(target, pidl80, pidlSize80); target += pidlSize80; hnfData->pidlSize80 = pidlSize80; } // and finally the path string if (strPath) { memcpy(target, strPath, pathLength); hnfData->pathLength = pathLength; } SHUnlockShared(hnfData); return hShared; } PIE_THREAD_PARAM_BLOCK ParseSharedPacket(HANDLE hData) { HNFBlock * hnfData; PBYTE block; int pid; PIE_THREAD_PARAM_BLOCK params = NULL; if (!hData) goto cleanup0; pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); block = (PBYTE) SHLockShared(hData, pid); hnfData = (HNFBlock *) block; if (!block) goto cleanup2; if (hnfData->cbSize < sizeof(HNFBlock)) goto cleanup2; params = SHCreateIETHREADPARAM(0, hnfData->offset8, 0, 0); if (!params) goto cleanup2; params->dwFlags = hnfData->offset4; params->offset8 = hnfData->offset8; params->offset74 = hnfData->offsetC; params->offsetD8 = hnfData->offset10; params->offset84 = hnfData->offset14; params->offset88 = hnfData->offset18; params->offset8C = hnfData->offset1C; params->offset90 = hnfData->offset20; params->offset94 = hnfData->offset24; params->offset98 = hnfData->offset28; params->offset9C = hnfData->offset2C; params->offsetA0 = hnfData->offset30; block += sizeof(*hnfData); if (hnfData->directoryPidlLength) { LPITEMIDLIST pidl = NULL; if (*block) pidl = ILClone((LPITEMIDLIST) block); params->directoryPIDL = pidl; block += hnfData->directoryPidlLength; } if (hnfData->pidlSize7C) { LPITEMIDLIST pidl = NULL; if (*block) pidl = ILClone((LPITEMIDLIST) block); params->offset7C = pidl; block += hnfData->pidlSize80; } if (hnfData->pidlSize80) { if (!(params->offset84 & 0x8000)) { params->offset80 = *(LPITEMIDLIST *) block; } else { LPITEMIDLIST pidl = NULL; if (*block) pidl = ILClone((LPITEMIDLIST) block); params->offset80 = pidl; } block += hnfData->pidlSize80; } if (hnfData->pathLength) { CComPtr psfDesktop; PWSTR strPath = (PWSTR) block; if (FAILED(SHGetDesktopFolder(&psfDesktop))) { params->directoryPIDL = NULL; goto cleanup0; } if (FAILED(psfDesktop->ParseDisplayName(NULL, NULL, strPath, NULL, ¶ms->directoryPIDL, NULL))) { params->directoryPIDL = NULL; goto cleanup0; } } cleanup2: SHUnlockShared(hnfData); SHFreeShared(hData, pid); cleanup0: if (!params->directoryPIDL) { SHDestroyIETHREADPARAM(params); return NULL; } return params; } static HRESULT ExplorerMessageLoop(IEThreadParamBlock * parameters) { HRESULT hResult; MSG Msg; BOOL Ret; // Tell the thread ref we are using it. if (parameters && parameters->offsetF8) parameters->offsetF8->AddRef(); /* Handle /e parameter */ UINT wFlags = 0; if ((parameters->dwFlags & SH_EXPLORER_CMDLINE_FLAG_E)) wFlags |= SBSP_EXPLOREMODE; /* Handle /select parameter */ PUITEMID_CHILD pidlSelect = NULL; if ((parameters->dwFlags & SH_EXPLORER_CMDLINE_FLAG_SELECT) && (ILGetNext(parameters->directoryPIDL) != NULL)) { pidlSelect = ILClone(ILFindLastID(parameters->directoryPIDL)); ILRemoveLastID(parameters->directoryPIDL); } CComPtr psb; hResult = CShellBrowser_CreateInstance(IID_PPV_ARG(IShellBrowser, &psb)); if (FAILED_UNEXPECTEDLY(hResult)) return hResult; hResult = psb->BrowseObject(parameters->directoryPIDL, wFlags); if (FAILED_UNEXPECTEDLY(hResult)) return hResult; if (pidlSelect != NULL) { CComPtr shellView; hResult = psb->QueryActiveShellView(&shellView); if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) { shellView->SelectItem(pidlSelect, SVSI_SELECT | SVSI_FOCUSED | SVSI_ENSUREVISIBLE); } ILFree(pidlSelect); } CComPtr browser; hResult = psb->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARG(IBrowserService2, &browser)); if (FAILED_UNEXPECTEDLY(hResult)) return hResult; psb.Release(); while ((Ret = GetMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0)) != 0) { if (Ret == -1) { // Error: continue or exit? break; } if (Msg.message == WM_QUIT) break; if (browser->v_MayTranslateAccelerator(&Msg) != S_OK) { TranslateMessage(&Msg); DispatchMessage(&Msg); } } int nrc = browser->Release(); if (nrc > 0) { DbgPrint("WARNING: There are %d references to the CShellBrowser active or leaked.\n", nrc); } browser.Detach(); // Tell the thread ref we are not using it anymore. if (parameters && parameters->offsetF8) parameters->offsetF8->Release(); return hResult; } static DWORD WINAPI BrowserThreadProc(LPVOID lpThreadParameter) { IEThreadParamBlock * parameters = (IEThreadParamBlock *) lpThreadParameter; OleInitialize(NULL); ExplorerMessageLoop(parameters); /* Destroying the parameters releases the thread reference */ SHDestroyIETHREADPARAM(parameters); /* Wake up the proxy desktop thread so it can check whether the last browser thread exited */ /* Use PostMessage in order to force GetMessage to return and check if all browser windows have exited */ PostMessageW(FindShellProxy(NULL), WM_EXPLORER_1037, 0, 0); OleUninitialize(); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * SHCreateIETHREADPARAM [BROWSEUI.123] */ extern "C" IEThreadParamBlock *WINAPI SHCreateIETHREADPARAM( long param8, long paramC, IUnknown *param10, IUnknown *param14) { IEThreadParamBlock *result; TRACE("SHCreateIETHREADPARAM\n"); result = (IEThreadParamBlock *) LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(*result)); if (result == NULL) return NULL; result->offset0 = param8; result->offset8 = paramC; result->offsetC = param10; if (param10 != NULL) param10->AddRef(); result->offset14 = param14; if (param14 != NULL) param14->AddRef(); return result; } /************************************************************************* * SHCloneIETHREADPARAM [BROWSEUI.124] */ extern "C" IEThreadParamBlock *WINAPI SHCloneIETHREADPARAM(IEThreadParamBlock *param) { IEThreadParamBlock *result; TRACE("SHCloneIETHREADPARAM\n"); result = (IEThreadParamBlock *) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(*result)); if (result == NULL) return NULL; *result = *param; if (result->directoryPIDL != NULL) result->directoryPIDL = ILClone(result->directoryPIDL); if (result->offset7C != NULL) result->offset7C = ILClone(result->offset7C); if (result->offset80 != NULL) result->offset80 = ILClone(result->offset80); if (result->offset70 != NULL) result->offset70->AddRef(); #if 0 if (result->offsetC != NULL) result->offsetC->Method2C(); #endif return result; } /************************************************************************* * SHDestroyIETHREADPARAM [BROWSEUI.126] */ extern "C" void WINAPI SHDestroyIETHREADPARAM(IEThreadParamBlock *param) { TRACE("SHDestroyIETHREADPARAM\n"); if (param == NULL) return; if (param->directoryPIDL != NULL) ILFree(param->directoryPIDL); if (param->offset7C != NULL) ILFree(param->offset7C); if ((param->dwFlags & 0x80000) == 0 && param->offset80 != NULL) ILFree(param->offset80); if (param->offset14 != NULL) param->offset14->Release(); if (param->offset70 != NULL) param->offset70->Release(); if (param->offset78 != NULL) param->offset78->Release(); if (param->offsetC != NULL) param->offsetC->Release(); if (param->offsetF8 != NULL) param->offsetF8->Release(); LocalFree(param); } /************************************************************************* * SHOnCWMCommandLine [BROWSEUI.127] */ extern "C" BOOL WINAPI SHOnCWMCommandLine(HANDLE hSharedInfo) { TRACE("SHOnCWMCommandLine\n"); PIE_THREAD_PARAM_BLOCK params = ParseSharedPacket(hSharedInfo); if (params) return SHOpenFolderWindow(params); SHDestroyIETHREADPARAM(params); return FALSE; } /************************************************************************* * SHOpenFolderWindow [BROWSEUI.102] * see SHOpenNewFrame below for remarks */ extern "C" HRESULT WINAPI SHOpenFolderWindow(PIE_THREAD_PARAM_BLOCK parameters) { HANDLE threadHandle; DWORD threadID; // Only try to convert the pidl when it is going to be printed if (TRACE_ON(browseui)) { WCHAR debugStr[MAX_PATH + 2] = { 0 }; if (!ILGetDisplayName(parameters->directoryPIDL, debugStr)) { debugStr[0] = UNICODE_NULL; } TRACE("SHOpenFolderWindow %p(%S)\n", parameters->directoryPIDL, debugStr); } PIE_THREAD_PARAM_BLOCK paramsCopy = SHCloneIETHREADPARAM(parameters); SHGetInstanceExplorer(&(paramsCopy->offsetF8)); threadHandle = CreateThread(NULL, 0x10000, BrowserThreadProc, paramsCopy, 0, &threadID); if (threadHandle != NULL) { CloseHandle(threadHandle); return S_OK; } SHDestroyIETHREADPARAM(paramsCopy); return E_FAIL; } // 75FA56C1h // (pidl, 0, -1, 1) // this function should handle creating a new process if needed, but I'm leaving that out for now // this function always opens a new window - it does NOT check for duplicates /************************************************************************* * SHOpenNewFrame [BROWSEUI.103] */ extern "C" HRESULT WINAPI SHOpenNewFrame(LPITEMIDLIST pidl, IUnknown *paramC, long param10, DWORD dwFlags) { IEThreadParamBlock *parameters; TRACE("SHOpenNewFrame\n"); parameters = SHCreateIETHREADPARAM(0, 1, paramC, NULL); if (parameters == NULL) { ILFree(pidl); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } if (paramC != NULL) parameters->offset10 = param10; parameters->directoryPIDL = pidl; parameters->dwFlags = dwFlags; HRESULT hr = SHOpenFolderWindow(parameters); SHDestroyIETHREADPARAM(parameters); return hr; } /************************************************************************* * SHCreateFromDesktop [BROWSEUI.106] * parameter is a FolderInfo */ BOOL WINAPI SHCreateFromDesktop(_In_ PEXPLORER_CMDLINE_PARSE_RESULTS parseResults) { TRACE("SHCreateFromDesktop\n"); IEThreadParamBlock * parameters = SHCreateIETHREADPARAM(0, 0, 0, 0); if (!parameters) return FALSE; PCWSTR strPath = NULL; if (parseResults->dwFlags & SH_EXPLORER_CMDLINE_FLAG_STRING) { if (parseResults->pidlPath) { WARN("strPath and pidlPath are both assigned. This shouldn't happen.\n"); } strPath = parseResults->strPath; } parameters->dwFlags = parseResults->dwFlags; parameters->offset8 = parseResults->nCmdShow; LPITEMIDLIST pidl = parseResults->pidlPath ? ILClone(parseResults->pidlPath) : NULL; if (!pidl && parseResults->dwFlags & SH_EXPLORER_CMDLINE_FLAG_STRING) { if (parseResults->strPath && parseResults->strPath[0]) { pidl = ILCreateFromPathW(parseResults->strPath); } } // HACK! This shouldn't happen! SHExplorerParseCmdLine needs fixing. if (!pidl) { SHGetFolderLocation(NULL, CSIDL_PERSONAL, NULL, NULL, &pidl); } parameters->directoryPIDL = pidl; // Try to find the owner of the idlist, if we aren't running /SEPARATE HWND desktop = NULL; if (!(parseResults->dwFlags & SH_EXPLORER_CMDLINE_FLAG_SEPARATE)) desktop = FindShellProxy(parameters->directoryPIDL); // If found, ask it to open the new window if (desktop) { TRACE("Found desktop hwnd=%p\n", desktop); DWORD dwProcessId; GetWindowThreadProcessId(desktop, &dwProcessId); AllowSetForegroundWindow(dwProcessId); HANDLE hShared = MakeSharedPacket(parameters, strPath, dwProcessId); if (hShared) { TRACE("Sending open message...\n"); PostMessageW(desktop, WM_EXPLORER_OPEN_NEW_WINDOW, 0, (LPARAM) hShared); } SHDestroyIETHREADPARAM(parameters); return TRUE; } TRACE("Desktop not found or separate flag requested.\n"); // Else, start our own message loop! HRESULT hr = CoInitialize(NULL); CProxyDesktop * proxy = new CProxyDesktop(parameters); if (proxy) { g_hwndProxyDesktop = proxy->Create(0); LONG refCount; CComPtr thread; if (SHCreateThreadRef(&refCount, &thread) >= 0) { SHSetInstanceExplorer(thread); if (strPath) parameters->directoryPIDL = ILCreateFromPath(strPath); SHOpenFolderWindow(parameters); parameters = NULL; thread.Release(); } MSG Msg; while (GetMessageW(&Msg, 0, 0, 0) && refCount) { TranslateMessage(&Msg); DispatchMessageW(&Msg); } DestroyWindow(g_hwndProxyDesktop); delete proxy; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) CoUninitialize(); SHDestroyIETHREADPARAM(parameters); return TRUE; }