LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT STRINGTABLE { STRING_USAGE, "Usage: taskkill [/?] [/f] [/im ProcessName | /pid ProcessID]\n" STRING_INVALID_OPTION, "Error: Unknown or invalid command line option specified.\n" STRING_INVALID_PARAM, "Error: Invalid command line parameter specified.\n" STRING_MISSING_OPTION, "Error: One of options /im or /pid must be specified.\n" STRING_MISSING_PARAM, "Error: Option %1 expects a command line parameter.\n" STRING_MUTUAL_EXCLUSIVE, "Error: Options /im and /pid are mutually exclusive.\n" STRING_CLOSE_PID_SEARCH, "Close message sent to top-level windows of process with PID %1!u!.\n" STRING_CLOSE_PROC_SRCH, "Close message sent to top-level windows of process ""%1"" with PID %2!u!.\n" STRING_TERM_PID_SEARCH, "Process with PID %1!u! was forcibly terminated.\n" STRING_TERM_PROC_SEARCH, "Process ""%1"" with PID %2!u! was forcibly terminated.\n" STRING_SEARCH_FAILED, "Error: Could not find process ""%1"".\n" STRING_ENUM_FAILED, "Error: Unable to enumerate the process list.\n" STRING_TERMINATE_FAILED, "Error: Unable to terminate process ""%1"".\n" STRING_SELF_TERMINATION, "Error: Process self-termination is not permitted.\n" STRING_PARAM_TOO_MUCH, "Error: Invalid syntax. '%1' option is not allowed more than '%2!d!' time(s).\n" STRING_INVALID_SYNTAX, "Error: Invalid syntax.\n" }