/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Application compatibility module * LICENSE: GPL-2.0+ (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0+) * PURPOSE: Shim engine structures * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2017 Mark Jansen (mark.jansen@reactos.org) */ #ifndef SHIMENG_H #define SHIMENG_H /* This header is ReactOS specific */ /* Structure that allows dynamic growing. Be aware, the data may move! */ typedef struct _ARRAY { PVOID Data__; DWORD Size__; DWORD MaxSize__; DWORD ItemSize__; } ARRAY, *PARRAY; typedef struct _SHIMINFO *PSHIMINFO; typedef struct _SHIMMODULE *PSHIMMODULE; /* Shims know this structure as HOOKAPI, with 2 reserved members (the last 2). */ typedef struct tagHOOKAPIEX { PCSTR LibraryName; PCSTR FunctionName; PVOID ReplacementFunction; PVOID OriginalFunction; PSHIMINFO pShimInfo; PVOID Unused; } HOOKAPIEX, *PHOOKAPIEX; C_ASSERT(sizeof(HOOKAPIEX) == sizeof(HOOKAPI)); C_ASSERT(offsetof(HOOKAPIEX, pShimInfo) == offsetof(HOOKAPI, Reserved)); typedef struct _INEXCLUDE { UNICODE_STRING Module; BOOL Include; } INEXCLUDE, *PINEXCLUDE; typedef struct _SHIMINFO { PCWSTR ShimName; PHOOKAPIEX pHookApi; DWORD dwHookCount; PSHIMMODULE pShimModule; ARRAY InExclude; /* INEXCLUDE */ } SHIMINFO, *PSHIMINFO; typedef struct _SHIMMODULE { UNICODE_STRING Name; PVOID BaseAddress; PHOOKAPIEX (WINAPI* pGetHookAPIs)(LPCSTR szCommandLine, LPCWSTR wszShimName, PDWORD pdwHookCount); BOOL (WINAPI* pNotifyShims)(DWORD fdwReason, PVOID ptr); ARRAY EnabledShims; /* PSHIMINFO */ } SHIMMODULE, *PSHIMMODULE; typedef struct _HOOKMODULEINFO { UNICODE_STRING Name; PVOID BaseAddress; ARRAY HookApis; /* PHOOKAPIEX */ } HOOKMODULEINFO, *PHOOKMODULEINFO; #if SDBAPI_DEBUG_ALLOC LPVOID SdbpAlloc(SIZE_T size, int line, const char* file); LPVOID SdbpReAlloc(LPVOID mem, SIZE_T size, SIZE_T oldSize, int line, const char* file); VOID SdbpFree(LPVOID mem, int line, const char* file); #define SeiAlloc(size) SdbpAlloc(size, __LINE__, __FILE__) #define SeiReAlloc(mem, size, oldSize) SdbpReAlloc(mem, size, oldSize, __LINE__, __FILE__) #define SeiFree(mem) SdbpFree(mem, __LINE__, __FILE__) #else LPVOID SdbpAlloc(SIZE_T size); LPVOID SdbpReAlloc(LPVOID mem, SIZE_T size, SIZE_T oldSize); VOID SdbpFree(LPVOID mem); #define SeiAlloc(size) SdbpAlloc(size) #define SeiReAlloc(mem, size, oldSize) SdbpReAlloc(mem, size, oldSize) #define SeiFree(mem) SdbpFree(mem) #endif #endif // SHIMENG_H