/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * PURPOSE: NtUserCallXxx call stubs * FILE: win32ss/user/ntuser/simplecall.c * PROGRAMERS: Ge van Geldorp (ge@gse.nl) * Katayama Hirofumi MZ (katayama.hirofumi.mz@gmail.com) */ #include DBG_DEFAULT_CHANNEL(UserMisc); /* Registered logon process ID */ HANDLE gpidLogon = 0; BOOL FASTCALL co_IntRegisterLogonProcess(HANDLE ProcessId, BOOL Register) { NTSTATUS Status; PEPROCESS Process; Status = PsLookupProcessByProcessId(ProcessId, &Process); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { EngSetLastError(RtlNtStatusToDosError(Status)); return FALSE; } ProcessId = Process->UniqueProcessId; ObDereferenceObject(Process); if (Register) { /* Register the logon process */ if (gpidLogon != 0) return FALSE; gpidLogon = ProcessId; } else { /* Deregister the logon process */ if (gpidLogon != ProcessId) return FALSE; gpidLogon = 0; } return TRUE; } /* * @unimplemented */ DWORD_PTR APIENTRY NtUserCallNoParam(DWORD Routine) { DWORD_PTR Result = 0; TRACE("Enter NtUserCallNoParam\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); switch (Routine) { case NOPARAM_ROUTINE_CREATEMENU: Result = (DWORD_PTR)UserCreateMenu(GetW32ThreadInfo()->rpdesk, FALSE); break; case NOPARAM_ROUTINE_CREATEMENUPOPUP: Result = (DWORD_PTR)UserCreateMenu(GetW32ThreadInfo()->rpdesk, TRUE); break; case NOPARAM_ROUTINE_DESTROY_CARET: Result = (DWORD_PTR)co_IntDestroyCaret(PsGetCurrentThread()->Tcb.Win32Thread); break; case NOPARAM_ROUTINE_INIT_MESSAGE_PUMP: Result = (DWORD_PTR)IntInitMessagePumpHook(); break; case NOPARAM_ROUTINE_UNINIT_MESSAGE_PUMP: Result = (DWORD_PTR)IntUninitMessagePumpHook(); break; case NOPARAM_ROUTINE_MSQCLEARWAKEMASK: Result = (DWORD_PTR)IntMsqClearWakeMask(); break; case NOPARAM_ROUTINE_GETMSESSAGEPOS: { PTHREADINFO pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); Result = (DWORD_PTR)MAKELONG(pti->ptLast.x, pti->ptLast.y); break; } case NOPARAM_ROUTINE_RELEASECAPTURE: Result = (DWORD_PTR)IntReleaseCapture(); break; case NOPARAM_ROUTINE_LOADUSERAPIHOOK: Result = UserLoadApiHook(); break; case NOPARAM_ROUTINE_ZAPACTIVEANDFOUS: { PTHREADINFO pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); TRACE("Zapping the Active and Focus window out of the Queue!\n"); pti->MessageQueue->spwndFocus = NULL; pti->MessageQueue->spwndActive = NULL; Result = 0; break; } /* this is a ReactOS only case and is needed for gui-on-demand */ case NOPARAM_ROUTINE_ISCONSOLEMODE: Result = (ScreenDeviceContext == NULL); break; case NOPARAM_ROUTINE_UPDATEPERUSERIMMENABLING: gpsi->dwSRVIFlags |= SRVINFO_IMM32; // Always set. Result = TRUE; // Always return TRUE. break; default: ERR("Calling invalid routine number 0x%x in NtUserCallNoParam\n", Routine); EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); break; } TRACE("Leave NtUserCallNoParam, ret=%p\n",(PVOID)Result); UserLeave(); return Result; } /* * @implemented */ DWORD_PTR APIENTRY NtUserCallOneParam( DWORD_PTR Param, DWORD Routine) { DWORD_PTR Result; TRACE("Enter NtUserCallOneParam\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); switch (Routine) { case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_POSTQUITMESSAGE: { PTHREADINFO pti; pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); MsqPostQuitMessage(pti, Param); Result = TRUE; break; } case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_BEGINDEFERWNDPOS: { PSMWP psmwp; HDWP hDwp = NULL; INT count = (INT)Param; if (count < 0) { EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); Result = 0; break; } /* Windows allows zero count, in which case it allocates context for 8 moves */ if (count == 0) count = 8; psmwp = (PSMWP)UserCreateObject(gHandleTable, NULL, NULL, (PHANDLE)&hDwp, TYPE_SETWINDOWPOS, sizeof(SMWP)); if (!psmwp) { Result = 0; break; } psmwp->acvr = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, count * sizeof(CVR), USERTAG_SWP); if (!psmwp->acvr) { UserDeleteObject(hDwp, TYPE_SETWINDOWPOS); Result = 0; break; } RtlZeroMemory(psmwp->acvr, count * sizeof(CVR)); psmwp->bHandle = TRUE; psmwp->ccvr = 0; // actualCount psmwp->ccvrAlloc = count; // suggestedCount Result = (DWORD_PTR)hDwp; break; } case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_SHOWCURSOR: Result = (DWORD_PTR)UserShowCursor((BOOL)Param); break; case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_GETDESKTOPMAPPING: { PTHREADINFO ti; ti = GetW32ThreadInfo(); if (ti != NULL) { /* Try convert the pointer to a user mode pointer if the desktop is mapped into the process */ Result = (DWORD_PTR)DesktopHeapAddressToUser((PVOID)Param); } else { Result = 0; } break; } case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_WINDOWFROMDC: Result = (DWORD_PTR)IntWindowFromDC((HDC)Param); break; case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_SWAPMOUSEBUTTON: { Result = gspv.bMouseBtnSwap; gspv.bMouseBtnSwap = Param ? TRUE : FALSE; gpsi->aiSysMet[SM_SWAPBUTTON] = gspv.bMouseBtnSwap; break; } case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_SETCARETBLINKTIME: Result = (DWORD_PTR)IntSetCaretBlinkTime((UINT)Param); break; case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_SETMESSAGEEXTRAINFO: Result = (DWORD_PTR)MsqSetMessageExtraInfo((LPARAM)Param); break; case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_CREATEEMPTYCUROBJECT: { if (!(Result = (DWORD_PTR)IntCreateCurIconHandle((DWORD)Param))) { EngSetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); Result = 0; } break; } case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_ENABLEPROCWNDGHSTING: { BOOL Enable; PPROCESSINFO Process = PsGetCurrentProcessWin32Process(); if (Process != NULL) { Enable = (BOOL)(Param != 0); if (Enable) { Process->W32PF_flags &= ~W32PF_NOWINDOWGHOSTING; } else { Process->W32PF_flags |= W32PF_NOWINDOWGHOSTING; } Result = TRUE; break; } Result = FALSE; break; } case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_GETINPUTEVENT: Result = (DWORD_PTR)IntMsqSetWakeMask(Param); break; case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_GETKEYBOARDTYPE: Result = UserGetKeyboardType(Param); break; case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_GETKEYBOARDLAYOUT: Result = (DWORD_PTR)UserGetKeyboardLayout(Param); break; case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_RELEASEDC: Result = UserReleaseDC(NULL, (HDC) Param, FALSE); break; case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_REALIZEPALETTE: Result = UserRealizePalette((HDC) Param); break; case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_GETQUEUESTATUS: { Result = IntGetQueueStatus((DWORD)Param); break; } case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_ENUMCLIPBOARDFORMATS: /* FIXME: Should use UserEnterShared */ Result = UserEnumClipboardFormats(Param); break; case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_GETCURSORPOS: { PPOINTL pptl; PTHREADINFO pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); Result = TRUE; if (pti->rpdesk != IntGetActiveDesktop()) { Result = FALSE; break; } _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForWrite((POINT*)Param,sizeof(POINT),1); pptl = (PPOINTL)Param; *pptl = gpsi->ptCursor; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Result = FALSE; } _SEH2_END; break; } case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_SETPROCDEFLAYOUT: { PPROCESSINFO ppi; if (Param & LAYOUT_ORIENTATIONMASK) { ppi = PsGetCurrentProcessWin32Process(); ppi->dwLayout = Param; Result = TRUE; break; } EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); Result = FALSE; break; } case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_GETPROCDEFLAYOUT: { PPROCESSINFO ppi; PDWORD pdwLayout; Result = TRUE; if (PsGetCurrentProcess() == gpepCSRSS) { EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS); Result = FALSE; break; } ppi = PsGetCurrentProcessWin32Process(); _SEH2_TRY { pdwLayout = (PDWORD)Param; *pdwLayout = ppi->dwLayout; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastNtError(_SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); Result = FALSE; } _SEH2_END; break; } case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_REPLYMESSAGE: Result = co_MsqReplyMessage((LRESULT)Param); break; case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_MESSAGEBEEP: /* TODO: Implement sound sentry */ Result = UserPostMessage(hwndSAS, WM_LOGONNOTIFY, LN_MESSAGE_BEEP, Param); break; case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_CREATESYSTEMTHREADS: Result = CreateSystemThreads(Param); break; case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_LOCKFOREGNDWINDOW: Result = (DWORD_PTR)IntLockSetForegroundWindow(Param); break; case ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_ALLOWSETFOREGND: Result = (DWORD_PTR)IntAllowSetForegroundWindow(Param); break; default: ERR("Calling invalid routine number 0x%x in NtUserCallOneParam(), Param=0x%x\n", Routine, Param); EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); Result = 0; break; } TRACE("Leave NtUserCallOneParam, ret=%p\n", (PVOID)Result); UserLeave(); return Result; } /* * @implemented */ DWORD_PTR APIENTRY NtUserCallTwoParam( DWORD_PTR Param1, DWORD_PTR Param2, DWORD Routine) { PWND Window; DWORD_PTR Ret; TRACE("Enter NtUserCallTwoParam\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); switch (Routine) { case TWOPARAM_ROUTINE_REDRAWTITLE: { Window = UserGetWindowObject((HWND)Param1); Ret = (DWORD_PTR)UserPaintCaption(Window, (INT)Param2); break; } case TWOPARAM_ROUTINE_SETMENUBARHEIGHT: { PMENU MenuObject = IntGetMenuObject((HMENU)Param1); if (!MenuObject) { Ret = 0; break; } if (Param2 > 0) { Ret = (MenuObject->cyMenu == (int)Param2); MenuObject->cyMenu = (int)Param2; } else Ret = (DWORD_PTR)MenuObject->cyMenu; IntReleaseMenuObject(MenuObject); break; } case TWOPARAM_ROUTINE_SETGUITHRDHANDLE: { PTHREADINFO pti = (PTHREADINFO)PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); ASSERT(pti->MessageQueue); Ret = (DWORD_PTR)MsqSetStateWindow(pti, (ULONG)Param1, (HWND)Param2); break; } case TWOPARAM_ROUTINE_ENABLEWINDOW: Ret = IntEnableWindow((HWND)Param1, (BOOL)Param2); break; case TWOPARAM_ROUTINE_SHOWOWNEDPOPUPS: { Window = UserGetWindowObject((HWND)Param1); if (!Window) { Ret = 0; break; } Ret = (DWORD_PTR)IntShowOwnedPopups(Window, (BOOL)Param2); break; } case TWOPARAM_ROUTINE_ROS_UPDATEUISTATE: { WPARAM wParam; Window = UserGetWindowObject((HWND)Param1); if (!Window) { Ret = 0; break; } /* Unpack wParam */ wParam = MAKEWPARAM((Param2 >> 3) & 0x3, Param2 & (UISF_HIDEFOCUS | UISF_HIDEACCEL | UISF_ACTIVE)); Ret = UserUpdateUiState(Window, wParam); break; } case TWOPARAM_ROUTINE_SWITCHTOTHISWINDOW: { HWND hwnd = (HWND)Param1; BOOL fAltTab = (BOOL)Param2; Ret = 0; Window = UserGetWindowObject(hwnd); if (!Window) { break; } if (fAltTab) { if (Window->style & WS_MINIMIZE) { UserPostMessage(hwnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_RESTORE, 0); } } UserSetActiveWindow(Window); break; } case TWOPARAM_ROUTINE_SETCARETPOS: Ret = (DWORD_PTR)co_IntSetCaretPos((int)Param1, (int)Param2); break; case TWOPARAM_ROUTINE_REGISTERLOGONPROCESS: Ret = (DWORD_PTR)co_IntRegisterLogonProcess((HANDLE)Param1, (BOOL)Param2); break; case TWOPARAM_ROUTINE_SETCURSORPOS: Ret = (DWORD_PTR)UserSetCursorPos((int)Param1, (int)Param2, 0, 0, FALSE); break; case TWOPARAM_ROUTINE_UNHOOKWINDOWSHOOK: Ret = IntUnhookWindowsHook((int)Param1, (HOOKPROC)Param2); break; default: ERR("Calling invalid routine number 0x%x in NtUserCallTwoParam(), Param1=0x%x Parm2=0x%x\n", Routine, Param1, Param2); EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); Ret = 0; } TRACE("Leave NtUserCallTwoParam, ret=%p\n", (PVOID)Ret); UserLeave(); return Ret; } /* * @unimplemented */ BOOL APIENTRY NtUserCallHwndLock( HWND hWnd, DWORD Routine) { BOOL Ret = FALSE; PWND Window; USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY Ref; TRACE("Enter NtUserCallHwndLock\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); if (!(Window = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { Ret = FALSE; goto Exit; } UserRefObjectCo(Window, &Ref); /* FIXME: Routine can be 0x53 - 0x5E */ switch (Routine) { case HWNDLOCK_ROUTINE_ARRANGEICONICWINDOWS: co_WinPosArrangeIconicWindows(Window); break; case HWNDLOCK_ROUTINE_DRAWMENUBAR: { TRACE("HWNDLOCK_ROUTINE_DRAWMENUBAR\n"); Ret = TRUE; if ((Window->style & (WS_CHILD | WS_POPUP)) != WS_CHILD) co_WinPosSetWindowPos(Window, HWND_DESKTOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_FRAMECHANGED); break; } case HWNDLOCK_ROUTINE_REDRAWFRAME: co_WinPosSetWindowPos(Window, HWND_DESKTOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_FRAMECHANGED); Ret = TRUE; break; case HWNDLOCK_ROUTINE_REDRAWFRAMEANDHOOK: co_WinPosSetWindowPos(Window, HWND_DESKTOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_FRAMECHANGED); if (!Window->spwndOwner && !IntGetParent(Window)) { co_IntShellHookNotify(HSHELL_REDRAW, (WPARAM)hWnd, FALSE); // FIXME Flashing? } Ret = TRUE; break; case HWNDLOCK_ROUTINE_SETFOREGROUNDWINDOW: TRACE("co_IntSetForegroundWindow 1 0x%p\n", hWnd); Ret = co_IntSetForegroundWindow(Window); TRACE("co_IntSetForegroundWindow 2 0x%p\n", hWnd); break; case HWNDLOCK_ROUTINE_SETFOREGROUNDWINDOWMOUSE: TRACE("co_IntSetForegroundWindow M 1 0x%p\n", hWnd); Ret = co_IntSetForegroundWindowMouse(Window); TRACE("co_IntSetForegroundWindow M 2 0x%p\n", hWnd); break; case HWNDLOCK_ROUTINE_UPDATEWINDOW: co_IntUpdateWindows(Window, RDW_ALLCHILDREN, FALSE); Ret = TRUE; break; } UserDerefObjectCo(Window); Exit: TRACE("Leave NtUserCallHwndLock, ret=%u\n", Ret); UserLeave(); return Ret; } /* * @unimplemented */ HWND APIENTRY NtUserCallHwndOpt( HWND hWnd, DWORD Routine) { switch (Routine) { case HWNDOPT_ROUTINE_SETPROGMANWINDOW: GetW32ThreadInfo()->pDeskInfo->hProgmanWindow = hWnd; break; case HWNDOPT_ROUTINE_SETTASKMANWINDOW: GetW32ThreadInfo()->pDeskInfo->hTaskManWindow = hWnd; break; } return hWnd; } DWORD APIENTRY NtUserCallHwnd( HWND hWnd, DWORD Routine) { switch (Routine) { case HWND_ROUTINE_GETWNDCONTEXTHLPID: { PWND Window; DWORD HelpId; UserEnterShared(); if (!(Window = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { UserLeave(); return 0; } HelpId = (DWORD)(DWORD_PTR)UserGetProp(Window, gpsi->atomContextHelpIdProp, TRUE); UserLeave(); return HelpId; } case HWND_ROUTINE_REGISTERSHELLHOOKWINDOW: if (IntIsWindow(hWnd)) return IntRegisterShellHookWindow(hWnd); return FALSE; break; case HWND_ROUTINE_DEREGISTERSHELLHOOKWINDOW: if (IntIsWindow(hWnd)) return IntDeRegisterShellHookWindow(hWnd); return FALSE; case HWND_ROUTINE_SETMSGBOX: { PWND Window; UserEnterExclusive(); if ((Window = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { Window->state |= WNDS_MSGBOX; } UserLeave(); return FALSE; } } STUB; return 0; } DWORD APIENTRY NtUserCallHwndParam( HWND hWnd, DWORD_PTR Param, DWORD Routine) { switch (Routine) { case HWNDPARAM_ROUTINE_KILLSYSTEMTIMER: return IntKillTimer(UserGetWindowObject(hWnd), (UINT_PTR)Param, TRUE); case HWNDPARAM_ROUTINE_SETWNDCONTEXTHLPID: { PWND Window; UserEnterExclusive(); if (!(Window = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { UserLeave(); return FALSE; } if (Param) UserSetProp(Window, gpsi->atomContextHelpIdProp, (HANDLE)Param, TRUE); else UserRemoveProp(Window, gpsi->atomContextHelpIdProp, TRUE); UserLeave(); return TRUE; } case HWNDPARAM_ROUTINE_SETDIALOGPOINTER: { PWND pWnd; USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY Ref; UserEnterExclusive(); if (!(pWnd = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { UserLeave(); return 0; } UserRefObjectCo(pWnd, &Ref); if (pWnd->head.pti->ppi == PsGetCurrentProcessWin32Process() && pWnd->cbwndExtra == DLGWINDOWEXTRA && !(pWnd->state & WNDS_SERVERSIDEWINDOWPROC)) { if (Param) { if (!pWnd->fnid) pWnd->fnid = FNID_DIALOG; pWnd->state |= WNDS_DIALOGWINDOW; } else { pWnd->fnid |= FNID_DESTROY; pWnd->state &= ~WNDS_DIALOGWINDOW; } } UserDerefObjectCo(pWnd); UserLeave(); return 0; } case HWNDPARAM_ROUTINE_ROS_NOTIFYWINEVENT: { PWND pWnd; PNOTIFYEVENT pne; UserEnterExclusive(); pne = (PNOTIFYEVENT)Param; if (hWnd) pWnd = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd); else pWnd = NULL; IntNotifyWinEvent(pne->event, pWnd, pne->idObject, pne->idChild, pne->flags); UserLeave(); return 0; } case HWNDPARAM_ROUTINE_CLEARWINDOWSTATE: { PWND pWnd; UserEnterExclusive(); pWnd = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd); if (pWnd) IntClearWindowState(pWnd, (UINT)Param); UserLeave(); return 0; } case HWNDPARAM_ROUTINE_SETWINDOWSTATE: { PWND pWnd; UserEnterExclusive(); pWnd = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd); if (pWnd) IntSetWindowState(pWnd, (UINT)Param); UserLeave(); return 0; } } STUB; return 0; } DWORD APIENTRY NtUserCallHwndParamLock( HWND hWnd, DWORD_PTR Param, DWORD Routine) { DWORD Ret = FALSE; PWND Window; USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY Ref; TRACE("Enter NtUserCallHwndParamLock\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); if (!(Window = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { Ret = FALSE; goto Exit; } UserRefObjectCo(Window, &Ref); switch (Routine) { case TWOPARAM_ROUTINE_VALIDATERGN: { PREGION Rgn = REGION_LockRgn((HRGN)Param); Ret = (DWORD)co_UserRedrawWindow(Window, NULL, Rgn, RDW_VALIDATE); if (Rgn) REGION_UnlockRgn(Rgn); break; } } UserDerefObjectCo(Window); Exit: TRACE("Leave NtUserCallHwndParamLock, ret=%lu\n", Ret); UserLeave(); return Ret; } /* EOF */