/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * FILE: ntoskrnl/ex/work.c * PURPOSE: Manage system work queues and worker threads * PROGRAMMER: Alex Ionescu (alex@relsoft.net) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include #if defined (ALLOC_PRAGMA) #pragma alloc_text(INIT, ExpInitializeWorkerThreads) #endif /* DATA **********************************************************************/ /* Number of worker threads for each Queue */ #define EX_HYPERCRITICAL_WORK_THREADS 1 #define EX_DELAYED_WORK_THREADS 3 #define EX_CRITICAL_WORK_THREADS 5 /* Magic flag for dynamic worker threads */ #define EX_DYNAMIC_WORK_THREAD 0x80000000 /* Worker thread priority increments (added to base priority) */ #define EX_HYPERCRITICAL_QUEUE_PRIORITY_INCREMENT 7 #define EX_CRITICAL_QUEUE_PRIORITY_INCREMENT 5 #define EX_DELAYED_QUEUE_PRIORITY_INCREMENT 4 /* The actual worker queue array */ EX_WORK_QUEUE ExWorkerQueue[MaximumWorkQueue]; /* Accounting of the total threads and registry hacked threads */ ULONG ExpCriticalWorkerThreads; ULONG ExpDelayedWorkerThreads; ULONG ExpAdditionalCriticalWorkerThreads; ULONG ExpAdditionalDelayedWorkerThreads; /* Future support for stack swapping worker threads */ BOOLEAN ExpWorkersCanSwap; LIST_ENTRY ExpWorkerListHead; FAST_MUTEX ExpWorkerSwapinMutex; /* The worker balance set manager events */ KEVENT ExpThreadSetManagerEvent; KEVENT ExpThreadSetManagerShutdownEvent; /* Thread pointers for future worker thread shutdown support */ PETHREAD ExpWorkerThreadBalanceManagerPtr; PETHREAD ExpLastWorkerThread; /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS *********************************************************/ /*++ * @name ExpWorkerThreadEntryPoint * * The ExpWorkerThreadEntryPoint routine is the entrypoint for any new * worker thread created by teh system. * * @param Context * Contains the work queue type masked with a flag specifing whether the * thread is dynamic or not. * * @return None. * * @remarks A dynamic thread can timeout after 10 minutes of waiting on a queue * while a static thread will never timeout. * * Worker threads must return at IRQL == PASSIVE_LEVEL, must not have * active impersonation info, and must not have disabled APCs. * * NB: We will re-enable APCs for broken threads but all other cases * will generate a bugcheck. * *--*/ VOID NTAPI ExpWorkerThreadEntryPoint(IN PVOID Context) { PWORK_QUEUE_ITEM WorkItem; PLIST_ENTRY QueueEntry; WORK_QUEUE_TYPE WorkQueueType; PEX_WORK_QUEUE WorkQueue; LARGE_INTEGER Timeout; PLARGE_INTEGER TimeoutPointer = NULL; PETHREAD Thread = PsGetCurrentThread(); KPROCESSOR_MODE WaitMode; EX_QUEUE_WORKER_INFO OldValue, NewValue; /* Check if this is a dyamic thread */ if ((ULONG_PTR)Context & EX_DYNAMIC_WORK_THREAD) { /* It is, which means we will eventually time out after 10 minutes */ Timeout.QuadPart = Int32x32To64(10, -10000000 * 60); TimeoutPointer = &Timeout; } /* Get Queue Type and Worker Queue */ WorkQueueType = (WORK_QUEUE_TYPE)((ULONG_PTR)Context & ~EX_DYNAMIC_WORK_THREAD); WorkQueue = &ExWorkerQueue[WorkQueueType]; /* Select the wait mode */ WaitMode = (UCHAR)WorkQueue->Info.WaitMode; /* Nobody should have initialized this yet, do it now */ ASSERT(Thread->ExWorkerCanWaitUser == 0); if (WaitMode == UserMode) Thread->ExWorkerCanWaitUser = TRUE; /* If we shouldn't swap, disable that feature */ if (!ExpWorkersCanSwap) KeSetKernelStackSwapEnable(FALSE); /* Set the worker flags */ do { /* Check if the queue is being disabled */ if (WorkQueue->Info.QueueDisabled) { /* Re-enable stack swapping and kill us */ KeSetKernelStackSwapEnable(TRUE); PsTerminateSystemThread(STATUS_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN); } /* Increase the worker count */ OldValue = WorkQueue->Info; NewValue = OldValue; NewValue.WorkerCount++; } while (InterlockedCompareExchange((PLONG)&WorkQueue->Info, *(PLONG)&NewValue, *(PLONG)&OldValue) != *(PLONG)&OldValue); /* Success, you are now officially a worker thread! */ Thread->ActiveExWorker = TRUE; /* Loop forever */ ProcessLoop: for (;;) { /* Wait for Something to Happen on the Queue */ QueueEntry = KeRemoveQueue(&WorkQueue->WorkerQueue, WaitMode, TimeoutPointer); /* Check if we timed out and quit this loop in that case */ if ((NTSTATUS)(ULONG_PTR)QueueEntry == STATUS_TIMEOUT) break; /* Increment Processed Work Items */ InterlockedIncrement((PLONG)&WorkQueue->WorkItemsProcessed); /* Get the Work Item */ WorkItem = CONTAINING_RECORD(QueueEntry, WORK_QUEUE_ITEM, List); /* Make sure nobody is trying to play smart with us */ ASSERT((ULONG_PTR)WorkItem->WorkerRoutine > MmUserProbeAddress); /* Call the Worker Routine */ WorkItem->WorkerRoutine(WorkItem->Parameter); /* Make sure APCs are not disabled */ if (Thread->Tcb.SpecialApcDisable) { /* We're nice and do it behind your back */ DPRINT1("Warning: Broken Worker Thread: %p %p %p came back " "with APCs disabled!\n", WorkItem->WorkerRoutine, WorkItem->Parameter, WorkItem); Thread->Tcb.SpecialApcDisable = 0; } /* Make sure it returned at right IRQL */ if (KeGetCurrentIrql() != PASSIVE_LEVEL) { /* It didn't, bugcheck! */ KeBugCheckEx(WORKER_THREAD_RETURNED_AT_BAD_IRQL, (ULONG_PTR)WorkItem->WorkerRoutine, KeGetCurrentIrql(), (ULONG_PTR)WorkItem->Parameter, (ULONG_PTR)WorkItem); } /* Make sure it returned with Impersionation Disabled */ if (Thread->ActiveImpersonationInfo) { /* It didn't, bugcheck! */ KeBugCheckEx(IMPERSONATING_WORKER_THREAD, (ULONG_PTR)WorkItem->WorkerRoutine, (ULONG_PTR)WorkItem->Parameter, (ULONG_PTR)WorkItem, 0); } } /* This is a dynamic thread. Terminate it unless IRPs are pending */ if (!IsListEmpty(&Thread->IrpList)) goto ProcessLoop; /* Don't terminate it if the queue is disabled either */ if (WorkQueue->Info.QueueDisabled) goto ProcessLoop; /* Set the worker flags */ do { /* Decrease the worker count */ OldValue = WorkQueue->Info; NewValue = OldValue; NewValue.WorkerCount--; } while (InterlockedCompareExchange((PLONG)&WorkQueue->Info, *(PLONG)&NewValue, *(PLONG)&OldValue) != *(PLONG)&OldValue); /* Decrement dynamic thread count */ InterlockedDecrement(&WorkQueue->DynamicThreadCount); /* We're not a worker thread anymore */ Thread->ActiveExWorker = FALSE; /* Re-enable the stack swap */ KeSetKernelStackSwapEnable(TRUE); return; } /*++ * @name ExpCreateWorkerThread * * The ExpCreateWorkerThread routine creates a new worker thread for the * specified queue. ** * @param QueueType * Type of the queue to use for this thread. Valid values are: * - DelayedWorkQueue * - CriticalWorkQueue * - HyperCriticalWorkQueue * * @param Dynamic * Specifies whether or not this thread is a dynamic thread. * * @return None. * * @remarks HyperCritical work threads run at priority 7; Critical work threads * run at priority 5, and delayed work threads run at priority 4. * * This, worker threads cannot pre-empty a normal user-mode thread. * *--*/ VOID NTAPI ExpCreateWorkerThread(WORK_QUEUE_TYPE WorkQueueType, IN BOOLEAN Dynamic) { PETHREAD Thread; HANDLE hThread; ULONG Context; KPRIORITY Priority; /* Check if this is going to be a dynamic thread */ Context = WorkQueueType; /* Add the dynamic mask */ if (Dynamic) Context |= EX_DYNAMIC_WORK_THREAD; /* Create the System Thread */ PsCreateSystemThread(&hThread, THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, NULL, NULL, ExpWorkerThreadEntryPoint, UlongToPtr(Context)); /* If the thread is dynamic */ if (Dynamic) { /* Increase the count */ InterlockedIncrement(&ExWorkerQueue[WorkQueueType].DynamicThreadCount); } /* Set the priority */ if (WorkQueueType == DelayedWorkQueue) { /* Priority == 4 */ Priority = EX_DELAYED_QUEUE_PRIORITY_INCREMENT; } else if (WorkQueueType == CriticalWorkQueue) { /* Priority == 5 */ Priority = EX_CRITICAL_QUEUE_PRIORITY_INCREMENT; } else { /* Priority == 7 */ Priority = EX_HYPERCRITICAL_QUEUE_PRIORITY_INCREMENT; } /* Get the Thread */ ObReferenceObjectByHandle(hThread, THREAD_SET_INFORMATION, PsThreadType, KernelMode, (PVOID*)&Thread, NULL); /* Set the Priority */ KeSetBasePriorityThread(&Thread->Tcb, Priority); /* Dereference and close handle */ ObDereferenceObject(Thread); ObCloseHandle(hThread, KernelMode); } /*++ * @name ExpCheckDynamicThreadCount * * The ExpCheckDynamicThreadCount routine checks every queue and creates a * dynamic thread if the queue seems to be deadlocked. * * @param None * * @return None. * * @remarks The algorithm for deciding if a new thread must be created is * based on wether the queue has processed no new items in the last * second, and new items are still enqueued. * *--*/ VOID NTAPI ExpDetectWorkerThreadDeadlock(VOID) { ULONG i; PEX_WORK_QUEUE Queue; /* Loop the 3 queues */ for (i = 0; i < MaximumWorkQueue; i++) { /* Get the queue */ Queue = &ExWorkerQueue[i]; ASSERT(Queue->DynamicThreadCount <= 16); /* Check if stuff is on the queue that still is unprocessed */ if ((Queue->QueueDepthLastPass) && (Queue->WorkItemsProcessed == Queue->WorkItemsProcessedLastPass) && (Queue->DynamicThreadCount < 16)) { /* Stuff is still on the queue and nobody did anything about it */ DPRINT1("EX: Work Queue Deadlock detected: %lu\n", i); ExpCreateWorkerThread(i, TRUE); DPRINT1("Dynamic threads queued %d\n", Queue->DynamicThreadCount); } /* Update our data */ Queue->WorkItemsProcessedLastPass = Queue->WorkItemsProcessed; Queue->QueueDepthLastPass = KeReadStateQueue(&Queue->WorkerQueue); } } /*++ * @name ExpCheckDynamicThreadCount * * The ExpCheckDynamicThreadCount routine checks every queue and creates a * dynamic thread if the queue requires one. * * @param None * * @return None. * * @remarks The algorithm for deciding if a new thread must be created is * documented in the ExQueueWorkItem routine. * *--*/ VOID NTAPI ExpCheckDynamicThreadCount(VOID) { ULONG i; PEX_WORK_QUEUE Queue; /* Loop the 3 queues */ for (i = 0; i < MaximumWorkQueue; i++) { /* Get the queue */ Queue = &ExWorkerQueue[i]; /* Check if still need a new thread. See ExQueueWorkItem */ if ((Queue->Info.MakeThreadsAsNecessary) && (!IsListEmpty(&Queue->WorkerQueue.EntryListHead)) && (Queue->WorkerQueue.CurrentCount < Queue->WorkerQueue.MaximumCount) && (Queue->DynamicThreadCount < 16)) { /* Create a new thread */ DPRINT1("EX: Creating new dynamic thread as requested\n"); ExpCreateWorkerThread(i, TRUE); } } } /*++ * @name ExpWorkerThreadBalanceManager * * The ExpWorkerThreadBalanceManager routine is the entrypoint for the * worker thread balance set manager. * * @param Context * Unused. * * @return None. * * @remarks The worker thread balance set manager listens every second, but can * also be woken up by an event when a new thread is needed, or by the * special shutdown event. This thread runs at priority 7. * * This routine must run at IRQL == PASSIVE_LEVEL. * *--*/ VOID NTAPI ExpWorkerThreadBalanceManager(IN PVOID Context) { KTIMER Timer; LARGE_INTEGER Timeout; NTSTATUS Status; PVOID WaitEvents[3]; PAGED_CODE(); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Context); /* Raise our priority above all other worker threads */ KeSetBasePriorityThread(KeGetCurrentThread(), EX_CRITICAL_QUEUE_PRIORITY_INCREMENT + 1); /* Setup the timer */ KeInitializeTimer(&Timer); Timeout.QuadPart = Int32x32To64(-1, 10000000); /* We'll wait on the periodic timer and also the emergency event */ WaitEvents[0] = &Timer; WaitEvents[1] = &ExpThreadSetManagerEvent; WaitEvents[2] = &ExpThreadSetManagerShutdownEvent; /* Start wait loop */ for (;;) { /* Wait for the timer */ KeSetTimer(&Timer, Timeout, NULL); Status = KeWaitForMultipleObjects(3, WaitEvents, WaitAny, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL, NULL); if (Status == 0) { /* Our timer expired. Check for deadlocks */ ExpDetectWorkerThreadDeadlock(); } else if (Status == 1) { /* Someone notified us, verify if we should create a new thread */ ExpCheckDynamicThreadCount(); } else if (Status == 2) { /* We are shutting down. Cancel the timer */ DPRINT1("System shutdown\n"); KeCancelTimer(&Timer); /* Make sure we have a final thread */ ASSERT(ExpLastWorkerThread); /* Wait for it */ KeWaitForSingleObject(ExpLastWorkerThread, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); /* Dereference it and kill us */ ObDereferenceObject(ExpLastWorkerThread); PsTerminateSystemThread(STATUS_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN); } } } /*++ * @name ExpInitializeWorkerThreads * * The ExpInitializeWorkerThreads routine initializes worker thread and * work queue support. * * @param None. * * @return None. * * @remarks This routine is only called once during system initialization. * *--*/ VOID INIT_FUNCTION NTAPI ExpInitializeWorkerThreads(VOID) { ULONG WorkQueueType; ULONG CriticalThreads, DelayedThreads; HANDLE ThreadHandle; PETHREAD Thread; ULONG i; /* Setup the stack swap support */ ExInitializeFastMutex(&ExpWorkerSwapinMutex); InitializeListHead(&ExpWorkerListHead); ExpWorkersCanSwap = TRUE; /* Set the number of critical and delayed threads. We shouldn't hardcode */ DelayedThreads = EX_DELAYED_WORK_THREADS; CriticalThreads = EX_CRITICAL_WORK_THREADS; /* Protect against greedy registry modifications */ ExpAdditionalDelayedWorkerThreads = min(ExpAdditionalDelayedWorkerThreads, 16); ExpAdditionalCriticalWorkerThreads = min(ExpAdditionalCriticalWorkerThreads, 16); /* Calculate final count */ DelayedThreads += ExpAdditionalDelayedWorkerThreads; CriticalThreads += ExpAdditionalCriticalWorkerThreads; /* Initialize the Array */ for (WorkQueueType = 0; WorkQueueType < MaximumWorkQueue; WorkQueueType++) { /* Clear the structure and initialize the queue */ RtlZeroMemory(&ExWorkerQueue[WorkQueueType], sizeof(EX_WORK_QUEUE)); KeInitializeQueue(&ExWorkerQueue[WorkQueueType].WorkerQueue, 0); } /* Dynamic threads are only used for the critical queue */ ExWorkerQueue[CriticalWorkQueue].Info.MakeThreadsAsNecessary = TRUE; /* Initialize the balance set manager events */ KeInitializeEvent(&ExpThreadSetManagerEvent, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE); KeInitializeEvent(&ExpThreadSetManagerShutdownEvent, NotificationEvent, FALSE); /* Create the built-in worker threads for the critical queue */ for (i = 0; i < CriticalThreads; i++) { /* Create the thread */ ExpCreateWorkerThread(CriticalWorkQueue, FALSE); ExpCriticalWorkerThreads++; } /* Create the built-in worker threads for the delayed queue */ for (i = 0; i < DelayedThreads; i++) { /* Create the thread */ ExpCreateWorkerThread(DelayedWorkQueue, FALSE); ExpDelayedWorkerThreads++; } /* Create the built-in worker thread for the hypercritical queue */ ExpCreateWorkerThread(HyperCriticalWorkQueue, FALSE); /* Create the balance set manager thread */ PsCreateSystemThread(&ThreadHandle, THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, 0, NULL, ExpWorkerThreadBalanceManager, NULL); /* Get a pointer to it for the shutdown process */ ObReferenceObjectByHandle(ThreadHandle, THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, KernelMode, (PVOID*)&Thread, NULL); ExpWorkerThreadBalanceManagerPtr = Thread; /* Close the handle and return */ ObCloseHandle(ThreadHandle, KernelMode); } VOID NTAPI ExpSetSwappingKernelApc(IN PKAPC Apc, OUT PKNORMAL_ROUTINE *NormalRoutine, IN OUT PVOID *NormalContext, IN OUT PVOID *SystemArgument1, IN OUT PVOID *SystemArgument2) { PBOOLEAN AllowSwap; PKEVENT Event = (PKEVENT)*SystemArgument1; /* Make sure it's an active worker */ if (PsGetCurrentThread()->ActiveExWorker) { /* Read the setting from the context flag */ AllowSwap = (PBOOLEAN)NormalContext; KeSetKernelStackSwapEnable(*AllowSwap); } /* Let caller know that we're done */ KeSetEvent(Event, 0, FALSE); } VOID NTAPI ExSwapinWorkerThreads(IN BOOLEAN AllowSwap) { KEVENT Event; PETHREAD CurrentThread = PsGetCurrentThread(), Thread; PEPROCESS Process = PsInitialSystemProcess; KAPC Apc; PAGED_CODE(); /* Initialize an event so we know when we're done */ KeInitializeEvent(&Event, NotificationEvent, FALSE); /* Lock this routine */ ExAcquireFastMutex(&ExpWorkerSwapinMutex); /* New threads cannot swap anymore */ ExpWorkersCanSwap = AllowSwap; /* Loop all threads in the system process */ Thread = PsGetNextProcessThread(Process, NULL); while (Thread) { /* Skip threads with explicit permission to do this */ if (Thread->ExWorkerCanWaitUser) goto Next; /* Check if we reached ourselves */ if (Thread == CurrentThread) { /* Do it inline */ KeSetKernelStackSwapEnable(AllowSwap); } else { /* Queue an APC */ KeInitializeApc(&Apc, &Thread->Tcb, InsertApcEnvironment, ExpSetSwappingKernelApc, NULL, NULL, KernelMode, &AllowSwap); if (KeInsertQueueApc(&Apc, &Event, NULL, 3)) { /* Wait for the APC to run */ KeWaitForSingleObject(&Event, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); KeClearEvent(&Event); } } /* Next thread */ Next: Thread = PsGetNextProcessThread(Process, Thread); } /* Release the lock */ ExReleaseFastMutex(&ExpWorkerSwapinMutex); } /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ /*++ * @name ExQueueWorkItem * @implemented NT4 * * The ExQueueWorkItem routine acquires rundown protection for * the specified descriptor. * * @param WorkItem * Pointer to an initialized Work Queue Item structure. This structure * must be located in nonpaged pool memory. * * @param QueueType * Type of the queue to use for this item. Can be one of the following: * - DelayedWorkQueue * - CriticalWorkQueue * - HyperCriticalWorkQueue * * @return None. * * @remarks This routine is obsolete. Use IoQueueWorkItem instead. * * Callers of this routine must be running at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL. * *--*/ VOID NTAPI ExQueueWorkItem(IN PWORK_QUEUE_ITEM WorkItem, IN WORK_QUEUE_TYPE QueueType) { PEX_WORK_QUEUE WorkQueue = &ExWorkerQueue[QueueType]; ASSERT(QueueType < MaximumWorkQueue); ASSERT(WorkItem->List.Flink == NULL); /* Don't try to trick us */ if ((ULONG_PTR)WorkItem->WorkerRoutine < MmUserProbeAddress) { /* Bugcheck the system */ KeBugCheckEx(WORKER_INVALID, 1, (ULONG_PTR)WorkItem, (ULONG_PTR)WorkItem->WorkerRoutine, 0); } /* Insert the Queue */ KeInsertQueue(&WorkQueue->WorkerQueue, &WorkItem->List); ASSERT(!WorkQueue->Info.QueueDisabled); /* * Check if we need a new thread. Our decision is as follows: * - This queue type must support Dynamic Threads (duh!) * - It actually has to have unprocessed items * - We have CPUs which could be handling another thread * - We haven't abused our usage of dynamic threads. */ if ((WorkQueue->Info.MakeThreadsAsNecessary) && (!IsListEmpty(&WorkQueue->WorkerQueue.EntryListHead)) && (WorkQueue->WorkerQueue.CurrentCount < WorkQueue->WorkerQueue.MaximumCount) && (WorkQueue->DynamicThreadCount < 16)) { /* Let the balance manager know about it */ DPRINT1("Requesting a new thread. CurrentCount: %lu. MaxCount: %lu\n", WorkQueue->WorkerQueue.CurrentCount, WorkQueue->WorkerQueue.MaximumCount); KeSetEvent(&ExpThreadSetManagerEvent, 0, FALSE); } } /* EOF */