/* * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel-mode tests * LICENSE: GPLv2+ - See COPYING in the top level directory * PURPOSE: Kernel-Mode Test Suite test framework declarations * PROGRAMMER: Thomas Faber */ /* Inspired by Wine C unit tests, Copyright (C) 2002 Alexandre Julliard * Inspired by ReactOS kernel-mode regression tests, * Copyright (C) Aleksey Bragin, Filip Navara */ #ifndef _KMTEST_TEST_H_ #define _KMTEST_TEST_H_ #include typedef VOID KMT_TESTFUNC(VOID); typedef KMT_TESTFUNC *PKMT_TESTFUNC; typedef struct { const char *TestName; KMT_TESTFUNC *TestFunction; } KMT_TEST, *PKMT_TEST; typedef const KMT_TEST CKMT_TEST, *PCKMT_TEST; extern const KMT_TEST TestList[]; typedef struct { volatile LONG Successes; volatile LONG Failures; volatile LONG Skipped; volatile LONG LogBufferLength; LONG LogBufferMaxLength; CHAR LogBuffer[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; } KMT_RESULTBUFFER, *PKMT_RESULTBUFFER; #ifdef KMT_STANDALONE_DRIVER #define KMT_KERNEL_MODE typedef NTSTATUS (KMT_IRP_HANDLER)( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp, IN PIO_STACK_LOCATION IoStackLocation); typedef KMT_IRP_HANDLER *PKMT_IRP_HANDLER; NTSTATUS KmtRegisterIrpHandler(IN UCHAR MajorFunction, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject OPTIONAL, IN PKMT_IRP_HANDLER IrpHandler); NTSTATUS KmtUnregisterIrpHandler(IN UCHAR MajorFunction, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject OPTIONAL, IN PKMT_IRP_HANDLER IrpHandler); typedef NTSTATUS (KMT_MESSAGE_HANDLER)( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN ULONG ControlCode, IN PVOID Buffer OPTIONAL, IN SIZE_T InLength, IN OUT PSIZE_T OutLength); typedef KMT_MESSAGE_HANDLER *PKMT_MESSAGE_HANDLER; NTSTATUS KmtRegisterMessageHandler(IN ULONG ControlCode OPTIONAL, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject OPTIONAL, IN PKMT_MESSAGE_HANDLER MessageHandler); NTSTATUS KmtUnregisterMessageHandler(IN ULONG ControlCode OPTIONAL, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject OPTIONAL, IN PKMT_MESSAGE_HANDLER MessageHandler); typedef enum { TESTENTRY_NO_CREATE_DEVICE = 1, TESTENTRY_NO_REGISTER_DISPATCH = 2, TESTENTRY_NO_REGISTER_UNLOAD = 4, TESTENTRY_NO_EXCLUSIVE_DEVICE = 8, } KMT_TESTENTRY_FLAGS; NTSTATUS TestEntry(IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, IN PCUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath, OUT PCWSTR *DeviceName, IN OUT INT *Flags); VOID TestUnload(IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject); #endif /* defined KMT_STANDALONE_DRIVER */ #ifdef KMT_KERNEL_MODE /* Device Extension layout */ typedef struct { PKMT_RESULTBUFFER ResultBuffer; PMDL Mdl; } KMT_DEVICE_EXTENSION, *PKMT_DEVICE_EXTENSION; extern BOOLEAN KmtIsCheckedBuild; extern BOOLEAN KmtIsMultiProcessorBuild; extern PCSTR KmtMajorFunctionNames[]; extern PDRIVER_OBJECT KmtDriverObject; VOID KmtSetIrql(IN KIRQL NewIrql); BOOLEAN KmtAreInterruptsEnabled(VOID); ULONG KmtGetPoolTag(PVOID Memory); #elif defined KMT_USER_MODE DWORD KmtRunKernelTest(IN PCSTR TestName); VOID KmtLoadDriver(IN PCWSTR ServiceName, IN BOOLEAN RestartIfRunning); VOID KmtUnloadDriver(VOID); VOID KmtOpenDriver(VOID); VOID KmtCloseDriver(VOID); DWORD KmtSendToDriver(IN DWORD ControlCode); DWORD KmtSendStringToDriver(IN DWORD ControlCode, IN PCSTR String); DWORD KmtSendWStringToDriver(IN DWORD ControlCode, IN PCWSTR String); DWORD KmtSendBufferToDriver(IN DWORD ControlCode, IN OUT PVOID Buffer OPTIONAL, IN DWORD InLength, IN OUT PDWORD OutLength); #else /* if !defined KMT_KERNEL_MODE && !defined KMT_USER_MODE */ #error either KMT_KERNEL_MODE or KMT_USER_MODE must be defined #endif /* !defined KMT_KERNEL_MODE && !defined KMT_USER_MODE */ extern PKMT_RESULTBUFFER ResultBuffer; #ifdef __GNUC__ /* TODO: GCC doesn't understand %wZ :( */ #define KMT_FORMAT(type, fmt, first) /*__attribute__((__format__(type, fmt, first)))*/ #elif !defined __GNUC__ #define KMT_FORMAT(type, fmt, first) #endif /* !defined __GNUC__ */ #define START_TEST(name) VOID Test_##name(VOID) #ifndef KMT_STRINGIZE #define KMT_STRINGIZE(x) #x #endif /* !defined KMT_STRINGIZE */ #define ok(test, ...) ok_(test, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__) #define trace(...) trace_( __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__) #define skip(test, ...) skip_(test, __FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__) #define ok_(test, file, line, ...) KmtOk(test, file ":" KMT_STRINGIZE(line), __VA_ARGS__) #define trace_(file, line, ...) KmtTrace( file ":" KMT_STRINGIZE(line), __VA_ARGS__) #define skip_(test, file, line, ...) KmtSkip(test, file ":" KMT_STRINGIZE(line), __VA_ARGS__) BOOLEAN KmtVOk(INT Condition, PCSTR FileAndLine, PCSTR Format, va_list Arguments) KMT_FORMAT(ms_printf, 3, 0); BOOLEAN KmtOk(INT Condition, PCSTR FileAndLine, PCSTR Format, ...) KMT_FORMAT(ms_printf, 3, 4); VOID KmtVTrace(PCSTR FileAndLine, PCSTR Format, va_list Arguments) KMT_FORMAT(ms_printf, 2, 0); VOID KmtTrace(PCSTR FileAndLine, PCSTR Format, ...) KMT_FORMAT(ms_printf, 2, 3); BOOLEAN KmtVSkip(INT Condition, PCSTR FileAndLine, PCSTR Format, va_list Arguments) KMT_FORMAT(ms_printf, 3, 0); BOOLEAN KmtSkip(INT Condition, PCSTR FileAndLine, PCSTR Format, ...) KMT_FORMAT(ms_printf, 3, 4); PVOID KmtAllocateGuarded(SIZE_T SizeRequested); VOID KmtFreeGuarded(PVOID Pointer); #ifdef KMT_KERNEL_MODE #define ok_irql(irql) ok(KeGetCurrentIrql() == irql, "IRQL is %d, expected %d\n", KeGetCurrentIrql(), irql) #endif /* defined KMT_KERNEL_MODE */ #define ok_eq_print(value, expected, spec) ok((value) == (expected), #value " = " spec ", expected " spec "\n", value, expected) #define ok_eq_pointer(value, expected) ok_eq_print(value, expected, "%p") #define ok_eq_int(value, expected) ok_eq_print(value, expected, "%d") #define ok_eq_uint(value, expected) ok_eq_print(value, expected, "%u") #define ok_eq_long(value, expected) ok_eq_print(value, expected, "%ld") #define ok_eq_ulong(value, expected) ok_eq_print(value, expected, "%lu") #define ok_eq_longlong(value, expected) ok_eq_print(value, expected, "%I64d") #define ok_eq_ulonglong(value, expected) ok_eq_print(value, expected, "%I64u") #ifndef _WIN64 #define ok_eq_size(value, expected) ok_eq_print(value, (SIZE_T)(expected), "%lu") #define ok_eq_longptr(value, expected) ok_eq_print(value, (LONG_PTR)(expected), "%ld") #define ok_eq_ulongptr(value, expected) ok_eq_print(value, (ULONG_PTR)(expected), "%lu") #elif defined _WIN64 #define ok_eq_size(value, expected) ok_eq_print(value, (SIZE_T)(expected), "%I64u") #define ok_eq_longptr(value, expected) ok_eq_print(value, (LONG_PTR)(expected), "%I64d") #define ok_eq_ulongptr(value, expected) ok_eq_print(value, (ULONG_PTR)(expected), "%I64u") #endif /* defined _WIN64 */ #define ok_eq_hex(value, expected) ok_eq_print(value, expected, "0x%08lx") #define ok_bool_true(value, desc) ok((value) == TRUE, desc " FALSE, expected TRUE\n") #define ok_bool_false(value, desc) ok((value) == FALSE, desc " TRUE, expected FALSE\n") #define ok_eq_bool(value, expected) ok((value) == (expected), #value " = %s, expected %s\n", \ (value) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", \ (expected) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") #define ok_eq_str(value, expected) ok(!strcmp(value, expected), #value " = \"%s\", expected \"%s\"\n", value, expected) #define ok_eq_wstr(value, expected) ok(!wcscmp(value, expected), #value " = \"%ls\", expected \"%ls\"\n", value, expected) #define ok_eq_tag(value, expected) ok_eq_print(value, expected, "0x%08lx") #define KMT_MAKE_CODE(ControlCode) CTL_CODE(FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN, \ 0xC00 + (ControlCode), \ METHOD_BUFFERED, \ FILE_ANY_ACCESS) #define MICROSECOND 10 #define MILLISECOND (1000 * MICROSECOND) #define SECOND (1000 * MILLISECOND) #define KmtInvalidPointer ((PVOID)0x5555555555555555ULL) #define KmtStartSeh() \ ExceptionStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; \ _SEH2_TRY \ { #define KmtEndSeh(ExpectedStatus) \ } \ _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) \ { \ ExceptionStatus = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); \ } _SEH2_END; \ ok_eq_hex(ExceptionStatus, ExpectedStatus) #if defined KMT_DEFINE_TEST_FUNCTIONS #if defined KMT_KERNEL_MODE BOOLEAN KmtIsCheckedBuild; BOOLEAN KmtIsMultiProcessorBuild; PCSTR KmtMajorFunctionNames[] = { "Create", "CreateNamedPipe", "Close", "Read", "Write", "QueryInformation", "SetInformation", "QueryEa", "SetEa", "FlushBuffers", "QueryVolumeInformation", "SetVolumeInformation", "DirectoryControl", "FileSystemControl", "DeviceControl", "InternalDeviceControl/Scsi", "Shutdown", "LockControl", "Cleanup", "CreateMailslot", "QuerySecurity", "SetSecurity", "Power", "SystemControl", "DeviceChange", "QueryQuota", "SetQuota", "Pnp/PnpPower" }; VOID KmtSetIrql(IN KIRQL NewIrql) { KIRQL Irql = KeGetCurrentIrql(); if (Irql > NewIrql) KeLowerIrql(NewIrql); else if (Irql < NewIrql) KeRaiseIrql(NewIrql, &Irql); } BOOLEAN KmtAreInterruptsEnabled(VOID) { return (__readeflags() & (1 << 9)) != 0; } typedef struct _POOL_HEADER { union { struct { #ifdef _M_AMD64 USHORT PreviousSize:8; USHORT PoolIndex:8; USHORT BlockSize:8; USHORT PoolType:8; #else USHORT PreviousSize:9; USHORT PoolIndex:7; USHORT BlockSize:9; USHORT PoolType:7; #endif }; ULONG Ulong1; }; #ifdef _M_AMD64 ULONG PoolTag; #endif union { #ifdef _M_AMD64 PEPROCESS ProcessBilled; #else ULONG PoolTag; #endif struct { USHORT AllocatorBackTraceIndex; USHORT PoolTagHash; }; }; } POOL_HEADER, *PPOOL_HEADER; ULONG KmtGetPoolTag(PVOID Memory) { PPOOL_HEADER Header; /* it's not so easy for allocations of PAGE_SIZE */ if (((ULONG_PTR)Memory & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) == 0) return 'TooL'; Header = Memory; Header--; return Header->PoolTag; } INT __cdecl KmtVSNPrintF(PSTR Buffer, SIZE_T BufferMaxLength, PCSTR Format, va_list Arguments) KMT_FORMAT(ms_printf, 3, 0); #elif defined KMT_USER_MODE static PKMT_RESULTBUFFER KmtAllocateResultBuffer(SIZE_T ResultBufferSize) { PKMT_RESULTBUFFER Buffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, ResultBufferSize); if (!Buffer) return NULL; Buffer->Successes = 0; Buffer->Failures = 0; Buffer->Skipped = 0; Buffer->LogBufferLength = 0; Buffer->LogBufferMaxLength = (ULONG)ResultBufferSize - FIELD_OFFSET(KMT_RESULTBUFFER, LogBuffer); return Buffer; } static VOID KmtFreeResultBuffer(PKMT_RESULTBUFFER Buffer) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, Buffer); } #define KmtVSNPrintF vsnprintf #endif /* defined KMT_USER_MODE */ PKMT_RESULTBUFFER ResultBuffer = NULL; static VOID KmtAddToLogBuffer(PKMT_RESULTBUFFER Buffer, PCSTR String, SIZE_T Length) { LONG OldLength; LONG NewLength; if (!Buffer) return; do { OldLength = Buffer->LogBufferLength; NewLength = OldLength + (ULONG)Length; if (NewLength > Buffer->LogBufferMaxLength) return; } while (InterlockedCompareExchange(&Buffer->LogBufferLength, NewLength, OldLength) != OldLength); memcpy(&Buffer->LogBuffer[OldLength], String, Length); } KMT_FORMAT(ms_printf, 5, 0) static SIZE_T KmtXVSNPrintF(PSTR Buffer, SIZE_T BufferMaxLength, PCSTR FileAndLine, PCSTR Prepend, PCSTR Format, va_list Arguments) { SIZE_T BufferLength = 0; SIZE_T Length; if (FileAndLine) { PCSTR Slash; Slash = strrchr(FileAndLine, '\\'); if (Slash) FileAndLine = Slash + 1; Slash = strrchr(FileAndLine, '/'); if (Slash) FileAndLine = Slash + 1; Length = min(BufferMaxLength, strlen(FileAndLine)); memcpy(Buffer, FileAndLine, Length); Buffer += Length; BufferLength += Length; BufferMaxLength -= Length; } if (Prepend) { Length = min(BufferMaxLength, strlen(Prepend)); memcpy(Buffer, Prepend, Length); Buffer += Length; BufferLength += Length; BufferMaxLength -= Length; } if (Format) { Length = KmtVSNPrintF(Buffer, BufferMaxLength, Format, Arguments); /* vsnprintf can return more than maxLength, we don't want to do that */ BufferLength += min(Length, BufferMaxLength); } return BufferLength; } KMT_FORMAT(ms_printf, 5, 6) static SIZE_T KmtXSNPrintF(PSTR Buffer, SIZE_T BufferMaxLength, PCSTR FileAndLine, PCSTR Prepend, PCSTR Format, ...) { SIZE_T BufferLength; va_list Arguments; va_start(Arguments, Format); BufferLength = KmtXVSNPrintF(Buffer, BufferMaxLength, FileAndLine, Prepend, Format, Arguments); va_end(Arguments); return BufferLength; } VOID KmtFinishTest(PCSTR TestName) { CHAR MessageBuffer[512]; SIZE_T MessageLength; if (!ResultBuffer) return; MessageLength = KmtXSNPrintF(MessageBuffer, sizeof MessageBuffer, NULL, NULL, "%s: %ld tests executed (0 marked as todo, %ld failures), %ld skipped.\n", TestName, ResultBuffer->Successes + ResultBuffer->Failures, ResultBuffer->Failures, ResultBuffer->Skipped); KmtAddToLogBuffer(ResultBuffer, MessageBuffer, MessageLength); } BOOLEAN KmtVOk(INT Condition, PCSTR FileAndLine, PCSTR Format, va_list Arguments) { CHAR MessageBuffer[512]; SIZE_T MessageLength; if (!ResultBuffer) return Condition != 0; if (Condition) { InterlockedIncrement(&ResultBuffer->Successes); if (0/*KmtReportSuccess*/) { MessageLength = KmtXSNPrintF(MessageBuffer, sizeof MessageBuffer, FileAndLine, ": Test succeeded\n", NULL); KmtAddToLogBuffer(ResultBuffer, MessageBuffer, MessageLength); } } else { InterlockedIncrement(&ResultBuffer->Failures); MessageLength = KmtXVSNPrintF(MessageBuffer, sizeof MessageBuffer, FileAndLine, ": Test failed: ", Format, Arguments); KmtAddToLogBuffer(ResultBuffer, MessageBuffer, MessageLength); } return Condition != 0; } BOOLEAN KmtOk(INT Condition, PCSTR FileAndLine, PCSTR Format, ...) { BOOLEAN Ret; va_list Arguments; va_start(Arguments, Format); Ret = KmtVOk(Condition, FileAndLine, Format, Arguments); va_end(Arguments); return Ret; } VOID KmtVTrace(PCSTR FileAndLine, PCSTR Format, va_list Arguments) { CHAR MessageBuffer[512]; SIZE_T MessageLength; MessageLength = KmtXVSNPrintF(MessageBuffer, sizeof MessageBuffer, FileAndLine, ": ", Format, Arguments); KmtAddToLogBuffer(ResultBuffer, MessageBuffer, MessageLength); } VOID KmtTrace(PCSTR FileAndLine, PCSTR Format, ...) { va_list Arguments; va_start(Arguments, Format); KmtVTrace(FileAndLine, Format, Arguments); va_end(Arguments); } BOOLEAN KmtVSkip(INT Condition, PCSTR FileAndLine, PCSTR Format, va_list Arguments) { CHAR MessageBuffer[512]; SIZE_T MessageLength; if (!ResultBuffer) return !Condition; if (!Condition) { InterlockedIncrement(&ResultBuffer->Skipped); MessageLength = KmtXVSNPrintF(MessageBuffer, sizeof MessageBuffer, FileAndLine, ": Tests skipped: ", Format, Arguments); KmtAddToLogBuffer(ResultBuffer, MessageBuffer, MessageLength); } return !Condition; } BOOLEAN KmtSkip(INT Condition, PCSTR FileAndLine, PCSTR Format, ...) { BOOLEAN Ret; va_list Arguments; va_start(Arguments, Format); Ret = KmtVSkip(Condition, FileAndLine, Format, Arguments); va_end(Arguments); return Ret; } PVOID KmtAllocateGuarded(SIZE_T SizeRequested) { NTSTATUS Status; SIZE_T Size = PAGE_ROUND_UP(SizeRequested + PAGE_SIZE); PVOID VirtualMemory = NULL; PCHAR StartOfBuffer; Status = ZwAllocateVirtualMemory(ZwCurrentProcess(), &VirtualMemory, 0, &Size, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return NULL; Size -= PAGE_SIZE; Status = ZwAllocateVirtualMemory(ZwCurrentProcess(), &VirtualMemory, 0, &Size, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Size = 0; Status = ZwFreeVirtualMemory(ZwCurrentProcess(), &VirtualMemory, &Size, MEM_RELEASE); ok_eq_hex(Status, STATUS_SUCCESS); return NULL; } StartOfBuffer = VirtualMemory; StartOfBuffer += Size - SizeRequested; return StartOfBuffer; } VOID KmtFreeGuarded(PVOID Pointer) { NTSTATUS Status; PVOID VirtualMemory = (PVOID)PAGE_ROUND_DOWN((SIZE_T)Pointer); SIZE_T Size = 0; Status = ZwFreeVirtualMemory(ZwCurrentProcess(), &VirtualMemory, &Size, MEM_RELEASE); ok_eq_hex(Status, STATUS_SUCCESS); } #endif /* defined KMT_DEFINE_TEST_FUNCTIONS */ #endif /* !defined _KMTEST_TEST_H_ */