/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * FILE: lib/opengl32/icdload.c * PURPOSE: OpenGL32 lib, ICD dll loader */ #include "opengl32.h" #include WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(opengl32); typedef struct { DWORD Version; /*!< Driver interface version */ DWORD DriverVersion; /*!< Driver version */ WCHAR DriverName[256]; /*!< Driver name */ } Drv_Opengl_Info, *pDrv_Opengl_Info; typedef enum { OGL_CD_NOT_QUERIED, OGL_CD_NONE, OGL_CD_ROSSWI, OGL_CD_CUSTOM_ICD } CUSTOM_DRIVER_STATE; static CRITICAL_SECTION icdload_cs = {NULL, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0}; static struct ICD_Data* ICD_Data_List = NULL; static const WCHAR OpenGLDrivers_Key[] = L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\OpenGLDrivers"; static const WCHAR CustomDrivers_Key[] = L"SOFTWARE\\ReactOS\\OpenGL"; static Drv_Opengl_Info CustomDrvInfo; static CUSTOM_DRIVER_STATE CustomDriverState = OGL_CD_NOT_QUERIED; static void APIENTRY wglSetCurrentValue(PVOID value) { IntSetCurrentICDPrivate(value); } static PVOID APIENTRY wglGetCurrentValue() { return IntGetCurrentICDPrivate(); } static DHGLRC APIENTRY wglGetDHGLRC(struct wgl_context* context) { return context->dhglrc; } /* GDI entry points (win32k) */ extern INT APIENTRY GdiDescribePixelFormat(HDC hdc, INT ipfd, UINT cjpfd, PPIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR ppfd); extern BOOL APIENTRY GdiSetPixelFormat(HDC hdc, INT ipfd); extern BOOL APIENTRY GdiSwapBuffers(HDC hdc); /* Retrieves the ICD data (driver version + relevant DLL entry points) for a device context */ struct ICD_Data* IntGetIcdData(HDC hdc) { int ret; DWORD dwInput, dwValueType, Version, DriverVersion, Flags; Drv_Opengl_Info DrvInfo; pDrv_Opengl_Info pDrvInfo; struct ICD_Data* data; HKEY OglKey = NULL; HKEY DrvKey, CustomKey; WCHAR DllName[MAX_PATH]; BOOL (WINAPI *DrvValidateVersion)(DWORD); void (WINAPI *DrvSetCallbackProcs)(int nProcs, PROC* pProcs); /* The following code is ReactOS specific and allows us to easily load an arbitrary ICD: * It checks HKCU\Software\ReactOS\OpenGL for a custom ICD and will always load it * no matter what driver the DC is associated with. It can also force using the * built-in Software Implementation*/ if(CustomDriverState == OGL_CD_NOT_QUERIED) { /* Only do this once so there's not any significant performance penalty */ CustomDriverState = OGL_CD_NONE; memset(&CustomDrvInfo, 0, sizeof(Drv_Opengl_Info)); ret = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, CustomDrivers_Key, 0, KEY_READ, &CustomKey); if(ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto custom_end; dwInput = sizeof(CustomDrvInfo.DriverName); ret = RegQueryValueExW(CustomKey, L"", 0, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)CustomDrvInfo.DriverName, &dwInput); RegCloseKey(CustomKey); if((ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwValueType != REG_SZ) || !wcslen(CustomDrvInfo.DriverName)) goto custom_end; if(!_wcsicmp(CustomDrvInfo.DriverName, L"ReactOS Software Implementation")) { /* Always announce the fact that we're forcing ROSSWI */ ERR("Forcing ReactOS Software Implementation\n"); CustomDriverState = OGL_CD_ROSSWI; return NULL; } ret = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, OpenGLDrivers_Key, 0, KEY_READ, &OglKey); if(ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto custom_end; ret = RegOpenKeyExW(OglKey, CustomDrvInfo.DriverName, 0, KEY_READ, &OglKey); if(ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto custom_end; dwInput = sizeof(CustomDrvInfo.Version); ret = RegQueryValueExW(OglKey, L"Version", 0, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)&CustomDrvInfo.Version, &dwInput); if((ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwValueType != REG_DWORD)) goto custom_end; dwInput = sizeof(DriverVersion); ret = RegQueryValueExW(OglKey, L"DriverVersion", 0, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)&CustomDrvInfo.DriverVersion, &dwInput); CustomDriverState = OGL_CD_CUSTOM_ICD; /* Always announce the fact that we're overriding the default driver */ ERR("Overriding the default OGL ICD with %S\n", CustomDrvInfo.DriverName); custom_end: if(OglKey) RegCloseKey(OglKey); RegCloseKey(CustomKey); } /* If there's a custom ICD or ROSSWI was requested use it, otherwise proceed as usual */ if(CustomDriverState == OGL_CD_CUSTOM_ICD) { pDrvInfo = &CustomDrvInfo; } else if(CustomDriverState == OGL_CD_ROSSWI) { return NULL; } else { /* First, see if the driver supports this */ dwInput = OPENGL_GETINFO; ret = ExtEscape(hdc, QUERYESCSUPPORT, sizeof(DWORD), (LPCSTR)&dwInput, 0, NULL); /* Driver doesn't support opengl */ if(ret <= 0) return NULL; /* Query for the ICD DLL name and version */ dwInput = 0; ret = ExtEscape(hdc, OPENGL_GETINFO, sizeof(DWORD), (LPCSTR)&dwInput, sizeof(DrvInfo), (LPSTR)&DrvInfo); if(ret <= 0) { ERR("Driver claims to support OPENGL_GETINFO escape code, but doesn't.\n"); return NULL; } pDrvInfo = &DrvInfo; } /* Protect the list while we are loading*/ EnterCriticalSection(&icdload_cs); /* Search for it in the list of already loaded modules */ data = ICD_Data_List; while(data) { if(!_wcsicmp(data->DriverName, pDrvInfo->DriverName)) { /* Found it */ TRACE("Found already loaded %p.\n", data); LeaveCriticalSection(&icdload_cs); return data; } data = data->next; } /* It was still not loaded, look for it in the registry */ ret = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, OpenGLDrivers_Key, 0, KEY_READ, &OglKey); if(ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ERR("Failed to open the OpenGLDrivers key.\n"); goto end; } ret = RegOpenKeyExW(OglKey, pDrvInfo->DriverName, 0, KEY_READ, &DrvKey); if(ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) { /* Some driver installer just provide the DLL name, like the Matrox G400 */ TRACE("No driver subkey for %S, trying to get DLL name directly.\n", pDrvInfo->DriverName); dwInput = sizeof(DllName); ret = RegQueryValueExW(OglKey, pDrvInfo->DriverName, 0, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)DllName, &dwInput); if((ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwValueType != REG_SZ)) { ERR("Unable to get ICD DLL name!\n"); RegCloseKey(OglKey); goto end; } Version = DriverVersion = Flags = 0; TRACE("DLL name is %S.\n", DllName); } else { /* The driver have a subkey for the ICD */ TRACE("Querying details from registry for %S.\n", pDrvInfo->DriverName); dwInput = sizeof(DllName); ret = RegQueryValueExW(DrvKey, L"Dll", 0, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)DllName, &dwInput); if((ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwValueType != REG_SZ)) { ERR("Unable to get ICD DLL name!.\n"); RegCloseKey(DrvKey); RegCloseKey(OglKey); goto end; } dwInput = sizeof(Version); ret = RegQueryValueExW(DrvKey, L"Version", 0, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)&Version, &dwInput); if((ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwValueType != REG_DWORD)) { WARN("No version in driver subkey\n"); } else if(Version != pDrvInfo->Version) { ERR("Version mismatch between registry (%lu) and display driver (%lu).\n", Version, pDrvInfo->Version); RegCloseKey(DrvKey); RegCloseKey(OglKey); goto end; } dwInput = sizeof(DriverVersion); ret = RegQueryValueExW(DrvKey, L"DriverVersion", 0, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)&DriverVersion, &dwInput); if((ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwValueType != REG_DWORD)) { WARN("No driver version in driver subkey\n"); } else if(DriverVersion != pDrvInfo->DriverVersion) { ERR("Driver version mismatch between registry (%lu) and display driver (%lu).\n", DriverVersion, pDrvInfo->DriverVersion); RegCloseKey(DrvKey); RegCloseKey(OglKey); goto end; } dwInput = sizeof(Flags); ret = RegQueryValueExW(DrvKey, L"Flags", 0, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)&Flags, &dwInput); if((ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwValueType != REG_DWORD)) { WARN("No driver version in driver subkey\n"); Flags = 0; } /* We're done */ RegCloseKey(DrvKey); TRACE("DLL name is %S, Version %lx, DriverVersion %lx, Flags %lx.\n", DllName, Version, DriverVersion, Flags); } /* No need for this anymore */ RegCloseKey(OglKey); /* So far so good, allocate data */ data = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(*data)); if(!data) { ERR("Unable to allocate ICD data!\n"); goto end; } /* Load the library */ data->hModule = LoadLibraryW(DllName); if(!data->hModule) { ERR("Could not load the ICD DLL: %S.\n", DllName); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, data); data = NULL; goto end; } /* * Validate version, if needed. * Some drivers (at least VBOX), initialize stuff upon this call. */ DrvValidateVersion = (void*)GetProcAddress(data->hModule, "DrvValidateVersion"); if(DrvValidateVersion) { if(!DrvValidateVersion(pDrvInfo->DriverVersion)) { ERR("DrvValidateVersion failed!.\n"); goto fail; } } /* Pass the callbacks */ DrvSetCallbackProcs = (void*)GetProcAddress(data->hModule, "DrvSetCallbackProcs"); if(DrvSetCallbackProcs) { PROC callbacks[] = {(PROC)wglGetCurrentValue, (PROC)wglSetCurrentValue, (PROC)wglGetDHGLRC}; DrvSetCallbackProcs(3, callbacks); } /* Get the DLL exports */ #define DRV_LOAD(x) do \ { \ data->x = (void*)GetProcAddress(data->hModule, #x); \ if(!data->x) { \ ERR("%S lacks " #x "!\n", DllName); \ goto fail; \ } \ } while(0) DRV_LOAD(DrvCopyContext); DRV_LOAD(DrvCreateContext); DRV_LOAD(DrvCreateLayerContext); DRV_LOAD(DrvDeleteContext); DRV_LOAD(DrvDescribeLayerPlane); DRV_LOAD(DrvDescribePixelFormat); DRV_LOAD(DrvGetLayerPaletteEntries); DRV_LOAD(DrvGetProcAddress); DRV_LOAD(DrvReleaseContext); DRV_LOAD(DrvRealizeLayerPalette); DRV_LOAD(DrvSetContext); DRV_LOAD(DrvSetLayerPaletteEntries); DRV_LOAD(DrvSetPixelFormat); DRV_LOAD(DrvShareLists); DRV_LOAD(DrvSwapBuffers); DRV_LOAD(DrvSwapLayerBuffers); #undef DRV_LOAD /* Let's see if GDI should handle this instead of the ICD DLL */ // FIXME: maybe there is a better way if (GdiDescribePixelFormat(hdc, 0, 0, NULL) != 0) { /* GDI knows what to do with that. Override */ TRACE("Forwarding WGL calls to win32k!\n"); data->DrvDescribePixelFormat = GdiDescribePixelFormat; data->DrvSetPixelFormat = GdiSetPixelFormat; data->DrvSwapBuffers = GdiSwapBuffers; } /* Copy the DriverName */ wcscpy(data->DriverName, pDrvInfo->DriverName); /* Push the list */ data->next = ICD_Data_List; ICD_Data_List = data; TRACE("Returning %p.\n", data); TRACE("ICD driver %S (%S) successfully loaded.\n", pDrvInfo->DriverName, DllName); end: /* Unlock and return */ LeaveCriticalSection(&icdload_cs); return data; fail: LeaveCriticalSection(&icdload_cs); FreeLibrary(data->hModule); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, data); return NULL; } void IntDeleteAllICDs(void) { struct ICD_Data* data; EnterCriticalSection(&icdload_cs); while (ICD_Data_List != NULL) { data = ICD_Data_List; ICD_Data_List = data->next; FreeLibrary(data->hModule); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, data); } }