#pragma once /* Icons */ #define IDI_MAIN 10 /* Bitmaps */ #define IDB_PLAYICON 50 #define IDB_STOPICON 51 #define IDB_EJECTICON 52 #define IDB_BACKWARDICON 53 #define IDB_SEEKBACKICON 54 #define IDB_SEEKFORWICON 55 #define IDB_FORWARDICON 56 #define IDB_PAUSEICON 57 /* Strings */ #define IDS_APPTITLE 100 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_PLAY 101 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_STOP 102 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_EJECT 103 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_BACKWARD 104 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_SEEKBACK 105 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_SEEKFORW 106 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_FORWARD 107 #define IDS_TOOLTIP_PAUSE 108 #define IDS_ALL_TYPES_FILTER 109 #define IDS_PLAY 110 #define IDS_DEFAULTMCIERRMSG 111 #define IDS_MODE_UNKNOWN 120 #define IDS_MODE_OPEN 121 #define IDS_MODE_STOP 122 #define IDS_MODE_PLAY 123 #define IDS_MODE_PAUSE 124 #define IDS_MODE_RECORD 125 #define IDS_MODE_SEEK 126 #define IDS_MODE_NOT_READY 127 /* Menu */ #define IDR_MAINMENU 500 /* Accelerators */ #define ID_ACCELERATORS 800 /* Menu items */ #define IDM_OPEN_FILE 1000 #define IDM_CLOSE_FILE 1001 #define IDM_EXIT 1002 #define IDM_ABOUT 1003 #define IDM_VOLUMECTL 1004 #define IDM_DEVPROPS 1005 #define IDM_REPEAT 1006 #define IDM_SWITCHVIEW 1007 /* The device specific items in the device menu start here */ #define IDM_DEVICE_FIRST 10000 /* ToolBar Icons */ #define TBICON_PLAY 0 #define TBICON_STOP 1 #define TBICON_EJECT 2 #define TBICON_BACKWARD 3 #define TBICON_SEEKBACK 4 #define TBICON_SEEKFORW 5 #define TBICON_FORWARD 6 /* ToolBar Buttons */ #define IDC_PLAY 1500 #define IDC_STOP 1501 #define IDC_EJECT 1502 #define IDC_BACKWARD 1503 #define IDC_SEEKBACK 1504 #define IDC_SEEKFORW 1505 #define IDC_FORWARD 1506 #define IDC_PAUSE 1507