/* * PROJECT: ReactOS FontView * FILE: base/applications/fontview/lang/sv-SE.rc * PURPOSE: Swedish resource file * TRANSLATOR: Jaix Bly */ LANGUAGE LANG_SWEDISH, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_INSTALL "&Installera" IDS_PRINT "&Skriv ut" IDS_STRING "Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz. 1234567890" IDS_OPEN "Öppna font..." IDS_ERROR "Fel" IDS_ERROR_NOMEM "Det er inte nog minne för att slutföre operationen." IDS_ERROR_NOFONT "Filen %1 är inte en giltig typsnittsfil." IDS_ERROR_NOCLASS "Kunde inte initialisera Windows klassen." IDS_ERROR_ISINSTALLED "This font is already installed!" IDS_ERROR_FONTCPY "Failed to copy the font file!" IDS_ERROR_OPENKEY "Failed to open the fonts key!" IDS_ERROR_REGISTER "Failed to register the new font!" IDS_SUCCESS "Success" IDS_COMPLETED "Font installation completed." IDS_FILTER_LIST "All Supported Fonts (*.fon;*.fnt;*.ttf;*.ttc;*.otf;*.otc)\0*.fon;*.fnt;*.ttf;*.ttc;*.otf;*.otc\0\ Font File (*.fon;*.fnt)\0*.fon;*.fnt\0\ TrueType Font (*.ttf)\0*.ttf\0\ TrueType Font Collection (*.ttc)\0*.ttc\0\ OpenType Font (*.otf)\0*.otf\0\ OpenType Font Collection (*.otc)\0*.otc\0\ All Files (*.*)\0*.*\0" IDS_PREVIOUS "< F&öregående" IDS_NEXT "&Nästa >" END