/* * PROJECT: ReactOS International Control Panel * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: dll/cpl/intl/setupreg.c * PURPOSE: ReactOS International Control Panel * PROGRAMMERS: Alexey Zavyalov (gen_x@mail.ru) */ /* INCLUDES *****************************************************************/ #include "intl.h" /* GLOBALS ******************************************************************/ #define NUM_SHEETS 4 /* FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************/ /* Insert the space */ TCHAR* InsSpacePos(const TCHAR *szInsStr, const int nPos) { LPTSTR pszDestStr; int nDestStrCnt=0; int nStrCnt; int nStrSize; pszDestStr = (LPTSTR)malloc(MAX_SAMPLES_STR_SIZE * sizeof(TCHAR)); _tcscpy(pszDestStr, szInsStr); nStrSize = _tcslen(szInsStr); for (nStrCnt = 0; nStrCnt < nStrSize; nStrCnt++) { if (nStrCnt == nStrSize - nPos) { pszDestStr[nDestStrCnt] = _T(' '); nDestStrCnt++; } pszDestStr[nDestStrCnt] = szInsStr[nStrCnt]; nDestStrCnt++; } pszDestStr[nDestStrCnt] = _T('\0'); return pszDestStr; } /* Insert the spaces by format string separated by ';' */ LPTSTR InsSpacesFmt(const TCHAR *szSourceStr, const TCHAR *szFmtStr) { LPTSTR pszDestStr; LPTSTR pszTempStr; TCHAR szFmtVal[255]; int nFmtCount=0; int nValCount=0; int nLastVal=0; int nSpaceOffset=0; BOOL wasNul=FALSE; pszDestStr = (LPTSTR) malloc(255 * sizeof(TCHAR)); _tcscpy(pszDestStr, szSourceStr); /* If format is clean return source string */ if (!*szFmtStr) return pszDestStr; /* Search for all format values */ for (nFmtCount = 0; nFmtCount <= (int)_tcslen(szFmtStr); nFmtCount++) { if (szFmtStr[nFmtCount] == _T(';') || szFmtStr[nFmtCount] == _T('\0')) { if (_ttoi(szFmtVal) == 0 && !wasNul) { wasNul = TRUE; break; } /* If was 0, repeat spaces */ if (wasNul) { nSpaceOffset += nLastVal; } else { nSpaceOffset += _ttoi(szFmtVal); } szFmtVal[nValCount] = _T('\0'); nValCount=0; /* Insert space to finded position plus all pos before */ pszTempStr = InsSpacePos(pszDestStr, nSpaceOffset); _tcscpy(pszDestStr, pszTempStr); free(pszTempStr); /* Num of spaces total increment */ if (!wasNul) { nSpaceOffset++; nLastVal = _ttoi(szFmtVal); } } else { szFmtVal[nValCount++] = szFmtStr[nFmtCount]; } } /* Create spaces for rest part of string */ if (wasNul && nLastVal!=0) { for (nFmtCount = nSpaceOffset + nLastVal; nFmtCount < _tcslen(pszDestStr); nFmtCount += nLastVal + 1) { pszTempStr = InsSpacePos(pszDestStr, nFmtCount); _tcscpy(pszDestStr,pszTempStr); free(pszTempStr); } } return pszDestStr; } /* Replace given template in source string with string to replace and return recieved string */ TCHAR* ReplaceSubStr(const TCHAR *szSourceStr, const TCHAR *szStrToReplace, const TCHAR *szTempl) { int nCharCnt; int nSubStrCnt; int nDestStrCnt; int nFirstCharCnt; LPTSTR szDestStr; szDestStr = (LPTSTR)malloc(MAX_SAMPLES_STR_SIZE * sizeof(TCHAR)); nDestStrCnt = 0; nFirstCharCnt = 0; _tcscpy(szDestStr, _T(L"")); while (nFirstCharCnt < (int)_tcslen(szSourceStr)) { if (szSourceStr[nFirstCharCnt] == szTempl[0]) { nSubStrCnt=0; for (nCharCnt = nFirstCharCnt; nCharCnt < nFirstCharCnt + (int)_tcslen(szTempl); nCharCnt++) { if (szSourceStr[nCharCnt] == szTempl[nSubStrCnt]) { nSubStrCnt++; } else { break; } if ((int)_tcslen(szTempl) == nSubStrCnt) { _tcscat(szDestStr, szStrToReplace); nDestStrCnt = (int)_tcslen(szDestStr); nFirstCharCnt += (int)_tcslen(szTempl) - 1; break; } } } else { szDestStr[nDestStrCnt++] = wszSourceStr[nFirstCharCnt]; szDestStr[nDestStrCnt] = _T('\0'); } nFirstCharCnt++; } return szDestStr; } static VOID InitPropSheetPage(PROPSHEETPAGE *PsPage, WORD IdDlg, DLGPROC DlgProc) { ZeroMemory(PsPage, sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE)); PsPage->dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); PsPage->dwFlags = PSP_DEFAULT; PsPage->hInstance = hApplet; PsPage->pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IdDlg); PsPage->pfnDlgProc = DlgProc; } /* Create applets */ LONG APIENTRY SetupApplet(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LONG wParam, LONG lParam) { PROPSHEETPAGE PsPage[NUM_SHEETS]; PROPSHEETHEADER psh; TCHAR Caption[MAX_STR_SIZE]; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lParam); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(wParam); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(uMsg); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hwnd); LoadString(hApplet, IDS_CPLNAME, Caption, sizeof(Caption) / sizeof(TCHAR)); ZeroMemory(&psh, sizeof(PROPSHEETHEADER)); psh.dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETHEADER); psh.dwFlags = PSH_PROPSHEETPAGE | PSH_USECALLBACK | PSH_PROPTITLE; psh.hwndParent = NULL; psh.hInstance = hApplet; psh.hIcon = LoadIcon(hApplet, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_CPLICON)); psh.pszCaption = Caption; psh.nPages = sizeof(PsPage) / sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); psh.nStartPage = 0; psh.ppsp = PsPage; InitPropSheetPage(&PsPage[0], IDD_NUMSOPTSSETUP, NumsOptsSetProc); InitPropSheetPage(&PsPage[1], IDD_CURRENCYOPTSSETUP, CurrencyOptsSetProc); InitPropSheetPage(&PsPage[2], IDD_TIMEOPTSSETUP, TimeOptsSetProc); InitPropSheetPage(&PsPage[3], IDD_DATEOPTSSETUP, DateOptsSetProc); return (LONG)(PropertySheet(&psh) != -1); } /* EOF */