/* * PROJECT: ReactOS PCI Bus Driver * LICENSE: BSD - See COPYING.ARM in the top level directory * FILE: drivers/bus/pci/debug.c * PURPOSE: Debug Helpers * PROGRAMMERS: ReactOS Portable Systems Group */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ PCHAR PnpCodes[] = { "START_DEVICE", "QUERY_REMOVE_DEVICE", "REMOVE_DEVICE", "CANCEL_REMOVE_DEVICE", "STOP_DEVICE", "QUERY_STOP_DEVICE", "CANCEL_STOP_DEVICE", "QUERY_DEVICE_RELATIONS", "QUERY_INTERFACE", "QUERY_CAPABILITIES", "QUERY_RESOURCES", "QUERY_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS", "QUERY_DEVICE_TEXT", "FILTER_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS", "** UNKNOWN PNP IRP Minor Code **", "READ_CONFIG", "WRITE_CONFIG", "EJECT", "SET_LOCK", "QUERY_ID", "QUERY_PNP_DEVICE_STATE", "QUERY_BUS_INFORMATION", "DEVICE_USAGE_NOTIFICATION" }; PCHAR PoCodes[] = { "WAIT_WAKE", "POWER_SEQUENCE", "SET_POWER", "QUERY_POWER", }; PCHAR SystemPowerStates[] = { "Unspecified", "Working", "Sleeping1", "Sleeping2", "Sleeping3", "Hibernate", "Shutdown" }; PCHAR DevicePowerStates[] = { "Unspecified", "D0", "D1", "D2", "D3" }; ULONG PciBreakOnPdoPowerIrp, PciBreakOnFdoPowerIrp; ULONG PciBreakOnPdoPnpIrp, PciBreakOnFdoPnpIrp; /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/ PCHAR NTAPI PciDebugPnpIrpTypeToText(IN USHORT MinorFunction) { PCHAR Text; /* Catch invalid code */ if (MinorFunction >= IRP_MN_SURPRISE_REMOVAL) { /* New version of Windows? Or driver bug */ Text = "** UNKNOWN PNP IRP Minor Code **"; } else { /* Get the right text for it */ Text = PnpCodes[MinorFunction]; } /* Return the symbolic name for the IRP */ return Text; } PCHAR NTAPI PciDebugPoIrpTypeToText(IN USHORT MinorFunction) { PCHAR Text; /* Catch invalid code */ if (MinorFunction >= IRP_MN_QUERY_POWER) { /* New version of Windows? Or driver bug */ Text = "** UNKNOWN PO IRP Minor Code **"; } else { /* Get the right text for it */ Text = PoCodes[MinorFunction]; } /* Return the symbolic name for the IRP */ return Text; } BOOLEAN NTAPI PciDebugIrpDispatchDisplay(IN PIO_STACK_LOCATION IoStackLocation, IN PPCI_FDO_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN USHORT MaxMinor) { PPCI_PDO_EXTENSION PdoDeviceExtension; ULONG BreakMask; //ULONG DebugLevel = 0; PCHAR IrpString; /* Only two functions are recognized */ switch (IoStackLocation->MajorFunction) { case IRP_MJ_POWER: /* Get the string and the correct break mask for the extension */ BreakMask = (DeviceExtension->ExtensionType == PciPdoExtensionType) ? PciBreakOnPdoPowerIrp : PciBreakOnFdoPowerIrp; IrpString = PciDebugPoIrpTypeToText(IoStackLocation->MinorFunction); break; case IRP_MJ_PNP: /* Get the string and the correct break mask for the extension */ BreakMask = (DeviceExtension->ExtensionType == PciFdoExtensionType) ? PciBreakOnPdoPnpIrp : PciBreakOnFdoPnpIrp; IrpString = PciDebugPnpIrpTypeToText(IoStackLocation->MinorFunction); break; default: /* Other functions are not decoded */ BreakMask = FALSE; IrpString = ""; break; } /* Check if this is a PDO */ if (DeviceExtension->ExtensionType == PciPdoExtensionType) { /* Choose the correct debug level based on which function this is */ if (IoStackLocation->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_POWER) { //DebugLevel = 0x500; } else if (IoStackLocation->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_PNP) { //DebugLevel = 0x200; } /* For a PDO, print out the bus, device, and function number */ PdoDeviceExtension = (PVOID)DeviceExtension; DPRINT1("PDO(b=0x%x, d=0x%x, f=0x%x)<-%s\n", PdoDeviceExtension->ParentFdoExtension->BaseBus, PdoDeviceExtension->Slot.u.bits.DeviceNumber, PdoDeviceExtension->Slot.u.bits.FunctionNumber, IrpString); } else if (DeviceExtension->ExtensionType == PciFdoExtensionType) { /* Choose the correct debug level based on which function this is */ if (IoStackLocation->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_POWER) { //DebugLevel = 0x400; } else if (IoStackLocation->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_PNP) { //DebugLevel = 0x100; } /* For an FDO, just dump the extension pointer and IRP string */ DPRINT1("FDO(%x)<-%s\n", DeviceExtension, IrpString); } /* If the function is illegal for this extension, complain */ if (IoStackLocation->MinorFunction > MaxMinor) DPRINT1("Unknown IRP, minor = 0x%x\n", IoStackLocation->MinorFunction); /* Return whether or not the debugger should be broken into for this IRP */ return ((1 << IoStackLocation->MinorFunction) & BreakMask); } VOID NTAPI PciDebugDumpCommonConfig(IN PPCI_COMMON_HEADER PciData) { USHORT i; /* Loop the PCI header */ for (i = 0; i < PCI_COMMON_HDR_LENGTH; i += 4) { /* Dump each DWORD and its offset */ DPRINT1(" %02x - %08x\n", i, *(PULONG)((ULONG_PTR)PciData + i)); } } VOID NTAPI PciDebugDumpQueryCapabilities(IN PDEVICE_CAPABILITIES DeviceCaps) { ULONG i; /* Dump the capabilities */ DPRINT1("Capabilities\n Lock:%d, Eject:%d, Remove:%d, Dock:%d, UniqueId:%d\n", DeviceCaps->LockSupported, DeviceCaps->EjectSupported, DeviceCaps->Removable, DeviceCaps->DockDevice, DeviceCaps->UniqueID); DbgPrint(" SilentInstall:%d, RawOk:%d, SurpriseOk:%d\n", DeviceCaps->SilentInstall, DeviceCaps->RawDeviceOK, DeviceCaps->SurpriseRemovalOK); DbgPrint(" Address %08x, UINumber %08x, Latencies D1 %d, D2 %d, D3 %d\n", DeviceCaps->Address, DeviceCaps->UINumber, DeviceCaps->D1Latency, DeviceCaps->D2Latency, DeviceCaps->D3Latency); /* Dump and convert the wake levels */ DbgPrint(" System Wake: %s, Device Wake: %s\n DeviceState[PowerState] [", SystemPowerStates[min(DeviceCaps->SystemWake, PowerSystemMaximum)], DevicePowerStates[min(DeviceCaps->DeviceWake, PowerDeviceMaximum)]); /* Dump and convert the power state mappings */ for (i = PowerSystemWorking; i < PowerSystemMaximum; i++) DbgPrint(" %s", DevicePowerStates[DeviceCaps->DeviceState[i]]); /* Finish the dump */ DbgPrint(" ]\n"); } PCHAR NTAPI PciDebugCmResourceTypeToText(IN UCHAR Type) { /* What kind of resource it this? */ switch (Type) { /* Pick the correct identifier string based on the type */ case CmResourceTypeDeviceSpecific: return "CmResourceTypeDeviceSpecific"; case CmResourceTypePort: return "CmResourceTypePort"; case CmResourceTypeInterrupt: return "CmResourceTypeInterrupt"; case CmResourceTypeMemory: return "CmResourceTypeMemory"; case CmResourceTypeDma: return "CmResourceTypeDma"; case CmResourceTypeBusNumber: return "CmResourceTypeBusNumber"; case CmResourceTypeConfigData: return "CmResourceTypeConfigData"; case CmResourceTypeDevicePrivate: return "CmResourceTypeDevicePrivate"; case CmResourceTypePcCardConfig: return "CmResourceTypePcCardConfig"; default: return "*** INVALID RESOURCE TYPE ***"; } } VOID NTAPI PciDebugPrintIoResource(IN PIO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor) { ULONG i; PULONG Data; /* Print out the header */ DPRINT1(" IoResource Descriptor dump: Descriptor @0x%x\n", Descriptor); DPRINT1(" Option = 0x%x\n", Descriptor->Option); DPRINT1(" Type = %d (%s)\n", Descriptor->Type, PciDebugCmResourceTypeToText(Descriptor->Type)); DPRINT1(" ShareDisposition = %d\n", Descriptor->ShareDisposition); DPRINT1(" Flags = 0x%04X\n", Descriptor->Flags); /* Loop private data */ Data = (PULONG)&Descriptor->u.DevicePrivate; for (i = 0; i < 6; i += 3) { /* Dump it in 32-bit triplets */ DPRINT1(" Data[%d] = %08x %08x %08x\n", i, Data[0], Data[1], Data[2]); } } VOID NTAPI PciDebugPrintIoResReqList(IN PIO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST Requirements) { ULONG AlternativeLists; PIO_RESOURCE_LIST List; ULONG Count; PIO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor; /* Make sure there's a list */ if (!Requirements) return; /* Grab the main list and the alternates as well */ AlternativeLists = Requirements->AlternativeLists; List = Requirements->List; /* Print out the initial header*/ DPRINT1(" IO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST (PCI Bus Driver)\n"); DPRINT1(" InterfaceType %d\n", Requirements->InterfaceType); DPRINT1(" BusNumber 0x%x\n", Requirements->BusNumber); DPRINT1(" SlotNumber %d (0x%x), (d/f = 0x%x/0x%x)\n", Requirements->SlotNumber, Requirements->SlotNumber, ((PCI_SLOT_NUMBER*)&Requirements->SlotNumber)->u.bits.DeviceNumber, ((PCI_SLOT_NUMBER*)&Requirements->SlotNumber)->u.bits.FunctionNumber); DPRINT1(" AlternativeLists %d\n", AlternativeLists); /* Scan alternative lists */ while (AlternativeLists--) { /* Get the descriptor array, and the count of descriptors */ Descriptor = List->Descriptors; Count = List->Count; /* Print out each descriptor */ DPRINT1("\n List[%d].Count = %d\n", AlternativeLists, Count); while (Count--) PciDebugPrintIoResource(Descriptor++); /* Should've reached a new list now */ List = (PIO_RESOURCE_LIST)Descriptor; } /* Terminate the dump */ DPRINT1("\n"); } VOID NTAPI PciDebugPrintPartialResource(IN PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR PartialResource) { /* Dump all the data in the partial */ DPRINT1(" Partial Resource Descriptor @0x%x\n", PartialResource); DPRINT1(" Type = %d (%s)\n", PartialResource->Type, PciDebugCmResourceTypeToText(PartialResource->Type)); DPRINT1(" ShareDisposition = %d\n", PartialResource->ShareDisposition); DPRINT1(" Flags = 0x%04X\n", PartialResource->Flags); DPRINT1(" Data[%d] = %08x %08x %08x\n", 0, PartialResource->u.Generic.Start.LowPart, PartialResource->u.Generic.Start.HighPart, PartialResource->u.Generic.Length); } VOID NTAPI PciDebugPrintCmResList(IN PCM_RESOURCE_LIST PartialList) { PCM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR FullDescriptor; PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR PartialDescriptor; ULONG Count, i, ListCount; /* Make sure there's something to dump */ if (!PartialList) return; /* Get the full list count */ ListCount = PartialList->Count; FullDescriptor = PartialList->List; DPRINT1(" CM_RESOURCE_LIST (PCI Bus Driver) (List Count = %d)\n", PartialList->Count); /* Loop full list */ for (i = 0; i < ListCount; i++) { /* Loop full descriptor */ DPRINT1(" InterfaceType %d\n", FullDescriptor->InterfaceType); DPRINT1(" BusNumber 0x%x\n", FullDescriptor->BusNumber); /* Get partial count and loop partials */ Count = FullDescriptor->PartialResourceList.Count; for (PartialDescriptor = FullDescriptor->PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors; Count; PartialDescriptor = PciNextPartialDescriptor(PartialDescriptor)) { /* Print each partial */ PciDebugPrintPartialResource(PartialDescriptor); Count--; } } /* Done printing data */ DPRINT1("\n"); } /* EOF */