/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: ntoskrnl/ke/amd64/except.c * PURPOSE: Exception Dispatching for amd64 * PROGRAMMER: Timo Kreuzer (timo.kreuzer@reactos.org) * Alex Ionescu (alex.ionescu@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include extern KI_INTERRUPT_DISPATCH_ENTRY KiUnexpectedRange[256]; /* GLOBALS *******************************************************************/ KIDT_INIT KiInterruptInitTable[] = { /* Id, Dpl, IST, ServiceRoutine */ {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, KiDivideErrorFault}, {0x01, 0x00, 0x00, KiDebugTrapOrFault}, {0x02, 0x00, 0x03, KiNmiInterrupt}, {0x03, 0x03, 0x00, KiBreakpointTrap}, {0x04, 0x03, 0x00, KiOverflowTrap}, {0x05, 0x00, 0x00, KiBoundFault}, {0x06, 0x00, 0x00, KiInvalidOpcodeFault}, {0x07, 0x00, 0x00, KiNpxNotAvailableFault}, {0x08, 0x00, 0x01, KiDoubleFaultAbort}, {0x09, 0x00, 0x00, KiNpxSegmentOverrunAbort}, {0x0A, 0x00, 0x00, KiInvalidTssFault}, {0x0B, 0x00, 0x00, KiSegmentNotPresentFault}, {0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, KiStackFault}, {0x0D, 0x00, 0x00, KiGeneralProtectionFault}, {0x0E, 0x00, 0x00, KiPageFault}, {0x10, 0x00, 0x00, KiFloatingErrorFault}, {0x11, 0x00, 0x00, KiAlignmentFault}, {0x12, 0x00, 0x02, KiMcheckAbort}, {0x13, 0x00, 0x00, KiXmmException}, {0x1F, 0x00, 0x00, KiApcInterrupt}, {0x2C, 0x03, 0x00, KiRaiseAssertion}, {0x2D, 0x03, 0x00, KiDebugServiceTrap}, {0x2F, 0x00, 0x00, KiDpcInterrupt}, {0xE1, 0x00, 0x00, KiIpiInterrupt}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; KIDTENTRY64 KiIdt[256]; KDESCRIPTOR KiIdtDescriptor = {{0}, sizeof(KiIdt) - 1, KiIdt}; /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ CODE_SEG("INIT") VOID NTAPI KeInitExceptions(VOID) { int i, j; /* Initialize the Idt */ for (j = i = 0; i < 256; i++) { ULONG64 Offset; if (KiInterruptInitTable[j].InterruptId == i) { Offset = (ULONG64)KiInterruptInitTable[j].ServiceRoutine; KiIdt[i].Dpl = KiInterruptInitTable[j].Dpl; KiIdt[i].IstIndex = KiInterruptInitTable[j].IstIndex; j++; } else { Offset = (ULONG64)&KiUnexpectedRange[i]._Op_push; KiIdt[i].Dpl = 0; KiIdt[i].IstIndex = 0; } KiIdt[i].OffsetLow = Offset & 0xffff; KiIdt[i].Selector = KGDT64_R0_CODE; KiIdt[i].Type = 0x0e; KiIdt[i].Reserved0 = 0; KiIdt[i].Present = 1; KiIdt[i].OffsetMiddle = (Offset >> 16) & 0xffff; KiIdt[i].OffsetHigh = (Offset >> 32); KiIdt[i].Reserved1 = 0; } KeGetPcr()->IdtBase = KiIdt; __lidt(&KiIdtDescriptor.Limit); } static VOID KiDispatchExceptionToUser( IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame, IN PCONTEXT Context, IN PEXCEPTION_RECORD ExceptionRecord) { EXCEPTION_RECORD LocalExceptRecord; ULONG64 UserRsp; PKUSER_EXCEPTION_STACK UserStack; /* Make sure we have a valid SS */ if (TrapFrame->SegSs != (KGDT64_R3_DATA | RPL_MASK)) { /* Raise an access violation instead */ LocalExceptRecord.ExceptionCode = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; LocalExceptRecord.ExceptionFlags = 0; LocalExceptRecord.NumberParameters = 0; ExceptionRecord = &LocalExceptRecord; } /* Get new stack pointer and align it to 16 bytes */ UserRsp = (Context->Rsp - sizeof(KUSER_EXCEPTION_STACK)) & ~15; /* Get pointer to the usermode context, exception record and machine frame */ UserStack = (PKUSER_EXCEPTION_STACK)UserRsp; /* Enable interrupts */ _enable(); /* Set up the user-stack */ _SEH2_TRY { /* Probe the user stack frame and zero it out */ ProbeForWrite(UserStack, sizeof(*UserStack), TYPE_ALIGNMENT(KUSER_EXCEPTION_STACK)); RtlZeroMemory(UserStack, sizeof(*UserStack)); /* Copy Context and ExceptionFrame */ UserStack->Context = *Context; UserStack->ExceptionRecord = *ExceptionRecord; /* Setup the machine frame */ UserStack->MachineFrame.Rip = Context->Rip; UserStack->MachineFrame.SegCs = Context->SegCs; UserStack->MachineFrame.EFlags = Context->EFlags; UserStack->MachineFrame.Rsp = Context->Rsp; UserStack->MachineFrame.SegSs = Context->SegSs; } _SEH2_EXCEPT((LocalExceptRecord = *_SEH2_GetExceptionInformation()->ExceptionRecord), EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // FIXME: handle stack overflow /* Nothing we can do here */ _disable(); _SEH2_YIELD(return); } _SEH2_END; /* Now set the two params for the user-mode dispatcher */ TrapFrame->Rcx = (ULONG64)&UserStack->ExceptionRecord; TrapFrame->Rdx = (ULONG64)&UserStack->Context; /* Set new Stack Pointer */ TrapFrame->Rsp = UserRsp; /* Force correct segments */ TrapFrame->SegCs = KGDT64_R3_CODE | RPL_MASK; TrapFrame->SegDs = KGDT64_R3_DATA | RPL_MASK; TrapFrame->SegEs = KGDT64_R3_DATA | RPL_MASK; TrapFrame->SegFs = KGDT64_R3_CMTEB | RPL_MASK; TrapFrame->SegGs = KGDT64_R3_DATA | RPL_MASK; TrapFrame->SegSs = KGDT64_R3_DATA | RPL_MASK; /* Set RIP to the User-mode Dispatcher */ TrapFrame->Rip = (ULONG64)KeUserExceptionDispatcher; _disable(); /* Exit to usermode */ KiServiceExit2(TrapFrame); } static VOID KiPageInDirectory(PVOID ImageBase, USHORT Directory) { volatile CHAR *Pointer; ULONG Size; /* Get a pointer to the debug directory */ Pointer = RtlImageDirectoryEntryToData(ImageBase, 1, Directory, &Size); if (!Pointer) return; /* Loop all pages */ while ((LONG)Size > 0) { /* Touch it, to page it in */ (void)*Pointer; Pointer += PAGE_SIZE; Size -= PAGE_SIZE; } } VOID KiPrepareUserDebugData(void) { PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY LdrEntry; PPEB_LDR_DATA PebLdr; PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; PTEB Teb; /* Get the Teb for this process */ Teb = KeGetCurrentThread()->Teb; if (!Teb) return; /* Enable interrupts */ _enable(); _SEH2_TRY { /* Get a pointer to the loader data */ PebLdr = Teb->ProcessEnvironmentBlock->Ldr; if (!PebLdr) _SEH2_YIELD(return); /* Now loop all entries in the module list */ for (ListEntry = PebLdr->InLoadOrderModuleList.Flink; ListEntry != &PebLdr->InLoadOrderModuleList; ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink) { /* Get the loader entry */ LdrEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY, InLoadOrderLinks); KiPageInDirectory((PVOID)LdrEntry->DllBase, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG); KiPageInDirectory((PVOID)LdrEntry->DllBase, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXCEPTION); } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { } _SEH2_END; _disable(); } VOID NTAPI KiDispatchException(IN PEXCEPTION_RECORD ExceptionRecord, IN PKEXCEPTION_FRAME ExceptionFrame, IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode, IN BOOLEAN FirstChance) { CONTEXT Context; /* Increase number of Exception Dispatches */ KeGetCurrentPrcb()->KeExceptionDispatchCount++; /* Zero out the context to avoid leaking kernel stack memor to user mode */ RtlZeroMemory(&Context, sizeof(Context)); /* Set the context flags */ Context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_ALL; /* Get the Context from the trap and exception frame */ KeTrapFrameToContext(TrapFrame, ExceptionFrame, &Context); /* Look at our exception code */ switch (ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode) { /* Breakpoint */ case STATUS_BREAKPOINT: /* Decrement RIP by one */ Context.Rip--; break; /* Internal exception */ case KI_EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION: /* Set correct code */ ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; if (PreviousMode == UserMode) { /* FIXME: Handle no execute */ } break; } /* Handle kernel-mode first, it's simpler */ if (PreviousMode == KernelMode) { /* Check if this is a first-chance exception */ if (FirstChance) { /* Break into the debugger for the first time */ if (KiDebugRoutine(TrapFrame, ExceptionFrame, ExceptionRecord, &Context, PreviousMode, FALSE)) { /* Exception was handled */ goto Handled; } /* If the Debugger couldn't handle it, dispatch the exception */ if (RtlDispatchException(ExceptionRecord, &Context)) goto Handled; } /* This is a second-chance exception, only for the debugger */ if (KiDebugRoutine(TrapFrame, ExceptionFrame, ExceptionRecord, &Context, PreviousMode, TRUE)) { /* Exception was handled */ goto Handled; } /* Third strike; you're out */ KeBugCheckEx(KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED, ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode, (ULONG_PTR)ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress, (ULONG_PTR)TrapFrame, 0); } else { /* User mode exception, was it first-chance? */ if (FirstChance) { /* * Break into the kernel debugger unless a user mode debugger * is present or user mode exceptions are ignored, except if this * is a debug service which we must always pass to KD */ if ((!(PsGetCurrentProcess()->DebugPort) && !(KdIgnoreUmExceptions)) || (KdIsThisAKdTrap(ExceptionRecord, &Context, PreviousMode))) { /* Make sure the debugger can access debug directories */ KiPrepareUserDebugData(); /* Call the kernel debugger */ if (KiDebugRoutine(TrapFrame, ExceptionFrame, ExceptionRecord, &Context, PreviousMode, FALSE)) { /* Exception was handled */ goto Handled; } } /* Forward exception to user mode debugger */ if (DbgkForwardException(ExceptionRecord, TRUE, FALSE)) return; /* Forward exception to user mode (does not return) */ KiDispatchExceptionToUser(TrapFrame, &Context, ExceptionRecord); NT_ASSERT(FALSE); } /* Try second chance */ if (DbgkForwardException(ExceptionRecord, TRUE, TRUE)) { /* Handled, get out */ return; } else if (DbgkForwardException(ExceptionRecord, FALSE, TRUE)) { /* Handled, get out */ return; } /* 3rd strike, kill the process */ DPRINT1("Kill %.16s, ExceptionCode: %lx, ExceptionAddress: %lx, BaseAddress: %lx\n", PsGetCurrentProcess()->ImageFileName, ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode, ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress, PsGetCurrentProcess()->SectionBaseAddress); ZwTerminateProcess(NtCurrentProcess(), ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode); KeBugCheckEx(KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED, ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode, (ULONG_PTR)ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress, (ULONG_PTR)TrapFrame, 0); } Handled: /* Convert the context back into Trap/Exception Frames */ KeContextToTrapFrame(&Context, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame, Context.ContextFlags, PreviousMode); return; } NTSTATUS NTAPI KeRaiseUserException(IN NTSTATUS ExceptionCode) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } VOID DECLSPEC_NORETURN KiSystemFatalException(IN ULONG ExceptionCode, IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame) { /* Bugcheck the system */ KeBugCheckWithTf(UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP, ExceptionCode, 0, 0, 0, TrapFrame); } NTSTATUS NTAPI KiNpxNotAvailableFaultHandler( IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame) { UNIMPLEMENTED; KeBugCheckWithTf(TRAP_CAUSE_UNKNOWN, 13, 0, 0, 1, TrapFrame); return -1; } static BOOLEAN KiIsPrivilegedInstruction(PUCHAR Ip, BOOLEAN Wow64) { ULONG i; /* Handle prefixes */ for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) { if (!Wow64) { /* Check for REX prefix */ if ((Ip[0] >= 0x40) && (Ip[0] <= 0x4F)) { Ip++; continue; } } switch (Ip[0]) { /* Check prefixes */ case 0x26: // ES case 0x2E: // CS / null case 0x36: // SS case 0x3E: // DS case 0x64: // FS case 0x65: // GS case 0x66: // OP case 0x67: // ADDR case 0xF0: // LOCK case 0xF2: // REP case 0xF3: // REP INS/OUTS Ip++; continue; } break; } if (i == 15) { /* Too many prefixes. Should only happen, when the code was concurrently modified. */ return FALSE; } switch (Ip[0]) { case 0xF4: // HLT case 0xFA: // CLI case 0xFB: // STI return TRUE; case 0x0F: { switch (Ip[1]) { case 0x06: // CLTS case 0x07: // SYSRET case 0x08: // INVD case 0x09: // WBINVD case 0x20: // MOV CR, XXX case 0x21: // MOV DR, XXX case 0x22: // MOV XXX, CR case 0x23: // MOV YYY, DR case 0x30: // WRMSR case 0x32: // RDMSR case 0x33: // RDPMC case 0x35: // SYSEXIT case 0x78: // VMREAD case 0x79: // VMWRITE return TRUE; case 0x00: { /* Check MODRM Reg field */ switch ((Ip[2] >> 3) & 0x7) { case 2: // LLDT case 3: // LTR return TRUE; } break; } case 0x01: { switch (Ip[2]) { case 0xC1: // VMCALL case 0xC2: // VMLAUNCH case 0xC3: // VMRESUME case 0xC4: // VMXOFF case 0xC8: // MONITOR case 0xC9: // MWAIT case 0xD1: // XSETBV case 0xF8: // SWAPGS return TRUE; } /* Check MODRM Reg field */ switch ((Ip[2] >> 3) & 0x7) { case 2: // LGDT case 3: // LIDT case 6: // LMSW case 7: // INVLPG / SWAPGS / RDTSCP return TRUE; } break; } case 0x38: { switch (Ip[2]) { case 0x80: // INVEPT case 0x81: // INVVPID return TRUE; } break; } case 0xC7: { /* Check MODRM Reg field */ switch ((Ip[2] >> 3) & 0x7) { case 0x06: // VMPTRLD, VMCLEAR, VMXON case 0x07: // VMPTRST return TRUE; } break; } } break; } } return FALSE; } static NTSTATUS KiGeneralProtectionFaultUserMode( _In_ PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame) { BOOLEAN Wow64 = TrapFrame->SegCs == KGDT64_R3_CMCODE; PUCHAR InstructionPointer; NTSTATUS Status; /* We need to decode the instruction at RIP */ InstructionPointer = (PUCHAR)TrapFrame->Rip; _SEH2_TRY { /* Probe the instruction address */ ProbeForRead(InstructionPointer, 64, 1); /* Check if it's a privileged instruction */ if (KiIsPrivilegedInstruction(InstructionPointer, Wow64)) { Status = STATUS_PRIVILEGED_INSTRUCTION; } else { Status = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END return Status; } NTSTATUS NTAPI KiGeneralProtectionFaultHandler( IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame) { PUCHAR Instructions; /* Check for user-mode GPF */ if (TrapFrame->SegCs & 3) { return KiGeneralProtectionFaultUserMode(TrapFrame); } /* Check for lazy segment load */ if (TrapFrame->SegDs != (KGDT64_R3_DATA | RPL_MASK)) { /* Fix it */ TrapFrame->SegDs = (KGDT64_R3_DATA | RPL_MASK); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } else if (TrapFrame->SegEs != (KGDT64_R3_DATA | RPL_MASK)) { /* Fix it */ TrapFrame->SegEs = (KGDT64_R3_DATA | RPL_MASK); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* Get Instruction Pointer */ Instructions = (PUCHAR)TrapFrame->Rip; /* Check for IRET */ if (Instructions[0] == 0x48 && Instructions[1] == 0xCF) { /* Not implemented */ UNIMPLEMENTED; ASSERT(FALSE); } /* Check for RDMSR/WRMSR */ if ((Instructions[0] == 0xF) && // 2-byte opcode ((Instructions[1] == 0x30) || // RDMSR (Instructions[1] == 0x32))) // WRMSR { /* Unknown CPU MSR, so raise an access violation */ return STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; } ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } NTSTATUS NTAPI KiXmmExceptionHandler( IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame) { UNIMPLEMENTED; KeBugCheckWithTf(TRAP_CAUSE_UNKNOWN, 13, 0, 0, 1, TrapFrame); return -1; }