/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Automatic Testing Utility * LICENSE: GNU GPLv2 or any later version as published by the Free Software Foundation * PURPOSE: Class implementing functions for handling Wine tests * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2009-2015 Colin Finck */ #include "precomp.h" static const DWORD ListTimeout = 10000; /** * Constructs a CWineTest object. */ CWineTest::CWineTest() : m_hFind(NULL), m_ListBuffer(NULL) { WCHAR wszDirectory[MAX_PATH]; /* Set up m_TestPath */ if (GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"ROSAUTOTEST_DIR", wszDirectory, MAX_PATH)) { m_TestPath = wszDirectory; if (*m_TestPath.rbegin() != L'\\') m_TestPath += L'\\'; } else { if (!GetWindowsDirectoryW(wszDirectory, MAX_PATH)) FATAL("GetWindowsDirectoryW failed"); m_TestPath = wszDirectory; m_TestPath += L"\\bin\\"; } } /** * Destructs a CWineTest object. */ CWineTest::~CWineTest() { if(m_hFind) FindClose(m_hFind); if(m_ListBuffer) delete m_ListBuffer; } /** * Gets the next module test file using the FindFirstFileW/FindNextFileW API. * * @return * true if we found a next file, otherwise false. */ bool CWineTest::GetNextFile() { bool FoundFile = false; WIN32_FIND_DATAW fd; /* Did we already begin searching for files? */ if(m_hFind) { /* Then get the next file (if any) */ if(FindNextFileW(m_hFind, &fd)) FoundFile = true; } else { /* Start searching for test files */ wstring FindPath = m_TestPath; /* Did the user specify a module? */ if(Configuration.GetModule().empty()) { /* No module, so search for all files in that directory */ FindPath += L"*.exe"; } else { /* Search for files with the pattern "modulename_*" */ FindPath += Configuration.GetModule(); FindPath += L"_*.exe"; } /* Search for the first file and check whether we got one */ m_hFind = FindFirstFileW(FindPath.c_str(), &fd); if(m_hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) FoundFile = true; } if(FoundFile) m_CurrentFile = fd.cFileName; return FoundFile; } /** * Executes the --list command of a module test file to get information about the available tests. * * @return * The number of bytes we read into the m_ListBuffer member variable by capturing the output of the --list command. */ DWORD CWineTest::DoListCommand() { DWORD BytesAvailable; DWORD Temp; wstring CommandLine; CPipe Pipe; /* Build the command line */ CommandLine = m_TestPath; CommandLine += m_CurrentFile; CommandLine += L" --list"; { /* Start the process for getting all available tests */ CPipedProcess Process(CommandLine, Pipe); /* Wait till this process ended */ if(WaitForSingleObject(Process.GetProcessHandle(), ListTimeout) == WAIT_FAILED) TESTEXCEPTION("WaitForSingleObject failed for the test list\n"); } /* Read the output data into a buffer */ if(!Pipe.Peek(NULL, 0, NULL, &BytesAvailable)) TESTEXCEPTION("CPipe::Peek failed for the test list\n"); /* Check if we got any */ if(!BytesAvailable) { stringstream ss; ss << "The --list command did not return any data for " << UnicodeToAscii(m_CurrentFile) << endl; TESTEXCEPTION(ss.str()); } /* Read the data */ m_ListBuffer = new char[BytesAvailable]; if(!Pipe.Read(m_ListBuffer, BytesAvailable, &Temp)) TESTEXCEPTION("CPipe::Read failed\n"); return BytesAvailable; } /** * Gets the next test from m_ListBuffer, which was filled with information from the --list command. * * @return * true if a next test was found, otherwise false. */ bool CWineTest::GetNextTest() { PCHAR pEnd; static DWORD BufferSize; static PCHAR pStart; if(!m_ListBuffer) { /* Perform the --list command */ BufferSize = DoListCommand(); /* Move the pointer to the first test */ pStart = strchr(m_ListBuffer, '\n'); pStart += 5; } /* If we reach the buffer size, we finished analyzing the output of this test */ if(pStart >= (m_ListBuffer + BufferSize)) { /* Clear m_CurrentFile to indicate that */ m_CurrentFile.clear(); /* Also free the memory for the list buffer */ delete[] m_ListBuffer; m_ListBuffer = NULL; return false; } /* Get start and end of this test name */ pEnd = pStart; while(*pEnd != '\r') ++pEnd; /* Store the test name */ m_CurrentTest = string(pStart, pEnd); /* Move the pointer to the next test */ pStart = pEnd + 6; return true; } /** * Interface to CTestList-derived classes for getting all information about the next test to be run. * * @return * Returns a pointer to a CTestInfo object containing all available information about the next test. */ CTestInfo* CWineTest::GetNextTestInfo() { while(!m_CurrentFile.empty() || GetNextFile()) { try { while(GetNextTest()) { /* If the user specified a test through the command line, check this here */ if(!Configuration.GetTest().empty() && Configuration.GetTest() != m_CurrentTest) continue; { auto_ptr TestInfo(new CTestInfo()); size_t UnderscorePosition; /* Build the command line */ TestInfo->CommandLine = m_TestPath; TestInfo->CommandLine += m_CurrentFile; TestInfo->CommandLine += ' '; TestInfo->CommandLine += AsciiToUnicode(m_CurrentTest); /* Store the Module name */ UnderscorePosition = m_CurrentFile.find_last_of('_'); if(UnderscorePosition == m_CurrentFile.npos) { stringstream ss; ss << "Invalid test file name: " << UnicodeToAscii(m_CurrentFile) << endl; SSEXCEPTION; } TestInfo->Module = UnicodeToAscii(m_CurrentFile.substr(0, UnderscorePosition)); /* Store the test */ TestInfo->Test = m_CurrentTest; return TestInfo.release(); } } } catch(CTestException& e) { delete[] m_ListBuffer; StringOut(e.GetMessage()); m_CurrentFile.clear(); } } return NULL; } /** * Runs a Wine test and captures the output * * @param TestInfo * Pointer to a CTestInfo object containing information about the test. * Will contain the test log afterwards if the user wants to submit data. */ void CWineTest::RunTest(CTestInfo* TestInfo) { DWORD BytesAvailable; stringstream ss, ssFinish; DWORD StartTime; float TotalTime; string tailString; CPipe Pipe; char Buffer[1024]; ss << "Running Wine Test, Module: " << TestInfo->Module << ", Test: " << TestInfo->Test << endl; StringOut(ss.str()); StartTime = GetTickCount(); try { /* Execute the test */ CPipedProcess Process(TestInfo->CommandLine, Pipe); /* Receive all the data from the pipe */ while(Pipe.Read(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer) - 1, &BytesAvailable) && BytesAvailable) { /* Output text through StringOut, even while the test is still running */ Buffer[BytesAvailable] = 0; tailString = StringOut(tailString.append(string(Buffer)), false); if(Configuration.DoSubmit()) TestInfo->Log += Buffer; } if(GetLastError() != ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) TESTEXCEPTION("CPipe::Read failed for the test run\n"); } catch(CTestException& e) { if(!tailString.empty()) StringOut(tailString); tailString.clear(); StringOut(e.GetMessage()); TestInfo->Log += e.GetMessage(); } /* Print what's left */ if(!tailString.empty()) StringOut(tailString); TotalTime = ((float)GetTickCount() - StartTime)/1000; ssFinish << "Test " << TestInfo->Test << " completed in "; ssFinish << setprecision(2) << fixed << TotalTime << " seconds." << endl; StringOut(ssFinish.str()); TestInfo->Log += ssFinish.str(); } /** * Interface to other classes for running all desired Wine tests. */ void CWineTest::Run() { auto_ptr TestList; auto_ptr WebService; CTestInfo* TestInfo; /* The virtual test list is of course faster, so it should be preferred over the journaled one. Enable the journaled one only in case ... - we're running under ReactOS (as the journal is only useful in conjunction with sysreg2) - we shall keep information for Crash Recovery - and the user didn't specify a module (then doing Crash Recovery doesn't really make sense) */ if(Configuration.IsReactOS() && Configuration.DoCrashRecovery() && Configuration.GetModule().empty()) { /* Use a test list with a permanent journal */ TestList.reset(new CJournaledTestList(this)); } else { /* Use the fast virtual test list with no additional overhead */ TestList.reset(new CVirtualTestList(this)); } /* Initialize the Web Service interface if required */ if(Configuration.DoSubmit()) WebService.reset(new CWebService()); /* Get information for each test to run */ while((TestInfo = TestList->GetNextTestInfo()) != 0) { auto_ptr TestInfoPtr(TestInfo); RunTest(TestInfo); if(Configuration.DoSubmit() && !TestInfo->Log.empty()) WebService->Submit("wine", TestInfo); StringOut("\n\n"); } }