/* * FILE: ntoskrnl/ke/amd64/trap.S * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PURPOSE: System Traps, Entrypoints and Exitpoints * PROGRAMMER: Timo Kreuzer (timo.kreuzer@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #include #include EXTERN KiDispatchException:PROC EXTERN KeBugCheckWithTf:PROC EXTERN MmAccessFault:PROC EXTERN KiSystemFatalException:PROC EXTERN KiNpxNotAvailableFaultHandler:PROC EXTERN KiGeneralProtectionFaultHandler:PROC EXTERN KiXmmExceptionHandler:PROC EXTERN KiDeliverApc:PROC EXTERN KiDpcInterruptHandler:PROC #ifdef _WINKD_ EXTERN KdSetOwedBreakpoints:PROC #endif /* Helper Macros *************************************************************/ MACRO(DispatchException, Status, Number, P1, P2, P3) mov eax, Status mov edx, Number mov r9, P1 mov r10, P2 mov r11, P3 call InternalDispatchException ENDM MACRO(Fatal, BugcheckCode) /* Bugcheck */ mov ecx, BugcheckCode mov rdx, rbp call KiSystemFatalException ENDM /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ .code64 ALIGN 8 MACRO(UnexpectedVectorStub, Vector) /* This nop is to make the relative jmp address 4 bytes aligned and to make the whole code 8 bytes long */ nop /* This is a push instruction with 8bit operand. Since the instruction sign extends the value to 32 bits, we need to offset it */ PUBLIC KxUnexpectedInterrupt&Vector KxUnexpectedInterrupt&Vector: push (Vector - 128) jmp KiUnexpectedInterrupt ENDM PUBLIC KiUnexpectedRange KiUnexpectedRange: Vector = 0 REPEAT 256 UnexpectedVectorStub %Vector Vector = Vector+1 ENDR PUBLIC KiUnexpectedRangeEnd KiUnexpectedRangeEnd: PUBLIC KiInterruptDispatchTemplate KiInterruptDispatchTemplate: /* This instruction pushes the return address on the stack, which is the address of the interrupt object's DispatchCode member, then jumps to the address stored in the interrupt object's DispatchAddress member */ call qword ptr KiInterruptDispatchTemplate[rip - KINTERRUPT_DispatchCode + KINTERRUPT_DispatchAddress] // rbp = TrapFrame, eax = ExceptionCode, edx = NumParams, r9,r10,r11 = params FUNC InternalDispatchException /* Allocate stack space for EXCEPTION_RECORD and KEXCEPTION_FRAME */ sub rsp, EXCEPTION_RECORD_LENGTH + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_LENGTH .allocstack (EXCEPTION_RECORD_LENGTH + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_LENGTH) .endprolog /* Set up EXCEPTION_RECORD */ lea rcx, [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_LENGTH] mov [rcx + EXCEPTION_RECORD_ExceptionCode], eax xor rax, rax mov [rcx + EXCEPTION_RECORD_ExceptionFlags], eax mov [rcx + EXCEPTION_RECORD_ExceptionRecord], rax mov rax, [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_Rip] mov [rcx + EXCEPTION_RECORD_ExceptionAddress], rax mov [rcx + EXCEPTION_RECORD_NumberParameters], edx mov [rcx + EXCEPTION_RECORD_ExceptionInformation + HEX(00)], r9 mov [rcx + EXCEPTION_RECORD_ExceptionInformation + HEX(08)], r10 mov [rcx + EXCEPTION_RECORD_ExceptionInformation + HEX(10)], r11 /* Set up KEXCEPTION_FRAME */ mov rax, [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_Rbp] mov [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Rbp], rax mov [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Rbx], rbx mov [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Rdi], rdi mov [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Rsi], rsi mov [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_R12], r12 mov [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_R13], r13 mov [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_R14], r14 mov [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_R15], r15 movdqa [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Xmm6], xmm6 movdqa [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Xmm7], xmm7 movdqa [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Xmm8], xmm8 movdqa [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Xmm9], xmm9 movdqa [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Xmm10], xmm10 movdqa [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Xmm11], xmm11 movdqa [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Xmm12], xmm12 movdqa [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Xmm13], xmm13 movdqa [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Xmm14], xmm14 movdqa [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Xmm15], xmm15 mov qword ptr [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Return], 0 /* Call KiDispatchException */ // rcx already points to ExceptionRecord mov rdx, rsp // ExceptionFrame mov r8, rbp // TrapFrame mov r9b, [r8 + KTRAP_FRAME_PreviousMode] // PreviousMode mov byte ptr [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_P5], 1 // FirstChance call KiDispatchException /* Restore registers */ mov r12, [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_R12] mov r13, [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_R13] mov r14, [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_R14] mov r15, [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_R15] movdqa xmm6, [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Xmm6] movdqa xmm7, [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Xmm7] movdqa xmm8, [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Xmm8] movdqa xmm9, [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Xmm9] movdqa xmm10, [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Xmm10] movdqa xmm11, [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Xmm11] movdqa xmm12, [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Xmm12] movdqa xmm13, [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Xmm13] movdqa xmm14, [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Xmm14] movdqa xmm15, [rsp + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_Xmm15] add rsp, EXCEPTION_RECORD_LENGTH + KEXCEPTION_FRAME_LENGTH ret ENDFUNC /* CPU EXCEPTION HANDLERS ****************************************************/ PUBLIC KiDivideErrorFault FUNC KiDivideErrorFault /* Push pseudo error code */ EnterTrap TF_SAVE_ALL /* Enable interrupts */ sti /* Dispatch the exception */ DispatchException STATUS_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, 0, 0, 0, 0 /* Return */ ExitTrap TF_SAVE_ALL ENDFUNC PUBLIC KiDebugTrapOrFault FUNC KiDebugTrapOrFault /* Push pseudo error code */ EnterTrap TF_SAVE_ALL /* Check if the frame was from kernelmode */ test word ptr [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_SegCs], 3 jz KiDebugTrapOrFaultKMode /* Enable interrupts for user-mode */ sti KiDebugTrapOrFaultKMode: /* Dispatch the exception */ DispatchException STATUS_SINGLE_STEP, 0, 0, 0, 0 /* Return */ ExitTrap TF_SAVE_ALL ENDFUNC PUBLIC KiNmiInterrupt FUNC KiNmiInterrupt /* Push pseudo error code */ EnterTrap TF_SAVE_ALL UNIMPLEMENTED KiNmiInterrupt int 3 /* Return */ ExitTrap TF_SAVE_ALL ENDFUNC PUBLIC KiBreakpointTrap FUNC KiBreakpointTrap /* Push pseudo error code */ EnterTrap TF_SAVE_ALL /* Check if the frame was from kernelmode */ test word ptr [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_SegCs], 3 jz KiBreakpointTrapKMode /* Enable interrupts for user-mode */ sti KiBreakpointTrapKMode: /* Dispatch the exception */ DispatchException STATUS_BREAKPOINT, 3, BREAKPOINT_BREAK, 0, 0 /* Return */ ExitTrap TF_SAVE_ALL ENDFUNC PUBLIC KiOverflowTrap FUNC KiOverflowTrap /* Push pseudo error code */ EnterTrap TF_SAVE_ALL /* Enable interrupts */ sti /* Dispatch the exception */ DispatchException STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 3, 0, 0, 0 /* Return */ ExitTrap TF_SAVE_ALL ENDFUNC PUBLIC KiBoundFault FUNC KiBoundFault /* Push pseudo error code */ EnterTrap TF_SAVE_ALL /* Check if the frame was from kernelmode */ test word ptr [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_SegCs], 3 jnz KiBoundFaultUserMode /* Bugcheck */ Fatal EXCEPTION_BOUND_CHECK KiBoundFaultUserMode: /* Enable interrupts for user-mode */ sti /* Dispatch the exception */ DispatchException STATUS_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED, 0, 0, 0, 0 /* Return */ ExitTrap TF_SAVE_ALL ENDFUNC PUBLIC KiInvalidOpcodeFault FUNC KiInvalidOpcodeFault /* Push pseudo error code */ EnterTrap TF_SAVE_ALL /* Enable interrupts */ sti /* Check if the frame was from kernelmode */ test word ptr [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_SegCs], 3 jz KiInvalidOpcodeKernel // FIXME: handle STATUS_INVALID_LOCK_SEQUENCE KiInvalidOpcodeKernel: /* Kernel mode fault */ /* Dispatch the exception */ DispatchException STATUS_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION, 3, 0, 0, 0 /* Return */ ExitTrap TF_SAVE_ALL ENDFUNC PUBLIC KiNpxNotAvailableFault FUNC KiNpxNotAvailableFault /* Push pseudo error code */ EnterTrap TF_SAVE_ALL /* Call the C handler */ mov rcx, rbp call KiNpxNotAvailableFaultHandler /* Check the return status code */ test eax, eax jz KiNpxNotAvailableFaultExit /* Dispatch the exception */ DispatchException eax, 3, 0, 0, 0 KiNpxNotAvailableFaultExit: /* Return */ ExitTrap TF_SAVE_ALL ENDFUNC PUBLIC KiDoubleFaultAbort FUNC KiDoubleFaultAbort /* A zero error code is pushed */ EnterTrap (TF_HAS_ERROR_CODE OR TF_SAVE_ALL) int 3 /* Bugcheck */ Fatal 8 // EXCEPTION_DOUBLE_FAULT jmp $ ENDFUNC PUBLIC KiNpxSegmentOverrunAbort FUNC KiNpxSegmentOverrunAbort /* Push pseudo error code */ EnterTrap TF_SAVE_ALL /* Bugcheck */ Fatal EXCEPTION_NPX_OVERRUN jmp $ ENDFUNC PUBLIC KiInvalidTssFault FUNC KiInvalidTssFault /* We have an error code */ EnterTrap (TF_HAS_ERROR_CODE OR TF_SAVE_ALL) /* Bugcheck */ Fatal EXCEPTION_INVALID_TSS jmp $ ENDFUNC PUBLIC KiSegmentNotPresentFault FUNC KiSegmentNotPresentFault /* We have an error code */ EnterTrap (TF_HAS_ERROR_CODE OR TF_SAVE_ALL) /* Bugcheck */ Fatal EXCEPTION_SEGMENT_NOT_PRESENT jmp $ ENDFUNC PUBLIC KiStackFault FUNC KiStackFault /* We have an error code */ EnterTrap (TF_HAS_ERROR_CODE OR TF_SAVE_ALL) /* Bugcheck */ Fatal EXCEPTION_STACK_FAULT jmp $ ENDFUNC PUBLIC KiGeneralProtectionFault FUNC KiGeneralProtectionFault /* We have an error code */ EnterTrap (TF_HAS_ERROR_CODE OR TF_SAVE_ALL) /* Call the C handler */ mov rcx, rbp call KiGeneralProtectionFaultHandler /* Check for success */ test eax, eax jge KiGpfExit /* Dispatch the exception */ DispatchException eax, 3, 0, 0, 0 KiGpfFatal: /* Bugcheck */ mov ecx, UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP mov rdx, HEX(000D) // EXCEPTION_GP_FAULT xor r8, r8 mov r9, [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_ErrorCode] // error code sub rsp, 8 mov [rsp + KTRAP_FRAME_P5+8], rbp // trap frame call KeBugCheckWithTf KiGpfExit: /* Return */ /* Return */ ExitTrap TF_SAVE_ALL ENDFUNC PUBLIC KiPageFault FUNC KiPageFault /* We have an error code */ EnterTrap (TF_HAS_ERROR_CODE OR TF_SAVE_ALL) /* Save page fault address */ mov rdx, cr2 mov [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_FaultAddress], rdx /* Enable interrupts for the page fault handler */ sti /* Call page fault handler */ mov ecx, [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_ErrorCode] // FaultCode // rdx == Address mov r8b, [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_SegCs] // Mode and r8b, 1 mov r9, rbp // TrapInformation call MmAccessFault /* Check for success */ test eax, eax #ifndef _WINKD_ jge PageFaultReturn #else jl PageFaultError /* Check whether the kernel debugger has owed breakpoints to be inserted */ call KdSetOwedBreakpoints /* We succeeded, return */ jmp PageFaultReturn PageFaultError: #endif /* Disable interrupts again for the debugger */ cli /* Set parameter 1 to error code */ mov r9d, [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_ErrorCode] /* Set parameter2 to faulting address */ mov r10, cr2 // Param2 = faulting address cmp eax, STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION je AccessViolation cmp eax, STATUS_GUARD_PAGE_VIOLATION je SpecialCode cmp eax, STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW je SpecialCode InPageException: /* Dispatch in-page exception */ mov r11d, eax // Param3 = Status mov eax, STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR // ExceptionCode mov edx, 3 // ParamCount call InternalDispatchException jmp PageFaultReturn AccessViolation: /* Use more proper status code */ mov eax, KI_EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION SpecialCode: /* Setup a normal page fault exception */ mov edx, 2 // ParamCount call InternalDispatchException PageFaultReturn: /* Return */ ExitTrap (TF_SAVE_ALL or TF_CHECKUSERAPC) ENDFUNC PUBLIC KiFloatingErrorFault FUNC KiFloatingErrorFault /* Push pseudo error code */ EnterTrap TF_SAVE_ALL UNIMPLEMENTED KiFloatingErrorFault int 3 /* Return */ ExitTrap TF_SAVE_ALL ENDFUNC PUBLIC KiAlignmentFault FUNC KiAlignmentFault /* We have an error code */ EnterTrap (TF_HAS_ERROR_CODE OR TF_SAVE_ALL) /* Bugcheck */ Fatal EXCEPTION_ALIGNMENT_CHECK jmp $ ENDFUNC PUBLIC KiMcheckAbort FUNC KiMcheckAbort /* Push pseudo error code */ EnterTrap TF_SAVE_ALL /* Bugcheck */ Fatal HEX(12) jmp $ ENDFUNC PUBLIC KiXmmException FUNC KiXmmException /* Push pseudo error code */ EnterTrap TF_SAVE_ALL /* Call the C handler */ mov rcx, rbp call KiXmmExceptionHandler /* Check for success */ test eax, eax jge KiXmmExit /* Dispatch the exception */ DispatchException eax, 3, 0, 0, 0 KiXmmExit: /* Return */ ExitTrap TF_SAVE_ALL ENDFUNC /* SOFTWARE INTERRUPT SERVICES ***********************************************/ PUBLIC KiRaiseAssertion FUNC KiRaiseAssertion /* We have an error code */ EnterTrap (TF_SAVE_ALL) /* Decrement RIP to point to the INT2C instruction (2 bytes, not 1 like INT3) */ sub qword ptr [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_Rip], 2 /* Dispatch the exception */ DispatchException STATUS_ASSERTION_FAILURE, 0, 0, 0, 0 /* Return */ ExitTrap TF_SAVE_ALL ENDFUNC PUBLIC KiDebugServiceTrap FUNC KiDebugServiceTrap /* No error code */ EnterTrap TF_SAVE_ALL /* Increase Rip to skip the int3 */ inc qword ptr [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_Rip] /* Dispatch the exception (Params = service, buffer, legth) */ DispatchException STATUS_BREAKPOINT, 3, [rbp+KTRAP_FRAME_Rax], [rbp+KTRAP_FRAME_Rcx], [rbp+KTRAP_FRAME_Rdx] /* Return */ ExitTrap TF_SAVE_ALL ENDFUNC PUBLIC KiApcInterrupt .PROC KiApcInterrupt /* No error code */ EnterTrap (TF_VOLATILES or TF_IRQL) /* Raise to APC_LEVEL */ mov rax, APC_LEVEL mov cr8, rax /* End the interrupt */ mov dword ptr [APIC_EOI], 0 /* Enable interrupts */ sti /* Call the worker routine */ mov cl, [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_SegCs] // ProcessorMode and cl, 1 mov rdx, 0 // ExceptionFrame mov r8, rdx // TrapFrame call KiDeliverApc /* Disable interrupts */ cli /* Lower IRQL back to PASSIVE */ mov rax, PASSIVE_LEVEL mov cr8, rax /* Return */ ExitTrap (TF_VOLATILES or TF_IRQL) .ENDP EXTERN KiRetireDpcList:PROC PUBLIC KiRetireDpcListInDpcStack .PROC KiRetireDpcListInDpcStack push rbp .pushreg rbp mov rbp, rsp .setframe rbp, 0 .endprolog /* Switch stack and call the function */ mov rsp, rdx sub rsp, 40 call KiRetireDpcList /* Restore stack, cleanup and return */ mov rsp, rbp pop rbp ret .ENDP PUBLIC KiDpcInterrupt .PROC KiDpcInterrupt /* No error code */ EnterTrap (TF_VOLATILES or TF_IRQL) /* Call the worker routine */ call KiDpcInterruptHandler /* Return, but don't send an EOI! */ ExitTrap (TF_VOLATILES or TF_IRQL) .ENDP PUBLIC KiIpiInterrupt .PROC KiIpiInterrupt /* No error code */ EnterTrap (TF_VOLATILES or TF_IRQL) /* Raise to IPI_LEVEL */ mov rax, IPI_LEVEL mov cr8, rax /* End the interrupt */ mov dword ptr [APIC_EOI], 0 int 3 /* Return */ ExitTrap (TF_VOLATILES or TF_IRQL) .ENDP PUBLIC KiUnexpectedInterrupt FUNC KiUnexpectedInterrupt /* The error code is the vector */ EnterTrap (TF_HAS_ERROR_CODE OR TF_SAVE_ALL) #if 0 /* Set bugcheck parameters */ mov ecx, TRAP_CAUSE_UNKNOWN mov rdx, [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_ErrorCode] // the vector mov r8, 0 // The unknown floating-point exception mov r9, 0 // The enabled and asserted status bits sub rsp, 8 mov [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_P5 + 8], rbp // trap frame call KeBugCheckWithTf jmp $ #endif /* Return */ ExitTrap TF_SAVE_ALL ENDFUNC PUBLIC KiInterruptDispatch FUNC KiInterruptDispatch /* The error code is a pointer to the interrupt object's code */ EnterTrap (TF_HAS_ERROR_CODE or TF_SAVE_ALL or TF_IRQL) /* Increase interrupt count */ inc dword ptr gs:[PcInterruptCount]; /* Load the address of the interrupt object into rcx */ mov rcx, [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_ErrorCode] /* Substract offset of the DispatchCode member plus 6 for the call instruction */ sub rcx, KINTERRUPT_DispatchCode + 6 /* Raise IRQL to SynchronizeIrql */ movzx rax, byte ptr [rcx + KINTERRUPT_SynchronizeIrql] mov cr8, rax #ifdef CONFIG_SMP /* Acquire interrupt lock */ mov r8, [rcx + KINTERRUPT_ActualLock] //KxAcquireSpinLock(Interrupt->ActualLock); #endif /* Call the ISR */ mov rdx, [rcx + KINTERRUPT_ServiceContext] call qword ptr [rcx + KINTERRUPT_ServiceRoutine] #ifdef CONFIG_SMP /* Release interrupt lock */ //KxReleaseSpinLock(Interrupt->ActualLock); #endif /* Go back to old irql */ movzx rax, byte ptr [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_PreviousIrql] mov cr8, rax /* Return */ ExitTrap (TF_SAVE_ALL or TF_SEND_EOI) ENDFUNC #define MAX_SYSCALL_PARAM_SIZE (16 * 8) #define HOME_SIZE 6*8 #define SYSCALL_ALLOCATION (MAX_SYSCALL_PARAM_SIZE + HOME_SIZE) EXTERN KiSystemCallHandler:PROC /*! \name KiSystemCallEntry64 * * \brief This is the entrypoint for syscalls from 64bit user mode * * \param rax - The system call number * \param rcx - User mode return address, set by the syscall instruction * \param rdx,r8,r9 - Parameters 2-4 to the service function * \param r10 - Parameter 1 to the service function * \param r11 - RFLAGS saved by the syscall instruction *--*/ PUBLIC KiSystemCallEntry64 .PROC KiSystemCallEntry64 /* Old stack pointer is in rcx, lie and say we saved it in rbp */ .setframe rbp, 0 .endprolog /* Swap gs to kernel, so we can access the PCR */ swapgs /* Save the user mode rsp in the PCR */ mov gs:[PcUserRsp], rsp /* Get the kernel stack from the PCR */ mov rsp, gs:[PcRspBase] /* Allocate a TRAP_FRAME and space for parameters */ sub rsp, (KTRAP_FRAME_LENGTH + MAX_SYSCALL_PARAM_SIZE + HOME_SIZE) #if DBG /* Save rbp and load it with the old stack pointer */ mov [rsp + HOME_SIZE + MAX_SYSCALL_PARAM_SIZE + HOME_SIZE + KTRAP_FRAME_Rbp], rbp mov rbp, gs:[PcUserRsp] #endif /* Save important volatiles in the trap frame */ mov [rsp + HOME_SIZE + MAX_SYSCALL_PARAM_SIZE + KTRAP_FRAME_Rax], rax mov [rsp + HOME_SIZE + MAX_SYSCALL_PARAM_SIZE + KTRAP_FRAME_Rcx], rcx mov [rsp + HOME_SIZE + MAX_SYSCALL_PARAM_SIZE + KTRAP_FRAME_R10], r10 mov [rsp + HOME_SIZE + MAX_SYSCALL_PARAM_SIZE + KTRAP_FRAME_R11], r11 /* Set sane segments */ mov ax, (KGDT64_R3_DATA or RPL_MASK) mov ds, ax mov es, ax /* Call the C-handler (will enable interrupts) */ lea rcx, [rsp + SYSCALL_ALLOCATION] call KiSystemCallHandler /* Deallocate the handlers home stack frame */ add rsp, HOME_SIZE /* The return value is the address of the Nt-function */ mov rcx, [rsp + 0] mov rdx, [rsp + 8] mov r8, [rsp + 16] mov r9, [rsp + 24] call rax #if DBG /* Restore rbp */ mov rbp, [rsp + SYSCALL_ALLOCATION + KTRAP_FRAME_Rbp] #endif /* Disable interrupts for return */ cli /* Restore old trap frame */ mov rcx, gs:[PcCurrentThread] mov rdx, [rsp + MAX_SYSCALL_PARAM_SIZE + KTRAP_FRAME_TrapFrame] mov [rcx + KTHREAD_TrapFrame], rdx /* Prepare user mode return address (rcx) and eflags (r11) for sysret */ mov rcx, [rsp + MAX_SYSCALL_PARAM_SIZE + KTRAP_FRAME_Rcx] mov r11, [rsp + MAX_SYSCALL_PARAM_SIZE + KTRAP_FRAME_R11] /* Load user mode stack (It was copied to the trap frame) */ mov rsp, [rsp + MAX_SYSCALL_PARAM_SIZE + KTRAP_FRAME_Rsp] /* Swap gs back to user */ swapgs /* return to user mode */ .byte HEX(48) // REX prefix to return to long mode sysret .ENDP PUBLIC KiSystemCallEntry32 KiSystemCallEntry32: swapgs int 3 PUBLIC KiZwSystemService FUNC KiZwSystemService push rbp .pushreg rbp sub rsp, KTRAP_FRAME_LENGTH .allocstack KTRAP_FRAME_LENGTH mov [rsp + KTRAP_FRAME_Rsi], rsi .savereg rsi, KTRAP_FRAME_Rsi mov [rsp + KTRAP_FRAME_Rdi], rdi .savereg rdi, KTRAP_FRAME_Rdi mov rbp, rsp .setframe rbp, 0 .endprolog /* Get current thread */ mov r11, gs:[PcCurrentThread] /* Save the old trap frame in TrapFrame.Rdx */ mov rdi, [r11 + KTHREAD_TrapFrame] mov [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_Rdx], rdi /* Set the new trap frame and previous mode */ mov [r11 + ThTrapFrame], rbp mov byte ptr [r11 + KTHREAD_PreviousMode], 0 /* allocate space for parameters */ sub rsp, r10 and rsp, HEX(0fffffffffffffff0) /* Save rcx */ mov [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_Rcx], rcx /* copy parameters to the new location */ lea rsi, [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_LENGTH + 16] lea rdi, [rsp] mov rcx, r10 shr rcx, 3 rep movsq /* Restore rcx */ mov rcx, [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_Rcx] /* Call the service function */ call rax /* Restore the old trap frame */ mov r11, gs:[PcCurrentThread] mov rsi, [rsp + KTRAP_FRAME_Rdx] mov [r11 + KTHREAD_TrapFrame], rsi /* Restore rdi and rsi */ mov rsi, [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_Rsi] mov rdi, [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_Rdi] /* Cleanup the stack and return */ lea rsp, [rbp + KTRAP_FRAME_LENGTH] pop rbp ret ENDFUNC KiExitToUserApc: int 3 /*! * VOID * DECLSPEC_NORETURN * KiServiceExit(IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame, IN NTSTATUS Status)); */ PUBLIC KiServiceExit KiServiceExit: mov [rcx + KTRAP_FRAME_Rax], rdx mov rbp, rcx mov rsp, rcx /* Return */ //ExitTrap TF_SAVE_ALL /*! * VOID * DECLSPEC_NORETURN * KiServiceExit2(IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame); */ PUBLIC KiServiceExit2 .PROC KiServiceExit2 .ENDPROLOG mov rbp, rcx mov rsp, rcx /* Return */ ExitTrap TF_SAVE_ALL .ENDP PUBLIC KiInitializeSegments KiInitializeSegments: mov ax, KGDT64_R3_DATA or RPL_MASK mov gs, ax swapgs mov gs, ax ret #ifdef _MSC_VER #undef lgdt #undef lidt //void __lgdt(void *Source); PUBLIC __lgdt __lgdt: lgdt fword ptr [rcx] ret //void __sgdt(void *Destination); PUBLIC __sgdt __sgdt: sgdt fword ptr [rcx] ret // void __lldt(unsigned short Value) PUBLIC __lldt __lldt: lldt cx ret //void __sldt(void *Destination); PUBLIC __sldt __sldt: sldt word ptr [rcx] ret //void __ltr(unsigned short Source); PUBLIC __ltr __ltr: ltr cx ret //void __str(unsigned short *Destination); PUBLIC __str __str: str word ptr [rcx] ret PUBLIC __swapgs __swapgs: swapgs ret #endif END