/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * LICENSE: GPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0-or-later) * PURPOSE: Security subsystem debug routines support * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2022 George Bișoc */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ #ifndef NDEBUG /** * @brief * Converts an Access Control Entry (ACE) type to a string. * * @return * Returns a converted ACE type strings. If no * known ACE type is found, it will return * UNKNOWN TYPE. */ static PCSTR SepGetAceTypeString( _In_ UCHAR AceType) { #define TOSTR(x) #x static const PCSTR AceTypes[] = { TOSTR(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE), TOSTR(ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE), TOSTR(SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE_TYPE), TOSTR(SYSTEM_ALARM_ACE_TYPE), TOSTR(ACCESS_ALLOWED_COMPOUND_ACE_TYPE), TOSTR(ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE_TYPE), TOSTR(ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT_ACE_TYPE), TOSTR(SYSTEM_AUDIT_OBJECT_ACE_TYPE), TOSTR(SYSTEM_ALARM_OBJECT_ACE_TYPE), TOSTR(ACCESS_ALLOWED_CALLBACK_ACE_TYPE), TOSTR(ACCESS_DENIED_CALLBACK_ACE_TYPE), TOSTR(ACCESS_ALLOWED_CALLBACK_OBJECT_ACE_TYPE), TOSTR(ACCESS_DENIED_CALLBACK_OBJECT_ACE_TYPE), TOSTR(SYSTEM_AUDIT_CALLBACK_ACE_TYPE), TOSTR(SYSTEM_ALARM_CALLBACK_ACE_TYPE), TOSTR(SYSTEM_AUDIT_CALLBACK_OBJECT_ACE_TYPE), TOSTR(SYSTEM_ALARM_CALLBACK_OBJECT_ACE_TYPE), TOSTR(SYSTEM_MANDATORY_LABEL_ACE_TYPE), }; #undef TOSTR if (AceType < RTL_NUMBER_OF(AceTypes)) return AceTypes[AceType]; else return "UNKNOWN TYPE"; } /** * @brief * Dumps the ACE flags to the debugger output. */ static VOID SepDumpAceFlags( _In_ UCHAR AceFlags) { #define ACE_FLAG_PRINT(x) \ if (AceFlags & x) \ { \ DbgPrint(#x "\n"); \ } ACE_FLAG_PRINT(OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE); ACE_FLAG_PRINT(CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE); ACE_FLAG_PRINT(NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT_ACE); ACE_FLAG_PRINT(INHERIT_ONLY_ACE); ACE_FLAG_PRINT(INHERITED_ACE); #undef ACE_FLAG_PRINT } /** * @brief * Iterates and dumps each ACE debug info in an ACL. */ static VOID SepDumpAces( _In_ PACL Acl) { NTSTATUS Status; PACE Ace; ULONG AceIndex; PSID Sid; UNICODE_STRING SidString; /* Loop all ACEs and dump their info */ for (AceIndex = 0; AceIndex < Acl->AceCount; AceIndex++) { /* Get the ACE at this index */ Status = RtlGetAce(Acl, AceIndex, (PVOID*)&Ace); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* * Normally this should never happen. * Just fail gracefully and stop further * debugging of ACEs. */ DbgPrint("SepDumpAces(): Failed to find the next ACE, stop dumping info...\n"); return; } DbgPrint("================== %lu# ACE DUMP INFO ==================\n", AceIndex); DbgPrint("Ace -> 0x%p\n", Ace); DbgPrint("Ace->Header -> 0x%p\n", Ace->Header); DbgPrint("Ace->Header.AceType -> %s\n", SepGetAceTypeString(Ace->Header.AceType)); DbgPrint("Ace->AccessMask -> 0x%08lx\n", Ace->AccessMask); Sid = SepGetSidFromAce(Ace->Header.AceType, Ace); ASSERT(Sid); RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString(&SidString, Sid, TRUE); DbgPrint("Ace SID -> %wZ\n", &SidString); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&SidString); DbgPrint("Ace->Header.AceSize -> %u\n", Ace->Header.AceSize); DbgPrint("Ace->Header.AceFlags:\n"); SepDumpAceFlags(Ace->Header.AceFlags); } } /** * @brief * Dumps debug info of an Access Control List (ACL). */ static VOID SepDumpAclInfo( _In_ PACL Acl, _In_ BOOLEAN IsSacl) { /* Dump relevant info */ DbgPrint("================== %s DUMP INFO ==================\n", IsSacl ? "SACL" : "DACL"); DbgPrint("Acl->AclRevision -> %u\n", Acl->AclRevision); DbgPrint("Acl->AclSize -> %u\n", Acl->AclSize); DbgPrint("Acl->AceCount -> %u\n", Acl->AceCount); /* Dump all the ACEs present on this ACL */ SepDumpAces(Acl); } /** * @brief * Dumps control flags of a security descriptor to the debugger. */ static VOID SepDumpSdControlInfo( _In_ SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL SdControl) { #define SD_CONTROL_PRINT(x) \ if (SdControl & x) \ { \ DbgPrint(#x "\n"); \ } SD_CONTROL_PRINT(SE_OWNER_DEFAULTED); SD_CONTROL_PRINT(SE_GROUP_DEFAULTED); SD_CONTROL_PRINT(SE_DACL_PRESENT); SD_CONTROL_PRINT(SE_DACL_DEFAULTED); SD_CONTROL_PRINT(SE_SACL_PRESENT); SD_CONTROL_PRINT(SE_SACL_DEFAULTED); SD_CONTROL_PRINT(SE_DACL_UNTRUSTED); SD_CONTROL_PRINT(SE_SERVER_SECURITY); SD_CONTROL_PRINT(SE_DACL_AUTO_INHERIT_REQ); SD_CONTROL_PRINT(SE_SACL_AUTO_INHERIT_REQ); SD_CONTROL_PRINT(SE_DACL_AUTO_INHERITED); SD_CONTROL_PRINT(SE_SACL_AUTO_INHERITED); SD_CONTROL_PRINT(SE_DACL_PROTECTED); SD_CONTROL_PRINT(SE_SACL_PROTECTED); SD_CONTROL_PRINT(SE_RM_CONTROL_VALID); SD_CONTROL_PRINT(SE_SELF_RELATIVE); #undef SD_CONTROL_PRINT } /** * @brief * Dumps each security identifier (SID) of an access token to debugger. */ static VOID SepDumpSidsOfToken( _In_ PSID_AND_ATTRIBUTES Sids, _In_ ULONG SidCount) { ULONG SidIndex; UNICODE_STRING SidString; /* Loop all SIDs and dump them */ for (SidIndex = 0; SidIndex < SidCount; SidIndex++) { RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString(&SidString, Sids[SidIndex].Sid, TRUE); DbgPrint("%lu# %wZ\n", SidIndex, &SidString); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&SidString); } } #endif /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/ /** * @brief * Dumps debug information of a security descriptor to the debugger. */ VOID SepDumpSdDebugInfo( _In_opt_ PISECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor) { #ifndef NDEBUG UNICODE_STRING SidString; PSID OwnerSid, GroupSid; PACL Dacl, Sacl; #endif /* Don't dump anything if no SD was provided */ if (!SecurityDescriptor) { return; } #ifndef NDEBUG /* Cache the necessary security buffers to dump info from */ OwnerSid = SepGetOwnerFromDescriptor(SecurityDescriptor); GroupSid = SepGetGroupFromDescriptor(SecurityDescriptor); Sacl = SepGetSaclFromDescriptor(SecurityDescriptor); Dacl = SepGetDaclFromDescriptor(SecurityDescriptor); DbgPrint("================== SECURITY DESCRIPTOR DUMP INFO ==================\n"); DbgPrint("SecurityDescriptor -> 0x%p\n", SecurityDescriptor); DbgPrint("SecurityDescriptor->Revision -> %u\n", SecurityDescriptor->Revision); DbgPrint("SecurityDescriptor->Control:\n"); SepDumpSdControlInfo(SecurityDescriptor->Control); /* Dump the Owner SID if the SD belongs to an owner */ if (OwnerSid) { RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString(&SidString, OwnerSid, TRUE); DbgPrint("SD Owner SID -> %wZ\n", &SidString); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&SidString); } /* Dump the Group SID if the SD belongs to a group */ if (GroupSid) { RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString(&SidString, GroupSid, TRUE); DbgPrint("SD Group SID -> %wZ\n", &SidString); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&SidString); } /* Dump the ACL contents of SACL if this SD has one */ if (Sacl) { SepDumpAclInfo(Sacl, TRUE); } /* Dump the ACL contents of DACL if this SD has one */ if (Dacl) { SepDumpAclInfo(Dacl, FALSE); } #endif } /** * @brief * Dumps debug information of an access token to the debugger. */ VOID SepDumpTokenDebugInfo( _In_opt_ PTOKEN Token) { #ifndef NDEBUG UNICODE_STRING SidString; #endif /* Don't dump anything if no token was provided */ if (!Token) { return; } #ifndef NDEBUG /* Dump relevant token info */ DbgPrint("================== ACCESS TOKEN DUMP INFO ==================\n"); DbgPrint("Token -> 0x%p\n", Token); DbgPrint("Token->ImageFileName -> %s\n", Token->ImageFileName); DbgPrint("Token->TokenSource.SourceName -> \"%-.*s\"\n", RTL_NUMBER_OF(Token->TokenSource.SourceName), Token->TokenSource.SourceName); DbgPrint("Token->TokenSource.SourceIdentifier -> %lu.%lu\n", Token->TokenSource.SourceIdentifier.HighPart, Token->TokenSource.SourceIdentifier.LowPart); RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString(&SidString, Token->PrimaryGroup, TRUE); DbgPrint("Token primary group SID -> %wZ\n", &SidString); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&SidString); DbgPrint("Token user and groups SIDs:\n"); SepDumpSidsOfToken(Token->UserAndGroups, Token->UserAndGroupCount); if (SeTokenIsRestricted(Token)) { DbgPrint("Token restricted SIDs:\n"); SepDumpSidsOfToken(Token->RestrictedSids, Token->RestrictedSidCount); } #endif } /** * @brief * Dumps security access rights to the debugger. */ VOID SepDumpAccessRightsStats( _In_ PACCESS_CHECK_RIGHTS AccessRights) { /* * Dump the access rights only if we have remaining rights * to dump in the first place. RemainingAccessRights can be 0 * if access check procedure has failed prematurely and this * member hasn't been filled yet. */ if (!AccessRights->RemainingAccessRights) { return; } #ifndef NDEBUG DbgPrint("================== ACCESS CHECK RIGHTS STATISTICS ==================\n"); DbgPrint("Remaining access rights -> 0x%08lx\n", AccessRights->RemainingAccessRights); DbgPrint("Granted access rights -> 0x%08lx\n", AccessRights->GrantedAccessRights); DbgPrint("Denied access rights -> 0x%08lx\n", AccessRights->DeniedAccessRights); #endif } /* EOF */