/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Print Spooler DLL API Tests * LICENSE: GNU GPLv2 or any later version as published by the Free Software Foundation * PURPOSE: Tests for GetPrinterData(Ex)A/GetPrinterData(Ex)W/SetPrinterData(Ex)A/SetPrinterData(Ex)W * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2017 Colin Finck */ #include #define WIN32_NO_STATUS #include #include #include #include #include /* From printing/include/spoolss.h */ #define MAX_PRINTER_NAME 220 typedef struct _SPLREG_VALUE { PSTR pszName; PWSTR pwszName; DWORD dwType; DWORD cbNeededA; BOOL bSettable; } SPLREG_VALUE, *PSPLREG_VALUE; SPLREG_VALUE SplRegValues[] = { { "DefaultSpoolDirectory", L"DefaultSpoolDirectory", REG_SZ, 0xFFFFFFFF, TRUE }, { "PortThreadPriorityDefault", L"PortThreadPriorityDefault", REG_NONE, 4, FALSE }, { "PortThreadPriority", L"PortThreadPriority", REG_DWORD, 4, TRUE }, { "SchedulerThreadPriorityDefault", L"SchedulerThreadPriorityDefault", REG_NONE, 4, FALSE }, { "SchedulerThreadPriority", L"SchedulerThreadPriority", REG_DWORD, 4, TRUE }, { "BeepEnabled", L"BeepEnabled", REG_DWORD, 4, TRUE }, /* These fail in Win8, probably removed since NT6: { "NetPopup", L"NetPopup", REG_DWORD, 4, TRUE }, { "RetryPopup", L"RetryPopup", REG_DWORD, 4, TRUE }, { "NetPopupToComputer", L"NetPopupToComputer", REG_DWORD, 4, TRUE }, */ { "EventLog", L"EventLog", REG_DWORD, 4, TRUE }, { "MajorVersion", L"MajorVersion", REG_NONE, 4, FALSE }, { "MinorVersion", L"MinorVersion", REG_NONE, 4, FALSE }, { "Architecture", L"Architecture", REG_NONE, 0xFFFFFFFF, FALSE }, { "OSVersion", L"OSVersion", REG_NONE, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOA), FALSE }, { "OSVersionEx", L"OSVersionEx", REG_NONE, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEXA), FALSE }, #if 0 { "DsPresent", L"DsPresent", REG_DWORD, 4, FALSE }, { "DsPresentForUser", L"DsPresentForUser", REG_DWORD, 4, FALSE }, #endif { "RemoteFax", L"RemoteFax", REG_NONE, 4, FALSE }, { "RestartJobOnPoolError", L"RestartJobOnPoolError", REG_DWORD, 4, TRUE }, { "RestartJobOnPoolEnabled", L"RestartJobOnPoolEnabled", REG_DWORD, 4, TRUE }, { "DNSMachineName", L"DNSMachineName", REG_SZ, 0xFFFFFFFF, FALSE }, { "AllowUserManageForms", L"AllowUserManageForms", REG_DWORD, 4, TRUE }, { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, FALSE } }; START_TEST(GetPrinterData) { DWORD cbNeeded; DWORD cchDefaultPrinter; DWORD dwReturnCode; DWORD dwType; HANDLE hPrinter; PBYTE pDataA; PBYTE pDataW; PSPLREG_VALUE p; WCHAR wszDefaultPrinter[MAX_PRINTER_NAME + 1]; // Don't supply any parameters, this has to fail with ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE! dwReturnCode = GetPrinterDataExW(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); ok(dwReturnCode == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, "GetPrinterDataExW returns error %lu!\n", dwReturnCode); // Open a handle to the local print server. if (!OpenPrinterW(NULL, &hPrinter, NULL)) { skip("Could not retrieve a handle to the local print server!\n"); return; } // Now try with valid handle, but leave remaining parameters NULL. dwReturnCode = GetPrinterDataExW(hPrinter, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); ok(dwReturnCode == RPC_X_NULL_REF_POINTER, "GetPrinterDataExW returns error %lu!\n", dwReturnCode); // Try all valid Print Server data values. for (p = SplRegValues; p->pszName; p++) { // Try the ANSI version of the function. dwType = 0xDEADBEEF; dwReturnCode = GetPrinterDataExA(hPrinter, NULL, p->pszName, &dwType, NULL, 0, &cbNeeded); ok(dwReturnCode == ERROR_MORE_DATA || dwReturnCode == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "GetPrinterDataExA returns %lu for \"%s\"!\n", dwReturnCode, p->pszName); if (dwReturnCode != ERROR_MORE_DATA) continue; ok(dwType == p->dwType, "dwType is %lu for \"%s\"!\n", dwType, p->pszName); if (p->cbNeededA < 0xFFFFFFFF) ok(cbNeeded == p->cbNeededA, "cbNeeded is %lu for \"%s\", but expected %lu!\n", cbNeeded, p->pszName, p->cbNeededA); else ok(cbNeeded > 0, "cbNeeded is 0 for \"%s\"!\n", p->pszName); pDataA = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cbNeeded); dwReturnCode = GetPrinterDataExA(hPrinter, NULL, p->pszName, NULL, pDataA, cbNeeded, &cbNeeded); ok(dwReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS, "GetPrinterDataExA returns %lu for \"%s\"!\n", dwReturnCode, p->pszName); // Try the Unicode version of the function too. dwType = 0xDEADBEEF; dwReturnCode = GetPrinterDataExW(hPrinter, NULL, p->pwszName, &dwType, NULL, 0, &cbNeeded); ok(dwReturnCode == ERROR_MORE_DATA, "GetPrinterDataExW returns %lu for \"%s\"!\n", dwReturnCode, p->pszName); ok(dwType == p->dwType, "dwType is %lu for \"%s\"!\n", dwType, p->pszName); pDataW = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cbNeeded); dwReturnCode = GetPrinterDataExW(hPrinter, NULL, p->pwszName, NULL, pDataW, cbNeeded, &cbNeeded); ok(dwReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS, "GetPrinterDataExW returns %lu for \"%s\"!\n", dwReturnCode, p->pszName); // Verify that OSVERSIONINFO structures are correctly returned. if (strcmp(p->pszName, "OSVersion") == 0) { POSVERSIONINFOA pOSVersionInfoA = (POSVERSIONINFOA)pDataA; POSVERSIONINFOW pOSVersionInfoW = (POSVERSIONINFOW)pDataW; ok(pOSVersionInfoA->dwOSVersionInfoSize == sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOA), "dwOSVersionInfoSize is %lu!\n", pOSVersionInfoA->dwOSVersionInfoSize); ok(pOSVersionInfoW->dwOSVersionInfoSize == sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOW), "dwOSVersionInfoSize is %lu!\n", pOSVersionInfoW->dwOSVersionInfoSize); } else if (strcmp(p->pszName, "OSVersionEx") == 0) { POSVERSIONINFOEXA pOSVersionInfoA = (POSVERSIONINFOEXA)pDataA; POSVERSIONINFOEXW pOSVersionInfoW = (POSVERSIONINFOEXW)pDataW; ok(pOSVersionInfoA->dwOSVersionInfoSize == sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEXA), "dwOSVersionInfoSize is %lu!\n", pOSVersionInfoA->dwOSVersionInfoSize); ok(pOSVersionInfoW->dwOSVersionInfoSize == sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEXW), "dwOSVersionInfoSize is %lu!\n", pOSVersionInfoW->dwOSVersionInfoSize); } // Shortly test SetPrinterDataExW by setting the same data we just retrieved. if (p->bSettable) { dwReturnCode = SetPrinterDataExW(hPrinter, NULL, p->pwszName, dwType, pDataW, cbNeeded); ok(dwReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS, "SetPrinterDataExW returns %lu for \"%s\"!\n", dwReturnCode, p->pszName); } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pDataA); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pDataW); } // Try an invalid one. dwReturnCode = GetPrinterDataExW(hPrinter, NULL, L"Invalid", NULL, NULL, 0, &cbNeeded); ok(dwReturnCode == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "GetPrinterDataExW returns %lu!\n", dwReturnCode); ClosePrinter(hPrinter); // Open a handle to the default printer. cchDefaultPrinter = _countof(wszDefaultPrinter); ok(GetDefaultPrinterW(wszDefaultPrinter, &cchDefaultPrinter), "GetDefaultPrinterW returns FALSE and requires %lu characters!\n", cchDefaultPrinter); if (!OpenPrinterW(wszDefaultPrinter, &hPrinter, NULL)) { skip("Could not retrieve a handle to the default printer!\n"); return; } // Using NULL or L"" for pKeyName on a Printer handle yields ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER. dwReturnCode = GetPrinterDataExW(hPrinter, NULL, L"Name", NULL, NULL, 0, &cbNeeded); ok(dwReturnCode == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "GetPrinterDataExW returns %lu!\n", dwReturnCode); dwReturnCode = GetPrinterDataExW(hPrinter, L"", L"Name", NULL, NULL, 0, &cbNeeded); ok(dwReturnCode == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "GetPrinterDataExW returns %lu!\n", dwReturnCode); // Using L"\\" allows us to examine the contents of the main printer key anyway. dwReturnCode = GetPrinterDataExW(hPrinter, L"\\", L"Name", &dwType, NULL, 0, &cbNeeded); ok(dwReturnCode == ERROR_MORE_DATA, "GetPrinterDataExW returns %lu!\n", dwReturnCode); ok(dwType == REG_SZ, "dwType is %lu!\n", dwType); ok(cbNeeded > 0, "cbNeeded is 0!\n"); pDataW = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cbNeeded); dwReturnCode = GetPrinterDataExW(hPrinter, L"\\", L"Name", NULL, pDataW, cbNeeded, &cbNeeded); ok(dwReturnCode == ERROR_SUCCESS, "GetPrinterDataExW returns %lu!\n", dwReturnCode); // The following test fails if the default printer is a remote printer. ok(wcscmp((PWSTR)pDataW, wszDefaultPrinter) == 0, "pDataW is \"%S\", default printer is \"%S\"!\n", (PWSTR)pDataW, wszDefaultPrinter); // SetPrinterDataExW should return ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED when attempting to set the Name. dwReturnCode = SetPrinterDataExW(hPrinter, L"\\", L"Name", REG_SZ, pDataW, cbNeeded); ok(dwReturnCode == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, "SetPrinterDataExW returns %lu!\n", dwReturnCode); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pDataW); }