/* INCLUDES *****************************************************************/ #include "usetup.h" #define NDEBUG #include /* FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************/ static VOID DrawBorder(PPROGRESSBAR Bar) { COORD coPos; DWORD Written; SHORT i; /* draw upper left corner */ coPos.X = Bar->Left; coPos.Y = Bar->Top + 1; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xDA, // '+', 1, coPos, &Written); /* draw upper edge */ coPos.X = Bar->Left + 1; coPos.Y = Bar->Top + 1; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xC4, // '-', Bar->Right - Bar->Left - 1, coPos, &Written); /* draw upper right corner */ coPos.X = Bar->Right; coPos.Y = Bar->Top + 1; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xBF, // '+', 1, coPos, &Written); /* draw left and right edge */ for (i = Bar->Top + 2; i < Bar->Bottom; i++) { coPos.X = Bar->Left; coPos.Y = i; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xB3, // '|', 1, coPos, &Written); coPos.X = Bar->Right; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xB3, //'|', 1, coPos, &Written); } /* draw lower left corner */ coPos.X = Bar->Left; coPos.Y = Bar->Bottom; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xC0, // '+', 1, coPos, &Written); /* draw lower edge */ coPos.X = Bar->Left + 1; coPos.Y = Bar->Bottom; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xC4, // '-', Bar->Right - Bar->Left - 1, coPos, &Written); /* draw lower right corner */ coPos.X = Bar->Right; coPos.Y = Bar->Bottom; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xD9, // '+', 1, coPos, &Written); } static VOID DrawThickBorder(PPROGRESSBAR Bar) { COORD coPos; DWORD Written; SHORT i; /* draw upper left corner */ coPos.X = Bar->Left; coPos.Y = Bar->Top + 1; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xC9, // '+', 1, coPos, &Written); /* draw upper edge */ coPos.X = Bar->Left + 1; coPos.Y = Bar->Top + 1; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xCD, // '-', Bar->Right - Bar->Left - 1, coPos, &Written); /* draw upper right corner */ coPos.X = Bar->Right; coPos.Y = Bar->Top + 1; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xBB, // '+', 1, coPos, &Written); /* draw left and right edge */ for (i = Bar->Top + 2; i < Bar->Bottom; i++) { coPos.X = Bar->Left; coPos.Y = i; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xBA, // '|', 1, coPos, &Written); coPos.X = Bar->Right; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xBA, //'|', 1, coPos, &Written); } /* draw lower left corner */ coPos.X = Bar->Left; coPos.Y = Bar->Bottom; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xC8, // '+', 1, coPos, &Written); /* draw lower edge */ coPos.X = Bar->Left + 1; coPos.Y = Bar->Bottom; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xCD, // '-', Bar->Right - Bar->Left - 1, coPos, &Written); /* draw lower right corner */ coPos.X = Bar->Right; coPos.Y = Bar->Bottom; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xBC, // '+', 1, coPos, &Written); } static VOID DrawProgressBar(PPROGRESSBAR Bar) { CHAR TextBuffer[8]; COORD coPos; DWORD Written; PROGRESSBAR BarBorder = *Bar; /* Print percentage */ sprintf(TextBuffer, "%-3lu%%", Bar->Percent); coPos.X = Bar->Left + (Bar->Width - 2) / 2; coPos.Y = Bar->Top; WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, TextBuffer, 4, coPos, &Written); /* Draw the progress bar border */ DrawBorder(Bar); /* Write Text Associated with Bar */ CONSOLE_SetTextXY(Bar->TextTop, Bar->TextRight, Bar->Text); /* Draw the progress bar "border" border */ if (Bar->Double) { BarBorder.Top -= 5; BarBorder.Bottom += 2; BarBorder.Right += 5; BarBorder.Left -= 5; DrawThickBorder(&BarBorder); } /* Draw the bar */ coPos.X = Bar->Left + 1; for (coPos.Y = Bar->Top + 2; coPos.Y <= Bar->Bottom - 1; coPos.Y++) { FillConsoleOutputAttribute(StdOutput, FOREGROUND_YELLOW | BACKGROUND_BLUE, Bar->Width - 2, coPos, &Written); FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, ' ', Bar->Width - 2, coPos, &Written); } } PPROGRESSBAR CreateProgressBar(SHORT Left, SHORT Top, SHORT Right, SHORT Bottom, SHORT TextTop, SHORT TextRight, IN BOOLEAN DoubleEdge, char* Text) { PPROGRESSBAR Bar; Bar = (PPROGRESSBAR)RtlAllocateHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, sizeof(PROGRESSBAR)); if (Bar == NULL) return(NULL); Bar->Left = Left; Bar->Top = Top; Bar->Right = Right; Bar->Bottom = Bottom; Bar->TextTop = TextTop; Bar->TextRight = TextRight; Bar->Double = DoubleEdge; Bar->Text = Text; Bar->Width = Bar->Right - Bar->Left + 1; Bar->Percent = 0; Bar->Pos = 0; Bar->StepCount = 0; Bar->CurrentStep = 0; DrawProgressBar(Bar); return(Bar); } VOID DestroyProgressBar(PPROGRESSBAR Bar) { RtlFreeHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, Bar); } VOID ProgressSetStepCount(PPROGRESSBAR Bar, ULONG StepCount) { Bar->CurrentStep = 0; Bar->StepCount = StepCount; DrawProgressBar(Bar); } VOID ProgressNextStep(PPROGRESSBAR Bar) { ProgressSetStep(Bar, Bar->CurrentStep + 1); } VOID ProgressSetStep (PPROGRESSBAR Bar, ULONG Step) { CHAR TextBuffer[8]; COORD coPos; DWORD Written; ULONG NewPercent; ULONG NewPos; if (Step > Bar->StepCount) return; Bar->CurrentStep = Step; /* Calculate new percentage */ NewPercent = (ULONG)(((100.0 * (float)Bar->CurrentStep) / (float)Bar->StepCount) + 0.5); /* Redraw precentage if changed */ if (Bar->Percent != NewPercent) { Bar->Percent = NewPercent; /* DO NOT REMOVE THOSE LINES * This might be needed by sysreg */ if (NewPercent == 50) { DPRINT1("CHECKPOINT:HALF_COPIED\n"); } sprintf(TextBuffer, "%-3lu%%", Bar->Percent); coPos.X = Bar->Left + (Bar->Width - 2) / 2; coPos.Y = Bar->Top; WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, TextBuffer, 4, coPos, &Written); } /* Calculate bar position */ NewPos = (ULONG)((((float)(Bar->Width - 2) * 2.0 * (float)Bar->CurrentStep) / (float)Bar->StepCount) + 0.5); /* Redraw bar if changed */ if (Bar->Pos != NewPos) { Bar->Pos = NewPos; for (coPos.Y = Bar->Top + 2; coPos.Y <= Bar->Bottom - 1; coPos.Y++) { coPos.X = Bar->Left + 1; FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xDB, Bar->Pos / 2, coPos, &Written); coPos.X += Bar->Pos/2; if (NewPos & 1) { FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, 0xDD, 1, coPos, &Written); coPos.X++; } if (coPos.X <= Bar->Right - 1) { FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(StdOutput, ' ', Bar->Right - coPos.X, coPos, &Written); } } } } /* EOF */