/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS shutdown/logoff utility * FILE: base/applications/shutdown/shutdown.c * PURPOSE: Initiate logoff, shutdown or reboot of the system */ #include "precomp.h" #include #include #include /* * This takes strings from a resource stringtable * and outputs it to the console. */ VOID PrintResourceString(INT resID, ...) { WCHAR tmpBuffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; va_list arg_ptr; va_start(arg_ptr, resID); LoadStringW(GetModuleHandle(NULL), resID, tmpBuffer, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); vfwprintf(stdout, tmpBuffer, arg_ptr); va_end(arg_ptr); } /* * Takes the commandline arguments, and creates a * struct which matches the arguments supplied. */ static DWORD ParseArguments(struct CommandLineOptions* pOpts, int argc, WCHAR *argv[]) { int index; if (!pOpts) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* Reset all flags in struct */ pOpts->abort = FALSE; pOpts->force = FALSE; pOpts->logoff = FALSE; pOpts->restart = FALSE; pOpts->shutdown = FALSE; pOpts->document_reason = FALSE; pOpts->hibernate = FALSE; pOpts->shutdown_delay = 30; pOpts->remote_system = NULL; pOpts->reason = ParseReasonCode(NULL); /* NOTE: NEVER use 0 here since it can delay the shutdown. */ pOpts->message = NULL; pOpts->show_gui = FALSE; /* * Determine which flags the user has specified * to the program so we can use them later. */ for (index = 1; index < argc; index++) { if (argv[index][0] == L'-' || argv[index][0] == L'/') { switch (towlower(argv[index][1])) { case L'?': /* Help */ PrintResourceString(IDS_USAGE); return ERROR_SUCCESS; case L'a': /* Cancel delayed shutdown */ pOpts->abort = TRUE; break; case L'c': /* Comment on reason for shutdown */ if(CheckCommentLength(argv[index+1])) { if (index+1 <= argc) pOpts->message = argv[index+1]; else return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; index++; } else { PrintResourceString(IDS_ERROR_MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH); return ERROR_BAD_LENGTH; } break; case L'd': /* Reason code [p|u:]xx:yy */ if (index+1 <= argc) pOpts->reason = ParseReasonCode(argv[index+1]); else return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; index++; break; case L'e': /* Documents reason for shutdown */ /* TODO: Determine what this flag does exactly. */ pOpts->document_reason = TRUE; break; case L'f': /* Force shutdown without warning */ pOpts->force = TRUE; break; case L'h': /* Hibernate the local computer */ pOpts->hibernate = TRUE; break; case L'i': /* Shows GUI version of the tool */ pOpts->show_gui = TRUE; break; case L'l': /* Logoff the current user */ pOpts->logoff = TRUE; break; case L'm': /* Target remote systems (UNC name/IP address) */ pOpts->remote_system = argv[index+1]; break; case L'p': /* Turn off local computer with no warning/time-out */ pOpts->force = TRUE; pOpts->shutdown_delay = 0; break; case L'r': /* Restart computer */ pOpts->restart = TRUE; break; case L's': /* Shutdown */ pOpts->shutdown = TRUE; break; case L't': /* Shutdown delay */ pOpts->shutdown_delay = _wtoi(argv[index+1]); if (pOpts->shutdown_delay > 0) pOpts->force = TRUE; break; default: /* Unknown arguments will exit the program. */ PrintResourceString(IDS_USAGE); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } static DWORD EnablePrivilege(LPCWSTR lpszPrivilegeName, BOOL bEnablePrivilege) { DWORD dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; HANDLE hToken = NULL; if (OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, &hToken)) { TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tp; tp.PrivilegeCount = 1; tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = (bEnablePrivilege ? SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED : 0); if (LookupPrivilegeValueW(NULL, lpszPrivilegeName, &tp.Privileges[0].Luid)) { if (AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, FALSE, &tp, 0, NULL, NULL)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED) dwRet = ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED; } else { dwRet = GetLastError(); } } else { dwRet = GetLastError(); } CloseHandle(hToken); } else { dwRet = GetLastError(); } /* Display the error description if any */ if (dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) DisplayError(dwRet); return dwRet; } /* Main entry for program */ int wmain(int argc, WCHAR *argv[]) { DWORD error = ERROR_SUCCESS; struct CommandLineOptions opts; if (argc == 1) /* i.e. no commandline arguments given */ { PrintResourceString(IDS_USAGE); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } error = ParseArguments(&opts, argc, argv); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DisplayError(error); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* If the user wants to abort a shutdown */ if (opts.abort) { /* First, the program has to determine if the shutdown/restart is local or remote. This is done since each one requires separate privileges. */ if (opts.remote_system == NULL) EnablePrivilege(SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, TRUE); else EnablePrivilege(SE_REMOTE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, TRUE); /* Abort the delayed system shutdown specified. */ if (!AbortSystemShutdownW(opts.remote_system)) { PrintResourceString(IDS_ERROR_ABORT); DisplayError(GetLastError()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } } /* * If the user wants to hibernate the computer. Assume * that the user wants to wake the computer up from * hibernation and it should not force it on the system. */ if (opts.hibernate) { if (IsPwrHibernateAllowed()) { EnablePrivilege(SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, TRUE); /* The shutdown utility cannot hibernate remote systems */ if (opts.remote_system != NULL) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!SetSuspendState(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)) { PrintResourceString(IDS_ERROR_HIBERNATE); DisplayError(GetLastError()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { PrintResourceString(IDS_ERROR_HIBERNATE_ENABLED); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } } else { return EXIT_FAILURE; } } /* Both shutdown and restart flags cannot both be true */ if (opts.shutdown && opts.restart) { PrintResourceString(IDS_ERROR_SHUTDOWN_REBOOT); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Ensure that the timout amount is not too high or a negative number */ if ((opts.shutdown_delay < 0) || (opts.shutdown_delay > MAX_TIMEOUT)) { PrintResourceString(IDS_ERROR_TIMEOUT, opts.shutdown_delay); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* If the user wants a GUI environment */ if (opts.show_gui) { if (ShutdownGuiMain(opts)) return EXIT_SUCCESS; else return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (opts.logoff && (opts.remote_system == NULL)) { /* * NOTE: Sometimes, shutdown and logoff are used together. If the logoff * flag is used by itself, then simply logoff. But if used with shutdown, * then skip logging off of the computer and eventually go to the action * for shutdown. */ if (!opts.shutdown && !opts.restart) { EnablePrivilege(SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, TRUE); if (ExitWindowsEx(EWX_LOGOFF, opts.reason)) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else { PrintResourceString(IDS_ERROR_LOGOFF); DisplayError(GetLastError()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } } /* * Since both shutting down the system and restarting calls the exact same * function, all we need to know is if we wanted to restart or shutdown. */ if (opts.shutdown || opts.restart) { /* * First, the program has to determine if the shutdown/restart is local * or remote. This is done since each one requires separate privileges. */ if (opts.remote_system == NULL) { EnablePrivilege(SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, TRUE); } else { /* TODO: Remote shutdown is not supported yet */ // EnablePrivilege(SE_REMOTE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, TRUE); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /** ** HACK: When InitiateSystemShutdownExW will become really implemented, ** activate this line and delete the other... ** if(!InitiateSystemShutdownExW(opts.remote_system, opts.message, opts.shutdown_delay, opts.force, opts.restart, opts.reason)) ***/ if (!ExitWindowsEx((opts.shutdown ? EWX_SHUTDOWN : EWX_REBOOT) | (opts.force ? EWX_FORCE : 0), opts.reason)) { /* * If there is an error, give the proper output depending * on whether the user wanted to shutdown or restart. */ if (opts.restart) PrintResourceString(IDS_ERROR_RESTART); else PrintResourceString(IDS_ERROR_SHUTDOWN); DisplayError(GetLastError()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* EOF */