/* * COPYRIGHT: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Virtual DOS Machine * FILE: subsystems/mvdm/ntvdm/dos/dos32krnl/dosfiles.c * PURPOSE: DOS32 Files Support * PROGRAMMERS: Aleksandar Andrejevic * Hermes Belusca-Maito (hermes.belusca@sfr.fr) */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include "ntvdm.h" #define NDEBUG #include #include "emulator.h" #include "../../memory.h" #include "dos.h" #include "dos/dem.h" #include "dosfiles.h" #include "handle.h" #include "process.h" #include "bios/bios.h" /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ static VOID StoreNameInSft(LPCSTR FilePath, PDOS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor) { CHAR ShortPath[MAX_PATH]; PCHAR Name; PCHAR Extension; /* Try to get the short path */ if (!GetShortPathNameA(FilePath, ShortPath, sizeof(ShortPath))) { /* If it failed, just use the uppercase long path */ strncpy(ShortPath, FilePath, sizeof(ShortPath) - 1); _strupr(ShortPath); } /* Get the name part */ Name = strrchr(ShortPath, '\\'); if (Name == NULL) Name = ShortPath; /* Find the extension */ Extension = strchr(Name, '.'); if (Extension) { /* Terminate the name string, and move the pointer to after the dot */ *Extension++ = 0; } /* Copy the name into the SFT descriptor */ RtlCopyMemory(Descriptor->FileName, Name, min(strlen(Name), 8)); if (Extension) { /* Copy the extension too */ RtlCopyMemory(&Descriptor->FileName[8], Extension, min(strlen(Extension), 3)); } } /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/ BYTE DosFindFreeDescriptor(VOID) { UINT i; BYTE Count = 0; DWORD CurrentSft = SysVars->FirstSft; while (LOWORD(CurrentSft) != 0xFFFF) { PDOS_SFT Sft = (PDOS_SFT)FAR_POINTER(CurrentSft); for (i = 0; i < Sft->NumDescriptors; i++) { if (Sft->FileDescriptors[i].RefCount == 0) return Count; Count++; } /* Go to the next table */ CurrentSft = Sft->Link; } /* Invalid ID */ return 0xFF; } BYTE DosFindWin32Descriptor(HANDLE Win32Handle) { UINT i; BYTE Count = 0; DWORD CurrentSft = SysVars->FirstSft; while (LOWORD(CurrentSft) != 0xFFFF) { PDOS_SFT Sft = (PDOS_SFT)FAR_POINTER(CurrentSft); for (i = 0; i < Sft->NumDescriptors; i++) { if ((Sft->FileDescriptors[i].RefCount > 0) && !(Sft->FileDescriptors[i].DeviceInfo & FILE_INFO_DEVICE) && (Sft->FileDescriptors[i].Win32Handle == Win32Handle)) { return Count; } Count++; } /* Go to the next table */ CurrentSft = Sft->Link; } /* Invalid ID */ return 0xFF; } BYTE DosFindDeviceDescriptor(DWORD DevicePointer) { UINT i; BYTE Count = 0; DWORD CurrentSft = SysVars->FirstSft; while (LOWORD(CurrentSft) != 0xFFFF) { PDOS_SFT Sft = (PDOS_SFT)FAR_POINTER(CurrentSft); for (i = 0; i < Sft->NumDescriptors; i++) { if ((Sft->FileDescriptors[i].RefCount > 0) && (Sft->FileDescriptors[i].DeviceInfo & FILE_INFO_DEVICE) && (Sft->FileDescriptors[i].DevicePointer == DevicePointer)) { return Count; } Count++; } /* Go to the next table */ CurrentSft = Sft->Link; } /* Invalid ID */ return 0xFF; } PDOS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR DosGetFileDescriptor(BYTE Id) { DWORD CurrentSft = SysVars->FirstSft; while (LOWORD(CurrentSft) != 0xFFFF) { PDOS_SFT Sft = (PDOS_SFT)FAR_POINTER(CurrentSft); /* Return it if it's in this table */ if (Id <= Sft->NumDescriptors) return &Sft->FileDescriptors[Id]; /* Go to the next table */ Id -= Sft->NumDescriptors; CurrentSft = Sft->Link; } /* Invalid ID */ return NULL; } PDOS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR DosGetHandleFileDescriptor(WORD DosHandle) { BYTE DescriptorId = DosQueryHandle(DosHandle); if (DescriptorId == 0xFF) return NULL; return DosGetFileDescriptor(DescriptorId); } WORD DosCreateFileEx(LPWORD Handle, LPWORD CreationStatus, LPCSTR FilePath, BYTE AccessShareModes, WORD CreateActionFlags, WORD Attributes) { WORD LastError; HANDLE FileHandle; PDOS_DEVICE_NODE Node; WORD DosHandle; ACCESS_MASK AccessMode = 0; DWORD ShareMode = 0; DWORD CreationDisposition = 0; BOOL InheritableFile = FALSE; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecurityAttributes; BYTE DescriptorId; PDOS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor; DPRINT1("DosCreateFileEx: FilePath \"%s\", AccessShareModes 0x%04X, CreateActionFlags 0x%04X, Attributes 0x%04X\n", FilePath, AccessShareModes, CreateActionFlags, Attributes); // // The article about OpenFile API: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365430(v=vs.85).aspx // explains what those AccessShareModes are (see the uStyle flag). // Node = DosGetDevice(FilePath); if (Node != NULL) { if (Node->OpenRoutine) Node->OpenRoutine(Node); } else { /* Parse the access mode */ switch (AccessShareModes & 0x03) { /* Read-only */ case 0: AccessMode = GENERIC_READ; break; /* Write only */ case 1: AccessMode = GENERIC_WRITE; break; /* Read and write */ case 2: AccessMode = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE; break; /* Invalid */ default: return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Parse the share mode */ switch ((AccessShareModes >> 4) & 0x07) { /* Compatibility mode */ case 0: ShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE; break; /* No sharing "DenyAll" */ case 1: ShareMode = 0; break; /* No write share "DenyWrite" */ case 2: ShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ; break; /* No read share "DenyRead" */ case 3: ShareMode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE; break; /* Full share "DenyNone" */ case 4: ShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE; break; /* Invalid */ default: return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* * Parse the creation action flags: * * Bitfields for action: * Bit(s) Description * * 7-4 Action if file does not exist. * 0000 Fail * 0001 Create * * 3-0 Action if file exists. * 0000 Fail * 0001 Open * 0010 Replace/open */ switch (CreateActionFlags) { /* If the file exists, fail, otherwise, fail also */ case 0x00: // A special case is used after the call to CreateFileA if it succeeds, // in order to close the opened handle and return an adequate error. CreationDisposition = OPEN_EXISTING; break; /* If the file exists, open it, otherwise, fail */ case 0x01: CreationDisposition = OPEN_EXISTING; break; /* If the file exists, replace it, otherwise, fail */ case 0x02: CreationDisposition = TRUNCATE_EXISTING; break; /* If the file exists, fail, otherwise, create it */ case 0x10: CreationDisposition = CREATE_NEW; break; /* If the file exists, open it, otherwise, create it */ case 0x11: CreationDisposition = OPEN_ALWAYS; break; /* If the file exists, replace it, otherwise, create it */ case 0x12: CreationDisposition = CREATE_ALWAYS; break; /* Invalid */ default: return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Check for inheritance */ InheritableFile = ((AccessShareModes & 0x80) == 0); /* Assign default security attributes to the file, and set the inheritance flag */ SecurityAttributes.nLength = sizeof(SecurityAttributes); SecurityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; SecurityAttributes.bInheritHandle = InheritableFile; /* Open the file */ FileHandle = CreateFileA(FilePath, AccessMode, ShareMode, &SecurityAttributes, CreationDisposition, Attributes, NULL); LastError = (WORD)GetLastError(); if (FileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { /* Return the error code */ return LastError; } /* * Special case: CreateActionFlags == 0, we must fail because * the file exists (if it didn't exist we already failed). */ if (CreateActionFlags == 0) { /* Close the file and return the error code */ CloseHandle(FileHandle); return ERROR_FILE_EXISTS; } /* Set the creation status */ switch (CreateActionFlags) { case 0x01: *CreationStatus = 0x01; // The file was opened break; case 0x02: *CreationStatus = 0x03; // The file was replaced break; case 0x10: *CreationStatus = 0x02; // The file was created break; case 0x11: { if (LastError == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) *CreationStatus = 0x01; // The file was opened else *CreationStatus = 0x02; // The file was created break; } case 0x12: { if (LastError == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) *CreationStatus = 0x03; // The file was replaced else *CreationStatus = 0x02; // The file was created break; } } } DescriptorId = DosFindFreeDescriptor(); if (DescriptorId == 0xFF) { /* Close the file and return the error code */ CloseHandle(FileHandle); return ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES; } /* Set up the new descriptor */ Descriptor = DosGetFileDescriptor(DescriptorId); RtlZeroMemory(Descriptor, sizeof(*Descriptor)); RtlFillMemory(Descriptor->FileName, sizeof(Descriptor->FileName), ' '); if (Node != NULL) { Descriptor->DevicePointer = Node->Driver; Descriptor->DeviceInfo = Node->DeviceAttributes | FILE_INFO_DEVICE; RtlCopyMemory(Descriptor->FileName, Node->Name.Buffer, Node->Name.Length); } else { Descriptor->OpenMode = AccessShareModes; Descriptor->Attributes = LOBYTE(GetFileAttributesA(FilePath)); Descriptor->Size = GetFileSize(FileHandle, NULL); Descriptor->Win32Handle = FileHandle; StoreNameInSft(FilePath, Descriptor); } Descriptor->OwnerPsp = Sda->CurrentPsp; /* Open the DOS handle */ DosHandle = DosOpenHandle(DescriptorId); if (DosHandle == INVALID_DOS_HANDLE) { /* Close the file and return the error code */ CloseHandle(FileHandle); return ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES; } /* It was successful */ *Handle = DosHandle; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } WORD DosCreateFile(LPWORD Handle, LPCSTR FilePath, DWORD CreationDisposition, WORD Attributes) { HANDLE FileHandle; PDOS_DEVICE_NODE Node; WORD DosHandle; BYTE DescriptorId; PDOS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor; DPRINT("DosCreateFile: FilePath \"%s\", CreationDisposition 0x%04X, Attributes 0x%04X\n", FilePath, CreationDisposition, Attributes); Node = DosGetDevice(FilePath); if (Node != NULL) { if (Node->OpenRoutine) Node->OpenRoutine(Node); } else { /* Create the file */ FileHandle = CreateFileA(FilePath, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, CreationDisposition, Attributes, NULL); if (FileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { /* Return the error code */ return (WORD)GetLastError(); } } DescriptorId = DosFindFreeDescriptor(); if (DescriptorId == 0xFF) { /* Close the file and return the error code */ CloseHandle(FileHandle); return ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES; } /* Set up the new descriptor */ Descriptor = DosGetFileDescriptor(DescriptorId); RtlZeroMemory(Descriptor, sizeof(*Descriptor)); RtlFillMemory(Descriptor->FileName, sizeof(Descriptor->FileName), ' '); if (Node != NULL) { Descriptor->DevicePointer = Node->Driver; Descriptor->DeviceInfo = Node->DeviceAttributes | FILE_INFO_DEVICE; RtlCopyMemory(Descriptor->FileName, Node->Name.Buffer, Node->Name.Length); } else { Descriptor->Attributes = LOBYTE(GetFileAttributesA(FilePath)); Descriptor->Size = GetFileSize(FileHandle, NULL); Descriptor->Win32Handle = FileHandle; StoreNameInSft(FilePath, Descriptor); } Descriptor->OwnerPsp = Sda->CurrentPsp; /* Open the DOS handle */ DosHandle = DosOpenHandle(DescriptorId); if (DosHandle == INVALID_DOS_HANDLE) { /* Close the file and return the error code */ CloseHandle(FileHandle); return ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES; } /* It was successful */ *Handle = DosHandle; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } WORD DosOpenFile(LPWORD Handle, LPCSTR FilePath, BYTE AccessShareModes) { HANDLE FileHandle = NULL; PDOS_DEVICE_NODE Node; WORD DosHandle; BYTE DescriptorId; PDOS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor; DPRINT("DosOpenFile: FilePath \"%s\", AccessShareModes 0x%04X\n", FilePath, AccessShareModes); // // The article about OpenFile API: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365430(v=vs.85).aspx // explains what those AccessShareModes are (see the uStyle flag). // Node = DosGetDevice(FilePath); if (Node != NULL) { if (Node->OpenRoutine) Node->OpenRoutine(Node); } else { ACCESS_MASK AccessMode = 0; DWORD ShareMode = 0; BOOL InheritableFile = FALSE; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecurityAttributes; /* Parse the access mode */ switch (AccessShareModes & 0x03) { /* Read-only */ case 0: AccessMode = GENERIC_READ; break; /* Write only */ case 1: AccessMode = GENERIC_WRITE; break; /* Read and write */ case 2: AccessMode = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE; break; /* Invalid */ default: return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Parse the share mode */ switch ((AccessShareModes >> 4) & 0x07) { /* Compatibility mode */ case 0: ShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE; break; /* No sharing "DenyAll" */ case 1: ShareMode = 0; break; /* No write share "DenyWrite" */ case 2: ShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ; break; /* No read share "DenyRead" */ case 3: ShareMode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE; break; /* Full share "DenyNone" */ case 4: ShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE; break; /* Invalid */ default: return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Check for inheritance */ InheritableFile = ((AccessShareModes & 0x80) == 0); /* Assign default security attributes to the file, and set the inheritance flag */ SecurityAttributes.nLength = sizeof(SecurityAttributes); SecurityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; SecurityAttributes.bInheritHandle = InheritableFile; /* Open the file */ FileHandle = CreateFileA(FilePath, AccessMode, ShareMode, &SecurityAttributes, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (FileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { /* Return the error code */ return (WORD)GetLastError(); } } DescriptorId = DosFindFreeDescriptor(); if (DescriptorId == 0xFF) { /* Close the file and return the error code */ CloseHandle(FileHandle); return ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES; } /* Set up the new descriptor */ Descriptor = DosGetFileDescriptor(DescriptorId); RtlZeroMemory(Descriptor, sizeof(*Descriptor)); RtlFillMemory(Descriptor->FileName, sizeof(Descriptor->FileName), ' '); if (Node != NULL) { Descriptor->DevicePointer = Node->Driver; Descriptor->DeviceInfo = Node->DeviceAttributes | FILE_INFO_DEVICE; RtlCopyMemory(Descriptor->FileName, Node->Name.Buffer, Node->Name.Length); } else { Descriptor->OpenMode = AccessShareModes; Descriptor->Attributes = LOBYTE(GetFileAttributesA(FilePath)); Descriptor->Size = GetFileSize(FileHandle, NULL); Descriptor->Win32Handle = FileHandle; StoreNameInSft(FilePath, Descriptor); } Descriptor->OwnerPsp = Sda->CurrentPsp; /* Open the DOS handle */ DosHandle = DosOpenHandle(DescriptorId); if (DosHandle == INVALID_DOS_HANDLE) { /* Close the file and return the error code */ CloseHandle(FileHandle); return ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES; } /* It was successful */ *Handle = DosHandle; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } BYTE DosReadLineBuffered(WORD FileHandle, DWORD Buffer, BYTE MaxSize) { PDOS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor = DosGetHandleFileDescriptor(FileHandle); PDOS_DEVICE_NODE Node = DosGetDriverNode(Descriptor->DevicePointer); BYTE LineSize = 0; PCHAR Pointer = FAR_POINTER(Buffer); CHAR Character; do { USHORT Amount = 1; /* Read a character from the device */ Node->ReadRoutine(Node, MAKELONG(DOS_DATA_OFFSET(Sda.ByteBuffer), DOS_DATA_SEGMENT), &Amount); if (Amount == 0) break; Character = Sda->ByteBuffer; if (LineSize == MaxSize - 1 && Character != '\r' && Character != '\b') { /* Line buffer full */ // TODO: Should we beep? continue; } switch (Character) { /* Extended character */ case '\0': { /* Read the scancode and discard it */ Amount = 1; Node->ReadRoutine(Node, MAKELONG(DOS_DATA_OFFSET(Sda.ByteBuffer), DOS_DATA_SEGMENT), &Amount); break; } /* Ctrl-C */ case 0x03: { DosEchoCharacter(Character); if (DosControlBreak()) { /* Set the character to CR to end the loop */ Character = '\r'; } break; } case '\n': { DosEchoCharacter('\r'); DosEchoCharacter('\n'); break; } case '\b': { if (LineSize > 0) { LineSize--; DosEchoCharacter(Character); /* Erase the '^' too */ if (Pointer[LineSize] > 0x00 && Pointer[LineSize] < 0x20) { DosEchoCharacter(Character); } } break; } default: { /* Store the character in the buffer */ Pointer[LineSize++] = Character; DosEchoCharacter(Character); } } /* Stop on a carriage return */ } while (Character != '\r'); return LineSize - 1; } WORD DosReadFile(WORD FileHandle, DWORD Buffer, WORD Count, LPWORD BytesRead) { WORD Result = ERROR_SUCCESS; PDOS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor = DosGetHandleFileDescriptor(FileHandle); BYTE StaticBuffer[8192]; DPRINT("DosReadFile: FileHandle 0x%04X, Count 0x%04X\n", FileHandle, Count); if (Descriptor == NULL) { /* Invalid handle */ return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; } if (Descriptor->DeviceInfo & FILE_INFO_DEVICE) { PDOS_DEVICE_NODE Node = DosGetDriverNode(Descriptor->DevicePointer); if (!Node->ReadRoutine) return ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; if (Descriptor->DeviceInfo & FILE_INFO_BINARY) { /* Read from the device directly */ Node->ReadRoutine(Node, Buffer, &Count); *BytesRead = Count; } else if (Descriptor->DeviceInfo & FILE_INFO_STDIN) { /* Line-buffered CON input */ PCHAR ConBuffer = NULL; PCHAR Pointer = FAR_POINTER(Buffer); /* Check if the buffer is empty */ if (!SysVars->UnreadConInput) { SysVars->UnreadConInput = FIELD_OFFSET(DOS_DATA, UnreadConInputBuffer); DosReadLineBuffered(FileHandle, MAKELONG(SysVars->UnreadConInput, DOS_DATA_SEGMENT), sizeof(DosData->UnreadConInputBuffer)); } *BytesRead = 0; ConBuffer = (PCHAR)SEG_OFF_TO_PTR(DOS_DATA_SEGMENT, SysVars->UnreadConInput); while (*BytesRead < Count) { Pointer[(*BytesRead)++] = *ConBuffer; if (*ConBuffer == '\r') { /* A carriage return turns into a line feed */ *ConBuffer = '\n'; } else if (*ConBuffer == '\n') { /* A line feed marks the true end of the line */ SysVars->UnreadConInput = 0; /* Echo the line feed */ DosEchoCharacter('\n'); break; } else { /* Move to the next character */ SysVars->UnreadConInput++; ConBuffer++; } } } else { /* Translated input from a character device that isn't CON */ PCHAR Pointer = FAR_POINTER(Buffer); CHAR Character; *BytesRead = 0; while (*BytesRead < Count) { USHORT Amount = 1; /* Read a character from the device */ Node->ReadRoutine(Node, MAKELONG(DOS_DATA_OFFSET(Sda.ByteBuffer), DOS_DATA_SEGMENT), &Amount); if (Amount == 0) break; Character = Sda->ByteBuffer; // TODO: Process it somehow? /* Store the character in the output buffer */ Pointer[(*BytesRead)++] = Character; /* Check for EOF */ if (Character == 0x1A) break; } } } else { DWORD BytesRead32 = 0; PVOID LocalBuffer; if (Count <= sizeof(StaticBuffer)) { LocalBuffer = StaticBuffer; } else { LocalBuffer = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), 0, Count); ASSERT(LocalBuffer != NULL); } /* Read from the file */ if (ReadFile(Descriptor->Win32Handle, LocalBuffer, Count, &BytesRead32, NULL)) { /* Write to the memory */ EmulatorWriteMemory(&EmulatorContext, TO_LINEAR(HIWORD(Buffer), LOWORD(Buffer)), LocalBuffer, LOWORD(BytesRead32)); /* Update the position */ Descriptor->Position += BytesRead32; // or LOWORD(BytesRead32); ? } else { /* Store the error code */ Result = (WORD)GetLastError(); } /* The number of bytes read is always 16-bit */ *BytesRead = LOWORD(BytesRead32); if (LocalBuffer != StaticBuffer) RtlFreeHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), 0, LocalBuffer); } /* Return the error code */ return Result; } WORD DosWriteFile(WORD FileHandle, DWORD Buffer, WORD Count, LPWORD BytesWritten) { WORD Result = ERROR_SUCCESS; PDOS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor = DosGetHandleFileDescriptor(FileHandle); BYTE StaticBuffer[8192]; DPRINT("DosWriteFile: FileHandle 0x%04X, Count 0x%04X\n", FileHandle, Count); if (Descriptor == NULL) { /* Invalid handle */ return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; } if (Descriptor->DeviceInfo & FILE_INFO_DEVICE) { PDOS_DEVICE_NODE Node = DosGetDriverNode(Descriptor->DevicePointer); if (!Node->WriteRoutine) return ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; /* Read the device */ Node->WriteRoutine(Node, Buffer, &Count); *BytesWritten = Count; } else { DWORD BytesWritten32 = 0; PVOID LocalBuffer; /* * Writing zero bytes truncates or extends the file * to the current position of the file pointer. */ if (Count == 0) { if (!SetEndOfFile(Descriptor->Win32Handle)) { /* Store the error code */ Result = (WORD)GetLastError(); } *BytesWritten = 0; return Result; } if (Count <= sizeof(StaticBuffer)) { LocalBuffer = StaticBuffer; } else { LocalBuffer = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), 0, Count); ASSERT(LocalBuffer != NULL); } /* Read from the memory */ EmulatorReadMemory(&EmulatorContext, TO_LINEAR(HIWORD(Buffer), LOWORD(Buffer)), LocalBuffer, Count); /* Write to the file */ if (WriteFile(Descriptor->Win32Handle, LocalBuffer, Count, &BytesWritten32, NULL)) { /* Update the position and size */ Descriptor->Position += BytesWritten32; // or LOWORD(BytesWritten32); ? if (Descriptor->Position > Descriptor->Size) Descriptor->Size = Descriptor->Position; } else { /* Store the error code */ Result = (WORD)GetLastError(); } /* The number of bytes written is always 16-bit */ *BytesWritten = LOWORD(BytesWritten32); if (LocalBuffer != StaticBuffer) RtlFreeHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), 0, LocalBuffer); } /* Return the error code */ return Result; } WORD DosSeekFile(WORD FileHandle, LONG Offset, BYTE Origin, LPDWORD NewOffset) { WORD Result = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD FilePointer; PDOS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor = DosGetHandleFileDescriptor(FileHandle); DPRINT("DosSeekFile: FileHandle 0x%04X, Offset 0x%08X, Origin 0x%02X\n", FileHandle, Offset, Origin); if (Descriptor == NULL) { /* Invalid handle */ return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; } if (Descriptor->DeviceInfo & FILE_INFO_DEVICE) { /* For character devices, always return success */ return ERROR_SUCCESS; } /* Check if the origin is valid */ if (Origin != FILE_BEGIN && Origin != FILE_CURRENT && Origin != FILE_END) { return ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; } FilePointer = SetFilePointer(Descriptor->Win32Handle, Offset, NULL, Origin); /* Check if there's a possibility the operation failed */ if (FilePointer == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) { /* Get the real error code */ Result = (WORD)GetLastError(); } if (Result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { /* The operation did fail */ return Result; } /* Update the position */ Descriptor->Position = FilePointer; /* Return the file pointer, if requested */ if (NewOffset) *NewOffset = FilePointer; /* Return success */ return ERROR_SUCCESS; } BOOL DosFlushFileBuffers(WORD FileHandle) { PDOS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor = DosGetHandleFileDescriptor(FileHandle); if (Descriptor == NULL) { /* Invalid handle */ Sda->LastErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; return FALSE; } if (Descriptor->DeviceInfo & FILE_INFO_DEVICE) { PDOS_DEVICE_NODE Node = DosGetDriverNode(Descriptor->DevicePointer); if (Node->FlushInputRoutine) Node->FlushInputRoutine(Node); if (Node->FlushOutputRoutine) Node->FlushOutputRoutine(Node); return TRUE; } else { return FlushFileBuffers(Descriptor->Win32Handle); } } BOOLEAN DosLockFile(WORD DosHandle, DWORD Offset, DWORD Size) { PDOS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor = DosGetHandleFileDescriptor(DosHandle); if (Descriptor == NULL) { /* Invalid handle */ Sda->LastErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; return FALSE; } /* Always succeed for character devices */ if (Descriptor->DeviceInfo & FILE_INFO_DEVICE) return TRUE; if (!LockFile(Descriptor->Win32Handle, Offset, 0, Size, 0)) { Sda->LastErrorCode = GetLastError(); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOLEAN DosUnlockFile(WORD DosHandle, DWORD Offset, DWORD Size) { PDOS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor = DosGetHandleFileDescriptor(DosHandle); if (Descriptor == NULL) { /* Invalid handle */ Sda->LastErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; return FALSE; } /* Always succeed for character devices */ if (Descriptor->DeviceInfo & FILE_INFO_DEVICE) return TRUE; if (!UnlockFile(Descriptor->Win32Handle, Offset, 0, Size, 0)) { Sda->LastErrorCode = GetLastError(); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOLEAN DosDeviceIoControlDrive(WORD DriveNumber, BYTE ControlCode, DWORD Buffer, PWORD Result) { CHAR RootPath[] = "?:\\"; if (DriveNumber == 0x00) RootPath[0] = 'A' + Sda->CurrentDrive; else RootPath[0] = 'A' + DriveNumber - 1; switch (ControlCode) { case 0x04: DPRINT1("UNIMPLEMENTED INT 21h, 4404h, Read from block device %s\n", RootPath); Sda->LastErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; break; case 0x05: DPRINT1("UNIMPLEMENTED INT 21h, 4405h, Write block device control string %s\n", RootPath); Sda->LastErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; break; case 0x08: { DWORD DriveType = GetDriveTypeA(RootPath); switch (DriveType) { case DRIVE_UNKNOWN: case DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR: default: DPRINT1("INT 21h, 4408h, %s -> DriveType = 0x%x\n", RootPath, DriveType); *Result = 0x000f; return TRUE; case DRIVE_REMOVABLE: case DRIVE_CDROM: *Result = 0x0000; return TRUE; case DRIVE_FIXED: *Result = 0x0001; return TRUE; case DRIVE_REMOTE: case DRIVE_RAMDISK: // ?? break; } Sda->LastErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; return FALSE; } case 0x09: DPRINT1("UNIMPLEMENTED INT 21h, 4409h, Determine if a logical device is local or remote %s\n", RootPath); Sda->LastErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; return FALSE; default: assert(0); break; } return FALSE; } BOOLEAN DosDeviceIoControl(WORD FileHandle, BYTE ControlCode, DWORD Buffer, PWORD Length) { PDOS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor; PDOS_DEVICE_NODE Node = NULL; switch (ControlCode) { case 0x04: case 0x05: case 0x08: case 0x09: return DosDeviceIoControlDrive(FileHandle, ControlCode, Buffer, Length); } Descriptor = DosGetHandleFileDescriptor(FileHandle); if (!Descriptor) { Sda->LastErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; return FALSE; } if (Descriptor->DeviceInfo & FILE_INFO_DEVICE) { Node = DosGetDriverNode(Descriptor->DevicePointer); } switch (ControlCode) { /* Get Device Information */ case 0x00: { /* * See Ralf Brown: http://www.ctyme.com/intr/rb-2820.htm * for a list of possible flags. */ setDX(Descriptor->DeviceInfo); return TRUE; } /* Set Device Information */ case 0x01: { // TODO: NOT IMPLEMENTED UNIMPLEMENTED; return FALSE; } /* Read from Device I/O Control Channel */ case 0x02: { if (Node == NULL || !(Node->DeviceAttributes & DOS_DEVATTR_IOCTL)) { Sda->LastErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; return FALSE; } /* Do nothing if there is no IOCTL routine */ if (!Node->IoctlReadRoutine) { *Length = 0; return TRUE; } Node->IoctlReadRoutine(Node, Buffer, Length); return TRUE; } /* Write to Device I/O Control Channel */ case 0x03: { if (Node == NULL || !(Node->DeviceAttributes & DOS_DEVATTR_IOCTL)) { Sda->LastErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; return FALSE; } /* Do nothing if there is no IOCTL routine */ if (!Node->IoctlWriteRoutine) { *Length = 0; return TRUE; } Node->IoctlWriteRoutine(Node, Buffer, Length); return TRUE; } /* Get Input Status */ case 0x06: { /* Check if this is a file or a device */ if (Node) { /* Device*/ if (!Node->InputStatusRoutine || Node->InputStatusRoutine(Node)) { /* Set the length to 0xFF to mark that it's ready */ *Length = 0xFF; } else { /* Not ready */ *Length = 0; } } else { /* File */ if (Descriptor->Position < Descriptor->Size) { /* Set the length to 0xFF to mark that it's ready */ *Length = 0xFF; } else { /* Not ready */ *Length = 0; } } return TRUE; } /* Get Output Status */ case 0x07: { /* Check if this is a file or a device */ if (Node) { /* Device*/ if (!Node->OutputStatusRoutine || Node->OutputStatusRoutine(Node)) { /* Set the length to 0xFF to mark that it's ready */ *Length = 0xFF; } else { /* Not ready */ *Length = 0; } } else { /* Files are always ready for output */ *Length = 0xFF; } return TRUE; } /* Unsupported control code */ default: { DPRINT1("Unsupported IOCTL: 0x%02X\n", ControlCode); Sda->LastErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return FALSE; } } } /* EOF */