; ; COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory ; PROJECT: ReactOS kernel ; FILE: ntoskrnl/hal/x86/mpsboot.c ; PURPOSE: Bootstrap code for application processors ; PROGRAMMER: Casper S. Hornstrup (chorns@users.sourceforge.net) ; UPDATE HISTORY: ; Created 12/04/2001 ; ; ; Memory map at this stage is: ; 0x2000 Location of our stack ; 0x3000 Startup code for the APs (this code) ; ; ; Magic value to be put in EAX when multiboot.S is called as part of the ; application processor initialization process ; AP_MAGIC equ 12481020h X86_CR4_PAE equ 00000020h ; ; Segment selectors ; %define KERNEL_CS (0x8) %define KERNEL_DS (0x10) section .text global _APstart global _APend ; 16 bit code BITS 16 _APstart: cli ; Just in case xor ax, ax mov ds, ax mov ss, ax mov eax, 3000h + APgdt - _APstart lgdt [eax] mov eax, [2004h] ; Set the page directory mov cr3, eax mov eax, [200ch] cmp eax,0 je NoPae mov eax,cr4 or eax,X86_CR4_PAE mov cr4,eax NoPae: mov eax, cr0 or eax, 80010001h ; Turn on protected mode, paging and write protection mov cr0, eax db 0eah dw 3000h + flush - _APstart, KERNEL_CS ; 32 bit code BITS 32 flush: mov ax, KERNEL_DS mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov fs, ax mov gs, ax mov ss, ax ; Setup a stack for the AP mov eax, 2000h mov eax, [eax] mov esp, eax ; Jump to start of the kernel with AP magic in ecx mov ecx, AP_MAGIC mov eax,[2008h] jmp eax ; Never get here ; Temporary GDT descriptor for the APs APgdt: ; Limit dw (3*8)-1 ; Base dd 3000h + gdt - _APstart gdt: dw 0x0 ; Null descriptor dw 0x0 dw 0x0 dw 0x0 dw 0xffff ; Kernel code descriptor dw 0x0000 dw 0x9a00 dw 0x00cf dw 0xffff ; Kernel data descriptor dw 0x0000 dw 0x9200 dw 0x00cf _APend: