/* * FILE: hal/halx86/up/pic.S * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PURPOSE: HAL PIC Management and Control Code * PROGRAMMER: Thomas Faber (thomas.faber@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #include /* GLOBALS *******************************************************************/ .data ASSUME CS:NOTHING, DS:NOTHING, ES:NOTHING, FS:NOTHING, GS:NOTHING /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ .code MACRO(DEFINE_END_INTERRUPT_WRAPPER, WrapperName, HandlerName) EXTERN @&HandlerName&@8:PROC PUBLIC _&WrapperName&@8 .PROC _&WrapperName&@8 FPO 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, FRAME_FPO /* Call the C function with the same arguments we got */ mov ecx, [esp+4] mov edx, [esp+8] call @&HandlerName&@8 /* Check if we got a pointer back */ test eax, eax jnz WrapperName&_CallIntHandler /* No? Just return */ ret 8 WrapperName&_CallIntHandler: /* We got a pointer to call. Since it won't return, free up our stack space. Otherwise we could end up with some nasty deep recursion. The next function takes the trap frame as its (fastcall) argument. */ mov ecx, [esp+8] add esp, 12 jmp eax .ENDP ENDM DEFINE_END_INTERRUPT_WRAPPER HalpEndSoftwareInterrupt, HalpEndSoftwareInterrupt2 DEFINE_END_INTERRUPT_WRAPPER HalEndSystemInterrupt, HalEndSystemInterrupt2 END