/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * COPYRIGHT: GPL-2.0+ (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0+) * FILE: ntoskrnl/io/debug.c * PURPOSE: Useful functions for debugging IO and PNP managers * PROGRAMMERS: Copyright 2020 Vadim Galyant */ #include #include "pnpio.h" #define NDEBUG #include /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ extern PDEVICE_NODE IopRootDeviceNode; /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/ /* CmResource */ /* PipDumpCmResourceDescriptor() displays information about a Cm Descriptor DebugLevel: 0 - always dump 1 - dump if not defined NDEBUG */ VOID NTAPI PipDumpCmResourceDescriptor( _In_ PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor, _In_ ULONG DebugLevel) { PAGED_CODE(); if (DebugLevel != 0) { #ifdef NDEBUG return; #endif } if (Descriptor == NULL) { DPRINT1("Dump CmDescriptor: Descriptor == NULL\n"); return; } switch (Descriptor->Type) { case CmResourceTypePort: DPRINT1("[%p:%X:%X] IO: Start %X:%X, Len %X\n", Descriptor, Descriptor->ShareDisposition, Descriptor->Flags, Descriptor->u.Port.Start.HighPart, Descriptor->u.Port.Start.LowPart, Descriptor->u.Port.Length); break; case CmResourceTypeInterrupt: DPRINT1("[%p:%X:%X] INT: Lev %X Vec %X Aff %IX\n", Descriptor, Descriptor->ShareDisposition, Descriptor->Flags, Descriptor->u.Interrupt.Level, Descriptor->u.Interrupt.Vector, Descriptor->u.Interrupt.Affinity); break; case CmResourceTypeMemory: DPRINT1("[%p:%X:%X] MEM: %X:%X Len %X\n", Descriptor, Descriptor->ShareDisposition, Descriptor->Flags, Descriptor->u.Memory.Start.HighPart, Descriptor->u.Memory.Start.LowPart, Descriptor->u.Memory.Length); break; case CmResourceTypeDma: DPRINT1("[%p:%X:%X] DMA: Channel %X Port %X\n", Descriptor, Descriptor->ShareDisposition, Descriptor->Flags, Descriptor->u.Dma.Channel, Descriptor->u.Dma.Port); break; case CmResourceTypeDeviceSpecific: DPRINT1("[%p:%X:%X] DAT: DataSize %X\n", Descriptor, Descriptor->ShareDisposition, Descriptor->Flags, Descriptor->u.DeviceSpecificData.DataSize); break; case CmResourceTypeBusNumber: DPRINT1("[%p:%X:%X] BUS: Start %X Len %X Reserv %X\n", Descriptor, Descriptor->ShareDisposition, Descriptor->Flags, Descriptor->u.BusNumber.Start, Descriptor->u.BusNumber.Length, Descriptor->u.BusNumber.Reserved); break; case CmResourceTypeDevicePrivate: DPRINT1("[%p:%X:%X] PVT: D[0] %X D[1] %X D[2] %X\n", Descriptor, Descriptor->ShareDisposition, Descriptor->Flags, Descriptor->u.DevicePrivate.Data[0], Descriptor->u.DevicePrivate.Data[1], Descriptor->u.DevicePrivate.Data[2]); break; default: DPRINT1("[%p] Unknown type %X\n", Descriptor, Descriptor->Type); break; } } /* PipGetNextCmPartialDescriptor() return poiner to next a Cm Descriptor */ PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR NTAPI PipGetNextCmPartialDescriptor( _In_ PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR CmDescriptor) { PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR NextDescriptor; /* Assume the descriptors are the fixed size ones */ NextDescriptor = CmDescriptor + 1; /* But check if this is actually a variable-sized descriptor */ if (CmDescriptor->Type == CmResourceTypeDeviceSpecific) { /* Add the size of the variable section as well */ NextDescriptor = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)NextDescriptor + CmDescriptor->u.DeviceSpecificData.DataSize); } /* Now the correct pointer has been computed, return it */ return NextDescriptor; } /* PipDumpCmResourceList() displays information about a Cm List DebugLevel: 0 - always dump 1 - dump if not defined NDEBUG */ VOID NTAPI PipDumpCmResourceList( _In_ PCM_RESOURCE_LIST CmResource, _In_ ULONG DebugLevel) { PCM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR FullList; PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor; ULONG ix; ULONG jx; PAGED_CODE(); if (DebugLevel != 0) { #ifdef NDEBUG return; #endif } DPRINT1("Dump CmList: CmResource %p\n", CmResource); if (CmResource == NULL) { DPRINT1("PipDumpCmResourceList: CmResource == NULL\n"); return; } if (CmResource->Count == 0) { DPRINT1("PipDumpCmResourceList: CmResource->Count == 0\n"); return; } DPRINT1("FullList Count %x\n", CmResource->Count); FullList = &CmResource->List[0]; for (ix = 0; ix < CmResource->Count; ix++) { DPRINT1("List #%X Iface %X Bus #%X Ver.%X Rev.%X Count %X\n", ix, FullList->InterfaceType, FullList->BusNumber, FullList->PartialResourceList.Version, FullList->PartialResourceList.Revision, FullList->PartialResourceList.Count); Descriptor = FullList->PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors; for (jx = 0; jx < FullList->PartialResourceList.Count; jx++) { PipDumpCmResourceDescriptor(Descriptor, DebugLevel); Descriptor = PipGetNextCmPartialDescriptor(Descriptor); } FullList = (PCM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR)Descriptor; } } /* IoResource */ /* PipDumpIoResourceDescriptor() displays information about a Io Descriptor DebugLevel: 0 - always dump 1 - dump if not defined NDEBUG */ VOID NTAPI PipDumpIoResourceDescriptor( _In_ PIO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor, _In_ ULONG DebugLevel) { PAGED_CODE(); if (DebugLevel != 0) { #ifdef NDEBUG return; #endif } if (Descriptor == NULL) { DPRINT1("DumpResourceDescriptor: Descriptor == 0\n"); return; } switch (Descriptor->Type) { case CmResourceTypeNull: DPRINT1("[%p:%X:%X] O: Len %X Align %X Min %I64X, Max %I64X\n", Descriptor, Descriptor->Option, Descriptor->ShareDisposition, Descriptor->u.Generic.Length, Descriptor->u.Generic.Alignment, Descriptor->u.Generic.MinimumAddress.QuadPart, Descriptor->u.Generic.MaximumAddress.QuadPart); break; case CmResourceTypePort: DPRINT1("[%p:%X:%X] IO: Min %X:%X, Max %X:%X, Align %X Len %X\n", Descriptor, Descriptor->Option, Descriptor->ShareDisposition, Descriptor->u.Port.MinimumAddress.HighPart, Descriptor->u.Port.MinimumAddress.LowPart, Descriptor->u.Port.MaximumAddress.HighPart, Descriptor->u.Port.MaximumAddress.LowPart, Descriptor->u.Port.Alignment, Descriptor->u.Port.Length); break; case CmResourceTypeInterrupt: DPRINT1("[%p:%X:%X] INT: Min %X Max %X\n", Descriptor, Descriptor->Option, Descriptor->ShareDisposition, Descriptor->u.Interrupt.MinimumVector, Descriptor->u.Interrupt.MaximumVector); break; case CmResourceTypeMemory: DPRINT1("[%p:%X:%X] MEM: Min %X:%X, Max %X:%X, Align %X Len %X\n", Descriptor, Descriptor->Option, Descriptor->ShareDisposition, Descriptor->u.Memory.MinimumAddress.HighPart, Descriptor->u.Memory.MinimumAddress.LowPart, Descriptor->u.Memory.MaximumAddress.HighPart, Descriptor->u.Memory.MaximumAddress.LowPart, Descriptor->u.Memory.Alignment, Descriptor->u.Memory.Length); break; case CmResourceTypeDma: DPRINT1("[%p:%X:%X] DMA: Min %X Max %X\n", Descriptor, Descriptor->Option, Descriptor->ShareDisposition, Descriptor->u.Dma.MinimumChannel, Descriptor->u.Dma.MaximumChannel); break; case CmResourceTypeBusNumber: DPRINT1("[%p:%X:%X] BUS: Min %X Max %X Len %X\n", Descriptor, Descriptor->Option, Descriptor->ShareDisposition, Descriptor->u.BusNumber.MinBusNumber, Descriptor->u.BusNumber.MaxBusNumber, Descriptor->u.BusNumber.Length); break; case CmResourceTypeConfigData: DPRINT1("[%p:%X:%X] CFG: Priority %X\n", Descriptor, Descriptor->Option, Descriptor->ShareDisposition, Descriptor->u.ConfigData.Priority); break; case CmResourceTypeDevicePrivate: DPRINT1("[%p:%X:%X] DAT: %X %X %X\n", Descriptor, Descriptor->Option, Descriptor->ShareDisposition, Descriptor->u.DevicePrivate.Data[0], Descriptor->u.DevicePrivate.Data[1], Descriptor->u.DevicePrivate.Data[2]); break; default: DPRINT1("[%p:%X:%X]. Unknown type %X\n", Descriptor, Descriptor->Option, Descriptor->ShareDisposition, Descriptor->Type); break; } } /* PipDumpResourceRequirementsList() displays information about a Io List DebugLevel: 0 - always dump 1 - dump if not defined NDEBUG */ VOID NTAPI PipDumpResourceRequirementsList( _In_ PIO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST IoResource, _In_ ULONG DebugLevel) { PIO_RESOURCE_LIST AltList; PIO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR Descriptor; ULONG ix; ULONG jx; PAGED_CODE(); if (DebugLevel != 0) { #ifdef NDEBUG return; #endif } if (IoResource == NULL) { DPRINT1("PipDumpResourceRequirementsList: IoResource == 0\n"); return; } DPRINT1("Dump RequirementsList: IoResource %p\n", IoResource); DPRINT1("Interface %X Bus %X Slot %X AlternativeLists %X\n", IoResource->InterfaceType, IoResource->BusNumber, IoResource->SlotNumber, IoResource->AlternativeLists); AltList = &IoResource->List[0]; if (IoResource->AlternativeLists < 1) { DPRINT1("PipDumpResourceRequirementsList: AlternativeLists < 1\n"); return; } for (ix = 0; ix < IoResource->AlternativeLists; ix++) { DPRINT1("AltList %p, AltList->Count %X\n", AltList, AltList->Count); for (jx = 0; jx < AltList->Count; jx++) { Descriptor = &AltList->Descriptors[jx]; PipDumpIoResourceDescriptor(Descriptor, DebugLevel); } AltList = (PIO_RESOURCE_LIST)(AltList->Descriptors + AltList->Count); DPRINT1("End Descriptors %p\n", AltList); } } /* Gets the name of the device node state. */ PWSTR NTAPI PipGetDeviceNodeStateName( _In_ PNP_DEVNODE_STATE State) { switch (State) { case DeviceNodeUnspecified: return L"DeviceNodeUnspecified"; case DeviceNodeUninitialized: return L"DeviceNodeUninitialized"; case DeviceNodeInitialized: return L"DeviceNodeInitialized"; case DeviceNodeDriversAdded: return L"DeviceNodeDriversAdded"; case DeviceNodeResourcesAssigned: return L"DeviceNodeResourcesAssigned"; case DeviceNodeStartPending: return L"DeviceNodeStartPending"; case DeviceNodeStartCompletion: return L"DeviceNodeStartCompletion"; case DeviceNodeStartPostWork: return L"DeviceNodeStartPostWork"; case DeviceNodeStarted: return L"DeviceNodeStarted"; case DeviceNodeQueryStopped: return L"DeviceNodeQueryStopped"; case DeviceNodeStopped: return L"DeviceNodeStopped"; case DeviceNodeRestartCompletion: return L"DeviceNodeRestartCompletion"; case DeviceNodeEnumeratePending: return L"DeviceNodeEnumeratePending"; case DeviceNodeEnumerateCompletion: return L"DeviceNodeEnumerateCompletion"; case DeviceNodeAwaitingQueuedDeletion: return L"DeviceNodeAwaitingQueuedDeletion"; case DeviceNodeAwaitingQueuedRemoval: return L"DeviceNodeAwaitingQueuedRemoval"; case DeviceNodeQueryRemoved: return L"DeviceNodeQueryRemoved"; case DeviceNodeRemovePendingCloses: return L"DeviceNodeRemovePendingCloses"; case DeviceNodeRemoved: return L"DeviceNodeRemoved"; case DeviceNodeDeletePendingCloses: return L"DeviceNodeDeletePendingCloses"; case DeviceNodeDeleted: return L"DeviceNodeDeleted"; default: break; } if (State != MaxDeviceNodeState) { DPRINT1("PipGetDeviceNodeStateName: Unknown State %X\n", State); } return L""; } /* Dump list arbiters for the device node */ VOID NTAPI PipDumpArbiters( _In_ PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode, _In_ ULONG NodeLevel) { DPRINT("Level %X DevNode %p for PDO %p\n", NodeLevel, DeviceNode, DeviceNode->PhysicalDeviceObject); /* Definitions needed for arbiter */ UNIMPLEMENTED; } /* PipDumpDeviceNode() displays information about a device node Flags is bitmask parametr: 1 - traversal of all children nodes 2 - dump allocated resources and boot configuration resources 4 - dump resources required 8 - dump translated resources DebugLevel: 0 - always dump 1 - dump if not defined NDEBUG */ VOID NTAPI PipDumpDeviceNode( _In_ PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode, _In_ ULONG NodeLevel, _In_ ULONG Flags, _In_ ULONG DebugLevel) { PDEVICE_NODE ChildDeviceNode; if (DebugLevel != 0) { #ifdef NDEBUG return; #endif } DPRINT1("* Level %X DevNode %p for PDO %p\n", NodeLevel, DeviceNode, DeviceNode->PhysicalDeviceObject); DPRINT1("Instance %wZ\n", &DeviceNode->InstancePath); if (DeviceNode->ServiceName.Length) DPRINT1("Service %wZ\n", &DeviceNode->ServiceName); #if 0 /* It is not used yet */ DPRINT1("State %X %S\n", DeviceNode->State, PipGetDeviceNodeStateName(DeviceNode->State)); DPRINT1("Prev State %X %S\n", DeviceNode->PreviousState, PipGetDeviceNodeStateName(DeviceNode->PreviousState)); #endif if (DeviceNode->Problem) DPRINT1("Problem %X\n", DeviceNode->Problem); #if 0 /* It is not implemeted yet */ PipDumpArbiters(DeviceNode, NodeLevel); #endif /* Allocated resources and Boot configuration (reported by IRP_MN_QUERY_RESOURCES)*/ if (Flags & PIP_DUMP_FL_RES_ALLOCATED) { if (DeviceNode->ResourceList) { DPRINT1("---------- ResourceList ----------\n"); PipDumpCmResourceList(DeviceNode->ResourceList, DebugLevel); } if (DeviceNode->BootResources) { DPRINT1("---------- BootResources ----------\n"); PipDumpCmResourceList(DeviceNode->BootResources, DebugLevel); } } /* Resources required (reported by IRP_MN_FILTER_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS) */ if (Flags & PIP_DUMP_FL_RES_REQUIREMENTS) { if (DeviceNode->ResourceRequirements) { DPRINT1("---------- ResourceRequirements ----------\n"); PipDumpResourceRequirementsList(DeviceNode->ResourceRequirements, DebugLevel); } } /* Translated resources (AllocatedResourcesTranslated) */ if (Flags & PIP_DUMP_FL_RES_TRANSLATED) { if (DeviceNode->ResourceListTranslated) { DPRINT1("---------- ResourceListTranslated ----------\n"); PipDumpCmResourceList(DeviceNode->ResourceListTranslated, DebugLevel); } } /* Traversal of all children nodes */ if (Flags & PIP_DUMP_FL_ALL_NODES) { for (ChildDeviceNode = DeviceNode->Child; ChildDeviceNode != NULL; ChildDeviceNode = ChildDeviceNode->Sibling) { /* Recursive call */ PipDumpDeviceNode(ChildDeviceNode, (NodeLevel + 1), Flags, DebugLevel); } } } /* PipDumpDeviceNodes() displays information about a node(s) in the device tree If DeviceNode is NULL, then the dump starts at the beginning of the device tree. Flags is bitmask parametr: 1 - traversal of all children nodes 2 - dump allocated resources and boot configuration resources 4 - dump resources required 8 - dump translated resources DebugLevel: 0 - always dump 1 - dump if not defined NDEBUG See also: Windows DDK -> General Driver Information -> Kernel-Mode Driver Architecture -> Design Guide -> Plug and Play -> Introduction to Plug and Play -> Hardware Resources */ VOID NTAPI PipDumpDeviceNodes( _In_ PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode, _In_ ULONG Flags, _In_ ULONG DebugLevel) { if (DebugLevel != 0) { #ifdef NDEBUG return; #endif } DPRINT1("PipDumpDeviceNodes: DeviceNode %X, Flags %X Level %X\n", DeviceNode, Flags, DebugLevel); if (DeviceNode == NULL) { DeviceNode = IopRootDeviceNode; } PipDumpDeviceNode(DeviceNode, 0, Flags, DebugLevel); } /* EOF */