/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * FILE: ntoskrnl/include/amd64/asmmacro.S * PURPOSE: ASM macros for for GAS and MASM/ML64 * PROGRAMMERS: Timo Kreuzer (timo.kreuzer@reactos.org) */ #ifdef _USE_ML /* Allow ".name" identifiers */ OPTION DOTNAME .686P .XMM .MODEL FLAT ASSUME CS:NOTHING, DS:NOTHING, ES:NOTHING, FS:NOTHING, GS:NOTHING /* Hex numbers need to be in 01ABh format */ #define HEX(x) 0##x##h /* Macro values need to be marked */ #define VAL(x) x /* MASM/ML doesn't want explicit [rip] addressing */ rip = 0 /* Due to MASM's reverse syntax, we are forced to use a precompiler macro */ #define MACRO(name, ...) name MACRO __VA_ARGS__ /* To avoid reverse syntax we provide a new macro .PROC, replacing PROC... */ .PROC MACRO name name PROC FRAME _name: ENDM /* ... and .ENDP, replacing ENDP */ .ENDP MACRO name name ENDP ENDM /* MASM doesn't have an ASCII macro */ .ASCII MACRO text DB text ENDM /* MASM doesn't have an ASCIZ macro */ .ASCIZ MACRO text DB text, 0 ENDM #define lgdt lgdt fword ptr ds: #define lidt lidt fword ptr ds: ljmp MACRO segment, offset DB 0 ENDM .code64 MACRO .code ENDM .code32 MACRO .code .586P ENDM .code16 MACRO ASSUME nothing .text SEGMENT use16 ENDM .endcode16 MACRO .text ENDS ENDM .bss MACRO .DATA? ASSUME nothing ENDM //.text MACRO //ENDM .align MACRO alignment ALIGN alignment ENDM .byte MACRO args:VARARG db args ENDM .short MACRO args:VARARG dw args ENDM .word MACRO args:VARARG dw args ENDM .long MACRO args:VARARG dd args ENDM .double MACRO args:VARARG dq args ENDM .fill MACRO repeat, size, value // FIXME ENDM ljmp MACRO segment, offset // FIXME ENDM UNIMPLEMENTED MACRO name ENDM /* We need this to distinguish repeat from macros */ #define ENDR ENDM #else /***********************************************************************/ /* Force intel syntax */ .intel_syntax noprefix .altmacro /* Hex numbers need to be in 0x1AB format */ #define HEX(y) 0x##y /* Macro values need to be marked */ #define VAL(x) \x /* Due to MASM's reverse syntax, we are forced to use a precompiler macro */ #define MACRO(...) .macro __VA_ARGS__ #define ENDM .endm /* To avoid reverse syntax we provide a new macro .PROC, replacing PROC... */ .macro .PROC name .func \name \name: .cfi_startproc .equ cfa_current_offset, -8 .endm /* ... and .ENDP, replacing ENDP */ .macro .ENDP name .cfi_endproc .endfunc .endm /* MASM compatible PUBLIC */ .macro PUBLIC symbol .global \symbol .endm /* Dummy ASSUME */ .macro ASSUME p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 .endm /* MASM needs an end tag for segments */ .macro .endcode16 .endm /* MASM compatible ALIGN */ #define ALIGN .align /* MASM compatible REPEAT, additional ENDR */ #define REPEAT .rept #define ENDR .endr .macro ljmp segment, offset jmp far ptr \segment:\offset .endm /* MASM compatible EXTERN */ .macro EXTERN name .endm /* MASM needs an END tag */ #define END .macro .MODEL model .endm .macro .code .text .endm /* Macros for x64 stack unwind OPs */ .macro .allocstack size .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset \size .set cfa_current_offset, cfa_current_offset - \size .endm code = 1 .macro .pushframe param=0 .if (\param) .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 0x30 .set cfa_current_offset, cfa_current_offset - 0x30 .else .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 0x28 .set cfa_current_offset, cfa_current_offset - 0x28 .endif .endm .macro .pushreg reg .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 8 .equ cfa_current_offset, cfa_current_offset - 8 .cfi_offset \reg, cfa_current_offset .endm .macro .savereg reg, offset // checkme!!! .cfi_offset \reg, \offset .endm .macro .savexmm128 reg, offset // checkme!!! .cfi_offset \reg, \offset .endm .macro .setframe reg, offset .cfi_def_cfa reg, \offset .equ cfa_current_offset, \offset .endm .macro .endprolog .endm .macro UNIMPLEMENTED2 file, line, func jmp 3f 1: .asciz "\func" 2: .asciz \file 3: sub rsp, 0x20 lea rcx, MsgUnimplemented[rip] lea rdx, 1b[rip] lea r8, 2b[rip] mov r9, \line call DbgPrint add rsp, 0x20 .endm #define UNIMPLEMENTED UNIMPLEMENTED2 __FILE__, __LINE__, /* MASM/ML uses ".if" for runtime conditionals, and "if" for compile time conditionals. We therefore use "if", too. .if shouldn't be used at all */ #define if .if #define endif .endif #define else .else #define elseif .elseif #endif