/* ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2007, International Business Machines Corporation and * * others. All Rights Reserved. * ******************************************************************************* */ #include "unicode/utypes.h" #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING #include "unicode/tzrule.h" #include "unicode/ucal.h" #include "gregoimp.h" #include "cmemory.h" #include "uarrsort.h" U_CDECL_BEGIN // UComparator function for sorting start times static int32_t U_CALLCONV compareDates(const void * /*context*/, const void *left, const void *right) { UDate l = *((UDate*)left); UDate r = *((UDate*)right); int32_t res = l < r ? -1 : (l == r ? 0 : 1); return res; } U_CDECL_END U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN TimeZoneRule::TimeZoneRule(const UnicodeString& name, int32_t rawOffset, int32_t dstSavings) : UObject(), fName(name), fRawOffset(rawOffset), fDSTSavings(dstSavings) { } TimeZoneRule::TimeZoneRule(const TimeZoneRule& source) : UObject(source), fName(source.fName), fRawOffset(source.fRawOffset), fDSTSavings(source.fDSTSavings) { } TimeZoneRule::~TimeZoneRule() { } TimeZoneRule& TimeZoneRule::operator=(const TimeZoneRule& right) { if (this != &right) { fName = right.fName; fRawOffset = right.fRawOffset; fDSTSavings = right.fDSTSavings; } return *this; } UBool TimeZoneRule::operator==(const TimeZoneRule& that) const { return ((this == &that) || (getDynamicClassID() == that.getDynamicClassID() && fName == that.fName && fRawOffset == that.fRawOffset && fDSTSavings == that.fDSTSavings)); } UBool TimeZoneRule::operator!=(const TimeZoneRule& that) const { return !operator==(that); } UnicodeString& TimeZoneRule::getName(UnicodeString& name) const { name = fName; return name; } int32_t TimeZoneRule::getRawOffset(void) const { return fRawOffset; } int32_t TimeZoneRule::getDSTSavings(void) const { return fDSTSavings; } UBool TimeZoneRule::isEquivalentTo(const TimeZoneRule& other) const { return ((this == &other) || (getDynamicClassID() == other.getDynamicClassID() && fRawOffset == other.fRawOffset && fDSTSavings == other.fDSTSavings)); } UOBJECT_DEFINE_RTTI_IMPLEMENTATION(InitialTimeZoneRule) InitialTimeZoneRule::InitialTimeZoneRule(const UnicodeString& name, int32_t rawOffset, int32_t dstSavings) : TimeZoneRule(name, rawOffset, dstSavings) { } InitialTimeZoneRule::InitialTimeZoneRule(const InitialTimeZoneRule& source) : TimeZoneRule(source) { } InitialTimeZoneRule::~InitialTimeZoneRule() { } InitialTimeZoneRule* InitialTimeZoneRule::clone(void) const { return new InitialTimeZoneRule(*this); } InitialTimeZoneRule& InitialTimeZoneRule::operator=(const InitialTimeZoneRule& right) { if (this != &right) { TimeZoneRule::operator=(right); } return *this; } UBool InitialTimeZoneRule::operator==(const TimeZoneRule& that) const { return ((this == &that) || (getDynamicClassID() == that.getDynamicClassID() && TimeZoneRule::operator==(that))); } UBool InitialTimeZoneRule::operator!=(const TimeZoneRule& that) const { return !operator==(that); } UBool InitialTimeZoneRule::isEquivalentTo(const TimeZoneRule& other) const { if (this == &other) { return TRUE; } if (getDynamicClassID() != other.getDynamicClassID() || TimeZoneRule::isEquivalentTo(other) == FALSE) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } UBool InitialTimeZoneRule::getFirstStart(int32_t /*prevRawOffset*/, int32_t /*prevDSTSavings*/, UDate& /*result*/) const { return FALSE; } UBool InitialTimeZoneRule::getFinalStart(int32_t /*prevRawOffset*/, int32_t /*prevDSTSavings*/, UDate& /*result*/) const { return FALSE; } UBool InitialTimeZoneRule::getNextStart(const UDate /*base*/, int32_t /*prevRawOffset*/, int32_t /*prevDSTSavings*/, UBool /*inclusive*/, UDate& /*result*/) const { return FALSE; } UBool InitialTimeZoneRule::getPreviousStart(const UDate /*base*/, int32_t /*prevRawOffset*/, int32_t /*prevDSTSavings*/, UBool /*inclusive*/, UDate& /*result*/) const { return FALSE; } UOBJECT_DEFINE_RTTI_IMPLEMENTATION(AnnualTimeZoneRule) const int32_t AnnualTimeZoneRule::MAX_YEAR = 0x7FFFFFFF; /* max signed int32 */ AnnualTimeZoneRule::AnnualTimeZoneRule(const UnicodeString& name, int32_t rawOffset, int32_t dstSavings, const DateTimeRule& dateTimeRule, int32_t startYear, int32_t endYear) : TimeZoneRule(name, rawOffset, dstSavings), fDateTimeRule(new DateTimeRule(dateTimeRule)), fStartYear(startYear), fEndYear(endYear) { } AnnualTimeZoneRule::AnnualTimeZoneRule(const UnicodeString& name, int32_t rawOffset, int32_t dstSavings, DateTimeRule* dateTimeRule, int32_t startYear, int32_t endYear) : TimeZoneRule(name, rawOffset, dstSavings), fDateTimeRule(dateTimeRule), fStartYear(startYear), fEndYear(endYear) { } AnnualTimeZoneRule::AnnualTimeZoneRule(const AnnualTimeZoneRule& source) : TimeZoneRule(source), fDateTimeRule(new DateTimeRule(*(source.fDateTimeRule))), fStartYear(source.fStartYear), fEndYear(source.fEndYear) { } AnnualTimeZoneRule::~AnnualTimeZoneRule() { delete fDateTimeRule; } AnnualTimeZoneRule* AnnualTimeZoneRule::clone(void) const { return new AnnualTimeZoneRule(*this); } AnnualTimeZoneRule& AnnualTimeZoneRule::operator=(const AnnualTimeZoneRule& right) { if (this != &right) { TimeZoneRule::operator=(right); delete fDateTimeRule; fDateTimeRule = right.fDateTimeRule->clone(); fStartYear = right.fStartYear; fEndYear = right.fEndYear; } return *this; } UBool AnnualTimeZoneRule::operator==(const TimeZoneRule& that) const { if (this == &that) { return TRUE; } if (getDynamicClassID() != that.getDynamicClassID()) { return FALSE; } AnnualTimeZoneRule *atzr = (AnnualTimeZoneRule*)&that; return (*fDateTimeRule == *(atzr->fDateTimeRule) && fStartYear == atzr->fStartYear && fEndYear == atzr->fEndYear); } UBool AnnualTimeZoneRule::operator!=(const TimeZoneRule& that) const { return !operator==(that); } const DateTimeRule* AnnualTimeZoneRule::getRule() const { return fDateTimeRule; } int32_t AnnualTimeZoneRule::getStartYear() const { return fStartYear; } int32_t AnnualTimeZoneRule::getEndYear() const { return fEndYear; } UBool AnnualTimeZoneRule::getStartInYear(int32_t year, int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings, UDate &result) const { if (year < fStartYear || year > fEndYear) { return FALSE; } double ruleDay; DateTimeRule::DateRuleType type = fDateTimeRule->getDateRuleType(); if (type == DateTimeRule::DOM) { ruleDay = Grego::fieldsToDay(year, fDateTimeRule->getRuleMonth(), fDateTimeRule->getRuleDayOfMonth()); } else { UBool after = TRUE; if (type == DateTimeRule::DOW) { // Normalize DOW rule into DOW_GEQ_DOM or DOW_LEQ_DOM int32_t weeks = fDateTimeRule->getRuleWeekInMonth(); if (weeks > 0) { ruleDay = Grego::fieldsToDay(year, fDateTimeRule->getRuleMonth(), 1); ruleDay += 7 * (weeks - 1); } else { after = FALSE; ruleDay = Grego::fieldsToDay(year, fDateTimeRule->getRuleMonth(), Grego::monthLength(year, fDateTimeRule->getRuleMonth())); ruleDay += 7 * (weeks + 1); } } else { int32_t month = fDateTimeRule->getRuleMonth(); int32_t dom = fDateTimeRule->getRuleDayOfMonth(); if (type == DateTimeRule::DOW_LEQ_DOM) { after = FALSE; // Handle Feb <=29 if (month == UCAL_FEBRUARY && dom == 29 && !Grego::isLeapYear(year)) { dom--; } } ruleDay = Grego::fieldsToDay(year, month, dom); } int32_t dow = Grego::dayOfWeek(ruleDay); int32_t delta = fDateTimeRule->getRuleDayOfWeek() - dow; if (after) { delta = delta < 0 ? delta + 7 : delta; } else { delta = delta > 0 ? delta - 7 : delta; } ruleDay += delta; } result = ruleDay*U_MILLIS_PER_DAY + fDateTimeRule->getRuleMillisInDay(); if (fDateTimeRule->getTimeRuleType() != DateTimeRule::UTC_TIME) { result -= prevRawOffset; } if (fDateTimeRule->getTimeRuleType() == DateTimeRule::WALL_TIME) { result -= prevDSTSavings; } return TRUE; } UBool AnnualTimeZoneRule::isEquivalentTo(const TimeZoneRule& other) const { if (this == &other) { return TRUE; } if (getDynamicClassID() != other.getDynamicClassID() || TimeZoneRule::isEquivalentTo(other) == FALSE) { return FALSE; } AnnualTimeZoneRule* that = (AnnualTimeZoneRule*)&other; return (*fDateTimeRule == *(that->fDateTimeRule) && fStartYear == that->fStartYear && fEndYear == that->fEndYear); } UBool AnnualTimeZoneRule::getFirstStart(int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings, UDate& result) const { return getStartInYear(fStartYear, prevRawOffset, prevDSTSavings, result); } UBool AnnualTimeZoneRule::getFinalStart(int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings, UDate& result) const { if (fEndYear == MAX_YEAR) { return FALSE; } return getStartInYear(fEndYear, prevRawOffset, prevDSTSavings, result); } UBool AnnualTimeZoneRule::getNextStart(const UDate base, int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings, UBool inclusive, UDate& result) const { int32_t year, month, dom, dow, doy, mid; Grego::timeToFields(base, year, month, dom, dow, doy, mid); if (year < fStartYear) { return getFirstStart(prevRawOffset, prevDSTSavings, result); } UDate tmp; if (getStartInYear(year, prevRawOffset, prevDSTSavings, tmp)) { if (tmp < base || (!inclusive && (tmp == base))) { // Return the next one return getStartInYear(year + 1, prevRawOffset, prevDSTSavings, result); } else { result = tmp; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } UBool AnnualTimeZoneRule::getPreviousStart(const UDate base, int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings, UBool inclusive, UDate& result) const { int32_t year, month, dom, dow, doy, mid; Grego::timeToFields(base, year, month, dom, dow, doy, mid); if (year > fEndYear) { return getFinalStart(prevRawOffset, prevDSTSavings, result); } UDate tmp; if (getStartInYear(year, prevRawOffset, prevDSTSavings, tmp)) { if (tmp > base || (!inclusive && (tmp == base))) { // Return the previous one return getStartInYear(year - 1, prevRawOffset, prevDSTSavings, result); } else { result = tmp; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } UOBJECT_DEFINE_RTTI_IMPLEMENTATION(TimeArrayTimeZoneRule) TimeArrayTimeZoneRule::TimeArrayTimeZoneRule(const UnicodeString& name, int32_t rawOffset, int32_t dstSavings, const UDate* startTimes, int32_t numStartTimes, DateTimeRule::TimeRuleType timeRuleType) : TimeZoneRule(name, rawOffset, dstSavings), fTimeRuleType(timeRuleType), fStartTimes(NULL) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; initStartTimes(startTimes, numStartTimes, status); //TODO - status? } TimeArrayTimeZoneRule::TimeArrayTimeZoneRule(const TimeArrayTimeZoneRule& source) : TimeZoneRule(source), fTimeRuleType(source.fTimeRuleType), fStartTimes(NULL) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; initStartTimes(source.fStartTimes, source.fNumStartTimes, status); //TODO - status? } TimeArrayTimeZoneRule::~TimeArrayTimeZoneRule() { if (fStartTimes != NULL && fStartTimes != fLocalStartTimes) { uprv_free(fStartTimes); } } TimeArrayTimeZoneRule* TimeArrayTimeZoneRule::clone(void) const { return new TimeArrayTimeZoneRule(*this); } TimeArrayTimeZoneRule& TimeArrayTimeZoneRule::operator=(const TimeArrayTimeZoneRule& right) { if (this != &right) { TimeZoneRule::operator=(right); UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; initStartTimes(right.fStartTimes, right.fNumStartTimes, status); //TODO - status? fTimeRuleType = right.fTimeRuleType; } return *this; } UBool TimeArrayTimeZoneRule::operator==(const TimeZoneRule& that) const { if (this == &that) { return TRUE; } if (getDynamicClassID() != that.getDynamicClassID() || TimeZoneRule::operator==(that) == FALSE) { return FALSE; } TimeArrayTimeZoneRule *tatzr = (TimeArrayTimeZoneRule*)&that; if (fTimeRuleType != tatzr->fTimeRuleType || fNumStartTimes != tatzr->fNumStartTimes) { return FALSE; } // Compare start times UBool res = TRUE; for (int32_t i = 0; i < fNumStartTimes; i++) { if (fStartTimes[i] != tatzr->fStartTimes[i]) { res = FALSE; break; } } return res; } UBool TimeArrayTimeZoneRule::operator!=(const TimeZoneRule& that) const { return !operator==(that); } DateTimeRule::TimeRuleType TimeArrayTimeZoneRule::getTimeType(void) const { return fTimeRuleType; } UBool TimeArrayTimeZoneRule::getStartTimeAt(int32_t index, UDate& result) const { if (index >= fNumStartTimes || index < 0) { return FALSE; } result = fStartTimes[index]; return TRUE; } int32_t TimeArrayTimeZoneRule::countStartTimes(void) const { return fNumStartTimes; } UBool TimeArrayTimeZoneRule::isEquivalentTo(const TimeZoneRule& other) const { if (this == &other) { return TRUE; } if (getDynamicClassID() != other.getDynamicClassID() || TimeZoneRule::isEquivalentTo(other) == FALSE) { return FALSE; } TimeArrayTimeZoneRule* that = (TimeArrayTimeZoneRule*)&other; if (fTimeRuleType != that->fTimeRuleType || fNumStartTimes != that->fNumStartTimes) { return FALSE; } // Compare start times UBool res = TRUE; for (int32_t i = 0; i < fNumStartTimes; i++) { if (fStartTimes[i] != that->fStartTimes[i]) { res = FALSE; break; } } return res; } UBool TimeArrayTimeZoneRule::getFirstStart(int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings, UDate& result) const { if (fNumStartTimes <= 0 || fStartTimes == NULL) { return FALSE; } result = getUTC(fStartTimes[0], prevRawOffset, prevDSTSavings); return TRUE; } UBool TimeArrayTimeZoneRule::getFinalStart(int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings, UDate& result) const { if (fNumStartTimes <= 0 || fStartTimes == NULL) { return FALSE; } result = getUTC(fStartTimes[fNumStartTimes - 1], prevRawOffset, prevDSTSavings); return TRUE; } UBool TimeArrayTimeZoneRule::getNextStart(const UDate base, int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings, UBool inclusive, UDate& result) const { int32_t i = fNumStartTimes - 1; for (; i >= 0; i--) { UDate time = getUTC(fStartTimes[i], prevRawOffset, prevDSTSavings); if (time < base || (!inclusive && time == base)) { break; } result = time; } if (i == fNumStartTimes - 1) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } UBool TimeArrayTimeZoneRule::getPreviousStart(const UDate base, int32_t prevRawOffset, int32_t prevDSTSavings, UBool inclusive, UDate& result) const { int32_t i = fNumStartTimes - 1; for (; i >= 0; i--) { UDate time = getUTC(fStartTimes[i], prevRawOffset, prevDSTSavings); if (time < base || (inclusive && time == base)) { result = time; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } // ---- private methods ------ UBool TimeArrayTimeZoneRule::initStartTimes(const UDate source[], int32_t size, UErrorCode& status) { // Free old array if (fStartTimes != NULL && fStartTimes != fLocalStartTimes) { uprv_free(fStartTimes); } // Allocate new one if needed if (size > TIMEARRAY_STACK_BUFFER_SIZE) { fStartTimes = (UDate*)uprv_malloc(sizeof(UDate)*size); if (fStartTimes == NULL) { status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; fNumStartTimes = 0; return FALSE; } } else { fStartTimes = (UDate*)fLocalStartTimes; } uprv_memcpy(fStartTimes, source, sizeof(UDate)*size); fNumStartTimes = size; // Sort dates uprv_sortArray(fStartTimes, fNumStartTimes, (int32_t)sizeof(UDate), compareDates, NULL, TRUE, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) { if (fStartTimes != NULL && fStartTimes != fLocalStartTimes) { uprv_free(fStartTimes); } fNumStartTimes = 0; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } UDate TimeArrayTimeZoneRule::getUTC(UDate time, int32_t raw, int32_t dst) const { if (fTimeRuleType != DateTimeRule::UTC_TIME) { time -= raw; } if (fTimeRuleType == DateTimeRule::WALL_TIME) { time -= dst; } return time; } U_NAMESPACE_END #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */ //eof