/* * adh-opts.c * - useful general-purpose resolver client program * option handling tables etc. */ /* * This file is * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Ian Jackson * * It is part of adns, which is * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Ian Jackson * Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Tony Finch * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef ADNS_JGAA_WIN32 # include "adns_win32.h" #endif #include "adnshost.h" int ov_env=1, ov_pipe=0, ov_asynch=0; int ov_verbose= 0; adns_rrtype ov_type= adns_r_none; int ov_search=0, ov_qc_query=0, ov_qc_anshost=0, ov_qc_cname=1; int ov_tcp=0, ov_cname=0, ov_format=fmt_default; char *ov_id= 0; struct perqueryflags_remember ov_pqfr = { 1,1,1, tm_none }; static const struct optioninfo global_options[]= { { ot_desconly, "global binary options:" }, { ot_flag, "Do not look at environment variables at all", "e", "env", &ov_env, 0 }, { ot_flag, "Read queries on stdin instead of using args", "f", "pipe", &ov_pipe, 1 }, { ot_flag, "Allow answers to be reordered", "a", "asynch", &ov_asynch, 1 }, { ot_desconly, "answer/error output format and destination (see below):" }, { ot_value, "Answers to stdout, errors as messages to stderr (default)", "Fs", "fmt-simple", &ov_format, fmt_simple }, { ot_value, "Answers and errors both to stdout in parseable format", "Fi", "fmt-inline", &ov_format, fmt_inline }, { ot_value, "Fully-parseable output format (default for --asynch)", "Fa", "fmt-asynch", &ov_format, fmt_asynch }, { ot_desconly, "global verbosity level:" }, { ot_value, "Do not print anything to stderr", "Vq", "quiet", &ov_verbose, adns_if_noerrprint }, { ot_value, "Report unexpected kinds of problem only (default)", "Vn", "no-quiet", &ov_verbose, 0 }, { ot_value, "Debugging mode", "Vd", "debug", &ov_verbose, adns_if_debug }, { ot_desconly, "other global options:" }, { ot_funcarg, "Configuration to use instead of /etc/resolv.conf", 0, "config", 0,0, of_config, "" }, { ot_func, "Print version number", 0, "version", 0,0, of_version }, { ot_func, "Print usage information", 0, "help", 0,0, of_help }, { ot_end } }; static const struct optioninfo perquery_options[]= { { ot_desconly, "per-query options:" }, { ot_funcarg, "Query type (see below)", "t", "type", 0,0, &of_type, "type" }, { ot_funcarg, "Do reverse query (address -> name lookup)", "i", "ptr", 0,0, &of_ptr, "addr" }, { ot_funcarg2, "Lookup in in-addr-like `zone' (eg MAPS RBL)", 0, "reverse", 0,0, &of_reverse, "addr","zone" }, { ot_desconly, "per-query binary options:" }, { ot_flag, "Use the search list", "s", "search", &ov_search, 1 }, { ot_flag, "Let query domains contain quote-requiring chars", "Qq", "qc-query", &ov_qc_query, 1 }, { ot_flag, "Let hostnames in answers contain ...", "Qa", "qc-anshost", &ov_qc_anshost, 1 }, { ot_flag, "Prevent CNAME target domains from containing ...", "Qc", "qc-cname", &ov_qc_cname, 0 }, { ot_flag, "Force use of a virtual circuit", "u", "tcp", &ov_tcp, 1 }, { ot_flag, "Do not display owner name in output", "Do", "show-owner", &ov_pqfr.show_owner, 0 }, { ot_flag, "Do not display RR type in output", "Dt", "show-type", &ov_pqfr.show_type, 0 }, { ot_flag, "Do not display CNAME target in output", "Dc", "show-cname", &ov_pqfr.show_cname, 0 }, { ot_desconly, "per-query TTL mode (NB TTL is minimum across all info in reply):" }, { ot_value, "Show the TTL as a TTL", "Tt", "ttl-ttl", &ov_pqfr.ttl, tm_rel }, { ot_value, "Show the TTL as a time_t when the data might expire", "Ta", "ttl-abs", &ov_pqfr.ttl, tm_abs }, { ot_value, "Do not show the TTL (default)", "Tn", "no-ttl", &ov_pqfr.ttl, tm_none }, { ot_desconly, "per-query CNAME handling mode:" }, { ot_value, "Call it an error if a CNAME is found", "Cf", "cname-reject", &ov_cname, adns_qf_cname_forbid }, { ot_value, "Allow references to CNAMEs in other RRs", "Cl", "cname-loose", &ov_cname, adns_qf_cname_loose }, { ot_value, "CNAME ok for query domain, but not in RRs (default)", "Cs", "cname-ok", &ov_cname, 0 }, { ot_desconly, "asynchronous/pipe mode options:" }, { ot_funcarg, "Set , default is decimal sequence starting 0", 0, "asynch-id", 0,0, &of_asynch_id, "id" }, { ot_funcarg, "Cancel the query with id (no error if not found)", 0, "cancel-id", 0,0, &of_cancel_id, "id" }, { ot_end } }; static void printusage(void) { static const struct optioninfo *const all_optiontables[]= { global_options, perquery_options, 0 }; const struct optioninfo *const *oiap, *oip=0; int maxsopt, maxlopt, l; maxsopt= maxlopt= 0; for (oiap=all_optiontables; *oiap; oiap++) { for (oip=*oiap; oip->type != ot_end; oip++) { if (oip->type == ot_funcarg) continue; if (oip->sopt) { l= strlen(oip->sopt); if (l>maxsopt) maxsopt= l; } if (oip->lopt) { l= strlen(oip->lopt); if (oip->type == ot_flag && !oip->value) l+= 3; if (l>maxlopt) maxlopt= l; } } } fputs("usage: adnshost [global-opts] [query-opts] query-domain\n" " [[query-opts] query-domain ...]\n" " adnshost [global-opts] [query-opts] -f|--pipe\n", stdout); for (oiap=all_optiontables; *oiap; oiap++) { putchar('\n'); for (oip=*oiap; oip->type != ot_end; oip++) { switch (oip->type) { case ot_flag: if (!oip->value) { if (oip->sopt) { printf(" +%-*s --no-%-*s %s\n", maxsopt, oip->sopt, maxlopt-2, oip->lopt, oip->desc); } else { printf(" --no-%-*s %s\n", maxlopt+maxsopt+1, oip->lopt, oip->desc); } break; } case ot_value: case ot_func: /* fall through */ if (oip->sopt) { printf(" -%-*s --%-*s %s\n", maxsopt, oip->sopt, maxlopt+1, oip->lopt, oip->desc); } else { printf(" --%-*s %s\n", maxlopt+maxsopt+3, oip->lopt, oip->desc); } break; case ot_funcarg: if (oip->sopt) { l= (maxlopt + maxsopt - 9 - (strlen(oip->sopt) + strlen(oip->lopt) + 2*strlen(oip->argdesc))); printf(" -%s<%s> / --%s <%s>%*s%s\n", oip->sopt, oip->argdesc, oip->lopt, oip->argdesc, l>2 ? l : 2, "", oip->desc); } else { l= (maxlopt + maxsopt + 1 - (strlen(oip->lopt) + strlen(oip->argdesc))); printf(" --%s <%s>%*s%s\n", oip->lopt, oip->argdesc, l>2 ? l : 2, "", oip->desc); } break; case ot_funcarg2: assert(!oip->sopt); l= (maxlopt + maxsopt - 2 - (strlen(oip->lopt) + strlen(oip->argdesc) + strlen(oip->argdesc2))); printf(" --%s <%s> <%s>%*s%s\n", oip->lopt, oip->argdesc, oip->argdesc2, l>2 ? l : 2, "", oip->desc); break; case ot_desconly: printf("%s\n", oip->desc); break; default: abort(); } } } printf("\nEscaping domains which might start with `-':\n" " - %-*s Next argument is a domain, but more options may follow\n", maxlopt+maxsopt+3, ""); fputs("\n" "Query domains should always be quoted according to master file format.\n" "\n" "For binary options, --FOO and --no-FOO are opposites, as are\n" "-X and +X. In each case the default is the one not listed.\n" "Per query options stay set a particular way until they are reset,\n" "whether they appear on the command line or on stdin.\n" "All global options must preceed the first query domain.\n" "\n" "With -f, the input should be lines with either an option, possibly\n" "with a value argument (separated from the option by a space if it's a long\n" "option), or a domain (possibly preceded by a hyphen and a space to\n" "distinguish it from an option).\n" "\n" "Output format is master file format without class or TTL by default:\n" " [] [] [] \n" "or if the domain refers to a CNAME and --show-cname is on\n" " [] [] CNAME \n" " [] [] \n" "When a query fails you get an error message to stderr (with --fmt-simple).\n" "Specify --fmt-inline for lines like this (broken here for readability):\n" " ; failed \\\n" " [] [] [] \"\"\n" "If you use --fmt-asynch, which is the default for --asynch,\n" "each answer (success or failure) is preceded by a line\n" " \\\n" " [] [] [] \"\"\n" "where is the number of RRs that follow and will be `$' or\n" "the CNAME target; the CNAME indirection and error formats above are not used.\n" "\n" "Exit status:\n" " 0 all went well\n" " 1-6 at least one query failed with statustype:\n" " 1 localfail )\n" " 2 remotefail ) temporary errors\n" " 3 tempfail __)_________________\n" " 4 misconfig )\n" " 5 misquery ) permanent errors\n" " 6 permfail )\n" " 10 system trouble\n" " 11 usage problems\n" "\n" "Query types (see adns.h; default is addr):\n" " ns soa ptr mx rp addr - enhanced versions\n" " cname hinfo txt - types with only one version\n" " a ns- soa- ptr- mx- rp- - _raw versions\n" "Default is addr, or ptr for -i/--ptr queries\n", stdout); if (ferror(stdout)) sysfail("write usage message",errno); } void of_version(const struct optioninfo *oi, const char *arg, const char *arg2) { VERSION_PRINT_QUIT("adnshost"); } void of_help(const struct optioninfo *oi, const char *arg, const char *arg2) { printusage(); if (fclose(stdout)) sysfail("finish writing output",errno); quitnow(0); } typedef int comparer_type(const char **optp, const struct optioninfo *entry); static int oc_long(const char **optp, const struct optioninfo *entry) { return entry->lopt && !strcmp(*optp,entry->lopt); } static int oc_short(const char **optp, const struct optioninfo *entry) { const char *sopt; int l; sopt= entry->sopt; if (!sopt) return 0; l= strlen(sopt); if (memcmp(*optp,sopt,l)) return 0; (*optp) += l; return 1; } static const struct optioninfo *find1(const char **optp, const struct optioninfo *table, comparer_type *comparer) { for (;;) { if (table->type == ot_end) return 0; if (comparer(optp,table)) return table; table++; } } static const struct optioninfo *find(const char **optp, const char *prefix, comparer_type *comparer) { const struct optioninfo *oip; const char *opt; opt= *optp; oip= find1(optp,perquery_options,comparer); if (oip) return oip; oip= find1(optp,global_options,comparer); if (!oip) usageerr("unknown option %s%s",prefix,opt); if (ads) usageerr("global option %s%s specified after query domain(s)",prefix,opt); return oip; } const struct optioninfo *opt_findl(const char *opt) { return find(&opt,"--",oc_long); } const struct optioninfo *opt_finds(const char **optp) { return find(optp,"-",oc_short); } static void noninvert(const struct optioninfo *oip) NONRETURNING; static void noninvert(const struct optioninfo *oip) { usageerr("option %s%s%s%s%s may not be inverted", oip->sopt ? "-" : "", oip->sopt ? oip->sopt : "", oip->lopt && oip->sopt ? " / " : "", oip->lopt ? "--" : "", oip->lopt ? oip->lopt : ""); } void opt_do(const struct optioninfo *oip, int invert, const char *arg, const char *arg2) { switch (oip->type) { case ot_flag: assert(!arg); *oip->storep= !invert; return; case ot_value: assert(!arg); if (invert) noninvert(oip); *oip->storep= oip->value; return; case ot_func: case ot_funcarg: case ot_funcarg2: if (invert) noninvert(oip); oip->func(oip,arg,arg2); return; default: abort(); } }