/* * MISC.C - misc. functions. * * * History: * * 07/12/98 (Rob Lake) * started * * 07/13/98 (Rob Lake) * moved functions in here * * 27-Jul-1998 (John P Price ) * added config.h include * * 18-Dec-1998 (Eric Kohl) * Changed split() to accept quoted arguments. * Removed parse_firstarg(). * * 23-Jan-1999 (Eric Kohl) * Fixed an ugly bug in split(). In rare cases (last character * of the string is a space) it ignored the NULL character and * tried to add the following to the argument list. * * 28-Jan-1999 (Eric Kohl) * FileGetString() seems to be working now. * * 06-Nov-1999 (Eric Kohl) * Added PagePrompt() and FilePrompt(). * * 30-Apr-2005 (Magnus Olsen ) * Remove all hardcoded strings in En.rc */ #include "precomp.h" /* * get a character out-of-band and honor Ctrl-Break characters */ TCHAR cgetchar (VOID) { HANDLE hInput = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE); INPUT_RECORD irBuffer; DWORD dwRead; do { ReadConsoleInput (hInput, &irBuffer, 1, &dwRead); if ((irBuffer.EventType == KEY_EVENT) && (irBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown != FALSE)) { if (irBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & (LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED | RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED)) { if (irBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == 'C') { bCtrlBreak = TRUE; break; } } else if ((irBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_SHIFT) || (irBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_MENU) || (irBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_CONTROL)) { // Nothing to do } else { break; } } } while (TRUE); #ifndef _UNICODE return irBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar; #else return irBuffer.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar; #endif /* _UNICODE */ } /* * Takes a path in and returns it with the correct case of the letters */ VOID GetPathCase( TCHAR * Path, TCHAR * OutPath) { UINT i = 0; TCHAR TempPath[MAX_PATH]; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HANDLE hFind; _tcscpy(TempPath, _T("")); _tcscpy(OutPath, _T("")); for(i = 0; i < _tcslen(Path); i++) { if (Path[i] != _T('\\')) { _tcsncat(TempPath, &Path[i], 1); if (i != _tcslen(Path) - 1) continue; } /* Handle the base part of the path different. Because if you put it into findfirstfile, it will return your current folder */ if (_tcslen(TempPath) == 2 && TempPath[1] == _T(':')) { _tcscat(OutPath, TempPath); _tcscat(OutPath, _T("\\")); _tcscat(TempPath, _T("\\")); } else { hFind = FindFirstFile(TempPath,&FindFileData); if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _tcscpy(OutPath, Path); return; } _tcscat(TempPath, _T("\\")); _tcscat(OutPath, FindFileData.cFileName); _tcscat(OutPath, _T("\\")); FindClose(hFind); } } } /* * Check if Ctrl-Break was pressed during the last calls */ BOOL CheckCtrlBreak(INT mode) { static BOOL bLeaveAll = FALSE; /* leave all batch files */ TCHAR options[4]; /* Yes, No, All */ TCHAR c; switch (mode) { case BREAK_OUTOFBATCH: bLeaveAll = FALSE; return FALSE; case BREAK_BATCHFILE: { if (bLeaveAll) return TRUE; if (!bCtrlBreak) return FALSE; LoadString(CMD_ModuleHandle, STRING_COPY_OPTION, options, ARRAYSIZE(options)); ConOutResPuts(STRING_CANCEL_BATCH_FILE); do { c = _totupper(cgetchar()); } while (!(_tcschr(options, c) || c == _T('\3')) || !c); ConOutChar(_T('\n')); if (c == options[1]) { bCtrlBreak = FALSE; /* ignore */ return FALSE; } /* leave all batch files */ bLeaveAll = ((c == options[2]) || (c == _T('\3'))); break; } case BREAK_INPUT: if (!bCtrlBreak) return FALSE; break; } /* state processed */ return TRUE; } /* add new entry for new argument */ BOOL add_entry (LPINT ac, LPTSTR **arg, LPCTSTR entry) { LPTSTR q; LPTSTR *oldarg; q = cmd_alloc ((_tcslen(entry) + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR)); if (!q) { WARN("Cannot allocate memory for q!\n"); return FALSE; } _tcscpy (q, entry); oldarg = *arg; *arg = cmd_realloc (oldarg, (*ac + 2) * sizeof (LPTSTR)); if (!*arg) { WARN("Cannot reallocate memory for arg!\n"); *arg = oldarg; cmd_free (q); return FALSE; } /* save new entry */ (*arg)[*ac] = q; (*arg)[++(*ac)] = NULL; return TRUE; } static BOOL expand (LPINT ac, LPTSTR **arg, LPCTSTR pattern) { HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; BOOL ok; LPCTSTR pathend; LPTSTR dirpart, fullname; pathend = _tcsrchr (pattern, _T('\\')); if (NULL != pathend) { dirpart = cmd_alloc((pathend - pattern + 2) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!dirpart) { WARN("Cannot allocate memory for dirpart!\n"); return FALSE; } memcpy(dirpart, pattern, pathend - pattern + 1); dirpart[pathend - pattern + 1] = _T('\0'); } else { dirpart = NULL; } hFind = FindFirstFile (pattern, &FindData); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFind) { do { if (NULL != dirpart) { fullname = cmd_alloc((_tcslen(dirpart) + _tcslen(FindData.cFileName) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!fullname) { WARN("Cannot allocate memory for fullname!\n"); ok = FALSE; } else { _tcscat (_tcscpy (fullname, dirpart), FindData.cFileName); ok = add_entry(ac, arg, fullname); cmd_free (fullname); } } else { ok = add_entry(ac, arg, FindData.cFileName); } } while (FindNextFile (hFind, &FindData) && ok); FindClose (hFind); } else { ok = add_entry(ac, arg, pattern); } if (NULL != dirpart) { cmd_free (dirpart); } return ok; } /* * split - splits a line up into separate arguments, delimiters * are spaces and slashes ('/'). */ LPTSTR *split (LPTSTR s, LPINT args, BOOL expand_wildcards, BOOL handle_plus) { LPTSTR *arg; LPTSTR start; LPTSTR q; INT ac; INT_PTR len; arg = cmd_alloc (sizeof (LPTSTR)); if (!arg) { WARN("Cannot allocate memory for arg!\n"); return NULL; } *arg = NULL; ac = 0; while (*s) { BOOL bQuoted = FALSE; /* skip leading spaces */ while (*s && (_istspace(*s) || _istcntrl(*s))) ++s; start = s; /* the first character can be '/' */ if (*s == _T('/')) ++s; /* skip to next word delimiter or start of next option */ while (_istprint(*s)) { /* if quote (") then set bQuoted */ bQuoted ^= (*s == _T('\"')); /* Check if we have unquoted text */ if (!bQuoted) { /* check for separators */ if (_istspace(*s) || (*s == _T('/')) || (handle_plus && (*s == _T('+')))) { /* Make length at least one character */ if (s == start) s++; break; } } ++s; } /* a word was found */ if (s != start) { q = cmd_alloc (((len = s - start) + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR)); if (!q) { WARN("Cannot allocate memory for q!\n"); return NULL; } memcpy (q, start, len * sizeof (TCHAR)); q[len] = _T('\0'); StripQuotes(q); if (expand_wildcards && (_T('/') != *start) && (NULL != _tcschr(q, _T('*')) || NULL != _tcschr(q, _T('?')))) { if (! expand(&ac, &arg, q)) { cmd_free (q); freep (arg); return NULL; } } else { if (! add_entry(&ac, &arg, q)) { cmd_free (q); freep (arg); return NULL; } } cmd_free (q); } } *args = ac; return arg; } /* * splitspace() is a function which uses JUST spaces as delimiters. split() uses "/" AND spaces. * The way it works is real similar to split(), search the difference ;) * splitspace is needed for commands such as "move" where paths as C:\this/is\allowed/ are allowed */ LPTSTR *splitspace (LPTSTR s, LPINT args) { LPTSTR *arg; LPTSTR start; LPTSTR q; INT ac; INT_PTR len; arg = cmd_alloc (sizeof (LPTSTR)); if (!arg) { WARN("Cannot allocate memory for arg!\n"); return NULL; } *arg = NULL; ac = 0; while (*s) { BOOL bQuoted = FALSE; /* skip leading spaces */ while (*s && (_istspace (*s) || _istcntrl (*s))) ++s; start = s; /* skip to next word delimiter or start of next option */ while (_istprint(*s) && (bQuoted || !_istspace(*s))) { /* if quote (") then set bQuoted */ bQuoted ^= (*s == _T('\"')); ++s; } /* a word was found */ if (s != start) { q = cmd_alloc (((len = s - start) + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR)); if (!q) { WARN("Cannot allocate memory for q!\n"); return NULL; } memcpy (q, start, len * sizeof (TCHAR)); q[len] = _T('\0'); StripQuotes(q); if (! add_entry(&ac, &arg, q)) { cmd_free (q); freep (arg); return NULL; } cmd_free (q); } } *args = ac; return arg; } /* * freep -- frees memory used for a call to split */ VOID freep (LPTSTR *p) { LPTSTR *q; if (!p) return; q = p; while (*q) cmd_free(*q++); cmd_free(p); } LPTSTR _stpcpy (LPTSTR dest, LPCTSTR src) { _tcscpy (dest, src); return (dest + _tcslen (src)); } VOID StripQuotes(TCHAR *in) { TCHAR *out = in; for (; *in; in++) { if (*in != _T('"')) *out++ = *in; } *out = _T('\0'); } /* * Checks if a path is valid (accessible) */ BOOL IsValidPathName (LPCTSTR pszPath) { TCHAR szOldPath[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bResult; GetCurrentDirectory (MAX_PATH, szOldPath); bResult = SetCurrentDirectory (pszPath); SetCurrentDirectory (szOldPath); return bResult; } /* * Checks if a file exists (accessible) */ BOOL IsExistingFile (LPCTSTR pszPath) { DWORD attr = GetFileAttributes (pszPath); return (attr != 0xFFFFFFFF && (! (attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) ); } BOOL IsExistingDirectory (LPCTSTR pszPath) { DWORD attr = GetFileAttributes (pszPath); return (attr != 0xFFFFFFFF && (attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ); } BOOL FileGetString (HANDLE hFile, LPTSTR lpBuffer, INT nBufferLength) { LPSTR lpString; DWORD dwRead; INT len = 0; #ifdef _UNICODE lpString = cmd_alloc(nBufferLength); #else lpString = lpBuffer; #endif if (ReadFile(hFile, lpString, nBufferLength - 1, &dwRead, NULL)) { /* break at new line*/ CHAR *end = memchr(lpString, '\n', dwRead); len = dwRead; if (end) { len = (INT)(end - lpString) + 1; SetFilePointer(hFile, len - dwRead, NULL, FILE_CURRENT); } } if (!len) { #ifdef _UNICODE cmd_free(lpString); #endif return FALSE; } lpString[len++] = '\0'; #ifdef _UNICODE MultiByteToWideChar(OutputCodePage, 0, lpString, -1, lpBuffer, len); cmd_free(lpString); #endif return TRUE; } // See r874 BOOL __stdcall PagePrompt(PCON_PAGER Pager, DWORD Done, DWORD Total) { SHORT iScreenWidth, iCursorY; INPUT_RECORD ir; ConOutResPuts(STRING_MISC_HELP1); RemoveBreakHandler(); ConInDisable(); do { ConInKey(&ir); } while ((ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_SHIFT) || (ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_MENU) || (ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_CONTROL)); AddBreakHandler(); ConInEnable(); /* * Get the screen width, erase the full line where the cursor is, * and move the cursor back to the beginning of the line. */ GetScreenSize(&iScreenWidth, NULL); iCursorY = GetCursorY(); SetCursorXY(0, iCursorY); while (iScreenWidth-- > 0) // Or call FillConsoleOutputCharacter ? ConOutChar(_T(' ')); SetCursorXY(0, iCursorY); if ((ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_ESCAPE) || ((ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == _T('C')) && (ir.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & (LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED | RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED)))) { /* We break, output a newline */ ConOutChar(_T('\n')); bCtrlBreak = TRUE; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } INT FilePromptYN (UINT resID) { TCHAR szMsg[RC_STRING_MAX_SIZE]; // TCHAR cKey = 0; // LPTSTR szKeys = _T("yna"); TCHAR szIn[10]; LPTSTR p; if (resID != 0) ConOutResPrintf (resID); /* preliminary fix */ ConInString(szIn, 10); ConOutChar(_T('\n')); _tcsupr (szIn); for (p = szIn; _istspace (*p); p++) ; LoadString(CMD_ModuleHandle, STRING_CHOICE_OPTION, szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg)); if (_tcsncmp(p, &szMsg[0], 1) == 0) return PROMPT_YES; else if (_tcsncmp(p, &szMsg[1], 1) == 0) return PROMPT_NO; #if 0 else if (*p == _T('\03')) return PROMPT_BREAK; #endif return PROMPT_NO; /* unfinished solution */ #if 0 RemoveBreakHandler(); ConInDisable(); do { ConInKey (&ir); cKey = _totlower (ir.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar); if (_tcschr (szKeys, cKey[0]) == NULL) cKey = 0; } while ((ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_SHIFT) || (ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_MENU) || (ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_CONTROL)); AddBreakHandler(); ConInEnable(); if ((ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_ESCAPE) || ((ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == 'C') && (ir.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & (LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED | RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED)))) return PROMPT_BREAK; return PROMPT_YES; #endif } INT FilePromptYNA (UINT resID) { TCHAR szMsg[RC_STRING_MAX_SIZE]; // TCHAR cKey = 0; // LPTSTR szKeys = _T("yna"); TCHAR szIn[10]; LPTSTR p; if (resID != 0) ConOutResPrintf (resID); /* preliminary fix */ ConInString(szIn, 10); ConOutChar(_T('\n')); _tcsupr (szIn); for (p = szIn; _istspace (*p); p++) ; LoadString( CMD_ModuleHandle, STRING_COPY_OPTION, szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg)); if (_tcsncmp(p, &szMsg[0], 1) == 0) return PROMPT_YES; else if (_tcsncmp(p, &szMsg[1], 1) == 0) return PROMPT_NO; else if (_tcsncmp(p, &szMsg[2], 1) == 0) return PROMPT_ALL; #if 0 else if (*p == _T('\03')) return PROMPT_BREAK; #endif return PROMPT_NO; /* unfinished solution */ #if 0 RemoveBreakHandler(); ConInDisable(); do { ConInKey (&ir); cKey = _totlower (ir.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar); if (_tcschr (szKeys, cKey[0]) == NULL) cKey = 0; } while ((ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_SHIFT) || (ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_MENU) || (ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_CONTROL)); AddBreakHandler(); ConInEnable(); if ((ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_ESCAPE) || ((ir.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == _T('C')) && (ir.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState & (LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED | RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED)))) return PROMPT_BREAK; return PROMPT_YES; #endif } /* EOF */