/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Setup Library * LICENSE: GPL-2.0+ (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0+) * PURPOSE: Partition list functions * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2003-2018 Casper S. Hornstrup (chorns@users.sourceforge.net) */ #include "precomp.h" #include #include "partlist.h" #include "fsutil.h" #define NDEBUG #include //#define DUMP_PARTITION_TABLE #include typedef struct _REG_DISK_MOUNT_INFO { ULONG Signature; LARGE_INTEGER StartingOffset; } REG_DISK_MOUNT_INFO, *PREG_DISK_MOUNT_INFO; #include /* FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************/ #ifdef DUMP_PARTITION_TABLE static VOID DumpPartitionTable( PDISKENTRY DiskEntry) { PPARTITION_INFORMATION PartitionInfo; ULONG i; DbgPrint("\n"); DbgPrint("Index Start Length Hidden Nr Type Boot RW\n"); DbgPrint("----- ------------ ------------ ---------- -- ---- ---- --\n"); for (i = 0; i < DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionCount; i++) { PartitionInfo = &DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[i]; DbgPrint(" %3lu %12I64u %12I64u %10lu %2lu %2x %c %c\n", i, PartitionInfo->StartingOffset.QuadPart / DiskEntry->BytesPerSector, PartitionInfo->PartitionLength.QuadPart / DiskEntry->BytesPerSector, PartitionInfo->HiddenSectors, PartitionInfo->PartitionNumber, PartitionInfo->PartitionType, PartitionInfo->BootIndicator ? '*': ' ', PartitionInfo->RewritePartition ? 'Y': 'N'); } DbgPrint("\n"); } #endif ULONGLONG AlignDown( IN ULONGLONG Value, IN ULONG Alignment) { ULONGLONG Temp; Temp = Value / Alignment; return Temp * Alignment; } ULONGLONG AlignUp( IN ULONGLONG Value, IN ULONG Alignment) { ULONGLONG Temp, Result; Temp = Value / Alignment; Result = Temp * Alignment; if (Value % Alignment) Result += Alignment; return Result; } ULONGLONG RoundingDivide( IN ULONGLONG Dividend, IN ULONGLONG Divisor) { return (Dividend + Divisor / 2) / Divisor; } static VOID GetDriverName( IN PDISKENTRY DiskEntry) { RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE QueryTable[2]; WCHAR KeyName[32]; NTSTATUS Status; RtlInitUnicodeString(&DiskEntry->DriverName, NULL); RtlStringCchPrintfW(KeyName, ARRAYSIZE(KeyName), L"\\Scsi\\Scsi Port %hu", DiskEntry->Port); RtlZeroMemory(&QueryTable, sizeof(QueryTable)); QueryTable[0].Name = L"Driver"; QueryTable[0].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT; QueryTable[0].EntryContext = &DiskEntry->DriverName; Status = RtlQueryRegistryValues(RTL_REGISTRY_DEVICEMAP, KeyName, QueryTable, NULL, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("RtlQueryRegistryValues() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status); } } static VOID AssignDriveLetters( IN PPARTLIST List) { PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; PLIST_ENTRY Entry1; PLIST_ENTRY Entry2; CHAR Letter; Letter = 'C'; /* Assign drive letters to primary partitions */ Entry1 = List->DiskListHead.Flink; while (Entry1 != &List->DiskListHead) { DiskEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry1, DISKENTRY, ListEntry); Entry2 = DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead.Flink; while (Entry2 != &DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry2, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); PartEntry->DriveLetter = 0; if (PartEntry->IsPartitioned && !IsContainerPartition(PartEntry->PartitionType)) { if (IsRecognizedPartition(PartEntry->PartitionType) || (PartEntry->PartitionType == PARTITION_ENTRY_UNUSED && PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart != 0LL)) { if (Letter <= 'Z') { PartEntry->DriveLetter = Letter; Letter++; } } } Entry2 = Entry2->Flink; } Entry1 = Entry1->Flink; } /* Assign drive letters to logical drives */ Entry1 = List->DiskListHead.Flink; while (Entry1 != &List->DiskListHead) { DiskEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry1, DISKENTRY, ListEntry); Entry2 = DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead.Flink; while (Entry2 != &DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry2, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); PartEntry->DriveLetter = 0; if (PartEntry->IsPartitioned) { if (IsRecognizedPartition(PartEntry->PartitionType) || (PartEntry->PartitionType == PARTITION_ENTRY_UNUSED && PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart != 0LL)) { if (Letter <= 'Z') { PartEntry->DriveLetter = Letter; Letter++; } } } Entry2 = Entry2->Flink; } Entry1 = Entry1->Flink; } } static NTSTATUS NTAPI DiskIdentifierQueryRoutine( PWSTR ValueName, ULONG ValueType, PVOID ValueData, ULONG ValueLength, PVOID Context, PVOID EntryContext) { PBIOSDISKENTRY BiosDiskEntry = (PBIOSDISKENTRY)Context; UNICODE_STRING NameU; if (ValueType == REG_SZ && ValueLength == 20 * sizeof(WCHAR)) { NameU.Buffer = (PWCHAR)ValueData; NameU.Length = NameU.MaximumLength = 8 * sizeof(WCHAR); RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(&NameU, 16, &BiosDiskEntry->Checksum); NameU.Buffer = (PWCHAR)ValueData + 9; RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(&NameU, 16, &BiosDiskEntry->Signature); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } static NTSTATUS NTAPI DiskConfigurationDataQueryRoutine( PWSTR ValueName, ULONG ValueType, PVOID ValueData, ULONG ValueLength, PVOID Context, PVOID EntryContext) { PBIOSDISKENTRY BiosDiskEntry = (PBIOSDISKENTRY)Context; PCM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR FullResourceDescriptor; PCM_DISK_GEOMETRY_DEVICE_DATA DiskGeometry; ULONG i; if (ValueType != REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR || ValueLength < sizeof(CM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR)) return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; FullResourceDescriptor = (PCM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR)ValueData; /* Hm. Version and Revision are not set on Microsoft Windows XP... */ #if 0 if (FullResourceDescriptor->PartialResourceList.Version != 1 || FullResourceDescriptor->PartialResourceList.Revision != 1) return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; #endif for (i = 0; i < FullResourceDescriptor->PartialResourceList.Count; i++) { if (FullResourceDescriptor->PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[i].Type != CmResourceTypeDeviceSpecific || FullResourceDescriptor->PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[i].u.DeviceSpecificData.DataSize != sizeof(CM_DISK_GEOMETRY_DEVICE_DATA)) continue; DiskGeometry = (PCM_DISK_GEOMETRY_DEVICE_DATA)&FullResourceDescriptor->PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[i + 1]; BiosDiskEntry->DiskGeometry = *DiskGeometry; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } static NTSTATUS NTAPI SystemConfigurationDataQueryRoutine( PWSTR ValueName, ULONG ValueType, PVOID ValueData, ULONG ValueLength, PVOID Context, PVOID EntryContext) { PCM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR FullResourceDescriptor; PCM_INT13_DRIVE_PARAMETER* Int13Drives = (PCM_INT13_DRIVE_PARAMETER*)Context; ULONG i; if (ValueType != REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR || ValueLength < sizeof(CM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR)) return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; FullResourceDescriptor = (PCM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR)ValueData; /* Hm. Version and Revision are not set on Microsoft Windows XP... */ #if 0 if (FullResourceDescriptor->PartialResourceList.Version != 1 || FullResourceDescriptor->PartialResourceList.Revision != 1) return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; #endif for (i = 0; i < FullResourceDescriptor->PartialResourceList.Count; i++) { if (FullResourceDescriptor->PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[i].Type != CmResourceTypeDeviceSpecific || FullResourceDescriptor->PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[i].u.DeviceSpecificData.DataSize % sizeof(CM_INT13_DRIVE_PARAMETER) != 0) continue; *Int13Drives = (CM_INT13_DRIVE_PARAMETER*)RtlAllocateHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, FullResourceDescriptor->PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[i].u.DeviceSpecificData.DataSize); if (*Int13Drives == NULL) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; memcpy(*Int13Drives, &FullResourceDescriptor->PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[i + 1], FullResourceDescriptor->PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[i].u.DeviceSpecificData.DataSize); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } #define ROOT_NAME L"\\Registry\\Machine\\HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\MultifunctionAdapter" static VOID EnumerateBiosDiskEntries( IN PPARTLIST PartList) { RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE QueryTable[3]; WCHAR Name[120]; ULONG AdapterCount; ULONG DiskCount; NTSTATUS Status; PCM_INT13_DRIVE_PARAMETER Int13Drives; PBIOSDISKENTRY BiosDiskEntry; memset(QueryTable, 0, sizeof(QueryTable)); QueryTable[1].Name = L"Configuration Data"; QueryTable[1].QueryRoutine = SystemConfigurationDataQueryRoutine; Int13Drives = NULL; Status = RtlQueryRegistryValues(RTL_REGISTRY_ABSOLUTE, L"\\Registry\\Machine\\HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System", &QueryTable[1], (PVOID)&Int13Drives, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("Unable to query the 'Configuration Data' key in '\\Registry\\Machine\\HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System', status=%lx\n", Status); return; } AdapterCount = 0; while (1) { RtlStringCchPrintfW(Name, ARRAYSIZE(Name), L"%s\\%lu", ROOT_NAME, AdapterCount); Status = RtlQueryRegistryValues(RTL_REGISTRY_ABSOLUTE, Name, &QueryTable[2], NULL, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { break; } RtlStringCchPrintfW(Name, ARRAYSIZE(Name), L"%s\\%lu\\DiskController", ROOT_NAME, AdapterCount); Status = RtlQueryRegistryValues(RTL_REGISTRY_ABSOLUTE, Name, &QueryTable[2], NULL, NULL); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { while (1) { RtlStringCchPrintfW(Name, ARRAYSIZE(Name), L"%s\\%lu\\DiskController\\0", ROOT_NAME, AdapterCount); Status = RtlQueryRegistryValues(RTL_REGISTRY_ABSOLUTE, Name, &QueryTable[2], NULL, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RtlFreeHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, Int13Drives); return; } RtlStringCchPrintfW(Name, ARRAYSIZE(Name), L"%s\\%lu\\DiskController\\0\\DiskPeripheral", ROOT_NAME, AdapterCount); Status = RtlQueryRegistryValues(RTL_REGISTRY_ABSOLUTE, Name, &QueryTable[2], NULL, NULL); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { QueryTable[0].Name = L"Identifier"; QueryTable[0].QueryRoutine = DiskIdentifierQueryRoutine; QueryTable[1].Name = L"Configuration Data"; QueryTable[1].QueryRoutine = DiskConfigurationDataQueryRoutine; DiskCount = 0; while (1) { BiosDiskEntry = (BIOSDISKENTRY*)RtlAllocateHeap(ProcessHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(BIOSDISKENTRY)); if (BiosDiskEntry == NULL) { break; } RtlStringCchPrintfW(Name, ARRAYSIZE(Name), L"%s\\%lu\\DiskController\\0\\DiskPeripheral\\%lu", ROOT_NAME, AdapterCount, DiskCount); Status = RtlQueryRegistryValues(RTL_REGISTRY_ABSOLUTE, Name, QueryTable, (PVOID)BiosDiskEntry, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RtlFreeHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, BiosDiskEntry); break; } BiosDiskEntry->DiskNumber = DiskCount; BiosDiskEntry->Recognized = FALSE; if (DiskCount < Int13Drives[0].NumberDrives) { BiosDiskEntry->Int13DiskData = Int13Drives[DiskCount]; } else { DPRINT1("Didn't find int13 drive datas for disk %u\n", DiskCount); } InsertTailList(&PartList->BiosDiskListHead, &BiosDiskEntry->ListEntry); DPRINT("DiskNumber: %lu\n", BiosDiskEntry->DiskNumber); DPRINT("Signature: %08lx\n", BiosDiskEntry->Signature); DPRINT("Checksum: %08lx\n", BiosDiskEntry->Checksum); DPRINT("BytesPerSector: %lu\n", BiosDiskEntry->DiskGeometry.BytesPerSector); DPRINT("NumberOfCylinders: %lu\n", BiosDiskEntry->DiskGeometry.NumberOfCylinders); DPRINT("NumberOfHeads: %lu\n", BiosDiskEntry->DiskGeometry.NumberOfHeads); DPRINT("DriveSelect: %02x\n", BiosDiskEntry->Int13DiskData.DriveSelect); DPRINT("MaxCylinders: %lu\n", BiosDiskEntry->Int13DiskData.MaxCylinders); DPRINT("SectorsPerTrack: %d\n", BiosDiskEntry->Int13DiskData.SectorsPerTrack); DPRINT("MaxHeads: %d\n", BiosDiskEntry->Int13DiskData.MaxHeads); DPRINT("NumberDrives: %d\n", BiosDiskEntry->Int13DiskData.NumberDrives); DiskCount++; } } RtlFreeHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, Int13Drives); return; } } AdapterCount++; } RtlFreeHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, Int13Drives); } static VOID AddPartitionToDisk( IN ULONG DiskNumber, IN PDISKENTRY DiskEntry, IN ULONG PartitionIndex, IN BOOLEAN LogicalPartition) { PPARTITION_INFORMATION PartitionInfo; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; PartitionInfo = &DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[PartitionIndex]; if (PartitionInfo->PartitionType == PARTITION_ENTRY_UNUSED || ((LogicalPartition != FALSE) && IsContainerPartition(PartitionInfo->PartitionType))) { return; } PartEntry = RtlAllocateHeap(ProcessHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(PARTENTRY)); if (PartEntry == NULL) return; PartEntry->DiskEntry = DiskEntry; PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart = (ULONGLONG)PartitionInfo->StartingOffset.QuadPart / DiskEntry->BytesPerSector; PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart = (ULONGLONG)PartitionInfo->PartitionLength.QuadPart / DiskEntry->BytesPerSector; PartEntry->BootIndicator = PartitionInfo->BootIndicator; PartEntry->PartitionType = PartitionInfo->PartitionType; PartEntry->HiddenSectors = PartitionInfo->HiddenSectors; PartEntry->LogicalPartition = LogicalPartition; PartEntry->IsPartitioned = TRUE; PartEntry->PartitionNumber = PartitionInfo->PartitionNumber; PartEntry->PartitionIndex = PartitionIndex; if (IsContainerPartition(PartEntry->PartitionType)) { PartEntry->FormatState = Unformatted; PartEntry->FileSystem = NULL; if (LogicalPartition == FALSE && DiskEntry->ExtendedPartition == NULL) DiskEntry->ExtendedPartition = PartEntry; } else if (IsRecognizedPartition(PartEntry->PartitionType)) { PartEntry->FileSystem = GetFileSystem(PartEntry); if (PartEntry->FileSystem) PartEntry->FormatState = Preformatted; else PartEntry->FormatState = Unformatted; // PartEntry->FormatState = UnknownFormat; } else { /* Unknown partition, hence unknown partition format (may or may not be actually formatted) */ PartEntry->FormatState = UnknownFormat; } if (LogicalPartition) InsertTailList(&DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead, &PartEntry->ListEntry); else InsertTailList(&DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead, &PartEntry->ListEntry); } static VOID ScanForUnpartitionedDiskSpace( IN PDISKENTRY DiskEntry) { ULONGLONG LastStartSector; ULONGLONG LastSectorCount; ULONGLONG LastUnusedSectorCount; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; PPARTENTRY NewPartEntry; PLIST_ENTRY Entry; DPRINT("ScanForUnpartitionedDiskSpace()\n"); if (IsListEmpty(&DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead)) { DPRINT1("No primary partition!\n"); /* Create a partition entry that represents the empty disk */ NewPartEntry = RtlAllocateHeap(ProcessHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(PARTENTRY)); if (NewPartEntry == NULL) return; NewPartEntry->DiskEntry = DiskEntry; NewPartEntry->IsPartitioned = FALSE; NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart = (ULONGLONG)DiskEntry->SectorAlignment; NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart = AlignDown(DiskEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart, DiskEntry->SectorAlignment) - NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart; DPRINT1("First Sector: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart); DPRINT1("Last Sector: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart - 1); DPRINT1("Total Sectors: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart); NewPartEntry->FormatState = Unformatted; NewPartEntry->FileSystem = NULL; InsertTailList(&DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead, &NewPartEntry->ListEntry); return; } /* Start partition at head 1, cylinder 0 */ LastStartSector = DiskEntry->SectorAlignment; LastSectorCount = 0ULL; LastUnusedSectorCount = 0ULL; Entry = DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead.Flink; while (Entry != &DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); if (PartEntry->PartitionType != PARTITION_ENTRY_UNUSED || PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart != 0ULL) { LastUnusedSectorCount = PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart - (LastStartSector + LastSectorCount); if (PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart > (LastStartSector + LastSectorCount) && LastUnusedSectorCount >= (ULONGLONG)DiskEntry->SectorAlignment) { DPRINT("Unpartitioned disk space %I64u sectors\n", LastUnusedSectorCount); NewPartEntry = RtlAllocateHeap(ProcessHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(PARTENTRY)); if (NewPartEntry == NULL) return; NewPartEntry->DiskEntry = DiskEntry; NewPartEntry->IsPartitioned = FALSE; NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart = LastStartSector + LastSectorCount; NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart = AlignDown(NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + LastUnusedSectorCount, DiskEntry->SectorAlignment) - NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart; DPRINT1("First Sector: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart); DPRINT1("Last Sector: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart - 1); DPRINT1("Total Sectors: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart); NewPartEntry->FormatState = Unformatted; NewPartEntry->FileSystem = NULL; /* Insert the table into the list */ InsertTailList(&PartEntry->ListEntry, &NewPartEntry->ListEntry); } LastStartSector = PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart; LastSectorCount = PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart; } Entry = Entry->Flink; } /* Check for trailing unpartitioned disk space */ if ((LastStartSector + LastSectorCount) < DiskEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart) { LastUnusedSectorCount = AlignDown(DiskEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart - (LastStartSector + LastSectorCount), DiskEntry->SectorAlignment); if (LastUnusedSectorCount >= (ULONGLONG)DiskEntry->SectorAlignment) { DPRINT("Unpartitioned disk space: %I64u sectors\n", LastUnusedSectorCount); NewPartEntry = RtlAllocateHeap(ProcessHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(PARTENTRY)); if (NewPartEntry == NULL) return; NewPartEntry->DiskEntry = DiskEntry; NewPartEntry->IsPartitioned = FALSE; NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart = LastStartSector + LastSectorCount; NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart = AlignDown(NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + LastUnusedSectorCount, DiskEntry->SectorAlignment) - NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart; DPRINT("First Sector: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart); DPRINT("Last Sector: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart - 1); DPRINT("Total Sectors: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart); NewPartEntry->FormatState = Unformatted; NewPartEntry->FileSystem = NULL; /* Append the table to the list */ InsertTailList(&DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead, &NewPartEntry->ListEntry); } } if (DiskEntry->ExtendedPartition != NULL) { if (IsListEmpty(&DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead)) { DPRINT1("No logical partition!\n"); /* Create a partition entry that represents the empty extended partition */ NewPartEntry = RtlAllocateHeap(ProcessHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(PARTENTRY)); if (NewPartEntry == NULL) return; NewPartEntry->DiskEntry = DiskEntry; NewPartEntry->LogicalPartition = TRUE; NewPartEntry->IsPartitioned = FALSE; NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart = DiskEntry->ExtendedPartition->StartSector.QuadPart + (ULONGLONG)DiskEntry->SectorAlignment; NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart = DiskEntry->ExtendedPartition->SectorCount.QuadPart - (ULONGLONG)DiskEntry->SectorAlignment; DPRINT1("First Sector: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart); DPRINT1("Last Sector: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart - 1); DPRINT1("Total Sectors: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart); NewPartEntry->FormatState = Unformatted; NewPartEntry->FileSystem = NULL; InsertTailList(&DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead, &NewPartEntry->ListEntry); return; } /* Start partition at head 1, cylinder 0 */ LastStartSector = DiskEntry->ExtendedPartition->StartSector.QuadPart + (ULONGLONG)DiskEntry->SectorAlignment; LastSectorCount = 0ULL; LastUnusedSectorCount = 0ULL; Entry = DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead.Flink; while (Entry != &DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); if (PartEntry->PartitionType != PARTITION_ENTRY_UNUSED || PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart != 0ULL) { LastUnusedSectorCount = PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart - (ULONGLONG)DiskEntry->SectorAlignment - (LastStartSector + LastSectorCount); if ((PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart - (ULONGLONG)DiskEntry->SectorAlignment) > (LastStartSector + LastSectorCount) && LastUnusedSectorCount >= (ULONGLONG)DiskEntry->SectorAlignment) { DPRINT("Unpartitioned disk space %I64u sectors\n", LastUnusedSectorCount); NewPartEntry = RtlAllocateHeap(ProcessHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(PARTENTRY)); if (NewPartEntry == NULL) return; NewPartEntry->DiskEntry = DiskEntry; NewPartEntry->LogicalPartition = TRUE; NewPartEntry->IsPartitioned = FALSE; NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart = LastStartSector + LastSectorCount; NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart = AlignDown(NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + LastUnusedSectorCount, DiskEntry->SectorAlignment) - NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart; DPRINT("First Sector: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart); DPRINT("Last Sector: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart - 1); DPRINT("Total Sectors: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart); NewPartEntry->FormatState = Unformatted; NewPartEntry->FileSystem = NULL; /* Insert the table into the list */ InsertTailList(&PartEntry->ListEntry, &NewPartEntry->ListEntry); } LastStartSector = PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart; LastSectorCount = PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart; } Entry = Entry->Flink; } /* Check for trailing unpartitioned disk space */ if ((LastStartSector + LastSectorCount) < DiskEntry->ExtendedPartition->StartSector.QuadPart + DiskEntry->ExtendedPartition->SectorCount.QuadPart) { LastUnusedSectorCount = AlignDown(DiskEntry->ExtendedPartition->StartSector.QuadPart + DiskEntry->ExtendedPartition->SectorCount.QuadPart - (LastStartSector + LastSectorCount), DiskEntry->SectorAlignment); if (LastUnusedSectorCount >= (ULONGLONG)DiskEntry->SectorAlignment) { DPRINT("Unpartitioned disk space: %I64u sectors\n", LastUnusedSectorCount); NewPartEntry = RtlAllocateHeap(ProcessHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(PARTENTRY)); if (NewPartEntry == NULL) return; NewPartEntry->DiskEntry = DiskEntry; NewPartEntry->LogicalPartition = TRUE; NewPartEntry->IsPartitioned = FALSE; NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart = LastStartSector + LastSectorCount; NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart = AlignDown(NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + LastUnusedSectorCount, DiskEntry->SectorAlignment) - NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart; DPRINT("First Sector: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart); DPRINT("Last Sector: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart - 1); DPRINT("Total Sectors: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart); NewPartEntry->FormatState = Unformatted; NewPartEntry->FileSystem = NULL; /* Append the table to the list */ InsertTailList(&DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead, &NewPartEntry->ListEntry); } } } DPRINT("ScanForUnpartitionedDiskSpace() done\n"); } static VOID SetDiskSignature( IN PPARTLIST List, IN PDISKENTRY DiskEntry) { LARGE_INTEGER SystemTime; TIME_FIELDS TimeFields; PLIST_ENTRY Entry2; PDISKENTRY DiskEntry2; PUCHAR Buffer; Buffer = (PUCHAR)&DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->Signature; while (1) { NtQuerySystemTime(&SystemTime); RtlTimeToTimeFields(&SystemTime, &TimeFields); Buffer[0] = (UCHAR)(TimeFields.Year & 0xFF) + (UCHAR)(TimeFields.Hour & 0xFF); Buffer[1] = (UCHAR)(TimeFields.Year >> 8) + (UCHAR)(TimeFields.Minute & 0xFF); Buffer[2] = (UCHAR)(TimeFields.Month & 0xFF) + (UCHAR)(TimeFields.Second & 0xFF); Buffer[3] = (UCHAR)(TimeFields.Day & 0xFF) + (UCHAR)(TimeFields.Milliseconds & 0xFF); if (DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->Signature == 0) { continue; } /* check if the signature already exist */ /* FIXME: * Check also signatures from disks, which are * not visible (bootable) by the bios. */ Entry2 = List->DiskListHead.Flink; while (Entry2 != &List->DiskListHead) { DiskEntry2 = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry2, DISKENTRY, ListEntry); if (DiskEntry != DiskEntry2 && DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->Signature == DiskEntry2->LayoutBuffer->Signature) break; Entry2 = Entry2->Flink; } if (Entry2 == &List->DiskListHead) break; } } static VOID UpdateDiskSignatures( IN PPARTLIST List) { PLIST_ENTRY Entry; PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; /* Print partition lines */ Entry = List->DiskListHead.Flink; while (Entry != &List->DiskListHead) { DiskEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, DISKENTRY, ListEntry); if (DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer && DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->Signature == 0) { SetDiskSignature(List, DiskEntry); DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[0].RewritePartition = TRUE; } Entry = Entry->Flink; } } static VOID AddDiskToList( IN HANDLE FileHandle, IN ULONG DiskNumber, IN PPARTLIST List) { DISK_GEOMETRY DiskGeometry; SCSI_ADDRESS ScsiAddress; PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; IO_STATUS_BLOCK Iosb; NTSTATUS Status; PPARTITION_SECTOR Mbr; PULONG Buffer; LARGE_INTEGER FileOffset; WCHAR Identifier[20]; ULONG Checksum; ULONG Signature; ULONG i; PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; PBIOSDISKENTRY BiosDiskEntry; ULONG LayoutBufferSize; PDRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION NewLayoutBuffer; Status = NtDeviceIoControlFile(FileHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &Iosb, IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY, NULL, 0, &DiskGeometry, sizeof(DISK_GEOMETRY)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return; if (DiskGeometry.MediaType != FixedMedia && DiskGeometry.MediaType != RemovableMedia) { return; } Status = NtDeviceIoControlFile(FileHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &Iosb, IOCTL_SCSI_GET_ADDRESS, NULL, 0, &ScsiAddress, sizeof(SCSI_ADDRESS)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return; /* * Check whether the disk is initialized, by looking at its MBR. * NOTE that this must be generalized to GPT disks as well! */ Mbr = (PARTITION_SECTOR*)RtlAllocateHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, DiskGeometry.BytesPerSector); if (Mbr == NULL) return; FileOffset.QuadPart = 0; Status = NtReadFile(FileHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &Iosb, (PVOID)Mbr, DiskGeometry.BytesPerSector, &FileOffset, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RtlFreeHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, Mbr); DPRINT1("NtReadFile failed, status=%x\n", Status); return; } Signature = Mbr->Signature; /* Calculate the MBR checksum */ Checksum = 0; Buffer = (PULONG)Mbr; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { Checksum += Buffer[i]; } Checksum = ~Checksum + 1; RtlStringCchPrintfW(Identifier, ARRAYSIZE(Identifier), L"%08x-%08x-A", Checksum, Signature); DPRINT("Identifier: %S\n", Identifier); DiskEntry = RtlAllocateHeap(ProcessHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(DISKENTRY)); if (DiskEntry == NULL) { return; } // DiskEntry->Checksum = Checksum; // DiskEntry->Signature = Signature; DiskEntry->BiosFound = FALSE; /* * Check if this disk has a valid MBR: verify its signature, * and whether its two first bytes are a valid instruction * (related to this, see IsThereAValidBootSector() in partlist.c). */ if (Mbr->Magic != 0xaa55 || (*(PUSHORT)Mbr->BootCode) == 0x0000) DiskEntry->NoMbr = TRUE; else DiskEntry->NoMbr = FALSE; /* Free the MBR sector buffer */ RtlFreeHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, Mbr); ListEntry = List->BiosDiskListHead.Flink; while (ListEntry != &List->BiosDiskListHead) { BiosDiskEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, BIOSDISKENTRY, ListEntry); /* FIXME: * Compare the size from bios and the reported size from driver. * If we have more than one disk with a zero or with the same signature * we must create new signatures and reboot. After the reboot, * it is possible to identify the disks. */ if (BiosDiskEntry->Signature == Signature && BiosDiskEntry->Checksum == Checksum && !BiosDiskEntry->Recognized) { if (!DiskEntry->BiosFound) { DiskEntry->BiosDiskNumber = BiosDiskEntry->DiskNumber; DiskEntry->BiosFound = TRUE; BiosDiskEntry->Recognized = TRUE; } else { } } ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink; } if (!DiskEntry->BiosFound) { #if 0 RtlFreeHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, DiskEntry); return; #else DPRINT1("WARNING: Setup could not find a matching BIOS disk entry. Disk %d is not be bootable by the BIOS!\n", DiskNumber); #endif } InitializeListHead(&DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead); InitializeListHead(&DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead); DiskEntry->Cylinders = DiskGeometry.Cylinders.QuadPart; DiskEntry->TracksPerCylinder = DiskGeometry.TracksPerCylinder; DiskEntry->SectorsPerTrack = DiskGeometry.SectorsPerTrack; DiskEntry->BytesPerSector = DiskGeometry.BytesPerSector; DPRINT("Cylinders %I64u\n", DiskEntry->Cylinders); DPRINT("TracksPerCylinder %lu\n", DiskEntry->TracksPerCylinder); DPRINT("SectorsPerTrack %lu\n", DiskEntry->SectorsPerTrack); DPRINT("BytesPerSector %lu\n", DiskEntry->BytesPerSector); DiskEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart = DiskGeometry.Cylinders.QuadPart * (ULONGLONG)DiskGeometry.TracksPerCylinder * (ULONGLONG)DiskGeometry.SectorsPerTrack; DiskEntry->SectorAlignment = DiskGeometry.SectorsPerTrack; DiskEntry->CylinderAlignment = DiskGeometry.TracksPerCylinder * DiskGeometry.SectorsPerTrack; DPRINT("SectorCount %I64u\n", DiskEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart); DPRINT("SectorAlignment %lu\n", DiskEntry->SectorAlignment); DiskEntry->DiskNumber = DiskNumber; DiskEntry->Port = ScsiAddress.PortNumber; DiskEntry->Bus = ScsiAddress.PathId; DiskEntry->Id = ScsiAddress.TargetId; GetDriverName(DiskEntry); /* * Actually it would be more correct somehow to use: * * OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION NameInfo; // ObjectNameInfo; * ULONG ReturnedLength; * * Status = NtQueryObject(SomeHandleToTheDisk, * ObjectNameInformation, * &NameInfo, * sizeof(NameInfo), * &ReturnedLength); * etc... * * See examples in https://git.reactos.org/?p=reactos.git;a=blob;f=reactos/ntoskrnl/io/iomgr/error.c;hb=2f3a93ee9cec8322a86bf74b356f1ad83fc912dc#l267 */ InsertAscendingList(&List->DiskListHead, DiskEntry, DISKENTRY, ListEntry, DiskNumber); /* Allocate a layout buffer with 4 partition entries first */ LayoutBufferSize = sizeof(DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION) + ((4 - ANYSIZE_ARRAY) * sizeof(PARTITION_INFORMATION)); DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer = RtlAllocateHeap(ProcessHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, LayoutBufferSize); if (DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer == NULL) { DPRINT1("Failed to allocate the disk layout buffer!\n"); return; } for (;;) { DPRINT1("Buffer size: %lu\n", LayoutBufferSize); Status = NtDeviceIoControlFile(FileHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &Iosb, IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_LAYOUT, NULL, 0, DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer, LayoutBufferSize); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) break; if (Status != STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { DPRINT1("NtDeviceIoControlFile() failed (Status: 0x%08lx)\n", Status); return; } LayoutBufferSize += 4 * sizeof(PARTITION_INFORMATION); NewLayoutBuffer = RtlReAllocateHeap(ProcessHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer, LayoutBufferSize); if (NewLayoutBuffer == NULL) { DPRINT1("Failed to reallocate the disk layout buffer!\n"); return; } DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer = NewLayoutBuffer; } DPRINT1("PartitionCount: %lu\n", DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionCount); #ifdef DUMP_PARTITION_TABLE DumpPartitionTable(DiskEntry); #endif if (DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[0].StartingOffset.QuadPart != 0 && DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[0].PartitionLength.QuadPart != 0 && DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[0].PartitionType != PARTITION_ENTRY_UNUSED) { if ((DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[0].StartingOffset.QuadPart / DiskEntry->BytesPerSector) % DiskEntry->SectorsPerTrack == 0) { DPRINT("Use %lu Sector alignment!\n", DiskEntry->SectorsPerTrack); } else if (DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[0].StartingOffset.QuadPart % (1024 * 1024) == 0) { DPRINT1("Use megabyte (%lu Sectors) alignment!\n", (1024 * 1024) / DiskEntry->BytesPerSector); } else { DPRINT1("No matching alignment found! Partition 1 starts at %I64u\n", DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[0].StartingOffset.QuadPart); } } else { DPRINT1("No valid partition table found! Use megabyte (%lu Sectors) alignment!\n", (1024 * 1024) / DiskEntry->BytesPerSector); } if (DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionCount == 0) { DiskEntry->NewDisk = TRUE; DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionCount = 4; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[i].RewritePartition = TRUE; } else { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { AddPartitionToDisk(DiskNumber, DiskEntry, i, FALSE); } for (i = 4; i < DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionCount; i += 4) { AddPartitionToDisk(DiskNumber, DiskEntry, i, TRUE); } } ScanForUnpartitionedDiskSpace(DiskEntry); } PPARTLIST CreatePartitionList(VOID) { PPARTLIST List; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; SYSTEM_DEVICE_INFORMATION Sdi; IO_STATUS_BLOCK Iosb; ULONG ReturnSize; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG DiskNumber; WCHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH]; UNICODE_STRING Name; HANDLE FileHandle; List = (PPARTLIST)RtlAllocateHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, sizeof(PARTLIST)); if (List == NULL) return NULL; List->CurrentDisk = NULL; List->CurrentPartition = NULL; List->SystemPartition = NULL; List->OriginalSystemPartition = NULL; InitializeListHead(&List->DiskListHead); InitializeListHead(&List->BiosDiskListHead); EnumerateBiosDiskEntries(List); Status = NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemDeviceInformation, &Sdi, sizeof(Sdi), &ReturnSize); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("NtQuerySystemInformation() failed, Status 0x%08lx", Status); RtlFreeHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, List); return NULL; } for (DiskNumber = 0; DiskNumber < Sdi.NumberOfDisks; DiskNumber++) { RtlStringCchPrintfW(Buffer, ARRAYSIZE(Buffer), L"\\Device\\Harddisk%lu\\Partition0", DiskNumber); RtlInitUnicodeString(&Name, Buffer); InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &Name, 0, NULL, NULL); Status = NtOpenFile(&FileHandle, FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | SYNCHRONIZE, &ObjectAttributes, &Iosb, FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { AddDiskToList(FileHandle, DiskNumber, List); NtClose(FileHandle); } } UpdateDiskSignatures(List); AssignDriveLetters(List); /* Search for first usable disk and partition */ if (IsListEmpty(&List->DiskListHead)) { List->CurrentDisk = NULL; List->CurrentPartition = NULL; } else { List->CurrentDisk = CONTAINING_RECORD(List->DiskListHead.Flink, DISKENTRY, ListEntry); if (IsListEmpty(&List->CurrentDisk->PrimaryPartListHead)) { List->CurrentPartition = NULL; } else { List->CurrentPartition = CONTAINING_RECORD(List->CurrentDisk->PrimaryPartListHead.Flink, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); } } return List; } VOID DestroyPartitionList( IN PPARTLIST List) { PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PBIOSDISKENTRY BiosDiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; PLIST_ENTRY Entry; /* Release disk and partition info */ while (!IsListEmpty(&List->DiskListHead)) { Entry = RemoveHeadList(&List->DiskListHead); DiskEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, DISKENTRY, ListEntry); /* Release driver name */ RtlFreeUnicodeString(&DiskEntry->DriverName); /* Release primary partition list */ while (!IsListEmpty(&DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead)) { Entry = RemoveHeadList(&DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead); PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); RtlFreeHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, PartEntry); } /* Release logical partition list */ while (!IsListEmpty(&DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead)) { Entry = RemoveHeadList(&DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead); PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); RtlFreeHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, PartEntry); } /* Release layout buffer */ if (DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer != NULL) RtlFreeHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer); /* Release disk entry */ RtlFreeHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, DiskEntry); } /* Release the bios disk info */ while (!IsListEmpty(&List->BiosDiskListHead)) { Entry = RemoveHeadList(&List->BiosDiskListHead); BiosDiskEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, BIOSDISKENTRY, ListEntry); RtlFreeHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, BiosDiskEntry); } /* Release list head */ RtlFreeHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, List); } PDISKENTRY GetDiskByBiosNumber( IN PPARTLIST List, IN ULONG BiosDiskNumber) { PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PLIST_ENTRY Entry; /* Loop over the disks and find the correct one */ Entry = List->DiskListHead.Flink; while (Entry != &List->DiskListHead) { DiskEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, DISKENTRY, ListEntry); Entry = Entry->Flink; if (DiskEntry->BiosDiskNumber == BiosDiskNumber) { /* Disk found */ return DiskEntry; } } /* Disk not found, stop there */ return NULL; } PDISKENTRY GetDiskByNumber( IN PPARTLIST List, IN ULONG DiskNumber) { PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PLIST_ENTRY Entry; /* Loop over the disks and find the correct one */ Entry = List->DiskListHead.Flink; while (Entry != &List->DiskListHead) { DiskEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, DISKENTRY, ListEntry); Entry = Entry->Flink; if (DiskEntry->DiskNumber == DiskNumber) { /* Disk found */ return DiskEntry; } } /* Disk not found, stop there */ return NULL; } PDISKENTRY GetDiskBySCSI( IN PPARTLIST List, IN USHORT Port, IN USHORT Bus, IN USHORT Id) { PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PLIST_ENTRY Entry; /* Loop over the disks and find the correct one */ Entry = List->DiskListHead.Flink; while (Entry != &List->DiskListHead) { DiskEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, DISKENTRY, ListEntry); Entry = Entry->Flink; if (DiskEntry->Port == Port && DiskEntry->Bus == Bus && DiskEntry->Id == Id) { /* Disk found */ return DiskEntry; } } /* Disk not found, stop there */ return NULL; } PDISKENTRY GetDiskBySignature( IN PPARTLIST List, IN ULONG Signature) { PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PLIST_ENTRY Entry; /* Loop over the disks and find the correct one */ Entry = List->DiskListHead.Flink; while (Entry != &List->DiskListHead) { DiskEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, DISKENTRY, ListEntry); Entry = Entry->Flink; if (DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->Signature == Signature) { /* Disk found */ return DiskEntry; } } /* Disk not found, stop there */ return NULL; } PPARTENTRY GetPartition( // IN PPARTLIST List, IN PDISKENTRY DiskEntry, IN ULONG PartitionNumber) { PPARTENTRY PartEntry; PLIST_ENTRY Entry; /* Disk found, loop over the primary partitions first... */ Entry = DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead.Flink; while (Entry != &DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); Entry = Entry->Flink; if (PartEntry->PartitionNumber == PartitionNumber) { /* Partition found */ return PartEntry; } } /* ... then over the logical partitions if needed */ Entry = DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead.Flink; while (Entry != &DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); Entry = Entry->Flink; if (PartEntry->PartitionNumber == PartitionNumber) { /* Partition found */ return PartEntry; } } /* The partition was not found on the disk, stop there */ return NULL; } BOOLEAN GetDiskOrPartition( IN PPARTLIST List, IN ULONG DiskNumber, IN ULONG PartitionNumber OPTIONAL, OUT PDISKENTRY* pDiskEntry, OUT PPARTENTRY* pPartEntry OPTIONAL) { PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry = NULL; /* Find the disk */ DiskEntry = GetDiskByNumber(List, DiskNumber); if (!DiskEntry) return FALSE; /* If we have a partition (PartitionNumber != 0), find it */ if (PartitionNumber != 0) { PartEntry = GetPartition(/*List,*/ DiskEntry, PartitionNumber); if (!PartEntry) return FALSE; ASSERT(PartEntry->DiskEntry == DiskEntry); } /* Return the disk (and optionally the partition) */ *pDiskEntry = DiskEntry; if (pPartEntry) *pPartEntry = PartEntry; return TRUE; } // // NOTE: Was introduced broken in r6258 by Casper // BOOLEAN SelectPartition( IN PPARTLIST List, IN ULONG DiskNumber, IN ULONG PartitionNumber) { PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; DiskEntry = GetDiskByNumber(List, DiskNumber); if (!DiskEntry) return FALSE; PartEntry = GetPartition(/*List,*/ DiskEntry, PartitionNumber); if (!PartEntry) return FALSE; ASSERT(PartEntry->DiskEntry == DiskEntry); ASSERT(DiskEntry->DiskNumber == DiskNumber); ASSERT(PartEntry->PartitionNumber == PartitionNumber); List->CurrentDisk = DiskEntry; List->CurrentPartition = PartEntry; return TRUE; } PPARTENTRY GetNextPartition( IN PPARTLIST List) { PLIST_ENTRY DiskListEntry; PLIST_ENTRY PartListEntry; PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; /* Fail if no disks are available */ if (IsListEmpty(&List->DiskListHead)) return NULL; /* Check for next usable entry on current disk */ if (List->CurrentPartition != NULL) { if (List->CurrentPartition->LogicalPartition) { /* Logical partition */ PartListEntry = List->CurrentPartition->ListEntry.Flink; if (PartListEntry != &List->CurrentDisk->LogicalPartListHead) { /* Next logical partition */ PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(PartListEntry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); List->CurrentPartition = PartEntry; return List->CurrentPartition; } else { PartListEntry = List->CurrentDisk->ExtendedPartition->ListEntry.Flink; if (PartListEntry != &List->CurrentDisk->PrimaryPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(PartListEntry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); List->CurrentPartition = PartEntry; return List->CurrentPartition; } } } else { /* Primary or extended partition */ if ((List->CurrentPartition->IsPartitioned != FALSE) && IsContainerPartition(List->CurrentPartition->PartitionType)) { /* First logical partition */ PartListEntry = List->CurrentDisk->LogicalPartListHead.Flink; if (PartListEntry != &List->CurrentDisk->LogicalPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(PartListEntry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); List->CurrentPartition = PartEntry; return List->CurrentPartition; } } else { /* Next primary partition */ PartListEntry = List->CurrentPartition->ListEntry.Flink; if (PartListEntry != &List->CurrentDisk->PrimaryPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(PartListEntry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); List->CurrentPartition = PartEntry; return List->CurrentPartition; } } } } /* Search for the first partition entry on the next disk */ DiskListEntry = List->CurrentDisk->ListEntry.Flink; while (DiskListEntry != &List->DiskListHead) { DiskEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(DiskListEntry, DISKENTRY, ListEntry); PartListEntry = DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead.Flink; if (PartListEntry != &DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(PartListEntry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); List->CurrentDisk = DiskEntry; List->CurrentPartition = PartEntry; return List->CurrentPartition; } DiskListEntry = DiskListEntry->Flink; } return NULL; } PPARTENTRY GetPrevPartition( IN PPARTLIST List) { PLIST_ENTRY DiskListEntry; PLIST_ENTRY PartListEntry; PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; /* Fail if no disks are available */ if (IsListEmpty(&List->DiskListHead)) return NULL; /* Check for previous usable entry on current disk */ if (List->CurrentPartition != NULL) { if (List->CurrentPartition->LogicalPartition) { /* Logical partition */ PartListEntry = List->CurrentPartition->ListEntry.Blink; if (PartListEntry != &List->CurrentDisk->LogicalPartListHead) { /* Previous logical partition */ PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(PartListEntry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); } else { /* Extended partition */ PartEntry = List->CurrentDisk->ExtendedPartition; } List->CurrentPartition = PartEntry; return List->CurrentPartition; } else { /* Primary or extended partition */ PartListEntry = List->CurrentPartition->ListEntry.Blink; if (PartListEntry != &List->CurrentDisk->PrimaryPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(PartListEntry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); if ((PartEntry->IsPartitioned != FALSE) && IsContainerPartition(PartEntry->PartitionType)) { PartListEntry = List->CurrentDisk->LogicalPartListHead.Blink; PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(PartListEntry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); } List->CurrentPartition = PartEntry; return List->CurrentPartition; } } } /* Search for the last partition entry on the previous disk */ DiskListEntry = List->CurrentDisk->ListEntry.Blink; while (DiskListEntry != &List->DiskListHead) { DiskEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(DiskListEntry, DISKENTRY, ListEntry); PartListEntry = DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead.Blink; if (PartListEntry != &DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(PartListEntry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); if ((PartEntry->IsPartitioned != FALSE) && IsContainerPartition(PartEntry->PartitionType)) { PartListEntry = DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead.Blink; if (PartListEntry != &DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(PartListEntry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); List->CurrentDisk = DiskEntry; List->CurrentPartition = PartEntry; return List->CurrentPartition; } } else { List->CurrentDisk = DiskEntry; List->CurrentPartition = PartEntry; return List->CurrentPartition; } } DiskListEntry = DiskListEntry->Blink; } return NULL; } static BOOLEAN IsEmptyLayoutEntry( IN PPARTITION_INFORMATION PartitionInfo) { if (PartitionInfo->StartingOffset.QuadPart == 0 && PartitionInfo->PartitionLength.QuadPart == 0) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static BOOLEAN IsSamePrimaryLayoutEntry( IN PPARTITION_INFORMATION PartitionInfo, IN PDISKENTRY DiskEntry, IN PPARTENTRY PartEntry) { if (PartitionInfo->StartingOffset.QuadPart == PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector && PartitionInfo->PartitionLength.QuadPart == PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector) // PartitionInfo->PartitionNumber = PartEntry->PartitionNumber && // PartitionInfo->PartitionType == PartEntry->PartitionType { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static ULONG GetPrimaryPartitionCount( IN PDISKENTRY DiskEntry) { PLIST_ENTRY Entry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; ULONG Count = 0; Entry = DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead.Flink; while (Entry != &DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); if (PartEntry->IsPartitioned) Count++; Entry = Entry->Flink; } return Count; } static ULONG GetLogicalPartitionCount( IN PDISKENTRY DiskEntry) { PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; ULONG Count = 0; ListEntry = DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead.Flink; while (ListEntry != &DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); if (PartEntry->IsPartitioned) Count++; ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink; } return Count; } static BOOLEAN ReAllocateLayoutBuffer( IN PDISKENTRY DiskEntry) { PDRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION NewLayoutBuffer; ULONG NewPartitionCount; ULONG CurrentPartitionCount = 0; ULONG LayoutBufferSize; ULONG i; DPRINT1("ReAllocateLayoutBuffer()\n"); NewPartitionCount = 4 + GetLogicalPartitionCount(DiskEntry) * 4; if (DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer) CurrentPartitionCount = DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionCount; DPRINT1("CurrentPartitionCount: %lu NewPartitionCount: %lu\n", CurrentPartitionCount, NewPartitionCount); if (CurrentPartitionCount == NewPartitionCount) return TRUE; LayoutBufferSize = sizeof(DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION) + ((NewPartitionCount - ANYSIZE_ARRAY) * sizeof(PARTITION_INFORMATION)); NewLayoutBuffer = RtlReAllocateHeap(ProcessHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer, LayoutBufferSize); if (NewLayoutBuffer == NULL) { DPRINT1("Failed to allocate the new layout buffer (size: %lu)\n", LayoutBufferSize); return FALSE; } /* If the layout buffer grows, make sure the new (empty) entries are written to the disk */ if (NewPartitionCount > CurrentPartitionCount) { for (i = CurrentPartitionCount; i < NewPartitionCount; i++) NewLayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[i].RewritePartition = TRUE; } DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer = NewLayoutBuffer; DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionCount = NewPartitionCount; return TRUE; } static VOID UpdateDiskLayout( IN PDISKENTRY DiskEntry) { PPARTITION_INFORMATION PartitionInfo; PPARTITION_INFORMATION LinkInfo = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; LARGE_INTEGER HiddenSectors64; ULONG Index; ULONG PartitionNumber = 1; DPRINT1("UpdateDiskLayout()\n"); /* Resize the layout buffer if necessary */ if (ReAllocateLayoutBuffer(DiskEntry) == FALSE) { DPRINT("ReAllocateLayoutBuffer() failed.\n"); return; } /* Update the primary partition table */ Index = 0; ListEntry = DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead.Flink; while (ListEntry != &DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); if (PartEntry->IsPartitioned != FALSE) { PartitionInfo = &DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[Index]; if (!IsSamePrimaryLayoutEntry(PartitionInfo, DiskEntry, PartEntry)) { DPRINT1("Updating primary partition entry %lu\n", Index); PartitionInfo->StartingOffset.QuadPart = PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector; PartitionInfo->PartitionLength.QuadPart = PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector; PartitionInfo->HiddenSectors = PartEntry->StartSector.LowPart; PartitionInfo->PartitionNumber = (!IsContainerPartition(PartEntry->PartitionType)) ? PartitionNumber : 0; PartitionInfo->PartitionType = PartEntry->PartitionType; PartitionInfo->BootIndicator = PartEntry->BootIndicator; PartitionInfo->RecognizedPartition = FALSE; PartitionInfo->RewritePartition = TRUE; } PartEntry->PartitionNumber = (!IsContainerPartition(PartEntry->PartitionType)) ? PartitionNumber : 0; PartEntry->PartitionIndex = Index; if (!IsContainerPartition(PartEntry->PartitionType)) PartitionNumber++; Index++; } ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink; } /* Update the logical partition table */ Index = 4; ListEntry = DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead.Flink; while (ListEntry != &DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); if (PartEntry->IsPartitioned) { PartitionInfo = &DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[Index]; DPRINT1("Updating logical partition entry %lu\n", Index); PartitionInfo->StartingOffset.QuadPart = PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector; PartitionInfo->PartitionLength.QuadPart = PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector; PartitionInfo->HiddenSectors = DiskEntry->SectorAlignment; PartitionInfo->PartitionNumber = PartitionNumber; PartitionInfo->PartitionType = PartEntry->PartitionType; PartitionInfo->BootIndicator = FALSE; PartitionInfo->RecognizedPartition = FALSE; PartitionInfo->RewritePartition = TRUE; PartEntry->PartitionNumber = PartitionNumber; PartEntry->PartitionIndex = Index; /* Fill the link entry of the previous partition entry */ if (LinkInfo != NULL) { LinkInfo->StartingOffset.QuadPart = (PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart - DiskEntry->SectorAlignment) * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector; LinkInfo->PartitionLength.QuadPart = (PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + DiskEntry->SectorAlignment) * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector; HiddenSectors64.QuadPart = PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart - DiskEntry->SectorAlignment - DiskEntry->ExtendedPartition->StartSector.QuadPart; LinkInfo->HiddenSectors = HiddenSectors64.LowPart; LinkInfo->PartitionNumber = 0; LinkInfo->PartitionType = PARTITION_EXTENDED; LinkInfo->BootIndicator = FALSE; LinkInfo->RecognizedPartition = FALSE; LinkInfo->RewritePartition = TRUE; } /* Save a pointer to the link entry of the current partition entry */ LinkInfo = &DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[Index + 1]; PartitionNumber++; Index += 4; } ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink; } /* Wipe unused primary partition entries */ for (Index = GetPrimaryPartitionCount(DiskEntry); Index < 4; Index++) { DPRINT1("Primary partition entry %lu\n", Index); PartitionInfo = &DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[Index]; if (!IsEmptyLayoutEntry(PartitionInfo)) { DPRINT1("Wiping primary partition entry %lu\n", Index); PartitionInfo->StartingOffset.QuadPart = 0; PartitionInfo->PartitionLength.QuadPart = 0; PartitionInfo->HiddenSectors = 0; PartitionInfo->PartitionNumber = 0; PartitionInfo->PartitionType = PARTITION_ENTRY_UNUSED; PartitionInfo->BootIndicator = FALSE; PartitionInfo->RecognizedPartition = FALSE; PartitionInfo->RewritePartition = TRUE; } } /* Wipe unused logical partition entries */ for (Index = 4; Index < DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionCount; Index++) { if (Index % 4 >= 2) { DPRINT1("Logical partition entry %lu\n", Index); PartitionInfo = &DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[Index]; if (!IsEmptyLayoutEntry(PartitionInfo)) { DPRINT1("Wiping partition entry %lu\n", Index); PartitionInfo->StartingOffset.QuadPart = 0; PartitionInfo->PartitionLength.QuadPart = 0; PartitionInfo->HiddenSectors = 0; PartitionInfo->PartitionNumber = 0; PartitionInfo->PartitionType = PARTITION_ENTRY_UNUSED; PartitionInfo->BootIndicator = FALSE; PartitionInfo->RecognizedPartition = FALSE; PartitionInfo->RewritePartition = TRUE; } } } #ifdef DUMP_PARTITION_TABLE DumpPartitionTable(DiskEntry); #endif } static PPARTENTRY GetPrevUnpartitionedEntry( IN PDISKENTRY DiskEntry, IN PPARTENTRY PartEntry) { PPARTENTRY PrevPartEntry; PLIST_ENTRY ListHead; if (PartEntry->LogicalPartition) ListHead = &DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead; else ListHead = &DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead; if (PartEntry->ListEntry.Blink != ListHead) { PrevPartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(PartEntry->ListEntry.Blink, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); if (PrevPartEntry->IsPartitioned == FALSE) return PrevPartEntry; } return NULL; } static PPARTENTRY GetNextUnpartitionedEntry( IN PDISKENTRY DiskEntry, IN PPARTENTRY PartEntry) { PPARTENTRY NextPartEntry; PLIST_ENTRY ListHead; if (PartEntry->LogicalPartition) ListHead = &DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead; else ListHead = &DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead; if (PartEntry->ListEntry.Flink != ListHead) { NextPartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(PartEntry->ListEntry.Flink, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); if (NextPartEntry->IsPartitioned == FALSE) return NextPartEntry; } return NULL; } VOID CreatePrimaryPartition( IN PPARTLIST List, IN ULONGLONG SectorCount, IN BOOLEAN AutoCreate) { PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; PPARTENTRY NewPartEntry; DPRINT1("CreatePrimaryPartition(%I64u)\n", SectorCount); if (List == NULL || List->CurrentDisk == NULL || List->CurrentPartition == NULL || List->CurrentPartition->IsPartitioned != FALSE) { return; } DiskEntry = List->CurrentDisk; PartEntry = List->CurrentPartition; DPRINT1("Current partition sector count: %I64u\n", PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart); if ((AutoCreate != FALSE) || (AlignDown(PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + SectorCount, DiskEntry->SectorAlignment) - PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart == PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart)) { DPRINT1("Convert existing partition entry\n"); /* Convert current entry to 'new (unformatted)' */ PartEntry->IsPartitioned = TRUE; PartEntry->PartitionType = PARTITION_ENTRY_UNUSED; PartEntry->FormatState = Unformatted; PartEntry->FileSystem = NULL; PartEntry->AutoCreate = AutoCreate; PartEntry->New = TRUE; PartEntry->BootIndicator = FALSE; DPRINT1("First Sector: %I64u\n", PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart); DPRINT1("Last Sector: %I64u\n", PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart - 1); DPRINT1("Total Sectors: %I64u\n", PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart); } else { DPRINT1("Add new partition entry\n"); /* Insert and initialize a new partition entry */ NewPartEntry = RtlAllocateHeap(ProcessHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(PARTENTRY)); if (NewPartEntry == NULL) return; /* Insert the new entry into the list */ InsertTailList(&PartEntry->ListEntry, &NewPartEntry->ListEntry); NewPartEntry->DiskEntry = DiskEntry; NewPartEntry->IsPartitioned = TRUE; NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart = PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart; NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart = AlignDown(NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + SectorCount, DiskEntry->SectorAlignment) - NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart; NewPartEntry->PartitionType = PARTITION_ENTRY_UNUSED; DPRINT1("First Sector: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart); DPRINT1("Last Sector: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart - 1); DPRINT1("Total Sectors: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart); NewPartEntry->New = TRUE; NewPartEntry->FormatState = Unformatted; NewPartEntry->FileSystem = NULL; NewPartEntry->BootIndicator = FALSE; PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart = NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart; PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart -= (PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart - NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart); } UpdateDiskLayout(DiskEntry); DiskEntry->Dirty = TRUE; AssignDriveLetters(List); } static VOID AddLogicalDiskSpace( IN PDISKENTRY DiskEntry) { PPARTENTRY NewPartEntry; DPRINT1("AddLogicalDiskSpace()\n"); /* Create a partition entry that represents the empty space in the container partition */ NewPartEntry = RtlAllocateHeap(ProcessHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(PARTENTRY)); if (NewPartEntry == NULL) return; NewPartEntry->DiskEntry = DiskEntry; NewPartEntry->LogicalPartition = TRUE; NewPartEntry->IsPartitioned = FALSE; NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart = DiskEntry->ExtendedPartition->StartSector.QuadPart + (ULONGLONG)DiskEntry->SectorAlignment; NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart = DiskEntry->ExtendedPartition->SectorCount.QuadPart - (ULONGLONG)DiskEntry->SectorAlignment; DPRINT1("First Sector: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart); DPRINT1("Last Sector: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart - 1); DPRINT1("Total Sectors: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart); NewPartEntry->FormatState = Unformatted; NewPartEntry->FileSystem = NULL; InsertTailList(&DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead, &NewPartEntry->ListEntry); } VOID CreateExtendedPartition( IN PPARTLIST List, IN ULONGLONG SectorCount) { PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; PPARTENTRY NewPartEntry; DPRINT1("CreateExtendedPartition(%I64u)\n", SectorCount); if (List == NULL || List->CurrentDisk == NULL || List->CurrentPartition == NULL || List->CurrentPartition->IsPartitioned != FALSE) { return; } DiskEntry = List->CurrentDisk; PartEntry = List->CurrentPartition; DPRINT1("Current partition sector count: %I64u\n", PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart); if (AlignDown(PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + SectorCount, DiskEntry->SectorAlignment) - PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart == PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart) { DPRINT1("Convert existing partition entry\n"); /* Convert current entry to 'new (unformatted)' */ PartEntry->IsPartitioned = TRUE; PartEntry->FormatState = Formatted; // FIXME? Possibly to make GetNextUnformattedPartition work (i.e. skip the extended partition container) PartEntry->FileSystem = NULL; PartEntry->AutoCreate = FALSE; PartEntry->New = FALSE; PartEntry->BootIndicator = FALSE; if (PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart < 1450560) { /* Partition starts below the 8.4GB boundary ==> CHS partition */ PartEntry->PartitionType = PARTITION_EXTENDED; } else { /* Partition starts above the 8.4GB boundary ==> LBA partition */ PartEntry->PartitionType = PARTITION_XINT13_EXTENDED; } DiskEntry->ExtendedPartition = PartEntry; DPRINT1("First Sector: %I64u\n", PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart); DPRINT1("Last Sector: %I64u\n", PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart - 1); DPRINT1("Total Sectors: %I64u\n", PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart); } else { DPRINT1("Add new partition entry\n"); /* Insert and initialize a new partition entry */ NewPartEntry = RtlAllocateHeap(ProcessHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(PARTENTRY)); if (NewPartEntry == NULL) return; /* Insert the new entry into the list */ InsertTailList(&PartEntry->ListEntry, &NewPartEntry->ListEntry); NewPartEntry->DiskEntry = DiskEntry; NewPartEntry->IsPartitioned = TRUE; NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart = PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart; NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart = AlignDown(NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + SectorCount, DiskEntry->SectorAlignment) - NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart; NewPartEntry->New = FALSE; NewPartEntry->FormatState = Formatted; // FIXME? Possibly to make GetNextUnformattedPartition work (i.e. skip the extended partition container) NewPartEntry->FileSystem = NULL; NewPartEntry->BootIndicator = FALSE; if (NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart < 1450560) { /* Partition starts below the 8.4GB boundary ==> CHS partition */ NewPartEntry->PartitionType = PARTITION_EXTENDED; } else { /* Partition starts above the 8.4GB boundary ==> LBA partition */ NewPartEntry->PartitionType = PARTITION_XINT13_EXTENDED; } DiskEntry->ExtendedPartition = NewPartEntry; PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart = NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart; PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart -= (PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart - NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart); DPRINT1("First Sector: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart); DPRINT1("Last Sector: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart - 1); DPRINT1("Total Sectors: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart); } AddLogicalDiskSpace(DiskEntry); UpdateDiskLayout(DiskEntry); DiskEntry->Dirty = TRUE; AssignDriveLetters(List); } VOID CreateLogicalPartition( IN PPARTLIST List, IN ULONGLONG SectorCount, IN BOOLEAN AutoCreate) { PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; PPARTENTRY NewPartEntry; DPRINT1("CreateLogicalPartition(%I64u)\n", SectorCount); if (List == NULL || List->CurrentDisk == NULL || List->CurrentPartition == NULL || List->CurrentPartition->IsPartitioned != FALSE) { return; } DiskEntry = List->CurrentDisk; PartEntry = List->CurrentPartition; DPRINT1("Current partition sector count: %I64u\n", PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart); if ((AutoCreate != FALSE) || (AlignDown(PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + SectorCount, DiskEntry->SectorAlignment) - PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart == PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart)) { DPRINT1("Convert existing partition entry\n"); /* Convert current entry to 'new (unformatted)' */ PartEntry->IsPartitioned = TRUE; PartEntry->PartitionType = PARTITION_ENTRY_UNUSED; PartEntry->FormatState = Unformatted; PartEntry->FileSystem = NULL; PartEntry->AutoCreate = FALSE; PartEntry->New = TRUE; PartEntry->BootIndicator = FALSE; PartEntry->LogicalPartition = TRUE; DPRINT1("First Sector: %I64u\n", PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart); DPRINT1("Last Sector: %I64u\n", PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart - 1); DPRINT1("Total Sectors: %I64u\n", PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart); } else { DPRINT1("Add new partition entry\n"); /* Insert and initialize a new partition entry */ NewPartEntry = RtlAllocateHeap(ProcessHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(PARTENTRY)); if (NewPartEntry == NULL) return; /* Insert the new entry into the list */ InsertTailList(&PartEntry->ListEntry, &NewPartEntry->ListEntry); NewPartEntry->DiskEntry = DiskEntry; NewPartEntry->IsPartitioned = TRUE; NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart = PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart; NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart = AlignDown(NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + SectorCount, DiskEntry->SectorAlignment) - NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart; NewPartEntry->PartitionType = PARTITION_ENTRY_UNUSED; DPRINT1("First Sector: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart); DPRINT1("Last Sector: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart - 1); DPRINT1("Total Sectors: %I64u\n", NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart); NewPartEntry->New = TRUE; NewPartEntry->FormatState = Unformatted; NewPartEntry->FileSystem = NULL; NewPartEntry->BootIndicator = FALSE; NewPartEntry->LogicalPartition = TRUE; PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart = NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart + NewPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart; PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart -= (PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart - NewPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart); } UpdateDiskLayout(DiskEntry); DiskEntry->Dirty = TRUE; AssignDriveLetters(List); } VOID DeleteCurrentPartition( IN PPARTLIST List) { PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; PPARTENTRY PrevPartEntry; PPARTENTRY NextPartEntry; PPARTENTRY LogicalPartEntry; PLIST_ENTRY Entry; if (List == NULL || List->CurrentDisk == NULL || List->CurrentPartition == NULL || List->CurrentPartition->IsPartitioned == FALSE) { return; } /* Clear the system disk and partition pointers if the system partition is being deleted */ if (List->SystemPartition == List->CurrentPartition) { List->SystemPartition = NULL; } DiskEntry = List->CurrentDisk; PartEntry = List->CurrentPartition; /* Delete all logical partition entries if an extended partition will be deleted */ if (DiskEntry->ExtendedPartition == PartEntry) { while (!IsListEmpty(&DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead)) { Entry = RemoveHeadList(&DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead); LogicalPartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); RtlFreeHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, LogicalPartEntry); } DiskEntry->ExtendedPartition = NULL; } /* Adjust unpartitioned disk space entries */ /* Get pointer to previous and next unpartitioned entries */ PrevPartEntry = GetPrevUnpartitionedEntry(DiskEntry, PartEntry); NextPartEntry = GetNextUnpartitionedEntry(DiskEntry, PartEntry); if (PrevPartEntry != NULL && NextPartEntry != NULL) { /* Merge previous, current and next unpartitioned entry */ /* Adjust the previous entries length */ PrevPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart += (PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart + NextPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart); /* Remove the current entry */ RemoveEntryList(&PartEntry->ListEntry); RtlFreeHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, PartEntry); /* Remove the next entry */ RemoveEntryList(&NextPartEntry->ListEntry); RtlFreeHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, NextPartEntry); /* Update current partition */ List->CurrentPartition = PrevPartEntry; } else if (PrevPartEntry != NULL && NextPartEntry == NULL) { /* Merge current and previous unpartitioned entry */ /* Adjust the previous entries length */ PrevPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart += PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart; /* Remove the current entry */ RemoveEntryList(&PartEntry->ListEntry); RtlFreeHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, PartEntry); /* Update current partition */ List->CurrentPartition = PrevPartEntry; } else if (PrevPartEntry == NULL && NextPartEntry != NULL) { /* Merge current and next unpartitioned entry */ /* Adjust the next entries offset and length */ NextPartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart = PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart; NextPartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart += PartEntry->SectorCount.QuadPart; /* Remove the current entry */ RemoveEntryList(&PartEntry->ListEntry); RtlFreeHeap(ProcessHeap, 0, PartEntry); /* Update current partition */ List->CurrentPartition = NextPartEntry; } else { /* Nothing to merge but change current entry */ PartEntry->IsPartitioned = FALSE; PartEntry->PartitionType = PARTITION_ENTRY_UNUSED; PartEntry->FormatState = Unformatted; PartEntry->FileSystem = NULL; PartEntry->DriveLetter = 0; } UpdateDiskLayout(DiskEntry); DiskEntry->Dirty = TRUE; AssignDriveLetters(List); } VOID CheckActiveSystemPartition( IN PPARTLIST List) { PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; PFILE_SYSTEM FileSystem; /* Check for empty disk list */ if (IsListEmpty(&List->DiskListHead)) { List->SystemPartition = NULL; List->OriginalSystemPartition = NULL; return; } /* Choose the currently selected disk */ DiskEntry = List->CurrentDisk; /* Check for empty partition list */ if (IsListEmpty(&DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead)) { List->SystemPartition = NULL; List->OriginalSystemPartition = NULL; return; } if (List->SystemPartition != NULL) { /* We already have an active system partition */ DPRINT1("Use the current system partition %lu in disk %lu, drive letter %c\n", List->SystemPartition->PartitionNumber, List->SystemPartition->DiskEntry->DiskNumber, (List->SystemPartition->DriveLetter == 0) ? '-' : List->SystemPartition->DriveLetter); return; } DPRINT("We are here (1)!\n"); List->SystemPartition = NULL; List->OriginalSystemPartition = NULL; /* Retrieve the first partition of the disk */ PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead.Flink, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); ASSERT(DiskEntry == PartEntry->DiskEntry); List->SystemPartition = PartEntry; // // See: https://svn.reactos.org/svn/reactos/trunk/reactos/base/setup/usetup/partlist.c?r1=63355&r2=63354&pathrev=63355#l2318 // /* Check if the disk is new and if so, use its first partition as the active system partition */ if (DiskEntry->NewDisk) { if (PartEntry->PartitionType == PARTITION_ENTRY_UNUSED || PartEntry->BootIndicator == FALSE) { ASSERT(DiskEntry == PartEntry->DiskEntry); List->SystemPartition = PartEntry; List->OriginalSystemPartition = List->SystemPartition; DPRINT1("Use new first active system partition %lu in disk %lu, drive letter %c\n", List->SystemPartition->PartitionNumber, List->SystemPartition->DiskEntry->DiskNumber, (List->SystemPartition->DriveLetter == 0) ? '-' : List->SystemPartition->DriveLetter); goto SetSystemPartition; } // FIXME: What to do?? DPRINT1("NewDisk TRUE but first partition is used?\n"); } DPRINT("We are here (2)!\n"); /* * The disk is not new, check if any partition is initialized; * if not, the first one becomes the system partition. */ ListEntry = DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead.Flink; while (ListEntry != &DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead) { /* Retrieve the partition and go to the next one */ PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); /* Check if the partition is partitioned and is used */ if (PartEntry->PartitionType != PARTITION_ENTRY_UNUSED || PartEntry->BootIndicator != FALSE) { break; } /* Go to the next one */ ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink; } if (ListEntry == &DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead) { /* * OK we haven't encountered any used and active partition, * so use the first one as the system partition. */ ASSERT(DiskEntry == List->SystemPartition->DiskEntry); List->OriginalSystemPartition = List->SystemPartition; // First PartEntry DPRINT1("Use first active system partition %lu in disk %lu, drive letter %c\n", List->SystemPartition->PartitionNumber, List->SystemPartition->DiskEntry->DiskNumber, (List->SystemPartition->DriveLetter == 0) ? '-' : List->SystemPartition->DriveLetter); goto SetSystemPartition; } List->SystemPartition = NULL; List->OriginalSystemPartition = NULL; DPRINT("We are here (3)!\n"); /* The disk is not new, scan all partitions to find the (active) system partition */ ListEntry = DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead.Flink; while (ListEntry != &DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead) { /* Retrieve the partition and go to the next one */ PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink; /* Check if the partition is partitioned and used */ if (PartEntry->IsPartitioned && PartEntry->PartitionType != PARTITION_ENTRY_UNUSED) { /* Check if the partition is active */ if (PartEntry->BootIndicator) { /* Yes, we found it */ ASSERT(DiskEntry == PartEntry->DiskEntry); List->SystemPartition = PartEntry; DPRINT1("Found active system partition %lu in disk %lu, drive letter %c\n", PartEntry->PartitionNumber, DiskEntry->DiskNumber, (PartEntry->DriveLetter == 0) ? '-' : PartEntry->DriveLetter); break; } } } /* Check if we have found the system partition */ if (List->SystemPartition == NULL) { /* Nothing, use the alternative system partition */ DPRINT1("No system partition found, use the alternative partition!\n"); goto UseAlternativeSystemPartition; } /* Save it */ List->OriginalSystemPartition = List->SystemPartition; /* * ADDITIONAL CHECKS / BIG HACK: * * Retrieve its file system and check whether we have * write support for it. If that is the case we are fine * and we can use it directly. However if we don't have * write support we will need to change the active system * partition. * * NOTE that this is completely useless on architectures * where a real system partition is required, as on these * architectures the partition uses the FAT FS, for which * we do have write support. * NOTE also that for those architectures looking for a * partition boot indicator is insufficient. */ FileSystem = GetFileSystem(List->OriginalSystemPartition); if (FileSystem == NULL) { DPRINT1("System partition %lu in disk %lu with no FS?!\n", List->OriginalSystemPartition->PartitionNumber, List->OriginalSystemPartition->DiskEntry->DiskNumber); goto FindAndUseAlternativeSystemPartition; } // HACK: WARNING: We cannot write on this FS yet! // See fsutil.c:GetFileSystem() if (List->OriginalSystemPartition->PartitionType == PARTITION_EXT2 || List->OriginalSystemPartition->PartitionType == PARTITION_IFS) { DPRINT1("Recognized file system %S that doesn't support write support yet!\n", FileSystem->FileSystemName); goto FindAndUseAlternativeSystemPartition; } DPRINT1("Use existing active system partition %lu in disk %lu, drive letter %c\n", List->SystemPartition->PartitionNumber, List->SystemPartition->DiskEntry->DiskNumber, (List->SystemPartition->DriveLetter == 0) ? '-' : List->SystemPartition->DriveLetter); return; FindAndUseAlternativeSystemPartition: /* * We are here because we have not found any (active) candidate * system partition that we know how to support. What we are going * to do is to change the existing system partition and use the * partition on which we install ReactOS as the new system partition, * and then we will need to add in FreeLdr's entry a boot entry to boot * from the original system partition. */ /* Unset the old system partition */ List->SystemPartition->BootIndicator = FALSE; List->SystemPartition->DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[List->SystemPartition->PartitionIndex].BootIndicator = FALSE; List->SystemPartition->DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[List->SystemPartition->PartitionIndex].RewritePartition = TRUE; List->SystemPartition->DiskEntry->Dirty = TRUE; UseAlternativeSystemPartition: List->SystemPartition = List->CurrentPartition; DPRINT1("Use alternative active system partition %lu in disk %lu, drive letter %c\n", List->SystemPartition->PartitionNumber, List->SystemPartition->DiskEntry->DiskNumber, (List->SystemPartition->DriveLetter == 0) ? '-' : List->SystemPartition->DriveLetter); SetSystemPartition: /* Set the new active system partition */ List->SystemPartition->BootIndicator = TRUE; List->SystemPartition->DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[List->SystemPartition->PartitionIndex].BootIndicator = TRUE; List->SystemPartition->DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[List->SystemPartition->PartitionIndex].RewritePartition = TRUE; List->SystemPartition->DiskEntry->Dirty = TRUE; } static NTSTATUS WritePartitions( IN PPARTLIST List, IN PDISKENTRY DiskEntry) { WCHAR DstPath[MAX_PATH]; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK Iosb; UNICODE_STRING Name; ULONG BufferSize; HANDLE FileHandle = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; DPRINT("WritePartitions() Disk: %lu\n", DiskEntry->DiskNumber); RtlStringCchPrintfW(DstPath, ARRAYSIZE(DstPath), L"\\Device\\Harddisk%lu\\Partition0", DiskEntry->DiskNumber); RtlInitUnicodeString(&Name, DstPath); InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &Name, 0, NULL, NULL); Status = NtOpenFile(&FileHandle, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE | SYNCHRONIZE, &ObjectAttributes, &Iosb, 0, FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("NtOpenFile() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status); return Status; } #ifdef DUMP_PARTITION_TABLE DumpPartitionTable(DiskEntry); #endif BufferSize = sizeof(DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION) + ((DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionCount - 1) * sizeof(PARTITION_INFORMATION)); Status = NtDeviceIoControlFile(FileHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &Iosb, IOCTL_DISK_SET_DRIVE_LAYOUT, DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer, BufferSize, NULL, 0); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("IOCTL_DISK_SET_DRIVE_LAYOUT failed (Status 0x%08lx)\n", Status); } if (FileHandle != NULL) NtClose(FileHandle); // // NOTE: Originally (see r40437), we used to install here also a new MBR // for this disk (by calling InstallMbrBootCodeToDisk), only if: // DiskEntry->NewDisk == TRUE and DiskEntry->BiosDiskNumber == 0. // Then after that, both DiskEntry->NewDisk and DiskEntry->NoMbr were set // to FALSE. In the other place (in usetup.c) where InstallMbrBootCodeToDisk // was called too, the installation test was modified by checking whether // DiskEntry->NoMbr was TRUE (instead of NewDisk). // return Status; } BOOLEAN WritePartitionsToDisk( IN PPARTLIST List) { PLIST_ENTRY Entry; PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; if (List == NULL) return TRUE; Entry = List->DiskListHead.Flink; while (Entry != &List->DiskListHead) { DiskEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, DISKENTRY, ListEntry); if (DiskEntry->Dirty != FALSE) { WritePartitions(List, DiskEntry); DiskEntry->Dirty = FALSE; } Entry = Entry->Flink; } return TRUE; } BOOLEAN SetMountedDeviceValue( IN CHAR Letter, IN ULONG Signature, IN LARGE_INTEGER StartingOffset) { OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; WCHAR ValueNameBuffer[16]; UNICODE_STRING KeyName = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L"\\Registry\\Machine\\SYSTEM\\MountedDevices"); UNICODE_STRING ValueName; REG_DISK_MOUNT_INFO MountInfo; NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE KeyHandle; RtlStringCchPrintfW(ValueNameBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(ValueNameBuffer), L"\\DosDevices\\%C:", Letter); RtlInitUnicodeString(&ValueName, ValueNameBuffer); InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &KeyName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL); Status = NtOpenKey(&KeyHandle, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &ObjectAttributes); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = NtCreateKey(&KeyHandle, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &ObjectAttributes, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, NULL); } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("NtCreateKey() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status); return FALSE; } MountInfo.Signature = Signature; MountInfo.StartingOffset = StartingOffset; Status = NtSetValueKey(KeyHandle, &ValueName, 0, REG_BINARY, (PVOID)&MountInfo, sizeof(MountInfo)); NtClose(KeyHandle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("NtSetValueKey() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOLEAN SetMountedDeviceValues( IN PPARTLIST List) { PLIST_ENTRY Entry1, Entry2; PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; LARGE_INTEGER StartingOffset; if (List == NULL) return FALSE; Entry1 = List->DiskListHead.Flink; while (Entry1 != &List->DiskListHead) { DiskEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry1, DISKENTRY, ListEntry); Entry2 = DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead.Flink; while (Entry2 != &DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry2, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); if (PartEntry->IsPartitioned) { /* Assign a "\DosDevices\#:" mount point to this partition */ if (PartEntry->DriveLetter) { StartingOffset.QuadPart = PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector; if (!SetMountedDeviceValue(PartEntry->DriveLetter, DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->Signature, StartingOffset)) { return FALSE; } } } Entry2 = Entry2->Flink; } Entry2 = DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead.Flink; while (Entry2 != &DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry2, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); if (PartEntry->IsPartitioned) { /* Assign a "\DosDevices\#:" mount point to this partition */ if (PartEntry->DriveLetter) { StartingOffset.QuadPart = PartEntry->StartSector.QuadPart * DiskEntry->BytesPerSector; if (!SetMountedDeviceValue(PartEntry->DriveLetter, DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->Signature, StartingOffset)) { return FALSE; } } } Entry2 = Entry2->Flink; } Entry1 = Entry1->Flink; } return TRUE; } VOID SetPartitionType( IN PPARTENTRY PartEntry, IN UCHAR PartitionType) { PDISKENTRY DiskEntry = PartEntry->DiskEntry; PartEntry->PartitionType = PartitionType; DiskEntry->Dirty = TRUE; DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[PartEntry->PartitionIndex].PartitionType = PartitionType; DiskEntry->LayoutBuffer->PartitionEntry[PartEntry->PartitionIndex].RewritePartition = TRUE; } ERROR_NUMBER PrimaryPartitionCreationChecks( IN PPARTLIST List) { PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; DiskEntry = List->CurrentDisk; PartEntry = List->CurrentPartition; /* Fail if the partition is already in use */ if (PartEntry->IsPartitioned != FALSE) return ERROR_NEW_PARTITION; /* Fail if there are already 4 primary partitions in the list */ if (GetPrimaryPartitionCount(DiskEntry) >= 4) return ERROR_PARTITION_TABLE_FULL; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } ERROR_NUMBER ExtendedPartitionCreationChecks( IN PPARTLIST List) { PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; DiskEntry = List->CurrentDisk; PartEntry = List->CurrentPartition; /* Fail if the partition is already in use */ if (PartEntry->IsPartitioned != FALSE) return ERROR_NEW_PARTITION; /* Fail if there are already 4 primary partitions in the list */ if (GetPrimaryPartitionCount(DiskEntry) >= 4) return ERROR_PARTITION_TABLE_FULL; /* Fail if there is another extended partition in the list */ if (DiskEntry->ExtendedPartition != NULL) return ERROR_ONLY_ONE_EXTENDED; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } ERROR_NUMBER LogicalPartitionCreationChecks( IN PPARTLIST List) { // PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; // DiskEntry = List->CurrentDisk; PartEntry = List->CurrentPartition; /* Fail if the partition is already in use */ if (PartEntry->IsPartitioned != FALSE) return ERROR_NEW_PARTITION; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } BOOLEAN GetNextUnformattedPartition( IN PPARTLIST List, OUT PDISKENTRY *pDiskEntry OPTIONAL, OUT PPARTENTRY *pPartEntry) { PLIST_ENTRY Entry1, Entry2; PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; Entry1 = List->DiskListHead.Flink; while (Entry1 != &List->DiskListHead) { DiskEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry1, DISKENTRY, ListEntry); Entry2 = DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead.Flink; while (Entry2 != &DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry2, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); if (PartEntry->IsPartitioned && PartEntry->New) { ASSERT(DiskEntry == PartEntry->DiskEntry); if (pDiskEntry) *pDiskEntry = DiskEntry; *pPartEntry = PartEntry; return TRUE; } Entry2 = Entry2->Flink; } Entry2 = DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead.Flink; while (Entry2 != &DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry2, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); if (PartEntry->IsPartitioned && PartEntry->New) { ASSERT(DiskEntry == PartEntry->DiskEntry); if (pDiskEntry) *pDiskEntry = DiskEntry; *pPartEntry = PartEntry; return TRUE; } Entry2 = Entry2->Flink; } Entry1 = Entry1->Flink; } if (pDiskEntry) *pDiskEntry = NULL; *pPartEntry = NULL; return FALSE; } BOOLEAN GetNextUncheckedPartition( IN PPARTLIST List, OUT PDISKENTRY *pDiskEntry OPTIONAL, OUT PPARTENTRY *pPartEntry) { PLIST_ENTRY Entry1, Entry2; PDISKENTRY DiskEntry; PPARTENTRY PartEntry; Entry1 = List->DiskListHead.Flink; while (Entry1 != &List->DiskListHead) { DiskEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry1, DISKENTRY, ListEntry); Entry2 = DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead.Flink; while (Entry2 != &DiskEntry->PrimaryPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry2, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); if (PartEntry->NeedsCheck == TRUE) { ASSERT(DiskEntry == PartEntry->DiskEntry); if (pDiskEntry) *pDiskEntry = DiskEntry; *pPartEntry = PartEntry; return TRUE; } Entry2 = Entry2->Flink; } Entry2 = DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead.Flink; while (Entry2 != &DiskEntry->LogicalPartListHead) { PartEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry2, PARTENTRY, ListEntry); if (PartEntry->NeedsCheck == TRUE) { ASSERT(DiskEntry == PartEntry->DiskEntry); if (pDiskEntry) *pDiskEntry = DiskEntry; *pPartEntry = PartEntry; return TRUE; } Entry2 = Entry2->Flink; } Entry1 = Entry1->Flink; } if (pDiskEntry) *pDiskEntry = NULL; *pPartEntry = NULL; return FALSE; } /* EOF */