#pragma once #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include #define WIN32_NO_STATUS #define _INC_WINDOWS #define COM_NO_WINDOWS_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ANY_SIZE 1 /* Structures used by the API Interface */ typedef struct _DELETED_FILE_DETAILS_A { FILETIME LastModification; FILETIME DeletionTime; ULARGE_INTEGER FileSize; ULARGE_INTEGER PhysicalFileSize; DWORD Attributes; CHAR FileName[ANY_SIZE]; } DELETED_FILE_DETAILS_A, *PDELETED_FILE_DETAILS_A; typedef struct _DELETED_FILE_DETAILS_W { FILETIME LastModification; FILETIME DeletionTime; ULARGE_INTEGER FileSize; ULARGE_INTEGER PhysicalFileSize; DWORD Attributes; WCHAR FileName[ANY_SIZE]; } DELETED_FILE_DETAILS_W, *PDELETED_FILE_DETAILS_W; #ifdef UNICODE #define DELETED_FILE_DETAILS DELETED_FILE_DETAILS_W #define PDELETED_FILE_DETAILS PDELETED_FILE_DETAILS_W #else #define DELETED_FILE_DETAILS DELETED_FILE_DETAILS_A #define PDELETED_FILE_DETAILS PDELETED_FILE_DETAILS_A #endif /* API Interface */ /* Function called for each deleted file in the recycle bin * Context: value given by the caller of the EnumerateRecycleBin function * hDeletedFile: a handle to the deleted file * Returning FALSE stops the enumeration. * Remarks: the handle must be closed with the CloseRecycleBinHandle function */ typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PENUMERATE_RECYCLEBIN_CALLBACK)(IN PVOID Context, IN HANDLE hDeletedFile); /* Closes a file deleted handle. * hDeletedFile: the handle to close * Returns TRUE if operation succeeded, FALSE otherwise. * Remark: The handle is obtained in the PENUMERATE_RECYCLEBIN_CALLBACK callback */ BOOL WINAPI CloseRecycleBinHandle( IN HANDLE hDeletedFile); /* Moves a file to the recycle bin. * FileName: the name of the file to move the recycle bin * Returns TRUE if operation succeeded, FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL WINAPI DeleteFileToRecycleBinA( IN LPCSTR FileName); BOOL WINAPI DeleteFileToRecycleBinW( IN LPCWSTR FileName); #ifdef UNICODE #define DeleteFileToRecycleBin DeleteFileToRecycleBinW #else #define DeleteFileToRecycleBin DeleteFileToRecycleBinA #endif /* Moves a file to the recycle bin. * hDeletedFile: handle of the deleted file to delete * Returns TRUE if operation succeeded, FALSE otherwise. * Remark: The handle is obtained in the PENUMERATE_RECYCLEBIN_CALLBACK callback */ BOOL WINAPI DeleteFileHandleToRecycleBin( IN HANDLE hDeletedFile); /* Removes all elements contained in a recycle bin * pszRoot: the name of the drive containing the recycle bin * Returns TRUE if operation succeeded, FALSE otherwise. * Remarks: 'pszRoot' can be NULL to mean 'all recycle bins'. */ BOOL WINAPI EmptyRecycleBinA( IN LPCSTR pszRoot OPTIONAL); BOOL WINAPI EmptyRecycleBinW( IN LPCWSTR pszRoot OPTIONAL); #ifdef UNICODE #define EmptyRecycleBin EmptyRecycleBinW #else #define EmptyRecycleBin EmptyRecycleBinA #endif /* Enumerate contents of a recycle bin. * pszRoot: the name of the drive containing the recycle bin * pFnCallback: callback function to be called for each deleted item found * Context: some value which will be given back in the callback function * Returns TRUE if operation succeeded, FALSE otherwise. * Remarks: 'pszRoot' can be NULL to mean 'all recycle bins'. */ BOOL WINAPI EnumerateRecycleBinA( IN LPCSTR pszRoot OPTIONAL, IN PENUMERATE_RECYCLEBIN_CALLBACK pFnCallback, IN PVOID Context OPTIONAL); BOOL WINAPI EnumerateRecycleBinW( IN LPCWSTR pszRoot OPTIONAL, IN PENUMERATE_RECYCLEBIN_CALLBACK pFnCallback, IN PVOID Context OPTIONAL); #ifdef UNICODE #define EnumerateRecycleBin EnumerateRecycleBinW #else #define EnumerateRecycleBin EnumerateRecycleBinA #endif BOOL WINAPI GetDeletedFileTypeNameW( IN HANDLE hDeletedFile, OUT LPWSTR pTypeName, IN DWORD BufferSize, OUT LPDWORD RequiredSize OPTIONAL); /* Gets details about a deleted file * hDeletedFile: handle of the deleted file to get details about * BufferSize: size of the 'FileDetails' buffer, in bytes * FileDetails: if the function succeeded, contains details about the deleted file * RequiredSize: contains the minimal buffer size required to get file information details * Returns TRUE if operation succeeded, FALSE otherwise. * Remark: The handle is obtained in the PENUMERATE_RECYCLEBIN_CALLBACK callback */ BOOL WINAPI GetDeletedFileDetailsA( IN HANDLE hDeletedFile, IN DWORD BufferSize, IN OUT PDELETED_FILE_DETAILS_A FileDetails OPTIONAL, OUT LPDWORD RequiredSize OPTIONAL); BOOL WINAPI GetDeletedFileDetailsW( IN HANDLE hDeletedFile, IN DWORD BufferSize, IN OUT PDELETED_FILE_DETAILS_W FileDetails OPTIONAL, OUT LPDWORD RequiredSize OPTIONAL); #ifdef UNICODE #define GetDeletedFileDetails GetDeletedFileDetailsW #else #define GetDeletedFileDetails GetDeletedFileDetailsA #endif /* Restores a deleted file * hDeletedFile: handle of the deleted file to restore * Returns TRUE if operation succeeded, FALSE otherwise. * Remarks: if the function succeeds, the handle is not valid anymore. */ BOOL WINAPI RestoreFile( IN HANDLE hDeletedFile); /* COM interface */ #define INTERFACE IRecycleBinFile DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IRecycleBinFile, IUnknown) { BEGIN_INTERFACE /* IUnknown methods */ STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, void **ppvObject) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(THIS) PURE; /* IRecycleBinFile methods */ STDMETHOD(GetLastModificationTime)(THIS_ FILETIME *pLastModificationTime) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetDeletionTime)(THIS_ FILETIME *pDeletionTime) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetFileSize)(THIS_ ULARGE_INTEGER *pFileSize) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetPhysicalFileSize)(THIS_ ULARGE_INTEGER *pPhysicalFileSize) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetAttributes)(THIS_ DWORD *pAttributes) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetFileName)(THIS_ SIZE_T BufferSize, LPWSTR Buffer, SIZE_T *RequiredSize) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetTypeName)(THIS_ SIZE_T BufferSize, LPWSTR Buffer, SIZE_T *RequiredSize) PURE; STDMETHOD(Delete)(THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD(Restore)(THIS) PURE; END_INTERFACE }; #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IRecycleBinEnumList DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IRecycleBinEnumList, IUnknown) { BEGIN_INTERFACE /* IUnknown methods */ STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, void **ppvObject) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(THIS) PURE; /* IRecycleBinEnumList methods */ STDMETHOD(Next)(THIS_ DWORD celt, IRecycleBinFile **rgelt, DWORD *pceltFetched); STDMETHOD(Skip)(THIS_ DWORD celt) PURE; STDMETHOD(Reset)(THIS) PURE; END_INTERFACE }; #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IRecycleBin DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IRecycleBin, IUnknown) { BEGIN_INTERFACE /* IUnknown methods */ STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, void **ppvObject) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(THIS) PURE; /* IRecycleBin methods */ STDMETHOD(DeleteFile)(THIS_ LPCWSTR szFileName); STDMETHOD(EmptyRecycleBin)(THIS); STDMETHOD(EnumObjects)(THIS_ IRecycleBinEnumList **ppEnumList); END_INTERFACE }; #undef INTERFACE EXTERN_C const IID IID_IRecycleBinFile; EXTERN_C const IID IID_IRecycleBinEnumList; EXTERN_C const IID IID_IRecycleBin; #if (!defined(__cplusplus) || defined(CINTERFACE)) && defined(COBJMACROS) #define IRecycleBinFile_QueryInterface(This, riid, ppvObject) \ (This)->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(This, riid, ppvObject) #define IRecycleBinFile_AddRef(This) \ (This)->lpVtbl->AddRef(This) #define IRecycleBinFile_Release(This) \ (This)->lpVtbl->Release(This) #define IRecycleBinFile_GetLastModificationTime(This, pLastModificationTime) \ (This)->lpVtbl->GetLastModificationTime(This, pLastModificationTime) #define IRecycleBinFile_GetDeletionTime(This, pDeletionTime) \ (This)->lpVtbl->GetDeletionTime(This, pDeletionTime) #define IRecycleBinFile_GetFileSize(This, pFileSize) \ (This)->lpVtbl->GetFileSize(This, pFileSize) #define IRecycleBinFile_GetPhysicalFileSize(This, pPhysicalFileSize) \ (This)->lpVtbl->GetPhysicalFileSize(This, pPhysicalFileSize) #define IRecycleBinFile_GetAttributes(This, pAttributes) \ (This)->lpVtbl->GetAttributes(This, pAttributes) #define IRecycleBinFile_GetFileName(This, BufferSize, Buffer, RequiredSize) \ (This)->lpVtbl->GetFileName(This, BufferSize, Buffer, RequiredSize) #define IRecycleBinFile_GetTypeName(This, BufferSize, Buffer, RequiredSize) \ (This)->lpVtbl->GetTypeName(This, BufferSize, Buffer, RequiredSize) #define IRecycleBinFile_Delete(This) \ (This)->lpVtbl->Delete(This) #define IRecycleBinFile_Restore(This) \ (This)->lpVtbl->Restore(This) #define IRecycleBinEnumList_QueryInterface(This, riid, ppvObject) \ (This)->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(This, riid, ppvObject) #define IRecycleBinEnumList_AddRef(This) \ (This)->lpVtbl->AddRef(This) #define IRecycleBinEnumList_Release(This) \ (This)->lpVtbl->Release(This) #define IRecycleBinEnumList_Next(This, celt, rgelt, pceltFetched) \ (This)->lpVtbl->Next(This, celt, rgelt, pceltFetched) #define IRecycleBinEnumList_Skip(This, celt) \ (This)->lpVtbl->Skip(This, celt) #define IRecycleBinEnumList_Reset(This) \ (This)->lpVtbl->Reset(This) #define IRecycleBin_QueryInterface(This, riid, ppvObject) \ (This)->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(This, riid, ppvObject) #define IRecycleBin_AddRef(This) \ (This)->lpVtbl->AddRef(This) #define IRecycleBin_Release(This) \ (This)->lpVtbl->Release(This) #define IRecycleBin_DeleteFile(This, szFileName) \ (This)->lpVtbl->DeleteFile(This, szFileName) #define IRecycleBin_EmptyRecycleBin(This) \ (This)->lpVtbl->EmptyRecycleBin(This) #define IRecycleBin_EnumObjects(This, ppEnumList) \ (This)->lpVtbl->EnumObjects(This, ppEnumList) #endif HRESULT WINAPI GetDefaultRecycleBin( IN LPCWSTR pszVolume OPTIONAL, OUT IRecycleBin **pprb); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif