/* * PROJECT: ReactOS api tests * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * PURPOSE: Test for RegisterClassEx * PROGRAMMERS: Giannis Adamopoulos */ #include #define WIN32_NO_STATUS #include #include #include #include #include "helper.h" #include static ATOM _RegisterClass(LPCWSTR lpwszClassName, HINSTANCE hInstance, UINT style, WNDPROC lpfnWndProc) { WNDCLASSEXW wcex = {sizeof(WNDCLASSEXW), style, lpfnWndProc}; wcex.lpszClassName = lpwszClassName; wcex.hInstance = hInstance; return RegisterClassExW(&wcex); } static ATOM _GetClassAtom(LPCWSTR lpwszClassName, HINSTANCE hInstance) { WNDCLASSEXW wcex = {sizeof(WNDCLASSEXW)}; return (ATOM)GetClassInfoExW(hInstance, lpwszClassName, &wcex); } static WNDPROC _GetWndproc(LPCWSTR lpwszClassName, HINSTANCE hInstance) { WNDCLASSEXW wcex = {sizeof(WNDCLASSEXW)}; BOOL ret = GetClassInfoExW(hInstance, lpwszClassName, &wcex); return ret ? wcex.lpfnWndProc : NULL; } static ATOM _RegisterClassA(LPCSTR lpzClassName, HINSTANCE hInstance, UINT style, WNDPROC lpfnWndProc) { WNDCLASSEXA wcex = {sizeof(WNDCLASSEX), style, lpfnWndProc}; wcex.lpszClassName = lpzClassName; wcex.hInstance = hInstance; return RegisterClassExA(&wcex); } static ATOM _GetClassAtomA(LPCSTR lpszClassName, HINSTANCE hInstance) { WNDCLASSEXA wcex = {sizeof(WNDCLASSEX)}; return (ATOM)GetClassInfoExA(hInstance, lpszClassName, &wcex); } static WNDPROC _GetWndprocA(LPCSTR lpszClassName, HINSTANCE hInstance) { WNDCLASSEXA wcex = {sizeof(WNDCLASSEX)}; BOOL ret = GetClassInfoExA(hInstance, lpszClassName, &wcex); return ret ? wcex.lpfnWndProc : NULL; } HANDLE _CreateActCtxFromFile(LPCWSTR FileName) { ACTCTXW ActCtx = {sizeof(ACTCTX)}; WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH] , *separator; ok (GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, buffer, MAX_PATH), "GetModuleFileName failed\n"); separator = wcsrchr(buffer, L'\\'); if (separator) wcscpy(separator + 1, FileName); ActCtx.lpSource = buffer; return CreateActCtxW(&ActCtx); } VOID TestGlobalClasses(VOID) { HMODULE hmod = GetModuleHandle(NULL); ATOM a,b,c,d,e; a = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass1", hmod); b = _RegisterClass(L"TestClass1", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcW); c = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass1", hmod); UnregisterClass(L"TestClass1", hmod); d = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass1", hmod); ok( a == 0, "\n"); ok( b != 0, "\n"); ok( c != 0, "\n"); ok( d == 0, "\n"); ok (b == c, "\n"); a = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass2", hmod); b = _RegisterClass(L"TestClass2", hmod, CS_GLOBALCLASS, DefWindowProcW); c = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass2", hmod); UnregisterClass(L"TestClass2", hmod); d = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass2", hmod); ok( a == 0, "\n"); ok( b != 0, "\n"); ok( c != 0, "\n"); ok( d == 0, "\n"); ok (b == c, "\n"); a = _RegisterClass(L"TestClass3", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcW); b = _RegisterClass(L"TestClass3", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcW); c = _RegisterClass(L"TestClass3", hmod, CS_GLOBALCLASS, DefWindowProcW); UnregisterClass(L"TestClass3", hmod); d = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass3", hmod); ok( a != 0, "\n"); ok( b == 0, "\n"); ok( c == 0, "\n"); ok( d == 0, "\n"); a = _RegisterClass(L"TestClass4", hmod, CS_GLOBALCLASS, DefWindowProcW); b = _RegisterClass(L"TestClass4", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcW); c = _RegisterClass(L"TestClass4", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcW); UnregisterClass(L"TestClass4", hmod); d = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass4", hmod); UnregisterClass(L"TestClass4", hmod); e = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass4", hmod); ok( a != 0, "\n"); ok( b != 0, "\n"); ok( c == 0, "\n"); ok( d != 0, "\n"); ok( e == 0, "\n"); a = _GetClassAtom(L"ComboBox", hmod); b = _RegisterClass(L"ComboBox", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcW); c = _RegisterClass(L"ComboBox", hmod, CS_GLOBALCLASS, DefWindowProcW); UnregisterClass(L"ComboBox", hmod); d = _GetClassAtom(L"ComboBox", hmod); UnregisterClass(L"TestClass4", hmod); e = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass4", hmod); ok( a != 0, "\n"); ok( b != 0, "\n"); ok( c == 0, "\n"); ok( d != 0, "\n"); ok( e == 0, "\n"); a = _GetClassAtom(L"ScrollBar", hmod); UnregisterClass(L"ScrollBar", hmod); b = _GetClassAtom(L"ScrollBar", hmod); c = _RegisterClass(L"ScrollBar", hmod, CS_GLOBALCLASS, DefWindowProcW); d = _GetClassAtom(L"ScrollBar", hmod); ok( a != 0, "\n"); ok( b == 0, "\n"); ok( c != 0, "\n"); ok( d != 0, "\n"); ok( a == c, "\n"); ok( a == d, "\n"); /* In Windows 10 the last 4 tests fail */ a = _GetClassAtom(L"ListBox", (HMODULE)0xdead); UnregisterClass(L"ListBox", (HMODULE)0xdead); b = _GetClassAtom(L"ListBox", (HMODULE)0xdead); ok( a != 0, "\n"); ok( b == 0, "\n"); a = _RegisterClass(L"TestClass5", (HMODULE)0xdead, CS_GLOBALCLASS, DefWindowProcW); b = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass5", hmod); UnregisterClass(L"TestClass5", hmod); c = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass5", (HMODULE)0xdead); d = _GetClassAtom(L"TestClass5", hmod); ok( a != 0, "\n"); ok( b != 0, "\n"); ok( c == 0, "\n"); ok( d == 0, "\n"); } VOID TestVersionedClasses(VOID) { HMODULE hmod = GetModuleHandle(NULL); HANDLE h1, h2; ULONG_PTR cookie1, cookie2; ATOM a,b,c,d; WNDPROC proc1,proc2,proc3, proc4, proc5; WCHAR buffer[50]; h1 = _CreateActCtxFromFile(L"verclasstest1.manifest"); h2 = _CreateActCtxFromFile(L"verclasstest2.manifest"); if (h1 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || h2 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { skip("Loading manifests failed. Skipping TestVersionedClasses\n"); return; } a = _RegisterClass(L"VersionTestClass1", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcA); proc1 = _GetWndproc(L"VersionTestClass1", hmod); b = _RegisterClass(L"VersionTestClass1", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcW); ActivateActCtx(h1, &cookie1); proc2 = _GetWndproc(L"VersionTestClass1", hmod); c = _RegisterClass(L"VersionTestClass1", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcW); proc3 = _GetWndproc(L"VersionTestClass1", hmod); proc4 = _GetWndproc((LPCWSTR)(DWORD_PTR)a, hmod); DeactivateActCtx(0, cookie1); proc5 = _GetWndproc(L"VersionTestClass1", hmod); ok( a != 0, "\n"); ok( b == 0, "\n"); ok( c != 0, "\n"); ok( a == c, "\n"); ok (proc1 == DefWindowProcA, "\n"); ok (proc2 == NULL, "Got 0x%p, expected NULL\n", proc2); ok (proc3 == DefWindowProcW, "Got 0x%p, expected 0x%p\n", proc3, DefWindowProcW); ok (proc4 == DefWindowProcW, "Got 0x%p, expected 0x%p\n", proc4, DefWindowProcW); ok (proc5 == DefWindowProcA, "\n"); a = _GetClassAtom(L"Button", hmod); b = _RegisterClass(L"Button", hmod, CS_GLOBALCLASS, DefWindowProcA); proc1 = _GetWndproc(L"Button", (HMODULE)0xdead); ActivateActCtx(h2, &cookie1); c = _RegisterClass(L"Button", hmod, CS_GLOBALCLASS, DefWindowProcA); proc2 = _GetWndproc(L"Button", (HMODULE)0xdead); d = _GetClassAtom(L"!Button", (HMODULE)0xdead); proc3 = _GetWndproc(L"!Button", (HMODULE)0xdead); ok( a != 0, "\n"); ok( b == 0, "\n"); ok( c != 0, "\n"); ok( d != 0, "\n"); ok( a == c, "\n"); ok( d == a, "\n"); ok( proc1 != NULL, "\n"); ok( proc1 != DefWindowProcA, "Got 0x%p, expected not 0x%p\n", proc1, DefWindowProcA); ok( proc2 == DefWindowProcA, "Got 0x%p, expected 0x%p\n", proc2, DefWindowProcA); ok( proc3 == DefWindowProcA, "Got 0x%p, expected 0x%p\n", proc3, DefWindowProcA); a = _RegisterClass(L"VersionTestClass2", hmod, CS_GLOBALCLASS, DefWindowProcW); proc1 = _GetWndproc(L"VersionTestClass2", (HMODULE)0xdead); b = _RegisterClass(L"VersionTestClass2", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcA); proc2 = _GetWndproc(L"VersionTestClass2", hmod); proc3 = _GetWndproc(L"VersionTestClass2", (HMODULE)0xdead); ok (a != 0, "\n"); ok (b != 0, "\n"); ok (a == b, "\n"); ok (proc1 == DefWindowProcW, "Got 0x%p, expected 0x%p\n", proc1, DefWindowProcW); ok (proc2 == DefWindowProcA, "Got 0x%p, expected 0x%p\n", proc2, DefWindowProcA); ok (proc3 == DefWindowProcW, "Got 0x%p, expected 0x%p\n", proc2, DefWindowProcA); a = _RegisterClass(L"VersionTestClass3", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcW); swprintf(buffer, L"#%d", a); proc1 = _GetWndproc((LPCWSTR)(DWORD_PTR)a, hmod); proc2 = _GetWndproc(buffer, hmod); ok (a != 0, "\n"); ok (proc1 == DefWindowProcW, "\n"); ok (proc2 == 0, "Got 0x%p for %S, expected 0\n", proc2, buffer); DeactivateActCtx(0, cookie1); a = _RegisterClass(L"VersionTestClass3", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcW); swprintf(buffer, L"#%d", a); proc1 = _GetWndproc((LPCWSTR)(DWORD_PTR)a, hmod); proc2 = _GetWndproc(buffer, hmod); ok (a != 0, "\n"); ok (proc1 == DefWindowProcW, "\n"); ok (proc2 == 0, "Got 0x%p for %S, expected 0\n", proc2, buffer); ActivateActCtx(h2, &cookie1); a = _RegisterClassA("VersionTestClass7", hmod, 0, DefWindowProcW); b = _GetClassAtomA("VersionTestClass7", hmod); proc1 = _GetWndprocA("VersionTestClass7", hmod); proc2 = _GetWndprocA((LPCSTR)(DWORD_PTR)a, hmod); ok(a != 0, "\n"); ok(b != 0, "\n"); ok(a == b, "\n"); ok (proc1 == DefWindowProcW, "\n"); ok (proc2 == DefWindowProcW, "\n"); DeactivateActCtx(0, cookie1); proc1 = _GetWndproc(L"Button", 0); ActivateActCtx(h2, &cookie1); ActivateActCtx(h1, &cookie2); proc2 = _GetWndproc(L"Button", 0); DeactivateActCtx(0, cookie2); ActivateActCtx(0, &cookie2); proc3 = _GetWndproc(L"Button", 0); DeactivateActCtx(0, cookie2); DeactivateActCtx(0, cookie1); ok (proc1 != 0, "\n"); ok (proc2 != 0, "\n"); ok (proc4 != 0, "\n"); ok (proc1 == proc2, "\n"); ok (proc1 == proc3, "\n"); } START_TEST(RegisterClassEx) { TestGlobalClasses(); TestVersionedClasses(); }