/**************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1991-2004 SciTech Software, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * SCITECH SOFTWARE INC BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "opengl32.h" #include #define LINE_BUF_QUANT 4000 #define VERT_BUF_QUANT 4000 static HFONT hNewFont, hOldFont; static FLOAT ScaleFactor; static FLOAT* LineBuf; static DWORD LineBufSize; static DWORD LineBufIndex; static FLOAT* VertBuf; static DWORD VertBufSize; static DWORD VertBufIndex; static GLenum TessErrorOccurred; /***************************************************************************** * AppendToLineBuf * * Appends one floating-point value to the global LineBuf array. Return value * is non-zero for success, zero for failure. *****************************************************************************/ INT AppendToLineBuf(FLOAT value) { if (LineBufIndex >= LineBufSize) { FLOAT* f; LineBufSize += LINE_BUF_QUANT; f = (FLOAT*) HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, LineBuf, (LineBufSize) * sizeof(FLOAT)); if (!f) return 0; LineBuf = f; } LineBuf[LineBufIndex++] = value; return 1; } /***************************************************************************** * AppendToVertBuf * * Appends one floating-point value to the global VertBuf array. Return value * is non-zero for success, zero for failure. * * Note that we can't realloc this one, because the tessellator is using * pointers into it. *****************************************************************************/ INT AppendToVertBuf(FLOAT value) { if (VertBufIndex >= VertBufSize) return 0; VertBuf[VertBufIndex++] = value; return 1; } /***************************************************************************** * GetWord * * Fetch the next 16-bit word from a little-endian byte stream, and increment * the stream pointer to the next unscanned byte. *****************************************************************************/ LONG GetWord(UCHAR** p) { LONG value; value = ((*p)[1] << 8) + (*p)[0]; *p += 2; return value; } /***************************************************************************** * GetDWord * * Fetch the next 32-bit word from a little-endian byte stream, and increment * the stream pointer to the next unscanned byte. *****************************************************************************/ LONG GetDWord(UCHAR** p) { LONG value; value = ((*p)[3] << 24) + ((*p)[2] << 16) + ((*p)[1] << 8) + (*p)[0]; *p += 4; return value; } /***************************************************************************** * GetFixed * * Fetch the next 32-bit fixed-point value from a little-endian byte stream, * convert it to floating-point, and increment the stream pointer to the next * unscanned byte. *****************************************************************************/ double GetFixed(UCHAR** p) { LONG hiBits, loBits; double value; loBits = GetWord(p); hiBits = GetWord(p); value = (double) ((hiBits << 16) | loBits) / 65536.0; return value * ScaleFactor; } /***************************************************************************** ** ** InvertGlyphBitmap. ** ** Invert the bitmap so that it suits OpenGL's representation. ** Each row starts on a double word boundary. ** *****************************************************************************/ VOID InvertGlyphBitmap(INT w, INT h, DWORD *fptr, DWORD *tptr) { INT dWordsInRow = (w+31)/32; INT i, j; if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) { return; } tptr += ((h-1)*dWordsInRow); for (i = 0; i < h; i++) { for (j = 0; j < dWordsInRow; j++) { *(tptr + j) = *(fptr + j); } tptr -= dWordsInRow; fptr += dWordsInRow; } } /***************************************************************************** * CreateHighResolutionFont * * Gets metrics for the current font and creates an equivalent font * scaled to the design units of the font. * *****************************************************************************/ HFONT CreateHighResolutionFont(HDC hDC) { UINT otmSize; OUTLINETEXTMETRIC *otm; LONG fontHeight, fontWidth, fontUnits; LOGFONTW logFont, logFontFaceName; otmSize = GetOutlineTextMetricsW(hDC, 0, NULL); if (!otmSize) return NULL; otm = (OUTLINETEXTMETRIC *) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, otmSize); if (!otm) return NULL; otm->otmSize = otmSize; if (!GetOutlineTextMetricsW(hDC, otmSize, otm)) return NULL; GetObjectW(GetCurrentObject(hDC, OBJ_FONT), sizeof(logFontFaceName), &logFontFaceName); fontHeight = otm->otmTextMetrics.tmHeight - otm->otmTextMetrics.tmInternalLeading; fontWidth = otm->otmTextMetrics.tmAveCharWidth; fontUnits = (LONG) otm->otmEMSquare; ScaleFactor = 1.0F / (FLOAT) fontUnits; logFont.lfHeight = - ((LONG) fontUnits); logFont.lfWidth = (LONG)((FLOAT) (fontWidth * fontUnits) / (FLOAT) fontHeight); logFont.lfEscapement = 0; logFont.lfOrientation = 0; logFont.lfWeight = otm->otmTextMetrics.tmWeight; logFont.lfItalic = otm->otmTextMetrics.tmItalic; logFont.lfUnderline = otm->otmTextMetrics.tmUnderlined; logFont.lfStrikeOut = otm->otmTextMetrics.tmStruckOut; logFont.lfCharSet = otm->otmTextMetrics.tmCharSet; logFont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_OUTLINE_PRECIS; logFont.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; logFont.lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY; logFont.lfPitchAndFamily = otm->otmTextMetrics.tmPitchAndFamily & 0xf0; wcscpy(logFont.lfFaceName, logFontFaceName.lfFaceName); hNewFont = CreateFontIndirectW(&logFont); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, otm); return hNewFont; } /***************************************************************************** * MakeLinesFromArc * * Subdivides one arc of a quadratic spline until the chordal deviation * tolerance requirement is met, then places the resulting set of line * segments in the global LineBuf. *****************************************************************************/ INT MakeLinesFromArc(FLOAT x0, FLOAT y0, FLOAT x1, FLOAT y1, FLOAT x2, FLOAT y2, DWORD vertexCountIndex, FLOAT chordalDeviationSquared) { FLOAT x01; FLOAT y01; FLOAT x12; FLOAT y12; FLOAT midPointX; FLOAT midPointY; FLOAT deltaX; FLOAT deltaY; /* * Calculate midpoint of the curve by de Casteljau: */ x01 = 0.5F * (x0 + x1); y01 = 0.5F * (y0 + y1); x12 = 0.5F * (x1 + x2); y12 = 0.5F * (y1 + y2); midPointX = 0.5F * (x01 + x12); midPointY = 0.5F * (y01 + y12); /* * Estimate chordal deviation by the distance from the midpoint * of the curve to its non-pointpolated control point. If this * distance is greater than the specified chordal deviation * constraint, then subdivide. Otherwise, generate polylines * from the three control points. */ deltaX = midPointX - x1; deltaY = midPointY - y1; if (deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY > chordalDeviationSquared) { MakeLinesFromArc( x0, y0, x01, y01, midPointX, midPointY, vertexCountIndex, chordalDeviationSquared); MakeLinesFromArc( midPointX, midPointY, x12, y12, x2, y2, vertexCountIndex, chordalDeviationSquared); } else { /* * The "pen" is already at (x0, y0), so we don't need to * add that point to the LineBuf. */ if (!AppendToLineBuf(x1) || !AppendToLineBuf(y1) || !AppendToLineBuf(x2) || !AppendToLineBuf(y2)) return 0; LineBuf[vertexCountIndex] += 2.0F; } return 1; } /***************************************************************************** * MakeLinesFromTTQSpline * * Converts points from the poly quadratic spline in a TT_PRIM_QSPLINE * structure to polyline points in the global LineBuf. *****************************************************************************/ INT MakeLinesFromTTQSpline( UCHAR** pp, DWORD vertexCountIndex, WORD pointCount, FLOAT chordalDeviation) { FLOAT x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2; WORD point; /* * Process each of the non-pointpolated points in the outline. * To do this, we need to generate two pointpolated points (the * start and end of the arc) for each non-pointpolated point. * The first pointpolated point is always the one most recently * stored in LineBuf, so we just extract it from there. The * second pointpolated point is either the average of the next * two points in the QSpline, or the last point in the QSpline * if only one remains. */ for (point = 0; point < pointCount - 1; ++point) { x0 = LineBuf[LineBufIndex - 2]; y0 = LineBuf[LineBufIndex - 1]; x1 = (FLOAT) GetFixed(pp); y1 = (FLOAT) GetFixed(pp); if (point == pointCount - 2) { /* * This is the last arc in the QSpline. The final * point is the end of the arc. */ x2 = (FLOAT) GetFixed(pp); y2 = (FLOAT) GetFixed(pp); } else { /* * Peek at the next point in the input to compute * the end of the arc: */ x2 = 0.5F * (x1 + (FLOAT) GetFixed(pp)); y2 = 0.5F * (y1 + (FLOAT) GetFixed(pp)); /* * Push the point back onto the input so it will * be reused as the next off-curve point: */ *pp -= 8; } if (!MakeLinesFromArc( x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, vertexCountIndex, chordalDeviation * chordalDeviation)) return 0; } return 1; } /***************************************************************************** * MakeLinesFromTTLine * * Converts points from the polyline in a TT_PRIM_LINE structure to * equivalent points in the global LineBuf. *****************************************************************************/ INT MakeLinesFromTTLine(UCHAR** pp, DWORD vertexCountIndex, WORD pointCount) { /* * Just copy the line segments into the line buffer (converting * type as we go): */ LineBuf[vertexCountIndex] += pointCount; while (pointCount--) { if (!AppendToLineBuf((FLOAT) GetFixed(pp)) /* X coord */ || !AppendToLineBuf((FLOAT) GetFixed(pp))) /* Y coord */ return 0; } return 1; } /***************************************************************************** * MakeLinesFromTTPolyCurve * * Converts the lines and splines in a single TTPOLYCURVE structure to points * in the global LineBuf. *****************************************************************************/ INT MakeLinesFromTTPolycurve(UCHAR** pp, DWORD vertexCountIndex, FLOAT chordalDeviation) { WORD type; WORD pointCount; /* * Pick up the relevant fields of the TTPOLYCURVE structure: */ type = (WORD) GetWord(pp); pointCount = (WORD) GetWord(pp); /* * Convert the "curve" to line segments: */ if (type == TT_PRIM_LINE) return MakeLinesFromTTLine( pp, vertexCountIndex, pointCount); else if (type == TT_PRIM_QSPLINE) return MakeLinesFromTTQSpline( pp, vertexCountIndex, pointCount, chordalDeviation); else return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * MakeLinesFromTTPolygon * * Converts a TTPOLYGONHEADER and its associated curve structures into a * single polyline loop in the global LineBuf. *****************************************************************************/ INT MakeLinesFromTTPolygon(UCHAR** pp, FLOAT chordalDeviation) { DWORD polySize; UCHAR* polyStart; DWORD vertexCountIndex; /* * Record where the polygon data begins, and where the loop's * vertex count resides: */ polyStart = *pp; vertexCountIndex = LineBufIndex; if (!AppendToLineBuf(0.0F)) return 0; /* * Extract relevant data from the TTPOLYGONHEADER: */ polySize = GetDWord(pp); if (GetDWord(pp) != TT_POLYGON_TYPE) /* polygon type */ return 0; if (!AppendToLineBuf((FLOAT) GetFixed(pp))) /* first X coord */ return 0; if (!AppendToLineBuf((FLOAT) GetFixed(pp))) /* first Y coord */ return 0; LineBuf[vertexCountIndex] += 1.0F; /* * Process each of the TTPOLYCURVE structures in the polygon: */ while (*pp < polyStart + polySize) if (!MakeLinesFromTTPolycurve( pp, vertexCountIndex, chordalDeviation)) return 0; return 1; } /***************************************************************************** * TessVertexOut * * Used by tessellator to handle output vertexes. *****************************************************************************/ VOID CALLBACK TessVertexOutData(FLOAT p[3], GLfloat *pz) { GLfloat v[3]; v[0] = (GLfloat) p[0]; v[1] = (GLfloat) p[1]; v[2] = *pz; glVertex3fv(v); } /***************************************************************************** * TessCombine * * Used by tessellator to handle self-pointsecting contours and degenerate * geometry. *****************************************************************************/ VOID CALLBACK TessCombine(double coords[3], VOID* vertex_data[4], FLOAT weight[4], VOID** outData) { if (!AppendToVertBuf((FLOAT) coords[0]) || !AppendToVertBuf((FLOAT) coords[1]) || !AppendToVertBuf((FLOAT) coords[2])) TessErrorOccurred = GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY; *outData = VertBuf + (VertBufIndex - 3); } /***************************************************************************** * TessError * * Saves the last tessellator error code in the global TessErrorOccurred. *****************************************************************************/ VOID CALLBACK TessError(GLenum error) { TessErrorOccurred = error; } /***************************************************************************** * MakeLinesFromGlyph * * Converts the outline of a glyph from the TTPOLYGON format to a simple * array of floating-point values containing one or more loops. * * The first element of the output array is a count of the number of loops. * The loop data follows this count. Each loop consists of a count of the * number of vertices it contains, followed by the vertices. Each vertex * is an X and Y coordinate. For example, a single triangle might be * described by this array: * * 1., 3., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 1. * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * #loops #verts x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 * * A two-loop glyph would look like this: * * 2., 3., 0.,0., 1.,0., 0.,1., 3., .2,.2, .4,.2, .2,.4 * * Line segments from the TTPOLYGON are transferred to the output array in * the obvious way. Quadratic splines in the TTPOLYGON are converted to * collections of line segments *****************************************************************************/ INT MakeLinesFromGlyph(UCHAR* glyphBuf, DWORD glyphSize, FLOAT chordalDeviation) { UCHAR* p; INT status = 0; /* * Pick up all the polygons (aka loops) that make up the glyph: */ if (!AppendToLineBuf(0.0F)) /* loop count at LineBuf[0] */ goto exit; p = glyphBuf; while (p < glyphBuf + glyphSize) { if (!MakeLinesFromTTPolygon(&p, chordalDeviation)) goto exit; LineBuf[0] += 1.0F; /* increment loop count */ } status = 1; exit: return status; } /***************************************************************************** * DrawGlyph * * Converts the outline of a glyph to OpenGL drawing primitives, tessellating * as needed, and then draws the glyph. Tessellation of the quadratic splines * in the outline is controlled by "chordalDeviation", and the drawing * primitives (lines or polygons) are selected by "format". * * Return value is nonzero for success, zero for failure. * * Does not check for OpenGL errors, so if the caller needs to know about them, * it should call glGetError(). *****************************************************************************/ INT DrawGlyph(UCHAR* glyphBuf, DWORD glyphSize, FLOAT chordalDeviation, FLOAT extrusion, INT format) { INT status = 0; FLOAT* p; DWORD loop; DWORD point; GLUtesselator* tess = NULL; /* * Initialize the global buffer into which we place the outlines: */ LineBuf = (FLOAT*) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, (LINE_BUF_QUANT) * sizeof(FLOAT)); if(!LineBuf) goto exit; LineBufSize = LINE_BUF_QUANT; LineBufIndex = 0; /* * Convert the glyph outlines to a set of polyline loops. * (See MakeLinesFromGlyph() for the format of the loop data * structure.) */ if (!MakeLinesFromGlyph(glyphBuf, glyphSize, chordalDeviation)) goto exit; p = LineBuf; /* * Now draw the loops in the appropriate format: */ if (format == WGL_FONT_LINES) { /* * This is the easy case. Just draw the outlines. */ for (loop = (DWORD) *p++; loop; --loop) { glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); for (point = (DWORD) *p++; point; --point) { glVertex2fv(p); p += 2; } glEnd(); } status = 1; } else if (format == WGL_FONT_POLYGONS) { double v[3]; FLOAT *save_p = p; GLfloat z_value; /* * This is the hard case. We have to set up a tessellator * to convert the outlines into a set of polygonal * primitives, which the tessellator passes to some * auxiliary routines for drawing. */ VertBuf = (FLOAT*) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, (VERT_BUF_QUANT) * sizeof(FLOAT)); if (!VertBuf) goto exit; VertBufSize = VERT_BUF_QUANT; VertBufIndex = 0; if (!(tess = gluNewTess())) goto exit; gluTessCallback(tess, GLU_BEGIN, (VOID(CALLBACK *)()) glBegin); gluTessCallback(tess, GLU_TESS_VERTEX_DATA, (VOID(CALLBACK *)()) TessVertexOutData); gluTessCallback(tess, GLU_END, (VOID(CALLBACK *)()) glEnd); gluTessCallback(tess, GLU_ERROR, (VOID(CALLBACK *)()) TessError); gluTessCallback(tess, GLU_TESS_COMBINE, (VOID(CALLBACK *)()) TessCombine); gluTessNormal(tess, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F); TessErrorOccurred = 0; glNormal3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); v[2] = 0.0; z_value = 0.0f; gluTessBeginPolygon(tess, &z_value); for (loop = (DWORD) *p++; loop; --loop) { gluTessBeginContour(tess); for (point = (DWORD) *p++; point; --point) { v[0] = p[0]; v[1] = p[1]; gluTessVertex(tess, v, p); p += 2; } gluTessEndContour(tess); } gluTessEndPolygon(tess); status = !TessErrorOccurred; /* Extrusion code */ if (extrusion) { DWORD loops; GLfloat thickness = (GLfloat) - extrusion; FLOAT *vert, *vert2; DWORD count; p = save_p; loops = (DWORD) *p++; for (loop = 0; loop < loops; loop++) { GLfloat dx, dy, len; DWORD last; count = (DWORD) *p++; glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP); /* Check if the first and last vertex are identical * so we don't draw the same quad twice. */ vert = p + (count-1)*2; last = (p[0] == vert[0] && p[1] == vert[1]) ? count-1 : count; for (point = 0; point <= last; point++) { vert = p + 2 * (point % last); vert2 = p + 2 * ((point+1) % last); dx = vert[0] - vert2[0]; dy = vert[1] - vert2[1]; len = (GLfloat)sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); glNormal3f(dy / len, -dx / len, 0.0f); glVertex3f((GLfloat) vert[0], (GLfloat) vert[1], thickness); glVertex3f((GLfloat) vert[0], (GLfloat) vert[1], 0.0f); } glEnd(); p += count*2; } /* Draw the back face */ p = save_p; v[2] = thickness; glNormal3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); gluTessNormal(tess, 0.0F, 0.0F, -1.0F); gluTessBeginPolygon(tess, &thickness); for (loop = (DWORD) *p++; loop; --loop) { count = (DWORD) *p++; gluTessBeginContour(tess); for (point = 0; point < count; point++) { vert = p + ((count-point-1)<<1); v[0] = vert[0]; v[1] = vert[1]; gluTessVertex(tess, v, vert); } p += count*2; gluTessEndContour(tess); } gluTessEndPolygon(tess); } #if !defined(NDEBUG) if (TessErrorOccurred) DBGPRINT("Tessellation error %s\n", gluErrorString(TessErrorOccurred)); #endif } exit: if(LineBuf) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, LineBuf); if(VertBuf) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, VertBuf); if (tess) gluDeleteTess(tess); return status; } /***************************************************************************** * MakeDisplayListFromGlyph * * Converts the outline of a glyph to an OpenGL display list. * * Return value is nonzero for success, zero for failure. * * Does not check for OpenGL errors, so if the caller needs to know about them, * it should call glGetError(). *****************************************************************************/ INT MakeDisplayListFromGlyph(DWORD listName, UCHAR* glyphBuf, DWORD glyphSize, LPGLYPHMETRICSFLOAT glyphMetricsFloat, FLOAT chordalDeviation, FLOAT extrusion, INT format) { INT status; glNewList(listName, GL_COMPILE); status = DrawGlyph(glyphBuf, glyphSize, chordalDeviation, extrusion, format); glTranslatef(glyphMetricsFloat->gmfCellIncX, glyphMetricsFloat->gmfCellIncY, 0.0F); glEndList(); return status; } // *********************************************************************** /***************************************************************************** * IntUseFontBitmaps * * Converts a subrange of the glyphs in a GDI font to OpenGL display * lists. * * Extended to support any GDI font, not just TrueType fonts. (DaveM) * *****************************************************************************/ BOOL APIENTRY IntUseFontBitmapsW(HDC hDC, DWORD first, DWORD count, DWORD listBase) { INT i, ox, oy, ix, iy; INT w = 0, h = 0; INT iBufSize, iCurBufSize = 0; DWORD *bitmapBuffer = NULL; DWORD *invertedBitmapBuffer = NULL; BOOL bSuccessOrFail = TRUE; BOOL bTrueType = FALSE; TEXTMETRIC tm; GLYPHMETRICS gm; RASTERIZER_STATUS rs; MAT2 mat; SIZE size; RECT rect; HDC hDCMem; HBITMAP hBitmap; BITMAPINFO bmi; HFONT hFont; // Set up a unity matrix. ZeroMemory(&mat, sizeof(mat)); mat.eM11.value = 1; mat.eM22.value = 1; // Test to see if selected font is TrueType or not ZeroMemory(&tm, sizeof(tm)); if (!GetTextMetrics(hDC, &tm)) { DBGPRINT("Font metrics error\n"); return FALSE; } bTrueType = (tm.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_TRUETYPE) ? TRUE : FALSE; // Test to see if TRUE-TYPE capabilities are installed // (only necessary if TrueType font selected) ZeroMemory(&rs, sizeof(rs)); if (bTrueType) { if (!GetRasterizerCaps (&rs, sizeof (RASTERIZER_STATUS)) || !(rs.wFlags & TT_ENABLED)) { DBGPRINT("No TrueType caps\n"); bTrueType = FALSE; } } // Trick to get the current font handle hFont = SelectObject(hDC, GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT)); SelectObject(hDC, hFont); // Have memory device context available for holding bitmaps of font glyphs hDCMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC); SelectObject(hDCMem, hFont); SetTextColor(hDCMem, RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)); SetBkColor(hDCMem, 0); for (i = first; (DWORD) i < (first + count); i++) { // Find out how much space is needed for the bitmap so we can // Set the buffer size correctly. if (bTrueType) { // Use TrueType support to get bitmap size of glyph iBufSize = GetGlyphOutline(hDC, i, GGO_BITMAP, &gm, 0, NULL, &mat); if (iBufSize == GDI_ERROR) { bSuccessOrFail = FALSE; break; } } else { // Use generic GDI support to compute bitmap size of glyph w = tm.tmMaxCharWidth; h = tm.tmHeight; if (GetTextExtentPoint32(hDC, (LPCTSTR)&i, 1, &size)) { w = size.cx; h = size.cy; } iBufSize = w * h; // Use DWORD multiple for compatibility iBufSize += 3; iBufSize /= 4; iBufSize *= 4; } // If we need to allocate Larger Buffers, then do so - but allocate // An extra 50 % so that we don't do too many mallocs ! if (iBufSize > iCurBufSize) { if (bitmapBuffer) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, bitmapBuffer); } if (invertedBitmapBuffer) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, invertedBitmapBuffer); } iCurBufSize = iBufSize * 2; bitmapBuffer = (DWORD *) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, iCurBufSize); invertedBitmapBuffer = (DWORD *) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, iCurBufSize); if (bitmapBuffer == NULL || invertedBitmapBuffer == NULL) { bSuccessOrFail = FALSE; break; } } // If we fail to get the Glyph data, delete the display lists // Created so far and return FALSE. if (bTrueType) { // Use TrueType support to get bitmap of glyph if (GetGlyphOutline(hDC, i, GGO_BITMAP, &gm, iBufSize, bitmapBuffer, &mat) == GDI_ERROR) { bSuccessOrFail = FALSE; break; } // Setup glBitmap parameters for current font glyph w = gm.gmBlackBoxX; h = gm.gmBlackBoxY; ox = gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.x; oy = gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.y; ix = gm.gmCellIncX; iy = gm.gmCellIncY; } else { // Use generic GDI support to create bitmap of glyph ZeroMemory(bitmapBuffer, iBufSize); if (i >= tm.tmFirstChar && i <= tm.tmLastChar) { // Only create bitmaps for actual font glyphs hBitmap = CreateBitmap(w, h, 1, 1, NULL); SelectObject(hDCMem, hBitmap); // Make bitmap of current font glyph SetRect(&rect, 0, 0, w, h); DrawText(hDCMem, (LPCTSTR)&i, 1, &rect, DT_LEFT | DT_BOTTOM | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOCLIP); // Make copy of bitmap in our local buffer ZeroMemory(&bmi, sizeof(bmi)); bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = w; bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -h; bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 1; bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; GetDIBits(hDCMem, hBitmap, 0, h, bitmapBuffer, &bmi, 0); DeleteObject(hBitmap); } else { // Otherwise use empty display list for non-existing glyph iBufSize = 0; } // Setup glBitmap parameters for current font glyph ox = 0; oy = tm.tmDescent; ix = w; iy = 0; } // Create an OpenGL display list. glNewList((listBase + i), GL_COMPILE); // Some fonts have no data for the space character, yet advertise // a non-zero size. if (0 == iBufSize) { glBitmap(0, 0, 0.0f, 0.0f, (GLfloat) ix, (GLfloat) iy, NULL); } else { // Invert the Glyph data. InvertGlyphBitmap(w, h, bitmapBuffer, invertedBitmapBuffer); // Render an OpenGL bitmap and invert the origin. glBitmap(w, h, (GLfloat) ox, (GLfloat) (h-oy), (GLfloat) ix, (GLfloat) iy, (GLubyte *) invertedBitmapBuffer); } // Close this display list. glEndList(); } if (bSuccessOrFail == FALSE) { DBGPRINT("DGL_UseFontBitmaps: Get glyph failed\n"); glDeleteLists((i+listBase), (i-first)); } // Release resources used DeleteObject(hFont); DeleteDC(hDCMem); if (bitmapBuffer) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, bitmapBuffer); if (invertedBitmapBuffer) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, invertedBitmapBuffer); return(bSuccessOrFail); } BOOL APIENTRY IntUseFontBitmapsA(HDC hDC, DWORD first, DWORD count, DWORD listBase) { /* Just call IntUseFontBitmapsW for now */ return IntUseFontBitmapsW(hDC, first, count, listBase); } /***************************************************************************** * IntUseFontOutlines * * Converts a subrange of the glyphs in a TrueType font to OpenGL display * lists. *****************************************************************************/ BOOL APIENTRY IntUseFontOutlinesW(HDC hDC, DWORD first, DWORD count, DWORD listBase, FLOAT chordalDeviation, FLOAT extrusion, INT format, GLYPHMETRICSFLOAT *glyphMetricsFloatArray) { DWORD glyphIndex; UCHAR* glyphBuf; DWORD glyphBufSize; /* * Flush any previous OpenGL errors. This allows us to check for * new errors so they can be reported via the function return value. */ while (glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR); /* * Make sure that the current font can be sampled accurately. */ hNewFont = CreateHighResolutionFont(hDC); if (!hNewFont) return FALSE; hOldFont = SelectObject(hDC, hNewFont); if (!hOldFont) return FALSE; /* * Preallocate a buffer for the outline data, and track its size: */ glyphBuf = (UCHAR*) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, glyphBufSize = 10240); if (!glyphBuf) return FALSE; /*WGL_STATUS_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY*/ /* * Process each glyph in the given range: */ for (glyphIndex = first; glyphIndex - first < count; ++glyphIndex) { GLYPHMETRICS glyphMetrics; DWORD glyphSize; static MAT2 matrix = { {0, 1}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 1} }; LPGLYPHMETRICSFLOAT glyphMetricsFloat = &glyphMetricsFloatArray[glyphIndex - first]; /* * Determine how much space is needed to store the glyph's * outlines. If our glyph buffer isn't large enough, * resize it. */ glyphSize = GetGlyphOutline(hDC, glyphIndex, GGO_NATIVE, &glyphMetrics, 0, NULL, &matrix); if (glyphSize == GDI_ERROR) return FALSE; /*WGL_STATUS_FAILURE*/ if (glyphSize > glyphBufSize) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, glyphBuf); glyphBuf = (UCHAR*) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, glyphBufSize = glyphSize); if (!glyphBuf) return FALSE; /*WGL_STATUS_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY*/ } /* * Get the glyph's outlines. */ if (GetGlyphOutline(hDC, glyphIndex, GGO_NATIVE, &glyphMetrics, glyphBufSize, glyphBuf, &matrix) == GDI_ERROR) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, glyphBuf); return FALSE; /*WGL_STATUS_FAILURE*/ } glyphMetricsFloat->gmfBlackBoxX = (FLOAT) glyphMetrics.gmBlackBoxX * ScaleFactor; glyphMetricsFloat->gmfBlackBoxY = (FLOAT) glyphMetrics.gmBlackBoxY * ScaleFactor; glyphMetricsFloat->gmfptGlyphOrigin.x = (FLOAT) glyphMetrics.gmptGlyphOrigin.x * ScaleFactor; glyphMetricsFloat->gmfptGlyphOrigin.y = (FLOAT) glyphMetrics.gmptGlyphOrigin.y * ScaleFactor; glyphMetricsFloat->gmfCellIncX = (FLOAT) glyphMetrics.gmCellIncX * ScaleFactor; glyphMetricsFloat->gmfCellIncY = (FLOAT) glyphMetrics.gmCellIncY * ScaleFactor; /* * Turn the glyph into a display list: */ if (!MakeDisplayListFromGlyph((glyphIndex - first) + listBase, glyphBuf, glyphSize, glyphMetricsFloat, chordalDeviation + ScaleFactor, extrusion, format)) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, glyphBuf); return FALSE; /*WGL_STATUS_FAILURE*/ } } /* * Clean up temporary storage and return. If an error occurred, * clear all OpenGL error flags and return FAILURE status; * otherwise just return SUCCESS. */ HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, glyphBuf); DeleteObject(SelectObject(hDC, hOldFont)); if (glGetError() == GL_NO_ERROR) { return TRUE; /*WGL_STATUS_SUCCESS*/ } else { while (glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR); return FALSE; /*WGL_STATUS_FAILURE*/ } } BOOL APIENTRY IntUseFontOutlinesA(HDC hDC, DWORD first, DWORD count, DWORD listBase, FLOAT chordalDeviation, FLOAT extrusion, INT format, GLYPHMETRICSFLOAT *glyphMetricsFloatArray) { /* Just call IntUseFontOutlinesW for now */ return IntUseFontOutlinesW(hDC, first, count, listBase, chordalDeviation, extrusion, format, glyphMetricsFloatArray); }