/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * FILE: ntoskrnl/kd/kdio.c * PURPOSE: NT Kernel Debugger Input/Output Functions * * PROGRAMMERS: Alex Ionescu (alex@relsoft.net) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #include #define NDEBUG #include /* GLOBALS *******************************************************************/ #define KdpBufferSize (1024 * 512) static BOOLEAN KdpLoggingEnabled = FALSE; static BOOLEAN KdpLoggingStarting = FALSE; static PCHAR KdpDebugBuffer = NULL; static volatile ULONG KdpCurrentPosition = 0; static volatile ULONG KdpFreeBytes = 0; static KSPIN_LOCK KdpDebugLogSpinLock; static KEVENT KdpLoggerThreadEvent; static HANDLE KdpLogFileHandle; ANSI_STRING KdpLogFileName = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING("\\SystemRoot\\debug.log"); extern ULONG ExpInitializationPhase; static KSPIN_LOCK KdpSerialSpinLock; ULONG SerialPortNumber = DEFAULT_DEBUG_PORT; CPPORT SerialPortInfo = {0, DEFAULT_DEBUG_BAUD_RATE, 0}; #define KdpScreenLineLengthDefault 80 static CHAR KdpScreenLineBuffer[KdpScreenLineLengthDefault + 1] = ""; static ULONG KdpScreenLineBufferPos = 0, KdpScreenLineLength = 0; const ULONG KdpDmesgBufferSize = 128 * 1024; // 512*1024; PCHAR KdpDmesgBuffer = NULL; volatile ULONG KdpDmesgCurrentPosition = 0; volatile ULONG KdpDmesgFreeBytes = 0; volatile ULONG KdbDmesgTotalWritten = 0; volatile BOOLEAN KdbpIsInDmesgMode = FALSE; static KSPIN_LOCK KdpDmesgLogSpinLock; KDP_DEBUG_MODE KdpDebugMode; LIST_ENTRY KdProviders = {&KdProviders, &KdProviders}; KD_DISPATCH_TABLE DispatchTable[KdMax]; PKDP_INIT_ROUTINE InitRoutines[KdMax] = { KdpScreenInit, KdpSerialInit, KdpDebugLogInit, #ifdef KDBG KdpKdbgInit #endif }; static ULONG KdbgNextApiNumber = DbgKdContinueApi; static CONTEXT KdbgContext; static EXCEPTION_RECORD64 KdbgExceptionRecord; static BOOLEAN KdbgFirstChanceException; static NTSTATUS KdbgContinueStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; /* LOCKING FUNCTIONS *********************************************************/ KIRQL NTAPI KdbpAcquireLock( _In_ PKSPIN_LOCK SpinLock) { KIRQL OldIrql; /* Acquire the spinlock without waiting at raised IRQL */ while (TRUE) { /* Loop until the spinlock becomes available */ while (!KeTestSpinLock(SpinLock)); /* Spinlock is free, raise IRQL to high level */ KeRaiseIrql(HIGH_LEVEL, &OldIrql); /* Try to get the spinlock */ if (KeTryToAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(SpinLock)) break; /* Someone else got the spinlock, lower IRQL back */ KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); } return OldIrql; } VOID NTAPI KdbpReleaseLock( _In_ PKSPIN_LOCK SpinLock, _In_ KIRQL OldIrql) { /* Release the spinlock */ KiReleaseSpinLock(SpinLock); // KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(SpinLock); /* Restore the old IRQL */ KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); } /* FILE DEBUG LOG FUNCTIONS **************************************************/ static VOID NTAPI KdpLoggerThread(PVOID Context) { ULONG beg, end, num; IO_STATUS_BLOCK Iosb; ASSERT(ExGetPreviousMode() == KernelMode); KdpLoggingEnabled = TRUE; while (TRUE) { KeWaitForSingleObject(&KdpLoggerThreadEvent, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); /* Bug */ /* Keep KdpCurrentPosition and KdpFreeBytes values in local * variables to avoid their possible change from Producer part, * KdpPrintToLogFile function */ end = KdpCurrentPosition; num = KdpFreeBytes; /* Now securely calculate values, based on local variables */ beg = (end + num) % KdpBufferSize; num = KdpBufferSize - num; /* Nothing to do? */ if (num == 0) continue; if (end > beg) { NtWriteFile(KdpLogFileHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &Iosb, KdpDebugBuffer + beg, num, NULL, NULL); } else { NtWriteFile(KdpLogFileHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &Iosb, KdpDebugBuffer + beg, KdpBufferSize - beg, NULL, NULL); NtWriteFile(KdpLogFileHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &Iosb, KdpDebugBuffer, end, NULL, NULL); } (VOID)InterlockedExchangeAddUL(&KdpFreeBytes, num); } } static VOID NTAPI KdpPrintToLogFile(PCHAR String, ULONG Length) { KIRQL OldIrql; ULONG beg, end, num; BOOLEAN DoReinit = FALSE; if (KdpDebugBuffer == NULL) return; /* Acquire the printing spinlock without waiting at raised IRQL */ OldIrql = KdbpAcquireLock(&KdpDebugLogSpinLock); beg = KdpCurrentPosition; num = KdpFreeBytes; if (Length < num) num = Length; if (num != 0) { end = (beg + num) % KdpBufferSize; KdpCurrentPosition = end; KdpFreeBytes -= num; if (end > beg) { RtlCopyMemory(KdpDebugBuffer + beg, String, num); } else { RtlCopyMemory(KdpDebugBuffer + beg, String, KdpBufferSize - beg); RtlCopyMemory(KdpDebugBuffer, String + KdpBufferSize - beg, end); } } /* Release the spinlock */ if (OldIrql == PASSIVE_LEVEL && !KdpLoggingStarting && !KdpLoggingEnabled && ExpInitializationPhase >= 2) { DoReinit = TRUE; } KdbpReleaseLock(&KdpDebugLogSpinLock, OldIrql); if (DoReinit) { KdpLoggingStarting = TRUE; KdpDebugLogInit(NULL, 3); } /* Signal the logger thread */ if (OldIrql <= DISPATCH_LEVEL && KdpLoggingEnabled) KeSetEvent(&KdpLoggerThreadEvent, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE); } VOID NTAPI KdpDebugLogInit(PKD_DISPATCH_TABLE DispatchTable, ULONG BootPhase) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING FileName; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK Iosb; HANDLE ThreadHandle; KPRIORITY Priority; if (!KdpDebugMode.File) return; if (BootPhase == 0) { /* Write out the functions that we support for now */ DispatchTable->KdpInitRoutine = KdpDebugLogInit; DispatchTable->KdpPrintRoutine = KdpPrintToLogFile; /* Register as a Provider */ InsertTailList(&KdProviders, &DispatchTable->KdProvidersList); } else if (BootPhase == 1) { /* Allocate a buffer for debug log */ KdpDebugBuffer = ExAllocatePoolZero(NonPagedPool, KdpBufferSize, TAG_KDBG); if (!KdpDebugBuffer) { KdpDebugMode.File = FALSE; return; } KdpFreeBytes = KdpBufferSize; /* Initialize spinlock */ KeInitializeSpinLock(&KdpDebugLogSpinLock); HalDisplayString("\r\n File log debugging enabled\r\n\r\n"); } else if (BootPhase == 3) { /* Setup the log name */ Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&FileName, &KdpLogFileName, TRUE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return; InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &FileName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE | OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, NULL, NULL); /* Create the log file */ Status = ZwCreateFile(&KdpLogFileHandle, FILE_APPEND_DATA | SYNCHRONIZE, &ObjectAttributes, &Iosb, NULL, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SUPERSEDE, FILE_WRITE_THROUGH | FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT, NULL, 0); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&FileName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("Failed to open log file: 0x%08x\n", Status); return; } KeInitializeEvent(&KdpLoggerThreadEvent, SynchronizationEvent, TRUE); /* Create the logger thread */ Status = PsCreateSystemThread(&ThreadHandle, THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, NULL, NULL, KdpLoggerThread, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ZwClose(KdpLogFileHandle); return; } Priority = 7; ZwSetInformationThread(ThreadHandle, ThreadPriority, &Priority, sizeof(Priority)); ZwClose(ThreadHandle); } } /* SERIAL FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ static VOID NTAPI KdpSerialPrint(PCHAR String, ULONG Length) { PCHAR pch = String; KIRQL OldIrql; /* Acquire the printing spinlock without waiting at raised IRQL */ OldIrql = KdbpAcquireLock(&KdpSerialSpinLock); /* Output the string */ while (pch < String + Length && *pch) { if (*pch == '\n') { KdPortPutByteEx(&SerialPortInfo, '\r'); } KdPortPutByteEx(&SerialPortInfo, *pch); pch++; } /* Release the spinlock */ KdbpReleaseLock(&KdpSerialSpinLock, OldIrql); } VOID NTAPI KdpSerialInit(PKD_DISPATCH_TABLE DispatchTable, ULONG BootPhase) { if (!KdpDebugMode.Serial) return; if (BootPhase == 0) { /* Write out the functions that we support for now */ DispatchTable->KdpInitRoutine = KdpSerialInit; DispatchTable->KdpPrintRoutine = KdpSerialPrint; /* Initialize the Port */ if (!KdPortInitializeEx(&SerialPortInfo, SerialPortNumber)) { KdpDebugMode.Serial = FALSE; return; } KdComPortInUse = SerialPortInfo.Address; /* Initialize spinlock */ KeInitializeSpinLock(&KdpSerialSpinLock); /* Register as a Provider */ InsertTailList(&KdProviders, &DispatchTable->KdProvidersList); } else if (BootPhase == 1) { HalDisplayString("\r\n Serial debugging enabled\r\n\r\n"); } } /* SCREEN FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ VOID KdpScreenAcquire(VOID) { if (InbvIsBootDriverInstalled() /* && !InbvCheckDisplayOwnership() */) { /* Acquire ownership and reset the display */ InbvAcquireDisplayOwnership(); InbvResetDisplay(); InbvSolidColorFill(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH - 1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1, BV_COLOR_BLACK); InbvSetTextColor(BV_COLOR_WHITE); InbvInstallDisplayStringFilter(NULL); InbvEnableDisplayString(TRUE); InbvSetScrollRegion(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH - 1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1); } } // extern VOID NTAPI InbvSetDisplayOwnership(IN BOOLEAN DisplayOwned); VOID KdpScreenRelease(VOID) { if (InbvIsBootDriverInstalled()&& InbvCheckDisplayOwnership()) { /* Release the display */ // InbvSetDisplayOwnership(FALSE); InbvNotifyDisplayOwnershipLost(NULL); } } /* * Screen debug logger function KdpScreenPrint() writes text strings into * KdpDmesgBuffer, using it as a circular buffer. KdpDmesgBuffer contents could * be later (re)viewed using dmesg command of kdbg. KdpScreenPrint() protects * KdpDmesgBuffer from simultaneous writes by use of KdpDmesgLogSpinLock. */ static VOID NTAPI KdpScreenPrint(PCHAR String, ULONG Length) { PCHAR pch = String; KIRQL OldIrql; ULONG beg, end, num; while (pch < String + Length && *pch) { if (*pch == '\b') { /* HalDisplayString does not support '\b'. Workaround it and use '\r' */ if (KdpScreenLineLength > 0) { /* Remove last character from buffer */ KdpScreenLineBuffer[--KdpScreenLineLength] = '\0'; KdpScreenLineBufferPos = KdpScreenLineLength; /* Clear row and print line again */ HalDisplayString("\r"); HalDisplayString(KdpScreenLineBuffer); } } else { KdpScreenLineBuffer[KdpScreenLineLength++] = *pch; KdpScreenLineBuffer[KdpScreenLineLength] = '\0'; } if (*pch == '\n' || KdpScreenLineLength == KdpScreenLineLengthDefault) { /* Print buffered characters */ if (KdpScreenLineBufferPos != KdpScreenLineLength) HalDisplayString(KdpScreenLineBuffer + KdpScreenLineBufferPos); /* Clear line buffer */ KdpScreenLineBuffer[0] = '\0'; KdpScreenLineLength = KdpScreenLineBufferPos = 0; } ++pch; } /* Print buffered characters */ if (KdpScreenLineBufferPos != KdpScreenLineLength) { HalDisplayString(KdpScreenLineBuffer + KdpScreenLineBufferPos); KdpScreenLineBufferPos = KdpScreenLineLength; } /* Dmesg: store the string in the buffer to show it later */ if (KdbpIsInDmesgMode) return; if (KdpDmesgBuffer == NULL) return; /* Acquire the printing spinlock without waiting at raised IRQL */ OldIrql = KdbpAcquireLock(&KdpDmesgLogSpinLock); /* Invariant: always_true(KdpDmesgFreeBytes == KdpDmesgBufferSize); * set num to min(KdpDmesgFreeBytes, Length). */ num = (Length < KdpDmesgFreeBytes) ? Length : KdpDmesgFreeBytes; beg = KdpDmesgCurrentPosition; if (num != 0) { end = (beg + num) % KdpDmesgBufferSize; if (end > beg) { RtlCopyMemory(KdpDmesgBuffer + beg, String, Length); } else { RtlCopyMemory(KdpDmesgBuffer + beg, String, KdpDmesgBufferSize - beg); RtlCopyMemory(KdpDmesgBuffer, String + (KdpDmesgBufferSize - beg), end); } KdpDmesgCurrentPosition = end; /* Counting the total bytes written */ KdbDmesgTotalWritten += num; } /* Release the spinlock */ KdbpReleaseLock(&KdpDmesgLogSpinLock, OldIrql); /* Optional step(?): find out a way to notify about buffer exhaustion, * and possibly fall into kbd to use dmesg command: user will read * debug strings before they will be wiped over by next writes. */ } VOID NTAPI KdpScreenInit(PKD_DISPATCH_TABLE DispatchTable, ULONG BootPhase) { if (!KdpDebugMode.Screen) return; if (BootPhase == 0) { /* Write out the functions that we support for now */ DispatchTable->KdpInitRoutine = KdpScreenInit; DispatchTable->KdpPrintRoutine = KdpScreenPrint; /* Register as a Provider */ InsertTailList(&KdProviders, &DispatchTable->KdProvidersList); } else if (BootPhase == 1) { /* Allocate a buffer for dmesg log buffer. +1 for terminating null, * see kdbp_cli.c:KdbpCmdDmesg()/2 */ KdpDmesgBuffer = ExAllocatePoolZero(NonPagedPool, KdpDmesgBufferSize + 1, TAG_KDBG); /* Ignore failure if KdpDmesgBuffer is NULL */ KdpDmesgFreeBytes = KdpDmesgBufferSize; KdbDmesgTotalWritten = 0; /* Take control of the display */ KdpScreenAcquire(); /* Initialize spinlock */ KeInitializeSpinLock(&KdpDmesgLogSpinLock); HalDisplayString("\r\n Screen debugging enabled\r\n\r\n"); } } #ifdef KDBG /* KDBG FUNCTIONS ************************************************************/ /* NOTE: This may be moved completely into kdb_symbols.c */ VOID NTAPI KdbInitialize(PKD_DISPATCH_TABLE DispatchTable, ULONG BootPhase); VOID NTAPI KdpKdbgInit( PKD_DISPATCH_TABLE DispatchTable, ULONG BootPhase) { /* Forward the call */ KdbInitialize(DispatchTable, BootPhase); } #endif /* GENERAL FUNCTIONS *********************************************************/ BOOLEAN NTAPI KdpPrintString( _In_ PSTRING Output); extern STRING KdbPromptString; VOID NTAPI KdSendPacket( _In_ ULONG PacketType, _In_ PSTRING MessageHeader, _In_opt_ PSTRING MessageData, _Inout_ PKD_CONTEXT Context) { if (PacketType == PACKET_TYPE_KD_DEBUG_IO) { ULONG ApiNumber = ((PDBGKD_DEBUG_IO)MessageHeader->Buffer)->ApiNumber; PLIST_ENTRY CurrentEntry; PKD_DISPATCH_TABLE CurrentTable; /* Validate API call */ if (MessageHeader->Length != sizeof(DBGKD_DEBUG_IO)) return; if ((ApiNumber != DbgKdPrintStringApi) && (ApiNumber != DbgKdGetStringApi)) { return; } if (!MessageData) return; /* NOTE: MessageData->Length should be equal to * DebugIo.u.PrintString.LengthOfString, or to * DebugIo.u.GetString.LengthOfPromptString */ if (!KdpDebugMode.Value) return; /* Call the registered handlers */ CurrentEntry = KdProviders.Flink; while (CurrentEntry != &KdProviders) { /* Get the current table */ CurrentTable = CONTAINING_RECORD(CurrentEntry, KD_DISPATCH_TABLE, KdProvidersList); /* Call it */ CurrentTable->KdpPrintRoutine(MessageData->Buffer, MessageData->Length); /* Next Table */ CurrentEntry = CurrentEntry->Flink; } return; } else if (PacketType == PACKET_TYPE_KD_STATE_CHANGE64) { PDBGKD_ANY_WAIT_STATE_CHANGE WaitStateChange = (PDBGKD_ANY_WAIT_STATE_CHANGE)MessageHeader->Buffer; if (WaitStateChange->NewState == DbgKdLoadSymbolsStateChange) { #ifdef KDBG PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY LdrEntry; /* Load symbols. Currently implemented only for KDBG! */ if (KdbpSymFindModule((PVOID)(ULONG_PTR)WaitStateChange->u.LoadSymbols.BaseOfDll, -1, &LdrEntry)) { KdbSymProcessSymbols(LdrEntry, !WaitStateChange->u.LoadSymbols.UnloadSymbols); } #endif return; } else if (WaitStateChange->NewState == DbgKdExceptionStateChange) { KdbgNextApiNumber = DbgKdGetContextApi; KdbgExceptionRecord = WaitStateChange->u.Exception.ExceptionRecord; KdbgFirstChanceException = WaitStateChange->u.Exception.FirstChance; return; } } else if (PacketType == PACKET_TYPE_KD_STATE_MANIPULATE) { PDBGKD_MANIPULATE_STATE64 ManipulateState = (PDBGKD_MANIPULATE_STATE64)MessageHeader->Buffer; if (ManipulateState->ApiNumber == DbgKdGetContextApi) { KD_CONTINUE_TYPE Result; #ifdef KDBG /* Check if this is an assertion failure */ if (KdbgExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode == STATUS_ASSERTION_FAILURE) { /* Bump EIP to the instruction following the int 2C */ KeSetContextPc(&KdbgContext, KeGetContextPc(&KdbgContext) + 2); } Result = KdbEnterDebuggerException(&KdbgExceptionRecord, KdbgContext.SegCs & 1, &KdbgContext, KdbgFirstChanceException); #else /* We'll manually dump the stack for the user... */ KeRosDumpStackFrames(NULL, 0); Result = kdHandleException; #endif if (Result != kdHandleException) KdbgContinueStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; else KdbgContinueStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; KdbgNextApiNumber = DbgKdSetContextApi; return; } else if (ManipulateState->ApiNumber == DbgKdSetContextApi) { KdbgNextApiNumber = DbgKdContinueApi; return; } } UNIMPLEMENTED; } KDSTATUS NTAPI KdReceivePacket( _In_ ULONG PacketType, _Out_ PSTRING MessageHeader, _Out_ PSTRING MessageData, _Out_ PULONG DataLength, _Inout_ PKD_CONTEXT Context) { #ifdef KDBG STRING NewLine = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING("\n"); STRING ResponseString; PDBGKD_DEBUG_IO DebugIo; CHAR MessageBuffer[512]; #endif if (PacketType == PACKET_TYPE_KD_STATE_MANIPULATE) { PDBGKD_MANIPULATE_STATE64 ManipulateState = (PDBGKD_MANIPULATE_STATE64)MessageHeader->Buffer; RtlZeroMemory(MessageHeader->Buffer, MessageHeader->MaximumLength); if (KdbgNextApiNumber == DbgKdGetContextApi) { ManipulateState->ApiNumber = DbgKdGetContextApi; MessageData->Length = 0; MessageData->Buffer = (PCHAR)&KdbgContext; return KdPacketReceived; } else if (KdbgNextApiNumber == DbgKdSetContextApi) { ManipulateState->ApiNumber = DbgKdSetContextApi; MessageData->Length = sizeof(KdbgContext); MessageData->Buffer = (PCHAR)&KdbgContext; return KdPacketReceived; } else if (KdbgNextApiNumber != DbgKdContinueApi) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } ManipulateState->ApiNumber = DbgKdContinueApi; ManipulateState->u.Continue.ContinueStatus = KdbgContinueStatus; /* Prepare for next time */ KdbgNextApiNumber = DbgKdContinueApi; KdbgContinueStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; return KdPacketReceived; } if (PacketType != PACKET_TYPE_KD_DEBUG_IO) return KdPacketTimedOut; #ifdef KDBG DebugIo = (PDBGKD_DEBUG_IO)MessageHeader->Buffer; /* Validate API call */ if (MessageHeader->MaximumLength != sizeof(DBGKD_DEBUG_IO)) return KdPacketNeedsResend; if (DebugIo->ApiNumber != DbgKdGetStringApi) return KdPacketNeedsResend; /* NOTE: We cannot use directly MessageData->Buffer here as it points * to the temporary KdpMessageBuffer scratch buffer that is being * shared with all the possible I/O KD operations that may happen. */ ResponseString.Buffer = MessageBuffer; ResponseString.Length = 0; ResponseString.MaximumLength = min(sizeof(MessageBuffer), MessageData->MaximumLength); ResponseString.MaximumLength = min(ResponseString.MaximumLength, DebugIo->u.GetString.LengthOfStringRead); /* The prompt string has been printed by KdSendPacket; go to * new line and print the kdb prompt -- for SYSREG2 support. */ KdpPrintString(&NewLine); KdpPrintString(&KdbPromptString); // Alternatively, use "Input> " if (!(KdbDebugState & KD_DEBUG_KDSERIAL)) KbdDisableMouse(); /* Read a line of user input and retrieve the length. * The output string is NULL-terminated -- documentation states * that DbgPrompt() does not NULL-terminate, but it does. */ *DataLength = KdbpReadCommand(ResponseString.Buffer, ResponseString.MaximumLength); if (!(KdbDebugState & KD_DEBUG_KDSERIAL)) KbdEnableMouse(); /* Return the length */ *DataLength = min(*DataLength, DebugIo->u.GetString.LengthOfStringRead); MessageData->Length = DebugIo->u.GetString.LengthOfStringRead = *DataLength; /* Only now we can copy back the data into MessageData->Buffer */ RtlCopyMemory(MessageData->Buffer, ResponseString.Buffer, *DataLength); #endif return KdPacketReceived; } /* EOF */