/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Build Tools [Keyboard Layout Compiler] * LICENSE: BSD - See COPYING.BSD in the top level directory * FILE: tools/kbdtool/main.c * PURPOSE: Main Logic Loop * PROGRAMMERS: ReactOS Foundation */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include "kbdtool.h" /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ /* Internal tool data */ ULONG gVersion = 3; ULONG gSubVersion = 40; /* Input file */ PCHAR gpszFileName; FILE* gfpInput; /* Command-line parameters */ BOOLEAN UnicodeFile, Verbose, NoLogo, FallbackDriver, SanityCheck, SourceOnly; ULONG BuildType; /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/ VOID PrintUsage(VOID) { /* This is who we are */ printf("\nKbdTool v%d.%02d - convert keyboard text file to C file or a keyboard layout DLL\n\n", gVersion, gSubVersion); /* This is what we do */ printf("Usage: KbdTool [-v] [-n] [-w] [-k] [-n] [-u|a] [-i|x|m|o|s] FILE\n\n"); printf("\t[-?] display this message\n"); printf("\t[-n] no logo or normal build information displayed\n\n"); printf("\t[-a] Uses non-Unicode source files (default)\n"); printf("\t[-u] Uses Unicode source files\n\n"); printf("\t[-v] Verbose diagnostics (and warnings, with -w)\n"); printf("\t[-w] display extended Warnings\n\n"); printf("\t[-x] Builds for x86 (default)\n"); printf("\t[-i] Builds for IA64\n"); printf("\t[-m] Builds for AMD64\n"); printf("\t[-o] Builds for WOW64\n"); printf("\t[-s] Generate Source files (no build)\n\n"); printf("\tFILE The source keyboard file (required)\n\n"); /* Extra hints */ printf("\t-u/-a are mutually exclusive; kbdutool will use the last one if you specify more than one.\n"); printf("\t-i/-x/-m/-o-s will exhibit the same behavior when than one of them is specified.\n\n"); /* Quit */ exit(1); printf("should not be here"); } INT main(INT argc, PCHAR* argv) { ULONG i, ErrorCode, FailureCode; CHAR Option; PCHAR OpenFlags; CHAR BuildOptions[16] = {0}; /* Loop for parameter */ for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if (argv[i][0] != '/' && argv[i][0] != '-') break; if (argv[i][1] && !argv[i][2]) Option = argv[i][1]; else Option = 0; /* Check supported options */ switch (Option) { /* ASCII File */ case 'A': case 'a': UnicodeFile = 0; break; /* UNICODE File */ case 'U': case 'u': UnicodeFile = 1; break; /* Verbose */ case 'V': case 'v': Verbose = 1; break; /* No logo */ case 'N': case 'n': NoLogo = 1; break; /* Fallback driver */ case 'K': case 'k': FallbackDriver = 1; break; /* Sanity Check */ case 'W': case 'w': SanityCheck = 1; break; /* Itanium */ case 'I': case 'i': BuildType = 1; break; /* X86 */ case 'X': case 'x': BuildType = 0; break; /* AMD64 */ case 'M': case 'm': BuildType = 2; break; /* WOW64 */ case 'O': case 'o': BuildType = 3; break; /* Source only */ case 'S': case 's': SourceOnly = 1; break; default: /* If you got here, the options are invalid or missing */ PrintUsage(); break; } } /* Do we have no options? */ if (i == argc) PrintUsage(); /* Should we announce ourselves? */ if (!NoLogo) { /* This is who we are */ printf("\nKbdTool v%d.%02d - convert keyboard text file to C file or a keyboard layout DLL\n\n", gVersion, gSubVersion); } /* Save the file name */ gpszFileName = argv[i]; /* Open either as binary or text */ OpenFlags = "rb"; if (!UnicodeFile) OpenFlags = "rt"; /* Open a handle to the file */ gfpInput = fopen(gpszFileName, OpenFlags); if (!gfpInput) { /* Couldn't open it */ printf("Unable to open '%s' for read.\n", gpszFileName); exit(1); } /* Should we print out what we're doing? */ if (!NoLogo) { /* Are we only building the source files? */ if (SourceOnly) { /* Then there's no target architecture */ strcpy(BuildOptions, "source files"); } else { /* Take a look at the target architecture*/ switch (BuildType) { /* Print the appropriate message depending on what was chosen */ case 0: strcpy(BuildOptions, "i386/x86"); break; case 1: strcpy(BuildOptions, "ia64"); break; case 2: strcpy(BuildOptions, "amd64/x64"); break; case 3: strcpy(BuildOptions, "wow64"); break; default: strcpy(BuildOptions, "unknown purpose"); break; } } /* Now inform the user */ printf("Compiling layout information from '%s' for %s.\n", gpszFileName, BuildOptions); } /* Now parse the keywords */ FailureCode = DoParsing(); /* Should we build? */ if (!(SourceOnly) && !(FallbackDriver)) ErrorCode = 0;//DoBuild(); /* Did everything work? */ if (FailureCode == 0) { /* Tell the user, if he cares */ if (!NoLogo) printf("All tasks completed successfully.\n"); } else { /* Print the failure code */ printf("\n %13d\n", FailureCode); } /* Return the error code */ return ErrorCode; } /* EOF */