/* * ReactOS kernel * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 ReactOS Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* $Id$ * * PROJECT: ReactOS user32.dll * FILE: lib/user32/windows/input.c * PURPOSE: Input * PROGRAMMER: Casper S. Hornstrup (chorns@users.sourceforge.net) * UPDATE HISTORY: * 09-05-2001 CSH Created */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #include /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ static WORD GetC1Type(WCHAR Ch) { WORD CharType; if (! GetStringTypeW(CT_CTYPE1, &Ch, 1, &CharType)) { return 0; } return CharType; } /* * @implemented */ LPSTR WINAPI CharLowerA(LPSTR str) { if (!HIWORD(str)) { char ch = LOWORD(str); CharLowerBuffA( &ch, 1 ); return (LPSTR)(UINT_PTR)(BYTE)ch; } _SEH2_TRY { CharLowerBuffA( str, strlen(str) ); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return NULL; } _SEH2_END; return str; } /* * @implemented */ DWORD WINAPI CharLowerBuffA(LPSTR str, DWORD len) { DWORD lenW; WCHAR *strW; if (!str) return 0; /* YES */ lenW = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str, len, NULL, 0); strW = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lenW * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (strW) { MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str, len, strW, lenW); CharLowerBuffW(strW, lenW); len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, strW, lenW, str, len, NULL, NULL); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, strW); return len; } return 0; } /* * @implemented */ DWORD WINAPI CharLowerBuffW(LPWSTR str, DWORD len) { DWORD ret = len; if (!str) return 0; /* YES */ for (; len; len--, str++) *str = towlower(*str); return ret; } /* * @implemented */ LPWSTR WINAPI CharLowerW(LPWSTR x) { if (HIWORD(x)) return strlwrW(x); else return (LPWSTR)((UINT_PTR)tolowerW(LOWORD(x))); } /* * @implemented */ LPWSTR WINAPI CharPrevW(LPCWSTR start, LPCWSTR x) { if (x > start) return (LPWSTR)(x-1); else return (LPWSTR)x; } /* * @implemented */ LPSTR WINAPI CharNextA(LPCSTR ptr) { if (!*ptr) return (LPSTR)ptr; if (IsDBCSLeadByte(ptr[0]) && ptr[1]) return (LPSTR)(ptr + 2); return (LPSTR)(ptr + 1); } /* * @implemented */ LPSTR WINAPI CharNextExA(WORD codepage, LPCSTR ptr, DWORD flags) { if (!*ptr) return (LPSTR)ptr; if (IsDBCSLeadByteEx(codepage, ptr[0]) && ptr[1]) return (LPSTR)(ptr + 2); return (LPSTR)(ptr + 1); } /* * @implemented */ LPWSTR WINAPI CharNextW(LPCWSTR x) { if (*x) x++; return (LPWSTR)x; } /* * @implemented */ LPSTR WINAPI CharPrevA(LPCSTR start, LPCSTR ptr) { while (*start && (start < ptr)) { LPCSTR next = CharNextA(start); if (next >= ptr) break; start = next; } return (LPSTR)start; } /* * @implemented */ LPSTR WINAPI CharPrevExA( WORD codepage, LPCSTR start, LPCSTR ptr, DWORD flags ) { while (*start && (start < ptr)) { LPCSTR next = CharNextExA( codepage, start, flags ); if (next > ptr) break; start = next; } return (LPSTR)start; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI CharToOemA(LPCSTR s, LPSTR d) { if (!s || !d) return TRUE; return CharToOemBuffA(s, d, strlen(s) + 1); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI CharToOemBuffA(LPCSTR s, LPSTR d, DWORD len) { WCHAR* bufW; bufW = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, len * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (bufW) { MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, s, len, bufW, len); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_OEMCP, 0, bufW, len, d, len, NULL, NULL); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, bufW); } return TRUE; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI CharToOemBuffW(LPCWSTR s, LPSTR d, DWORD len) { if (!s || !d) return TRUE; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_OEMCP, 0, s, len, d, len, NULL, NULL); return TRUE; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI CharToOemW(LPCWSTR s, LPSTR d) { return CharToOemBuffW(s, d, wcslen(s) + 1); } /* * @implemented */ LPSTR WINAPI CharUpperA(LPSTR str) { if (!HIWORD(str)) { char ch = LOWORD(str); CharUpperBuffA( &ch, 1 ); return (LPSTR)(UINT_PTR)(BYTE)ch; } _SEH2_TRY { CharUpperBuffA( str, strlen(str) ); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return NULL; } _SEH2_END; return str; } /* * @implemented */ DWORD WINAPI CharUpperBuffA(LPSTR str, DWORD len) { DWORD lenW; WCHAR* strW; if (!str) return 0; /* YES */ lenW = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str, len, NULL, 0); strW = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lenW * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (strW) { MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str, len, strW, lenW); CharUpperBuffW(strW, lenW); len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, strW, lenW, str, len, NULL, NULL); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, strW); return len; } return 0; } /* * @implemented */ DWORD WINAPI CharUpperBuffW(LPWSTR str, DWORD len) { DWORD ret = len; if (!str) return 0; /* YES */ for (; len; len--, str++) *str = towupper(*str); return ret; } /* * @implemented */ LPWSTR WINAPI CharUpperW(LPWSTR x) { if (HIWORD(x)) return struprW(x); else return (LPWSTR)((UINT_PTR)toupperW(LOWORD(x))); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI IsCharAlphaA(CHAR Ch) { WCHAR WCh; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, &Ch, 1, &WCh, 1); return IsCharAlphaW(WCh); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI IsCharAlphaNumericA(CHAR Ch) { WCHAR WCh; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, &Ch, 1, &WCh, 1); return IsCharAlphaNumericW(WCh); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI IsCharAlphaNumericW(WCHAR Ch) { return (GetC1Type(Ch) & (C1_ALPHA|C1_DIGIT)) != 0; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI IsCharAlphaW(WCHAR Ch) { return (GetC1Type(Ch) & C1_ALPHA) != 0; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI IsCharLowerA(CHAR Ch) { WCHAR WCh; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, &Ch, 1, &WCh, 1); return IsCharLowerW(WCh); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI IsCharLowerW(WCHAR Ch) { return (GetC1Type(Ch) & C1_LOWER) != 0; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI IsCharUpperA(CHAR Ch) { WCHAR WCh; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, &Ch, 1, &WCh, 1); return IsCharUpperW(WCh); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI IsCharUpperW(WCHAR Ch) { return (GetC1Type(Ch) & C1_UPPER) != 0; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI OemToCharA(LPCSTR s, LPSTR d) { return OemToCharBuffA(s, d, strlen(s) + 1); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI OemToCharBuffA(LPCSTR s, LPSTR d, DWORD len) { WCHAR* bufW; bufW = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, len * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (bufW) { MultiByteToWideChar(CP_OEMCP, 0, s, len, bufW, len); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, bufW, len, d, len, NULL, NULL); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, bufW); } return TRUE; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI OemToCharBuffW(LPCSTR s, LPWSTR d, DWORD len) { MultiByteToWideChar(CP_OEMCP, 0, s, len, d, len); return TRUE; } /* * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI OemToCharW(LPCSTR s, LPWSTR d) { return OemToCharBuffW(s, d, strlen(s) + 1); } /* EOF */