/*++ NDK Version: 0098 Copyright (c) Alex Ionescu. All rights reserved. Header Name: mmtypes.h Abstract: Type definitions for the Memory Manager Author: Alex Ionescu (alexi@tinykrnl.org) - Updated - 27-Feb-2006 --*/ #ifndef _MMTYPES_H #define _MMTYPES_H // // Dependencies // #include #include #include // // Page-Rounding Macros // #define PAGE_ROUND_DOWN(x) \ (((ULONG_PTR)(x))&(~(PAGE_SIZE-1))) #define PAGE_ROUND_UP(x) \ ( (((ULONG_PTR)(x)) + PAGE_SIZE-1) & (~(PAGE_SIZE-1)) ) #ifdef NTOS_MODE_USER #define ROUND_TO_PAGES(Size) \ (((ULONG_PTR)(Size) + PAGE_SIZE - 1) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1)) #endif #define ROUND_TO_ALLOCATION_GRANULARITY(Size) \ (((ULONG_PTR)(Size) + MM_ALLOCATION_GRANULARITY - 1) \ & ~(MM_ALLOCATION_GRANULARITY - 1)) // // PFN Identity Uses // #define MMPFNUSE_PROCESSPRIVATE 0 #define MMPFNUSE_FILE 1 #define MMPFNUSE_PAGEFILEMAPPED 2 #define MMPFNUSE_PAGETABLE 3 #define MMPFNUSE_PAGEDPOOL 4 #define MMPFNUSE_NONPAGEDPOOL 5 #define MMPFNUSE_SYSTEMPTE 6 #define MMPFNUSE_SESSIONPRIVATE 7 #define MMPFNUSE_METAFILE 8 #define MMPFNUSE_AWEPAGE 9 #define MMPFNUSE_DRIVERLOCKPAGE 10 #define MMPFNUSE_KERNELSTACK 11 // // Lock/Unlock Virtuam Memory Flags // #define MAP_PROCESS 1 #define MAP_SYSTEM 2 // // Flags for ProcessExecutionOptions // #define MEM_EXECUTE_OPTION_DISABLE 0x1 #define MEM_EXECUTE_OPTION_ENABLE 0x2 #define MEM_EXECUTE_OPTION_DISABLE_THUNK_EMULATION 0x4 #define MEM_EXECUTE_OPTION_PERMANENT 0x8 #define MEM_EXECUTE_OPTION_EXECUTE_DISPATCH_ENABLE 0x10 #define MEM_EXECUTE_OPTION_IMAGE_DISPATCH_ENABLE 0x20 #define MEM_EXECUTE_OPTION_VALID_FLAGS 0x3F #ifndef NTOS_MODE_USER // // Virtual Memory Flags // #define MEM_WRITE_WATCH 0x200000 #define MEM_PHYSICAL 0x400000 #define MEM_ROTATE 0x800000 #define MEM_IMAGE SEC_IMAGE #define MEM_DOS_LIM 0x40000000 // // Section Flags for NtCreateSection // #define SEC_NO_CHANGE 0x400000 #define SEC_FILE 0x800000 #define SEC_IMAGE 0x1000000 #define SEC_PROTECTED_IMAGE 0x2000000 #define SEC_RESERVE 0x4000000 #define SEC_COMMIT 0x8000000 #define SEC_NOCACHE 0x10000000 #define SEC_WRITECOMBINE 0x40000000 #define SEC_LARGE_PAGES 0x80000000 #else #define SEC_BASED 0x200000 // // Section Inherit Flags for NtCreateSection // typedef enum _SECTION_INHERIT { ViewShare = 1, ViewUnmap = 2 } SECTION_INHERIT; // // Pool Types // typedef enum _POOL_TYPE { NonPagedPool, PagedPool, NonPagedPoolMustSucceed, DontUseThisType, NonPagedPoolCacheAligned, PagedPoolCacheAligned, NonPagedPoolCacheAlignedMustS, MaxPoolType, NonPagedPoolSession = 32, PagedPoolSession, NonPagedPoolMustSucceedSession, DontUseThisTypeSession, NonPagedPoolCacheAlignedSession, PagedPoolCacheAlignedSession, NonPagedPoolCacheAlignedMustSSession } POOL_TYPE; #endif // // Memory Manager Page Lists // typedef enum _MMLISTS { ZeroedPageList = 0, FreePageList = 1, StandbyPageList = 2, ModifiedPageList = 3, ModifiedNoWritePageList = 4, BadPageList = 5, ActiveAndValid = 6, TransitionPage = 7 } MMLISTS; // // Per Processor Non Paged Lookaside List IDs // typedef enum _PP_NPAGED_LOOKASIDE_NUMBER { LookasideSmallIrpList = 0, LookasideLargeIrpList = 1, LookasideMdlList = 2, LookasideCreateInfoList = 3, LookasideNameBufferList = 4, LookasideTwilightList = 5, LookasideCompletionList = 6, LookasideMaximumList = 7 } PP_NPAGED_LOOKASIDE_NUMBER; // // Memory Information Classes for NtQueryVirtualMemory // typedef enum _MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS { MemoryBasicInformation, MemoryWorkingSetList, MemorySectionName, MemoryBasicVlmInformation } MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS; // // Section Information Clasess for NtQuerySection // typedef enum _SECTION_INFORMATION_CLASS { SectionBasicInformation, SectionImageInformation, } SECTION_INFORMATION_CLASS; // // Kinds of VADs // typedef enum _MI_VAD_TYPE { VadNone, VadDevicePhysicalMemory, VadImageMap, VadAwe, VadWriteWatch, VadLargePages, VadRotatePhysical, VadLargePageSection } MI_VAD_TYPE, *PMI_VAD_TYPE; #ifdef NTOS_MODE_USER // // Virtual Memory Counters // typedef struct _VM_COUNTERS { SIZE_T PeakVirtualSize; SIZE_T VirtualSize; ULONG PageFaultCount; SIZE_T PeakWorkingSetSize; SIZE_T WorkingSetSize; SIZE_T QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage; SIZE_T QuotaPagedPoolUsage; SIZE_T QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage; SIZE_T QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage; SIZE_T PagefileUsage; SIZE_T PeakPagefileUsage; } VM_COUNTERS, *PVM_COUNTERS; typedef struct _VM_COUNTERS_EX { SIZE_T PeakVirtualSize; SIZE_T VirtualSize; ULONG PageFaultCount; SIZE_T PeakWorkingSetSize; SIZE_T WorkingSetSize; SIZE_T QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage; SIZE_T QuotaPagedPoolUsage; SIZE_T QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage; SIZE_T QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage; SIZE_T PagefileUsage; SIZE_T PeakPagefileUsage; SIZE_T PrivateUsage; } VM_COUNTERS_EX, *PVM_COUNTERS_EX; #endif // // Sub-Information Types for PFN Identity // typedef struct _MEMORY_FRAME_INFORMATION { ULONGLONG UseDescription:4; ULONGLONG ListDescription:3; ULONGLONG Reserved0:1; ULONGLONG Pinned:1; ULONGLONG DontUse:48; ULONGLONG Priority:3; ULONGLONG Reserved:4; } MEMORY_FRAME_INFORMATION, *PMEMORY_FRAME_INFORMATION; typedef struct _FILEOFFSET_INFORMATION { ULONGLONG DontUse:9; ULONGLONG Offset:48; ULONGLONG Reserved:7; } FILEOFFSET_INFORMATION, *PFILEOFFSET_INFORMATION; typedef struct _PAGEDIR_INFORMATION { ULONGLONG DontUse:9; ULONGLONG PageDirectoryBase:48; ULONGLONG Reserved:7; } PAGEDIR_INFORMATION, *PPAGEDIR_INFORMATION; typedef struct _UNIQUE_PROCESS_INFORMATION { ULONGLONG DontUse:9; ULONGLONG UniqueProcessKey:48; ULONGLONG Reserved:7; } UNIQUE_PROCESS_INFORMATION, *PUNIQUE_PROCESS_INFORMATION; // // PFN Identity Data Structure // typedef struct _MMPFN_IDENTITY { union { MEMORY_FRAME_INFORMATION e1; FILEOFFSET_INFORMATION e2; PAGEDIR_INFORMATION e3; UNIQUE_PROCESS_INFORMATION e4; } u1; SIZE_T PageFrameIndex; union { struct { ULONG Image:1; ULONG Mismatch:1; } e1; PVOID FileObject; PVOID UniqueFileObjectKey; PVOID ProtoPteAddress; PVOID VirtualAddress; } u2; } MMPFN_IDENTITY, *PMMPFN_IDENTITY; // // List of Working Sets // typedef struct _MEMORY_WORKING_SET_LIST { ULONG NumberOfPages; ULONG WorkingSetList[1]; } MEMORY_WORKING_SET_LIST, *PMEMORY_WORKING_SET_LIST; // // Memory Information Structures for NtQueryVirtualMemory // typedef struct { UNICODE_STRING SectionFileName; WCHAR NameBuffer[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; } MEMORY_SECTION_NAME, *PMEMORY_SECTION_NAME; // // Section Information Structures for NtQuerySection // typedef struct _SECTION_BASIC_INFORMATION { PVOID BaseAddress; ULONG Attributes; LARGE_INTEGER Size; } SECTION_BASIC_INFORMATION, *PSECTION_BASIC_INFORMATION; typedef struct _SECTION_IMAGE_INFORMATION { PVOID TransferAddress; ULONG ZeroBits; SIZE_T MaximumStackSize; SIZE_T CommittedStackSize; ULONG SubSystemType; union { struct { USHORT SubSystemMinorVersion; USHORT SubSystemMajorVersion; }; ULONG SubSystemVersion; }; ULONG GpValue; USHORT ImageCharacteristics; USHORT DllCharacteristics; USHORT Machine; BOOLEAN ImageContainsCode; #if (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_LONGHORN) union { struct { UCHAR ComPlusNativeReady:1; UCHAR ComPlusILOnly:1; UCHAR ImageDynamicallyRelocated:1; UCHAR ImageMappedFlat:1; UCHAR Reserved:4; }; UCHAR ImageFlags; }; #else BOOLEAN Spare1; #endif ULONG LoaderFlags; ULONG ImageFileSize; #if (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_LONGHORN) ULONG CheckSum; #else ULONG Reserved[1]; #endif } SECTION_IMAGE_INFORMATION, *PSECTION_IMAGE_INFORMATION; #ifndef NTOS_MODE_USER // // PTE Structures // typedef struct _MMPTE { union { ULONG_PTR Long; HARDWARE_PTE Flush; MMPTE_HARDWARE Hard; MMPTE_PROTOTYPE Proto; MMPTE_SOFTWARE Soft; MMPTE_TRANSITION Trans; MMPTE_SUBSECTION Subsect; MMPTE_LIST List; } u; } MMPTE, *PMMPTE; // // Section Extension Information // typedef struct _MMEXTEND_INFO { ULONGLONG CommittedSize; ULONG ReferenceCount; } MMEXTEND_INFO, *PMMEXTEND_INFO; // // Segment and Segment Flags // typedef struct _SEGMENT_FLAGS { ULONG TotalNumberOfPtes4132:10; ULONG ExtraSharedWowSubsections:1; ULONG LargePages:1; ULONG Spare:20; } SEGMENT_FLAGS, *PSEGMENT_FLAGS; typedef struct _SEGMENT { struct _CONTROL_AREA *ControlArea; ULONG TotalNumberOfPtes; ULONG NonExtendedPtes; ULONG Spare0; ULONGLONG SizeOfSegment; MMPTE SegmentPteTemplate; ULONG NumberOfCommittedPages; PMMEXTEND_INFO ExtendInfo; SEGMENT_FLAGS SegmentFlags; PVOID BasedAddress; union { SIZE_T ImageCommitment; PEPROCESS CreatingProcess; } u1; union { PSECTION_IMAGE_INFORMATION ImageInformation; PVOID FirstMappedVa; } u2; PMMPTE PrototypePte; MMPTE ThePtes[1]; } SEGMENT, *PSEGMENT; typedef struct _MAPPED_FILE_SEGMENT { struct _CONTROL_AREA *ControlArea; ULONG TotalNumberOfPtes; ULONG NonExtendedPtes; ULONG Spare0; UINT64 SizeOfSegment; MMPTE SegmentPteTemplate; SIZE_T NumberOfCommittedPages; PMMEXTEND_INFO ExtendInfo; SEGMENT_FLAGS SegmentFlags; PVOID BasedAddress; struct _MSUBSECTION *LastSubsectionHint; } MAPPED_FILE_SEGMENT, *PMAPPED_FILE_SEGMENT; // // Event Counter Structure // typedef struct _EVENT_COUNTER { SLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; ULONG RefCount; KEVENT Event; } EVENT_COUNTER, *PEVENT_COUNTER; // // Flags // typedef struct _MMSECTION_FLAGS { ULONG BeingDeleted:1; ULONG BeingCreated:1; ULONG BeingPurged:1; ULONG NoModifiedWriting:1; ULONG FailAllIo:1; ULONG Image:1; ULONG Based:1; ULONG File:1; ULONG Networked:1; ULONG NoCache:1; ULONG PhysicalMemory:1; ULONG CopyOnWrite:1; ULONG Reserve:1; ULONG Commit:1; ULONG FloppyMedia:1; ULONG WasPurged:1; ULONG UserReference:1; ULONG GlobalMemory:1; ULONG DeleteOnClose:1; ULONG FilePointerNull:1; ULONG DebugSymbolsLoaded:1; ULONG SetMappedFileIoComplete:1; ULONG CollidedFlush:1; ULONG NoChange:1; ULONG filler0:1; ULONG ImageMappedInSystemSpace:1; ULONG UserWritable:1; ULONG Accessed:1; ULONG GlobalOnlyPerSession:1; ULONG Rom:1; ULONG WriteCombined:1; ULONG filler:1; } MMSECTION_FLAGS, *PMMSECTION_FLAGS; typedef struct _MMSUBSECTION_FLAGS { ULONG ReadOnly:1; ULONG ReadWrite:1; ULONG SubsectionStatic:1; ULONG GlobalMemory:1; ULONG Protection:5; ULONG Spare:1; ULONG StartingSector4132:10; ULONG SectorEndOffset:12; } MMSUBSECTION_FLAGS, *PMMSUBSECTION_FLAGS; typedef struct _MMSUBSECTION_FLAGS2 { ULONG SubsectionAccessed:1; ULONG SubsectionConverted:1; ULONG Reserved:30; } MMSUBSECTION_FLAGS2; // // Control Area Structures // typedef struct _CONTROL_AREA { PSEGMENT Segment; LIST_ENTRY DereferenceList; ULONG NumberOfSectionReferences; ULONG NumberOfPfnReferences; ULONG NumberOfMappedViews; ULONG NumberOfSystemCacheViews; ULONG NumberOfUserReferences; union { ULONG LongFlags; MMSECTION_FLAGS Flags; } u; PFILE_OBJECT FilePointer; PEVENT_COUNTER WaitingForDeletion; USHORT ModifiedWriteCount; USHORT FlushInProgressCount; ULONG WritableUserReferences; ULONG QuadwordPad; } CONTROL_AREA, *PCONTROL_AREA; typedef struct _LARGE_CONTROL_AREA { PSEGMENT Segment; LIST_ENTRY DereferenceList; ULONG NumberOfSectionReferences; ULONG NumberOfPfnReferences; ULONG NumberOfMappedViews; ULONG NumberOfSystemCacheViews; ULONG NumberOfUserReferences; union { ULONG LongFlags; MMSECTION_FLAGS Flags; } u; PFILE_OBJECT FilePointer; PEVENT_COUNTER WaitingForDeletion; USHORT ModifiedWriteCount; USHORT FlushInProgressCount; ULONG WritableUserReferences; ULONG QuadwordPad; ULONG StartingFrame; LIST_ENTRY UserGlobalList; ULONG SessionId; } LARGE_CONTROL_AREA, *PLARGE_CONTROL_AREA; // // Subsection and Mapped Subsection // typedef struct _SUBSECTION { PCONTROL_AREA ControlArea; union { ULONG LongFlags; MMSUBSECTION_FLAGS SubsectionFlags; } u; ULONG StartingSector; ULONG NumberOfFullSectors; PMMPTE SubsectionBase; ULONG UnusedPtes; ULONG PtesInSubsection; struct _SUBSECTION *NextSubsection; } SUBSECTION, *PSUBSECTION; typedef struct _MSUBSECTION { PCONTROL_AREA ControlArea; union { ULONG LongFlags; MMSUBSECTION_FLAGS SubsectionFlags; } u; ULONG StartingSector; ULONG NumberOfFullSectors; PMMPTE SubsectionBase; ULONG UnusedPtes; ULONG PtesInSubsection; struct _SUBSECTION *NextSubsection; LIST_ENTRY DereferenceList; ULONG_PTR NumberOfMappedViews; union { ULONG LongFlags2; MMSUBSECTION_FLAGS2 SubsectionFlags2; } u2; } MSUBSECTION, *PMSUBSECTION; // // Segment Object // typedef struct _SEGMENT_OBJECT { PVOID BaseAddress; ULONG TotalNumberOfPtes; LARGE_INTEGER SizeOfSegment; ULONG NonExtendedPtes; ULONG ImageCommitment; PCONTROL_AREA ControlArea; PSUBSECTION Subsection; PLARGE_CONTROL_AREA LargeControlArea; PMMSECTION_FLAGS MmSectionFlags; PMMSUBSECTION_FLAGS MmSubSectionFlags; } SEGMENT_OBJECT, *PSEGMENT_OBJECT; // // Section Object // typedef struct _SECTION_OBJECT { PVOID StartingVa; PVOID EndingVa; PVOID LeftChild; PVOID RightChild; PSEGMENT_OBJECT Segment; } SECTION_OBJECT, *PSECTION_OBJECT; // // Generic Address Range Structure // typedef struct _ADDRESS_RANGE { ULONG BaseAddrLow; ULONG BaseAddrHigh; ULONG LengthLow; ULONG LengthHigh; ULONG Type; } ADDRESS_RANGE, *PADDRESS_RANGE; // // Node in Memory Manager's AVL Table // typedef struct _MMADDRESS_NODE { union { LONG_PTR Balance:2; struct _MMADDRESS_NODE *Parent; } u1; struct _MMADDRESS_NODE *LeftChild; struct _MMADDRESS_NODE *RightChild; ULONG_PTR StartingVpn; ULONG_PTR EndingVpn; } MMADDRESS_NODE, *PMMADDRESS_NODE; // // Memory Manager AVL Table for VADs and other descriptors // typedef struct _MM_AVL_TABLE { MMADDRESS_NODE BalancedRoot; ULONG_PTR DepthOfTree:5; ULONG_PTR Unused:3; #ifdef _WIN64 ULONG_PTR NumberGenericTableElements:56; #else ULONG_PTR NumberGenericTableElements:24; #endif PVOID NodeHint; PVOID NodeFreeHint; } MM_AVL_TABLE, *PMM_AVL_TABLE; // // Virtual Adress List used in VADs // typedef struct _MMADDRESS_LIST { ULONG_PTR StartVpn; ULONG_PTR EndVpn; } MMADDRESS_LIST, *PMMADDRESS_LIST; // // Flags used in the VAD // typedef struct _MMVAD_FLAGS { #ifdef _WIN64 ULONG_PTR CommitCharge:51; #else ULONG_PTR CommitCharge:19; #endif ULONG_PTR NoChange:1; ULONG_PTR VadType:3; ULONG_PTR MemCommit:1; ULONG_PTR Protection:5; ULONG_PTR Spare:2; ULONG_PTR PrivateMemory:1; } MMVAD_FLAGS, *PMMVAD_FLAGS; // // Extended flags used in the VAD // typedef struct _MMVAD_FLAGS2 { ULONG FileOffset:24; ULONG SecNoChange:1; ULONG OneSecured:1; ULONG MultipleSecured:1; ULONG ReadOnly:1; ULONG LongVad:1; ULONG ExtendableFile:1; ULONG Inherit:1; ULONG CopyOnWrite:1; } MMVAD_FLAGS2, *PMMVAD_FLAGS2; // // Virtual Address Descriptor (VAD) Structure // typedef struct _MMVAD { union { LONG_PTR Balance:2; struct _MMVAD *Parent; } u1; struct _MMVAD *LeftChild; struct _MMVAD *RightChild; ULONG_PTR StartingVpn; ULONG_PTR EndingVpn; union { ULONG_PTR LongFlags; MMVAD_FLAGS VadFlags; } u; PCONTROL_AREA ControlArea; PMMPTE FirstPrototypePte; PMMPTE LastContiguousPte; union { ULONG LongFlags2; MMVAD_FLAGS2 VadFlags2; } u2; } MMVAD, *PMMVAD; // // Long VAD used in section and private allocations // typedef struct _MMVAD_LONG { union { LONG_PTR Balance:2; PMMVAD Parent; } u1; PMMVAD LeftChild; PMMVAD RightChild; ULONG_PTR StartingVpn; ULONG_PTR EndingVpn; union { ULONG_PTR LongFlags; MMVAD_FLAGS VadFlags; } u; PCONTROL_AREA ControlArea; PMMPTE FirstPrototypePte; PMMPTE LastContiguousPte; union { ULONG LongFlags2; MMVAD_FLAGS2 VadFlags2; } u2; union { LIST_ENTRY List; MMADDRESS_LIST Secured; } u3; union { PVOID Banked; PMMEXTEND_INFO ExtendedInfo; } u4; } MMVAD_LONG, *PMMVAD_LONG; // // Short VAD used in virtual memory allocations // typedef struct _MMVAD_SHORT { union { LONG_PTR Balance:2; PMMVAD Parent; } u1; PMMVAD LeftChild; PMMVAD RightChild; ULONG_PTR StartingVpn; ULONG_PTR EndingVpn; union { ULONG_PTR LongFlags; MMVAD_FLAGS VadFlags; } u; } MMVAD_SHORT, *PMMVAD_SHORT; // // Actual Section Object // typedef struct _SECTION { MMADDRESS_NODE Address; PSEGMENT Segment; LARGE_INTEGER SizeOfSection; union { ULONG LongFlags; MMSECTION_FLAGS Flags; } u; ULONG InitialPageProtection; } SECTION, *PSECTION; // // Memory Manager Working Set Structures // typedef struct _MMWSLENTRY { ULONG Valid:1; ULONG LockedInWs:1; ULONG LockedInMemory:1; ULONG Protection:5; ULONG Hashed:1; ULONG Direct:1; ULONG Age:2; ULONG VirtualPageNumber:20; } MMWSLENTRY, *PMMWSLENTRY; typedef struct _MMWSLE { union { PVOID VirtualAddress; ULONG Long; MMWSLENTRY e1; } u1; } MMWSLE, *PMMWSLE; typedef struct _MMWSLE_HASH { PVOID Key; ULONG Index; } MMWSLE_HASH, *PMMWSLE_HASH; typedef struct _MMWSL { ULONG FirstFree; ULONG FirstDynamic; ULONG LastEntry; ULONG NextSlot; PMMWSLE Wsle; ULONG LastInitializedWsle; ULONG NonDirectCount; PMMWSLE_HASH HashTable; ULONG HashTableSize; ULONG NumberOfCommittedPageTables; PVOID HashTableStart; PVOID HighestPermittedHashAddress; ULONG NumberOfImageWaiters; ULONG VadBitMapHint; USHORT UsedPageTableEntries[768]; ULONG CommittedPageTables[24]; } MMWSL, *PMMWSL; // // Flags for Memory Support Structure // typedef struct _MMSUPPORT_FLAGS { ULONG SessionSpace:1; ULONG BeingTrimmed:1; ULONG SessionLeader:1; ULONG TrimHard:1; ULONG MaximumWorkingSetHard:1; ULONG ForceTrim:1; ULONG MinimumWorkingSetHard:1; ULONG Available0:1; ULONG MemoryPriority:8; ULONG GrowWsleHash:1; ULONG AcquiredUnsafe:1; ULONG Available:14; } MMSUPPORT_FLAGS, *PMMSUPPORT_FLAGS; // // Per-Process Memory Manager Data // typedef struct _MMSUPPORT { #if (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_WS03) LIST_ENTRY WorkingSetExpansionLinks; #endif #if (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_LONGHORN) USHORT LastTrimpStamp; USHORT NextPageColor; #else LARGE_INTEGER LastTrimTime; #endif MMSUPPORT_FLAGS Flags; ULONG PageFaultCount; ULONG PeakWorkingSetSize; #if (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_LONGHORN) ULONG Spare0; #else ULONG GrowthSinceLastEstimate; #endif ULONG MinimumWorkingSetSize; ULONG MaximumWorkingSetSize; PMMWSL VmWorkingSetList; #if (NTDDI_VERSION < NTDDI_WS03) LIST_ENTRY WorkingSetExpansionLinks; #endif ULONG Claim; #if (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_LONGHORN) ULONG Spare; ULONG WorkingSetPrivateSize; ULONG WorkingSetSizeOverhead; #else ULONG NextEstimationSlot; ULONG NextAgingSlot; ULONG EstimatedAvailable; #endif ULONG WorkingSetSize; #if (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_LONGHORN) PKEVENT ExitEvent; #endif EX_PUSH_LOCK WorkingSetMutex; #if (NTDDI_VERSION >= NTDDI_LONGHORN) PVOID AccessLog; #endif } MMSUPPORT, *PMMSUPPORT; // // Memory Information Types // typedef struct _MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION { PVOID BaseAddress; PVOID AllocationBase; ULONG AllocationProtect; SIZE_T RegionSize; ULONG State; ULONG Protect; ULONG Type; } MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION,*PMEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION; // // Driver Verifier Data // typedef struct _MM_DRIVER_VERIFIER_DATA { ULONG Level; ULONG RaiseIrqls; ULONG AcquireSpinLocks; ULONG SynchronizeExecutions; ULONG AllocationsAttempted; ULONG AllocationsSucceeded; ULONG AllocationsSucceededSpecialPool; ULONG AllocationsWithNoTag; ULONG TrimRequests; ULONG Trims; ULONG AllocationsFailed; ULONG AllocationsFailedDeliberately; ULONG Loads; ULONG Unloads; ULONG UnTrackedPool; ULONG UserTrims; ULONG CurrentPagedPoolAllocations; ULONG CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations; ULONG PeakPagedPoolAllocations; ULONG PeakNonPagedPoolAllocations; ULONG PagedBytes; ULONG NonPagedBytes; ULONG PeakPagedBytes; ULONG PeakNonPagedBytes; ULONG BurstAllocationsFailedDeliberately; ULONG SessionTrims; ULONG Reserved[2]; } MM_DRIVER_VERIFIER_DATA, *PMM_DRIVER_VERIFIER_DATA; // // Internal Driver Verifier Table Data // typedef struct _DRIVER_SPECIFIED_VERIFIER_THUNKS { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; struct _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY *DataTableEntry; ULONG NumberOfThunks; } DRIVER_SPECIFIED_VERIFIER_THUNKS, *PDRIVER_SPECIFIED_VERIFIER_THUNKS; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // // Default heap size values. For user mode, these values are copied to a new // process's PEB by the kernel in MmCreatePeb. In kernel mode, RtlCreateHeap // reads these variables directly. // // These variables should be considered "const"; they are written only once, // during MmInitSystem. // extern SIZE_T MmHeapSegmentReserve; extern SIZE_T MmHeapSegmentCommit; extern SIZE_T MmHeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold; extern SIZE_T MmHeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold; // // Section Object Type // extern POBJECT_TYPE NTSYSAPI MmSectionObjectType; #ifdef __cplusplus }; // extern "C" #endif #endif // !NTOS_MODE_USER #endif // _MMTYPES_H