/* * ReactOS Access Control List Editor * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 ReactOS Team * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* $Id$ * * PROJECT: ReactOS Access Control List Editor * FILE: lib/aclui/aclui.c * PURPOSE: Access Control List Editor * PROGRAMMER: Thomas Weidenmueller * * UPDATE HISTORY: * 08/10/2004 Created */ #include #define NDEBUG #include HINSTANCE hDllInstance; #define SIDN_LOOKUPSUCCEEDED (0x101) typedef struct _SIDLOOKUPNOTIFYINFO { NMHDR nmh; PSID Sid; PSIDREQRESULT SidRequestResult; } SIDLOOKUPNOTIFYINFO, *PSIDLOOKUPNOTIFYINFO; static PSID AceHeaderToSID(IN PACE_HEADER AceHeader) { PSID Sid = NULL; switch (AceHeader->AceType) { case ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE: Sid = (PSID)&((PACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE)AceHeader)->SidStart; break; #if 0 case ACCESS_ALLOWED_CALLBACK_ACE_TYPE: Sid = (PSID)&((PACCESS_ALLOWED_CALLBACK_ACE)AceHeader)->SidStart; break; case ACCESS_ALLOWED_CALLBACK_OBJECT_ACE_TYPE: Sid = (PSID)&((PACCESS_ALLOWED_CALLBACK_OBJECT_ACE)AceHeader)->SidStart; break; #endif case ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE_TYPE: Sid = (PSID)&((PACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE)AceHeader)->SidStart; break; case ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE: Sid = (PSID)&((PACCESS_DENIED_ACE)AceHeader)->SidStart; break; #if 0 case ACCESS_DENIED_CALLBACK_ACE_TYPE: Sid = (PSID)&((PACCESS_DENIED_CALLBACK_ACE)AceHeader)->SidStart; break; case ACCESS_DENIED_CALLBACK_OBJECT_ACE_TYPE: Sid = (PSID)&((PACCESS_DENIED_CALLBACK_OBJECT_ACE)AceHeader)->SidStart; break; #endif case SYSTEM_AUDIT_OBJECT_ACE_TYPE: Sid = (PSID)&((PACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT_ACE)AceHeader)->SidStart; break; } return Sid; } static VOID DestroySecurityPage(IN PSECURITY_PAGE sp) { if(sp->hiPrincipals != NULL) { ImageList_Destroy(sp->hiPrincipals); } DestroySidCacheMgr(sp->SidCacheMgr); if (sp->OwnerSid != NULL) LocalFree((HLOCAL)sp->OwnerSid); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sp); CoUninitialize(); } static VOID FreePrincipalsList(IN PSECURITY_PAGE sp, IN PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM *PrincipalsListHead) { PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM CurItem, NextItem; PACE_ENTRY AceEntry, NextAceEntry; CurItem = *PrincipalsListHead; while (CurItem != NULL) { /* Free all ACEs */ AceEntry = CurItem->ACEs; while (AceEntry != NULL) { NextAceEntry = AceEntry->Next; HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, AceEntry); AceEntry = NextAceEntry; } /* free the SID string if present */ if (CurItem->SidReqResult != NULL) { DereferenceSidReqResult(sp->SidCacheMgr, CurItem->SidReqResult); } if (CurItem->DisplayString != NULL) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)CurItem->DisplayString); } /* free the ACE list item */ NextItem = CurItem->Next; HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, CurItem); CurItem = NextItem; } *PrincipalsListHead = NULL; } static PACE_ENTRY AddAceToPrincipal(IN PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM Principal, IN PACE_HEADER AceHeader) { PACE_ENTRY AceEntry, *AceLink; AceEntry = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(ACE_ENTRY) + AceHeader->AceSize); if (AceEntry != NULL) { AceEntry->Next = NULL; /* copy the ACE */ CopyMemory(AceEntry + 1, AceHeader, AceHeader->AceSize); /* append it to the list */ AceLink = &Principal->ACEs; while (*AceLink != NULL) { AceLink = &(*AceLink)->Next; } *AceLink = AceEntry; } return AceEntry; } static PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM FindSidInPrincipalsListAddAce(IN PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM PrincipalsListHead, IN PSID Sid, IN PACE_HEADER AceHeader) { PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM CurItem; for (CurItem = PrincipalsListHead; CurItem != NULL; CurItem = CurItem->Next) { if (EqualSid((PSID)(CurItem + 1), Sid)) { if (AddAceToPrincipal(CurItem, AceHeader) != NULL) { return CurItem; } /* unable to add the ACE to the principal */ break; } } return NULL; } static VOID SidLookupCompletion(IN HANDLE SidCacheMgr, IN PSID Sid, IN PSIDREQRESULT SidRequestResult, IN PVOID Context) { PSECURITY_PAGE sp = (PSECURITY_PAGE)Context; /* NOTE: this routine may be executed in a different thread than the GUI! */ if (SidRequestResult != NULL) { SIDLOOKUPNOTIFYINFO LookupInfo; LookupInfo.nmh.hwndFrom = sp->hWnd; LookupInfo.nmh.idFrom = 0; LookupInfo.nmh.code = SIDN_LOOKUPSUCCEEDED; LookupInfo.Sid = Sid; LookupInfo.SidRequestResult = SidRequestResult; /* notify the page that the sid lookup succeeded */ SendMessage(sp->hWnd, WM_NOTIFY, (WPARAM)LookupInfo.nmh.idFrom, (LPARAM)&LookupInfo.nmh); } } static PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM AddPrincipalToList(IN PSECURITY_PAGE sp, IN PSID Sid, IN PACE_HEADER AceHeader, OUT BOOL *LookupDeferred OPTIONAL) { PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM PrincipalListItem = NULL, *PrincipalLink; PACE_ENTRY AceEntry; BOOL Deferred = FALSE; if (!FindSidInPrincipalsListAddAce(sp->PrincipalsListHead, Sid, AceHeader)) { DWORD SidLength; PrincipalLink = &sp->PrincipalsListHead; while (*PrincipalLink != NULL) { PrincipalLink = &(*PrincipalLink)->Next; } SidLength = GetLengthSid(Sid); /* allocate the principal */ PrincipalListItem = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(PRINCIPAL_LISTITEM) + SidLength); if (PrincipalListItem != NULL) { PrincipalListItem->DisplayString = NULL; PrincipalListItem->SidReqResult = NULL; CopySid(SidLength, (PSID)(PrincipalListItem + 1), Sid); /* allocate some memory for the ACE and copy it */ AceEntry = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(ACE_ENTRY) + AceHeader->AceSize); if (AceEntry != NULL) { AceEntry->Next = NULL; CopyMemory(AceEntry + 1, AceHeader, AceHeader->AceSize); /* add the ACE to the list */ PrincipalListItem->ACEs = AceEntry; PrincipalListItem->Next = NULL; /* append item to the principals list */ *PrincipalLink = PrincipalListItem; /* lookup the SID now */ Deferred = !LookupSidCache(sp->SidCacheMgr, Sid, SidLookupCompletion, sp); } else { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, PrincipalListItem); PrincipalListItem = NULL; } } } if (PrincipalListItem != NULL && LookupDeferred != NULL) { *LookupDeferred = Deferred; } return PrincipalListItem; } static LPWSTR GetDisplayStringFromSidRequestResult(IN PSIDREQRESULT SidReqResult) { LPWSTR lpDisplayString = NULL; if (SidReqResult->SidNameUse == SidTypeUser || SidReqResult->SidNameUse == SidTypeGroup) { LoadAndFormatString(hDllInstance, IDS_USERDOMAINFORMAT, &lpDisplayString, SidReqResult->AccountName, SidReqResult->DomainName, SidReqResult->AccountName); } else { LoadAndFormatString(hDllInstance, IDS_USERFORMAT, &lpDisplayString, SidReqResult->AccountName); } return lpDisplayString; } static LPWSTR GetPrincipalDisplayString(IN PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM PrincipalListItem) { LPWSTR lpDisplayString = NULL; if (PrincipalListItem->SidReqResult != NULL) { lpDisplayString = GetDisplayStringFromSidRequestResult(PrincipalListItem->SidReqResult); } else { ConvertSidToStringSidW((PSID)(PrincipalListItem + 1), &lpDisplayString); } return lpDisplayString; } static LPWSTR GetPrincipalAccountNameString(IN PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM PrincipalListItem) { LPWSTR lpDisplayString = NULL; if (PrincipalListItem->SidReqResult != NULL) { LoadAndFormatString(hDllInstance, IDS_USERFORMAT, &lpDisplayString, PrincipalListItem->SidReqResult->AccountName); } else { ConvertSidToStringSid((PSID)(PrincipalListItem + 1), &lpDisplayString); } return lpDisplayString; } static VOID CreatePrincipalListItem(OUT LVITEM *li, IN PSECURITY_PAGE sp, IN PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM PrincipalListItem, IN INT Index, IN BOOL Selected) { INT ImageIndex = 2; if (PrincipalListItem->SidReqResult != NULL) { switch (PrincipalListItem->SidReqResult->SidNameUse) { case SidTypeUser: ImageIndex = 0; break; case SidTypeWellKnownGroup: case SidTypeGroup: ImageIndex = 1; break; default: break; } } li->mask = LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_PARAM | LVIF_STATE | LVIF_TEXT; li->iItem = Index; li->iSubItem = 0; li->state = (Selected ? LVIS_SELECTED : 0); li->stateMask = LVIS_SELECTED; li->pszText = PrincipalListItem->DisplayString; li->iImage = ImageIndex; li->lParam = (LPARAM)PrincipalListItem; } static INT AddPrincipalListEntry(IN PSECURITY_PAGE sp, IN PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM PrincipalListItem, IN INT Index, IN BOOL Selected) { LVITEM li; INT Ret; if (PrincipalListItem->DisplayString != NULL) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)PrincipalListItem->DisplayString); } PrincipalListItem->DisplayString = GetPrincipalDisplayString(PrincipalListItem); CreatePrincipalListItem(&li, sp, PrincipalListItem, Index, Selected); Ret = ListView_InsertItem(sp->hWndPrincipalsList, &li); return Ret; } static int CALLBACK PrincipalCompare(IN LPARAM lParam1, IN LPARAM lParam2, IN LPARAM lParamSort) { PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM Item1 = (PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM)lParam1; PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM Item2 = (PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM)lParam2; if (Item1->DisplayString != NULL && Item2->DisplayString != NULL) { return wcscmp(Item1->DisplayString, Item2->DisplayString); } return 0; } static VOID UpdatePrincipalListItem(IN PSECURITY_PAGE sp, IN INT PrincipalIndex, IN PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM PrincipalListItem, IN PSIDREQRESULT SidReqResult) { LVITEM li; /* replace the request result structure */ if (PrincipalListItem->SidReqResult != NULL) { DereferenceSidReqResult(sp->SidCacheMgr, PrincipalListItem->SidReqResult); } ReferenceSidReqResult(sp->SidCacheMgr, SidReqResult); PrincipalListItem->SidReqResult = SidReqResult; /* update the display string */ if (PrincipalListItem->DisplayString != NULL) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)PrincipalListItem->DisplayString); } PrincipalListItem->DisplayString = GetPrincipalDisplayString(PrincipalListItem); /* update the list item */ CreatePrincipalListItem(&li, sp, PrincipalListItem, PrincipalIndex, FALSE); /* don't change the list item state */ li.mask &= ~(LVIF_STATE | LVIF_PARAM); (void)ListView_SetItem(sp->hWndPrincipalsList, &li); /* sort the principals list view again */ (void)ListView_SortItems(sp->hWndPrincipalsList, PrincipalCompare, (LPARAM)sp); } static VOID ReloadPrincipalsList(IN PSECURITY_PAGE sp) { PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor; BOOL DaclPresent, DaclDefaulted, OwnerDefaulted; PACL Dacl = NULL; PSID OwnerSid = NULL; LPTSTR OwnerSidString; DWORD SidLen; HRESULT hRet; /* delete the cached ACL */ FreePrincipalsList(sp, &sp->PrincipalsListHead); /* query the ACL */ hRet = sp->psi->lpVtbl->GetSecurity(sp->psi, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION | OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION, &SecurityDescriptor, FALSE); if (SUCCEEDED(hRet) && SecurityDescriptor != NULL) { if (GetSecurityDescriptorOwner(SecurityDescriptor, &OwnerSid, &OwnerDefaulted)) { sp->OwnerDefaulted = OwnerDefaulted; if (sp->OwnerSid != NULL) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)sp->OwnerSid); sp->OwnerSid = NULL; } SidLen = GetLengthSid(OwnerSid); if (SidLen == 0) goto ClearOwner; sp->OwnerSid = (PSID)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, SidLen); if (sp->OwnerSid != NULL) { if (CopySid(SidLen, sp->OwnerSid, OwnerSid)) { /* Lookup the SID now */ if (!LookupSidCache(sp->SidCacheMgr, sp->OwnerSid, SidLookupCompletion, sp)) { /* Lookup was deferred */ if (ConvertSidToStringSid(sp->OwnerSid, &OwnerSidString)) { SetDlgItemText(sp->hWnd, IDC_OWNER, OwnerSidString); LocalFree((HLOCAL)OwnerSidString); } else goto ClearOwner; } } else goto ClearOwner; } else goto ClearOwner; } else { ClearOwner: SetDlgItemText(sp->hWnd, IDC_OWNER, NULL); } if (GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(SecurityDescriptor, &DaclPresent, &Dacl, &DaclDefaulted) && DaclPresent && Dacl != NULL) { PSID Sid; PACE_HEADER AceHeader; ULONG AceIndex; for (AceIndex = 0; AceIndex < Dacl->AceCount; AceIndex++) { if (GetAce(Dacl, AceIndex, (LPVOID*)&AceHeader) && AceHeader != NULL) { BOOL LookupDeferred; PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM PrincipalListItem; Sid = AceHeaderToSID(AceHeader); PrincipalListItem = AddPrincipalToList(sp, Sid, AceHeader, &LookupDeferred); if (PrincipalListItem != NULL && LookupDeferred) { AddPrincipalListEntry(sp, PrincipalListItem, -1, FALSE); } } } } LocalFree((HLOCAL)SecurityDescriptor); } } static VOID UpdateControlStates(IN PSECURITY_PAGE sp) { PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM Selected = (PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM)ListViewGetSelectedItemData(sp->hWndPrincipalsList); EnableWindow(sp->hBtnRemove, Selected != NULL); EnableWindow(sp->hAceCheckList, Selected != NULL); if (Selected != NULL) { LPWSTR szLabel; LPWSTR szDisplayString; szDisplayString = GetPrincipalAccountNameString(Selected); if (LoadAndFormatString(hDllInstance, IDS_PERMISSIONS_FOR, &szLabel, szDisplayString)) { SetWindowText(sp->hPermissionsForLabel, szLabel); LocalFree((HLOCAL)szLabel); } LocalFree((HLOCAL)szDisplayString); /* FIXME - update the checkboxes */ } else { WCHAR szPermissions[255]; if (LoadString(hDllInstance, IDS_PERMISSIONS, szPermissions, sizeof(szPermissions) / sizeof(szPermissions[0]))) { SetWindowText(sp->hPermissionsForLabel, szPermissions); } SendMessage(sp->hAceCheckList, CLM_CLEARCHECKBOXES, 0, 0); } } static void UpdatePrincipalInfo(IN PSECURITY_PAGE sp, IN PSIDLOOKUPNOTIFYINFO LookupInfo) { PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM CurItem; LPWSTR DisplayName; if (sp->OwnerSid != NULL && EqualSid(sp->OwnerSid, LookupInfo->Sid)) { if (LookupInfo->SidRequestResult != NULL) DisplayName = GetDisplayStringFromSidRequestResult(LookupInfo->SidRequestResult); else if (!ConvertSidToStringSidW(LookupInfo->Sid, &DisplayName)) { DisplayName = NULL; } if (DisplayName != NULL) { SetDlgItemTextW(sp->hWnd, IDC_OWNER, DisplayName); LocalFree((HLOCAL)DisplayName); } } for (CurItem = sp->PrincipalsListHead; CurItem != NULL; CurItem = CurItem->Next) { if (EqualSid((PSID)(CurItem + 1), LookupInfo->Sid)) { INT PrincipalIndex; LVFINDINFO lvfi; /* find the principal in the list */ lvfi.flags = LVFI_PARAM; lvfi.lParam = (LPARAM)CurItem; PrincipalIndex = ListView_FindItem(sp->hWndPrincipalsList, -1, &lvfi); if (PrincipalIndex != -1) { /* update the principal in the list view control */ UpdatePrincipalListItem(sp, PrincipalIndex, CurItem, LookupInfo->SidRequestResult); if (ListViewGetSelectedItemData(sp->hWndPrincipalsList) == (LPARAM)CurItem) { UpdateControlStates(sp); } } else { AddPrincipalListEntry(sp, CurItem, -1, FALSE); } break; } } } static UINT CALLBACK SecurityPageCallback(IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT uMsg, IN LPPROPSHEETPAGE ppsp) { PSECURITY_PAGE sp = (PSECURITY_PAGE)ppsp->lParam; switch (uMsg) { case PSPCB_CREATE: { return TRUE; } case PSPCB_RELEASE: { DestroySecurityPage(sp); return FALSE; } } return FALSE; } static VOID SetAceCheckListColumns(IN HWND hAceCheckList, IN UINT Button, IN HWND hLabel) { POINT pt; RECT rcLabel; GetWindowRect(hLabel, &rcLabel); pt.y = 0; pt.x = (rcLabel.right - rcLabel.left) / 2; MapWindowPoints(hLabel, hAceCheckList, &pt, 1); SendMessage(hAceCheckList, CLM_SETCHECKBOXCOLUMN, Button, pt.x); } static VOID LoadPermissionsList(IN PSECURITY_PAGE sp, IN GUID *GuidObjectType, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT SI_ACCESS *DefaultAccess) { HRESULT hRet; PSI_ACCESS AccessList; ULONG nAccessList, DefaultAccessIndex; WCHAR szSpecialPermissions[255]; BOOLEAN SpecialPermissionsPresent = FALSE; ACCESS_MASK SpecialPermissionsMask = 0; /* clear the permissions list */ SendMessage(sp->hAceCheckList, CLM_CLEAR, 0, 0); /* query the access rights from the server */ hRet = sp->psi->lpVtbl->GetAccessRights(sp->psi, GuidObjectType, dwFlags, /* FIXME */ &AccessList, &nAccessList, &DefaultAccessIndex); if (SUCCEEDED(hRet) && nAccessList != 0) { LPCWSTR NameStr; PSI_ACCESS CurAccess, LastAccess; WCHAR NameBuffer[MAX_PATH]; /* save the default access rights to be used when adding ACEs later */ if (DefaultAccess != NULL) { *DefaultAccess = AccessList[DefaultAccessIndex]; } LastAccess = AccessList + nAccessList; for (CurAccess = &AccessList[0]; CurAccess != LastAccess; CurAccess++) { if (CurAccess->dwFlags & dwFlags) { /* get the permission name, load it from a string table if necessary */ if (IS_INTRESOURCE(CurAccess->pszName)) { if (!LoadString(sp->ObjectInfo.hInstance, (UINT)((ULONG_PTR)CurAccess->pszName), NameBuffer, sizeof(NameBuffer) / sizeof(NameBuffer[0]))) { LoadString(hDllInstance, IDS_UNKNOWN, NameBuffer, sizeof(NameBuffer) / sizeof(NameBuffer[0])); } NameStr = NameBuffer; } else { NameStr = CurAccess->pszName; } SendMessage(sp->hAceCheckList, CLM_ADDITEM, (WPARAM)CurAccess->mask, (LPARAM)NameStr); } else if (CurAccess->dwFlags & SI_ACCESS_SPECIFIC) { SpecialPermissionsPresent = TRUE; SpecialPermissionsMask |= CurAccess->mask; } } } /* add the special permissions check item in case the specific access rights aren't displayed */ if (SpecialPermissionsPresent && LoadString(hDllInstance, IDS_SPECIAL_PERMISSIONS, szSpecialPermissions, sizeof(szSpecialPermissions) / sizeof(szSpecialPermissions[0]))) { /* add the special permissions check item */ sp->SpecialPermCheckIndex = (INT)SendMessage(sp->hAceCheckList, CLM_ADDITEM, (WPARAM)SpecialPermissionsMask, (LPARAM)szSpecialPermissions); if (sp->SpecialPermCheckIndex != -1) { SendMessage(sp->hAceCheckList, CLM_SETITEMSTATE, (WPARAM)sp->SpecialPermCheckIndex, CIS_ALLOWDISABLED | CIS_DENYDISABLED | CIS_NONE); } } } static VOID ResizeControls(IN PSECURITY_PAGE sp, IN INT Width, IN INT Height) { HWND hWndAllow, hWndDeny, hWndOwnerEdit; RECT rcControl, rcControl2, rcControl3, rcWnd; INT cxWidth, cxEdge, btnSpacing; POINT pt, pt2; HDWP dwp; INT nControls = 8; LVCOLUMN lvc; hWndAllow = GetDlgItem(sp->hWnd, IDC_LABEL_ALLOW); hWndDeny = GetDlgItem(sp->hWnd, IDC_LABEL_DENY); GetWindowRect(sp->hWnd, &rcWnd); cxEdge = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE); /* use the left margin of the principal list view control for all control margins */ pt.x = 0; pt.y = 0; MapWindowPoints(sp->hWndPrincipalsList, sp->hWnd, &pt, 1); cxWidth = Width - (2 * pt.x); if (sp->ObjectInfo.dwFlags & SI_ADVANCED) { nControls += 2; } if ((dwp = BeginDeferWindowPos(nControls))) { /* resize the owner edit field */ hWndOwnerEdit = GetDlgItem(sp->hWnd, IDC_OWNER); GetWindowRect(hWndOwnerEdit, &rcControl); pt2.x = 0; pt2.y = 0; MapWindowPoints(hWndOwnerEdit, sp->hWnd, &pt2, 1); if (!(dwp = DeferWindowPos(dwp, hWndOwnerEdit, NULL, 0, 0, Width - pt.x - pt2.x, rcControl.bottom - rcControl.top, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER))) { goto EndDeferWnds; } /* resize the Principal list view */ GetWindowRect(sp->hWndPrincipalsList, &rcControl); if (!(dwp = DeferWindowPos(dwp, sp->hWndPrincipalsList, NULL, 0, 0, cxWidth, rcControl.bottom - rcControl.top, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER))) { goto EndDeferWnds; } /* move the Add Principal button */ GetWindowRect(sp->hBtnAdd, &rcControl); GetWindowRect(sp->hBtnRemove, &rcControl2); btnSpacing = rcControl2.left - rcControl.right; pt2.x = 0; pt2.y = 0; MapWindowPoints(sp->hBtnAdd, sp->hWnd, &pt2, 1); if (!(dwp = DeferWindowPos(dwp, sp->hBtnAdd, NULL, pt.x + cxWidth - (rcControl2.right - rcControl2.left) - (rcControl.right - rcControl.left) - btnSpacing - cxEdge, pt2.y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER))) { goto EndDeferWnds; } /* move the Delete Principal button */ pt2.x = 0; pt2.y = 0; MapWindowPoints(sp->hBtnRemove, sp->hWnd, &pt2, 1); if (!(dwp = DeferWindowPos(dwp, sp->hBtnRemove, NULL, pt.x + cxWidth - (rcControl2.right - rcControl2.left) - cxEdge, pt2.y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER))) { goto EndDeferWnds; } /* move the Permissions For label */ GetWindowRect(hWndAllow, &rcControl); GetWindowRect(hWndDeny, &rcControl2); GetWindowRect(sp->hPermissionsForLabel, &rcControl3); pt2.x = 0; pt2.y = 0; MapWindowPoints(sp->hPermissionsForLabel, sp->hWnd, &pt2, 1); if (!(dwp = DeferWindowPos(dwp, sp->hPermissionsForLabel, NULL, 0, 0, cxWidth - (rcControl2.right - rcControl2.left) - (rcControl.right - rcControl.left) - (2 * btnSpacing) - cxEdge, rcControl3.bottom - rcControl3.top, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER))) { goto EndDeferWnds; } /* move the Allow label */ pt2.x = 0; pt2.y = 0; MapWindowPoints(hWndAllow, sp->hWnd, &pt2, 1); if (!(dwp = DeferWindowPos(dwp, hWndAllow, NULL, cxWidth - (rcControl2.right - rcControl2.left) - (rcControl.right - rcControl.left) - btnSpacing - cxEdge, pt2.y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER))) { goto EndDeferWnds; } /* move the Deny label */ pt2.x = 0; pt2.y = 0; MapWindowPoints(hWndDeny, sp->hWnd, &pt2, 1); if (!(dwp = DeferWindowPos(dwp, hWndDeny, NULL, cxWidth - (rcControl2.right - rcControl2.left) - cxEdge, pt2.y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER))) { goto EndDeferWnds; } /* resize the Permissions check list box */ GetWindowRect(sp->hAceCheckList, &rcControl); GetWindowRect(sp->hBtnAdvanced, &rcControl2); GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(sp->hWnd, IDC_LABEL_ADVANCED), &rcControl3); if (!(dwp = DeferWindowPos(dwp, sp->hAceCheckList, NULL, 0, 0, cxWidth, ((sp->ObjectInfo.dwFlags & SI_ADVANCED) ? Height - (rcControl.top - rcWnd.top) - (rcControl3.bottom - rcControl3.top) - pt.x - btnSpacing : Height - (rcControl.top - rcWnd.top) - pt.x), SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER))) { goto EndDeferWnds; } if (sp->ObjectInfo.dwFlags & SI_ADVANCED) { /* move and resize the Advanced label */ if (!(dwp = DeferWindowPos(dwp, GetDlgItem(sp->hWnd, IDC_LABEL_ADVANCED), NULL, pt.x, Height - (rcControl3.bottom - rcControl3.top) - pt.x, cxWidth - (rcControl2.right - rcControl2.left) - cxEdge, rcControl3.bottom - rcControl3.top, SWP_NOZORDER))) { goto EndDeferWnds; } /* move and resize the Advanced button */ if (!(dwp = DeferWindowPos(dwp, sp->hBtnAdvanced, NULL, cxWidth - (rcControl2.right - rcControl2.left) + pt.x, Height - (rcControl2.bottom - rcControl2.top) - pt.x, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER))) { goto EndDeferWnds; } } EndDeferWindowPos(dwp); } EndDeferWnds: /* update the width of the principal list view column */ GetClientRect(sp->hWndPrincipalsList, &rcControl); lvc.mask = LVCF_WIDTH; lvc.cx = rcControl.right; (void)ListView_SetColumn(sp->hWndPrincipalsList, 0, &lvc); /* calculate the columns of the allow/deny checkboxes */ SetAceCheckListColumns(sp->hAceCheckList, CLB_ALLOW, hWndAllow); SetAceCheckListColumns(sp->hAceCheckList, CLB_DENY, hWndDeny); } static PACE_HEADER BuildDefaultPrincipalAce(IN PSECURITY_PAGE sp, IN PSID pSid) { PACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE Ace; DWORD SidLen; WORD AceSize; SidLen = GetLengthSid(pSid); AceSize = FIELD_OFFSET(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE, SidStart) + (WORD)SidLen; Ace = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, AceSize); if (Ace != NULL) { Ace->Header.AceType = ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE; Ace->Header.AceFlags = 0; /* FIXME */ Ace->Header.AceSize = AceSize; Ace->Mask = sp->DefaultAccess.mask; if (CopySid(SidLen, (PSID)&Ace->SidStart, pSid)) { return &Ace->Header; } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, Ace); } return NULL; } static BOOL AddSelectedPrincipal(IN IDsObjectPicker *pDsObjectPicker, IN HWND hwndParent OPTIONAL, IN PSID pSid, IN PVOID Context OPTIONAL) { PACE_HEADER AceHeader; PSECURITY_PAGE sp = (PSECURITY_PAGE)Context; AceHeader = BuildDefaultPrincipalAce(sp, pSid); if (AceHeader != NULL) { PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM PrincipalListItem; BOOL LookupDeferred; PrincipalListItem = AddPrincipalToList(sp, pSid, AceHeader, &LookupDeferred); if (PrincipalListItem != NULL && LookupDeferred) { AddPrincipalListEntry(sp, PrincipalListItem, -1, FALSE); } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, AceHeader); } return TRUE; } static INT_PTR CALLBACK SecurityPageProc(IN HWND hwndDlg, IN UINT uMsg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam) { PSECURITY_PAGE sp; INT_PTR Ret = FALSE; sp = (PSECURITY_PAGE)GetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWL_USER); if (sp != NULL || uMsg == WM_INITDIALOG) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_NOTIFY: { NMHDR *pnmh = (NMHDR*)lParam; if (pnmh->hwndFrom == sp->hWndPrincipalsList) { switch (pnmh->code) { case LVN_ITEMCHANGED: { LPNMLISTVIEW pnmv = (LPNMLISTVIEW)lParam; if ((pnmv->uChanged & LVIF_STATE) && ((pnmv->uOldState & (LVIS_FOCUSED | LVIS_SELECTED)) || (pnmv->uNewState & (LVIS_FOCUSED | LVIS_SELECTED)))) { UpdateControlStates(sp); } break; } } } else if (pnmh->hwndFrom == sp->hAceCheckList) { switch (pnmh->code) { case CLN_CHANGINGITEMCHECKBOX: { PNMCHANGEITEMCHECKBOX pcicb = (PNMCHANGEITEMCHECKBOX)lParam; /* make sure only one of both checkboxes is only checked at the same time */ if (pcicb->Checked) { pcicb->NewState &= ~((pcicb->CheckBox != CLB_DENY) ? CIS_DENY : CIS_ALLOW); } break; } } } else if (pnmh->hwndFrom == sp->hWnd) { switch(pnmh->code) { case SIDN_LOOKUPSUCCEEDED: { PSIDLOOKUPNOTIFYINFO LookupInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD(lParam, SIDLOOKUPNOTIFYINFO, nmh); /* a SID lookup succeeded, update the information */ UpdatePrincipalInfo(sp, LookupInfo); break; } } } break; } case WM_COMMAND: { switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_ADD_PRINCIPAL: { HRESULT hRet; hRet = InitializeObjectPicker(sp->ServerName, &sp->ObjectInfo, &sp->pDsObjectPicker); if (SUCCEEDED(hRet)) { hRet = InvokeObjectPickerDialog(sp->pDsObjectPicker, hwndDlg, AddSelectedPrincipal, sp); if (FAILED(hRet)) { MessageBox(hwndDlg, L"InvokeObjectPickerDialog failed!\n", NULL, 0); } /* delete the instance */ FreeObjectPicker(sp->pDsObjectPicker); } else { MessageBox(hwndDlg, L"InitializeObjectPicker failed!\n", NULL, 0); } break; } case IDC_REMOVE_PRINCIPAL: { PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM SelectedPrincipal; SelectedPrincipal = (PPRINCIPAL_LISTITEM)ListViewGetSelectedItemData(sp->hWndPrincipalsList); if (SelectedPrincipal != NULL) { /* FIXME */ } break; } } break; } case WM_SIZE: { ResizeControls(sp, (INT)LOWORD(lParam), (INT)HIWORD(lParam)); break; } case WM_INITDIALOG: { sp = (PSECURITY_PAGE)((LPPROPSHEETPAGE)lParam)->lParam; if(sp != NULL) { LV_COLUMN lvc; RECT rcLvClient; sp->hWnd = hwndDlg; sp->hWndPrincipalsList = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PRINCIPALS); sp->hBtnAdd = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_ADD_PRINCIPAL); sp->hBtnRemove = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_REMOVE_PRINCIPAL); sp->hBtnAdvanced = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_ADVANCED); sp->hAceCheckList = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_ACE_CHECKLIST); sp->hPermissionsForLabel = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LABEL_PERMISSIONS_FOR); sp->SpecialPermCheckIndex = -1; /* save the pointer to the structure */ SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWL_USER, (DWORD_PTR)sp); (void)ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyleEx(sp->hWndPrincipalsList, LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT, LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT); sp->hiPrincipals = ImageList_Create(16, 16, ILC_COLOR32 | ILC_MASK, 0, 3); if (sp->hiPrincipals != NULL) { HBITMAP hbmImages; hbmImages = LoadBitmap(hDllInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_USRGRPIMAGES)); if (hbmImages != NULL) { ImageList_AddMasked(sp->hiPrincipals, hbmImages, RGB(255, 0, 255)); DeleteObject(hbmImages); } } /* setup the listview control */ if (sp->hiPrincipals != NULL) { (void)ListView_SetImageList(sp->hWndPrincipalsList, sp->hiPrincipals, LVSIL_SMALL); } GetClientRect(sp->hWndPrincipalsList, &rcLvClient); /* add a column to the list view */ lvc.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_WIDTH; lvc.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; lvc.cx = rcLvClient.right; (void)ListView_InsertColumn(sp->hWndPrincipalsList, 0, &lvc); ReloadPrincipalsList(sp); ListViewSelectItem(sp->hWndPrincipalsList, 0); /* calculate the columns of the allow/deny checkboxes */ SetAceCheckListColumns(sp->hAceCheckList, CLB_ALLOW, GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LABEL_ALLOW)); SetAceCheckListColumns(sp->hAceCheckList, CLB_DENY, GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LABEL_DENY)); LoadPermissionsList(sp, NULL, SI_ACCESS_GENERAL | ((sp->ObjectInfo.dwFlags & SI_CONTAINER) ? SI_ACCESS_CONTAINER : 0), &sp->DefaultAccess); /* hide controls in case the flags aren't present */ if (sp->ObjectInfo.dwFlags & SI_ADVANCED) { /* editing the permissions is least the user can do when the advanced button is showed */ sp->ObjectInfo.dwFlags |= SI_EDIT_PERMS; } else { ShowWindow(sp->hBtnAdvanced, SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LABEL_ADVANCED), SW_HIDE); } /* enable quicksearch for the permissions checklist control */ SendMessage(sp->hAceCheckList, CLM_ENABLEQUICKSEARCH, TRUE, 0); UpdateControlStates(sp); } Ret = TRUE; break; } } } return Ret; } /* * CreateSecurityPage EXPORTED * * @implemented */ HPROPSHEETPAGE WINAPI CreateSecurityPage(IN LPSECURITYINFO psi) { PROPSHEETPAGE psp = {0}; PSECURITY_PAGE sPage; SI_OBJECT_INFO ObjectInfo = {0}; HANDLE SidCacheMgr; LPCWSTR SystemName = NULL; HRESULT hRet; if (psi == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); DPRINT("No ISecurityInformation class passed!\n"); return NULL; } /* get the object information from the server. Zero the structure before because some applications seem to return SUCCESS but only seem to set the fields they care about. */ hRet = psi->lpVtbl->GetObjectInformation(psi, &ObjectInfo); if (FAILED(hRet)) { SetLastError(hRet); DPRINT("CreateSecurityPage() failed! Failed to query the object information!\n"); return NULL; } if ((ObjectInfo.dwFlags & SI_SERVER_IS_DC) && ObjectInfo.pszServerName != NULL && ObjectInfo.pszServerName[0] != L'\0') { SystemName = ObjectInfo.pszServerName; } SidCacheMgr = CreateSidCacheMgr(GetProcessHeap(), SystemName); if (SidCacheMgr == NULL) { DPRINT("Creating the SID cache failed!\n"); return NULL; } hRet = CoInitialize(NULL); if (FAILED(hRet)) { DestroySidCacheMgr(SidCacheMgr); DPRINT("CoInitialize failed!\n"); return NULL; } sPage = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(SECURITY_PAGE)); if (sPage == NULL) { DestroySidCacheMgr(SidCacheMgr); CoUninitialize(); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); DPRINT("Not enough memory to allocate a SECURITY_PAGE!\n"); return NULL; } ZeroMemory(sPage, sizeof(*sPage)); sPage->psi = psi; sPage->ObjectInfo = ObjectInfo; sPage->ServerName = SystemName; sPage->SidCacheMgr = SidCacheMgr; psp.dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); psp.dwFlags = PSP_USECALLBACK; psp.hInstance = hDllInstance; psp.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_SECPAGE); psp.pfnDlgProc = SecurityPageProc; psp.lParam = (LPARAM)sPage; psp.pfnCallback = SecurityPageCallback; if (ObjectInfo.dwFlags & SI_PAGE_TITLE) { psp.pszTitle = ObjectInfo.pszPageTitle; if (psp.pszTitle != NULL) { psp.dwFlags |= PSP_USETITLE; } } else { psp.pszTitle = NULL; } /* NOTE: the SECURITY_PAGE structure will be freed by the property page callback! */ return CreatePropertySheetPage(&psp); } /* * EditSecurity EXPORTED * * @implemented */ BOOL WINAPI EditSecurity(IN HWND hwndOwner, IN LPSECURITYINFO psi) { HRESULT hRet; SI_OBJECT_INFO ObjectInfo = {0}; PROPSHEETHEADER psh; HPROPSHEETPAGE hPages[1]; LPWSTR lpCaption = NULL; BOOL Ret; if (psi == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); DPRINT("No ISecurityInformation class passed!\n"); return FALSE; } /* get the object information from the server. Zero the structure before because some applications seem to return SUCCESS but only seem to set the fields they care about. */ hRet = psi->lpVtbl->GetObjectInformation(psi, &ObjectInfo); if (FAILED(hRet)) { SetLastError(hRet); DPRINT("GetObjectInformation() failed!\n"); return FALSE; } /* create the page */ hPages[0] = CreateSecurityPage(psi); if (hPages[0] == NULL) { DPRINT("CreateSecurityPage(), couldn't create property sheet!\n"); return FALSE; } psh.dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETHEADER); psh.dwFlags = PSH_DEFAULT; psh.hwndParent = hwndOwner; psh.hInstance = hDllInstance; /* Set the page title to the object name, make sure the format string has "%1" NOT "%s" because it uses FormatMessage() to automatically allocate the right amount of memory. */ if (LoadAndFormatString(hDllInstance, IDS_PSP_TITLE, &lpCaption, ObjectInfo.pszObjectName)) { psh.pszCaption = lpCaption; } else { psh.pszCaption = ObjectInfo.pszObjectName; } psh.nPages = sizeof(hPages) / sizeof(HPROPSHEETPAGE); psh.nStartPage = 0; psh.phpage = hPages; Ret = (PropertySheet(&psh) != -1); if (lpCaption != NULL) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)lpCaption); } return Ret; } BOOL WINAPI DllMain(IN HINSTANCE hinstDLL, IN DWORD dwReason, IN LPVOID lpvReserved) { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: hDllInstance = hinstDLL; DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hinstDLL); if (!RegisterCheckListControl(hinstDLL)) { DPRINT("Registering the CHECKLIST_ACLUI class failed!\n"); return FALSE; } break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: UnregisterCheckListControl(hinstDLL); break; } return TRUE; }