#if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_AMD64) #include #elif defined(_M_ARM) #include #endif #ifdef _M_IX86 .code32 EXTERN _ndr_client_call:PROC PUBLIC _call_stubless_func _call_stubless_func: mov ecx,[esp+4] /* This Pointer */ mov ecx,[ecx] /* This->lpVtbl */ mov ecx,[ecx-8] /* MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO */ mov edx,[ecx+8] /* Info->FormatStringOffset */ mov edx,[edx+eax*2] /* FormatStringOffset[index] */ and edx, 0000FFFFh add edx,[ecx+4] /* info->ProcFormatString + offset */ mov eax, [edx+8] /* arguments size */ and eax, 0000FFFFh push eax lea eax, [esp+8] /* &This */ push eax push edx /* format string */ push [ecx] /* info->pstubdesc */ call _ndr_client_call lea esp, [esp+12] pop edx /* arguments size */ mov ecx, [esp] /* return address */ add esp, edx jmp ecx #elif _M_AMD64 .code64 EXTERN ndr_client_call:PROC PUBLIC call_stubless_func FUNC call_stubless_func mov [rsp + 8], rcx .SAVEREG rcx, 8 mov [rsp + 10h], rdx .SAVEREG rdx, 10h mov [rsp + 18h], r8 .SAVEREG r8, 18h mov [rsp + 20h], r9 .SAVEREG r9, 20h sub rsp, 38h .ALLOCSTACK 38h .ENDPROLOG lea r8, [rsp +38h + 8] /* &This */ mov rcx, [rcx] /* This->lpVtbl */ mov rcx, [rcx - 10h] /* MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO */ mov rdx, [rcx + 10h] /* info->FormatStringOffset */ movzx rdx, word ptr [rdx+r10*2] /* FormatStringOffset[index] */ add rdx, [rcx + 8] /* info->ProcFormatString + offset */ mov rcx, [rcx] /* info->pStubDesc */ movaps [rsp + 20h], xmm1 movaps [rsp + 28h], xmm2 movaps [rsp + 30h], xmm3 lea r9, [rsp + 18h] /* fpu_args */ call ndr_client_call add rsp, 38h ret ENDFUNC PUBLIC call_server_func FUNC call_server_func push rbp .PUSHREG rbp mov rbp, rsp push rsi .PUSHREG rsi push rdi .PUSHREG rdi .ENDPROLOG mov rax, rcx /* function to call */ mov rcx, 32 /* allocate max(32,stack_size) bytes of stack space */ cmp r8, rcx cmovg rcx, r8 sub rsp, rcx and rsp, NOT 15 mov rcx, r8 shr rcx, 3 mov rdi, rsp mov rsi, rdx rep movsq /* copy arguments */ mov rcx, [rsp] mov rdx, [rsp + 8] mov r8, [rsp + 16] mov r9, [rsp + 24] movd xmm0, rcx movd xmm1, rdx movd xmm2, r8 movd xmm3, r9 call rax lea rsp, [rbp - 16] /* restore stack */ pop rdi pop rsi pop rbp ret ENDFUNC PUBLIC NdrClientCall2 FUNC NdrClientCall2 mov [rsp + 18h], r8 .SAVEREG r8, 18h mov [rsp + 20h], r9 .SAVEREG r9, 20h sub rsp, 28h .ALLOCSTACK 28h .ENDPROLOG lea r8, [rsp + 28h + 18h] xor r9, r9 call ndr_client_call add rsp, 28h ret ENDFUNC EXTERN ndr_async_client_call:PROC PUBLIC NdrAsyncClientCall FUNC NdrAsyncClientCall mov [rsp + 18h], r8 .SAVEREG r8, 18h mov [rsp + 20h], r9 .SAVEREG r9, 20h sub rsp, 28h .ALLOCSTACK 28h .ENDPROLOG lea r8, [rsp + 28h + 18h] call ndr_async_client_call add rsp, 28h ret ENDFUNC #elif _M_ARM TEXTAREA LEAF_ENTRY call_stubless_func /* Unimplemented */ __assertfail bx lr LEAF_END call_stubless_func LEAF_ENTRY call_server_func /* Unimplemented */ __assertfail bx lr LEAF_END call_server_func #endif END